Fair Housing Council of Oregon, Portland, OR Videos

Videos by Fair Housing Council of Oregon in Portland. Nonprofit civil rights organization driven to eliminate illegal housing discrimination.

The Multi-Threaded Link between Housing Discrimination and Schooling Disparities

This session will explore how housing discrimination and school disparities are interlinked, the different ways in which those connections are manifested, and how to counter this centuries-long American tradition of inequity and exclusion.

Eliza Galaher is the North Coast Education and Outreach Specialist for FHCO. She has a varied background in the field of education, working with people of all ages, and has also worked in social services in myriad contexts over the years.

Other Fair Housing Council of Oregon videos

The Multi-Threaded Link between Housing Discrimination and Schooling Disparities
This session will explore how housing discrimination and school disparities are interlinked, the different ways in which those connections are manifested, and how to counter this centuries-long American tradition of inequity and exclusion. Eliza Galaher is the North Coast Education and Outreach Specialist for FHCO. She has a varied background in the field of education, working with people of all ages, and has also worked in social services in myriad contexts over the years.

A special thank you to one of our Fair Housing Advocate sponsors, Kaiser Permanente Thrive! Join the folks from Kaiser at our second annual mission-centered virtual fundraising event this Thursday April 29th at 5:30pm. Register here: https://secure.givelively.org/event/fair-housing-council-of-oregon/it-s-fun-having-all-kinds-of-neighbors

2020 Fair Housing Poster Contest

Virtual Luncheon

Working together in a time of need

Why education about the Fair Housing Act is important

fair housing and landlord-tenant laws