Empowering Path, Portsmouth, NH Videos

Videos by Empowering Path in Portsmouth. What would happen if you stepped into your power fully, completely, and unapologetically?

The Greatest Gift

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The Greatest Gift

Want to hear something crazy? 😜
Want to hear something crazy? 😜 In every moment, you’re either choosing the light or the dark. ✨ That means since there’s 86,400 seconds in a day, you have 86,400 opportunities to choose the light! This means… Rather than judging a person, you could choose to love them. 💜 Rather than breaking a person down, you could choose to build them up. ☀️ Rather than criticizing someone, you could choose to compliment them. 🌸 The power to choose has always been in your hands. 🙏🏻 Let’s make this world a better place and choose the light always! 💫 If you’re struggling to make good choices or put down toxic patterns, I’m always here to help. 🙏🏻 www.empoweringpath.com

Are you still opening closed doors? 🚪
Are you someone who keeps opening a closed door in your life? A job that’s done, a relationship that’s over, a friendship that isn’t working?🚪 🤔 Did you know every time you open a truly closed door it leads to more pain and suffering? If a door is closed to you in your life, let it be closed. 🙅‍♀️ I remember I was in a relationship in my 20s that was on again and then it was off again and then it was on again and then it was off again etc. until eventually opening that closed door wasn’t worth it anymore. I was just hurting myself over and over again. 💔 You don’t have to open the closed door. It may not feel like it in the moment (and you may not even want it at this time) but there are doors waiting for you that are much more aligned! ✨ And luckily enough, if you’re watching this video and are struggling to keep the doors closed, I’m trained in some amazing healing modalities to help you fully and finally let go. You deserve only the best and I’m here for you. 💜

The Golden Rule ✨We all know the golden rule which is “Treat others how you want to be treated.”Jordan Peterson, famous speaker and author, takes this one step further and says “Treat yourself like you treat others.”Then the wisest man I know Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave says “If it’s okay for you to do to someone else, then it’s okay for it to be done to you.”🎤 💥 Reflecting on these sentiments, here’s what I’m adding to the conversation:💫 If it’s okay to think about someone else, then it’s okay for someone to think about you.”AND 💫 If it’s okay to say about someone else, then it’s okay for someone to say about you.”Because we’re all working on our progression and self mastery, let’s take these reflections on the golden rule to heart ❤️ as we head into the weekend and show each other some love.After all, we all want a better world which means understanding we’re all connected. 🌍 www.empoweringpath.com #portsmouthnh #thegoldenrule #portsmouthyoga #yoganh #meditationportsmouth #portsmouthmeditation #yogaportsmouth #reikiportsmouth #portsmouthreiki #empoweringpath #energyhealing #healnh #nhhealing #dovernh #newfieldsnh #nhtherapy #therapynh

Winning the Lottery
You have the winning numbers in your hand. You’ve literally won the life lottery. 🎫 Chances are if you’re reading this you woke up on a mattress, had access to clean water, use wifi, and are able to get something to eat. If you sat in traffic this week, now you’re in the top percentage of humans who own and operate a car! 🚗 When it boils down to it, you’re the freaking luckiest. 🍀 So many people live in “lack” because they’re always focused on what they do not have. Yet, in order to manifest, you have to first be grateful for what you do. This is your reminder to be grateful for all of the things. If you pay attention, there is literally so much abundance in front of you! 🙏🏻

How do you speak to people?
If you talk to people the way they believe themselves to be, they stay the same. If you talk to people’s potential and who they truly are, you inspire them to grow! 🌱 Just wanted to share this piece of wisdom that’s been on my heart these past couple of days. Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful rest of their holiday weekend! 🇺🇸 💥 ……….. P.S. I’m recently back from my studies in Canada 🤓 where I became a fully certified King Salomon Healing Modalities Practitioner (a profound healing series!) as well as a Celestial Code Practitioner (an amazing healing for letting go of core issues!) 🌟 More details coming soon…

Miracles Happen!
Miracles are often a hot topic of conversation. People pray for them, hope for them, and can’t help but tell you all about the miracles that have occurred within their own lives. 🌟 While I’ve heard the word miracle defined in many different ways such as Marianne Williamsons definition that a miracle is simply a shift in perspective, it feels like it’s time for an updated definition. What if a miracle is simply self awareness? What if the miracle you’re praying for is actually more choice in your life? Since self awareness leads to more choice in any matter, isn’t that the miracle we’re all actually praying for? So many people become depressed, anxious, or hopeless in their lives when they feel like they have no choice. When a new idea arises or they have a thought they never had before, hope becomes instantly restored and thus they would tell you it’s a miracle. When I personally needed a miracle in my own life, I found the tried and true ancient pathway of Know Thyself. Still walking this path of healing 11 years later, I have more access to self awareness and choice in my life than I ever had in any years prior. Being able to come back to who I truly am in any given moment and discern more choice for myself is a miracle for me on a daily basis. If you find yourself praying for a miracle, reach out and I’ll help to get you started. Miracle= Self Awareness Miracle = Choice Lots of love. 💕

When you’re done, you’re done.
When you’re done with something, you’ll be done. When you’re not done with a person, place, or thing in your life that keeps making an appearance, it means you’re still in the process of what you’re learning. While I know this may sound super trivial or even over simplistic, it’s an important lesson for so many. People so often want to know why they can’t let go of someone, why they’re still stuck somewhere, why things look the way that they do… If this is you, what is still lingering in your subconscious for you to bid adieu? What are you still clinging onto from your past that’s playing out in your future? Whether it takes minutes, days, or years for the lesson to fully be cooked, you’ll know you’re done with something when you’re done. A better way to say this might be the door will close, the chapter will end, and you won’t want to return to it anymore. The cycle will be complete. In my own journey, some of my favorite healing tools around expediting these situations include cord cuttings, etheric reconstruction, and the sacred process of initiation. These modalities have been so helpful in my process of honest truth and self discovery. So if you’re not done with something and you’re not sure why, it’s because there’s still more to learn. Trust me when I say when you’re done with something, you’ll be done. Always here for more support. 💜

Joy is awesome and it’s worth choosing. It doesn’t matter if you’re happy, sad, angry etc. You can still have joy because joy is not dependent on what’s affecting you in any given moment.Joy is an internal state of being. I made this video several weeks ago when I woke up one morning and chose joy. Nothing sensational was going on that day and yet the day was sensational because I led it with joy. Choose joy. Choose you! ❤️

It’s everyone’s favorite time of year again. It’s…Cord cutting season! ✂️ 🎄❤️Around this time of year there’s most likely one (or several) people in your life who you may find exceptionally triggering. Perhaps a friend or family member drives you crazy, you dread seeing this person, or you flat out have a negative relationship.Did you know that you can hire a trained professional to give you a cord cutting? 🤔 Cord cuttings (aka letting go of cords) release the unhealthy attachments formed between you and another person. For example, cords may be things like jealousy, betrayal, desperation, etc.🫠Freedom comes not only in the mind but also in taking care of your spirit. If you’re feeling weighed down by a relationship in your life, perhaps a cord cutting is the answer that you seek. 🙏🏻Message me to reserve your spot this holiday season. I would be honored to help you release any cords! ✂️❤️#cordcutting #christmas2023 #portsmouthnh #empoweringpath #portsmouth #energyhealernh #energyhealingnh #loveyourself

Our annual holiday charity event is happening this Sunday December 3rd at @modernmysteryschoolboston from 1:30pm-4pm! 🎁 Come have some tasty treats and delicious beverages and receive a 30min light infusion! The light infusion is a taste tester of the full life activation session. 🪄 All proceeds will go to Dove, Inc. a local charity providing for those in recovery from domestic violence situations. From all of us at @modernmysteryschoolboston, we look forward to seeing you there! 🕊️ ✨ ➡️ RSVP for the Open House here: https://mms-boston.as.me/HolidayOpenHouse ➡️ Sign up for a Light Infusion Session here: https://mms-boston.as.me/HolidayCharityHealingClinic ➡️ If you can't make it in person and still want to donate, you can use this link to make a donation of any size: https://square.link/u/rX8QOvHh

Somedays I just want to scream from the rooftops. YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE!!! 📣 “If I had just known…”“If I had just found you sooner…”“If I didn’t wait so long to come in…”All testimonials I hear all of the time at my healing practice. So I’ll say it again for the people in the back: YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE!!! 📣There is an ancient healing path that was once closed to the public that is available to us today. This path consists of ancient healing modalities that are extremely powerful for you moving forward in your life…You don’t have to suffer endlessly; you can heal and have joy! I’ll be here when you’re ready! Free consultation: www.empoweringpath.com

ARE YOU HUNGRY? 🍔 No, not that kind of hunger.Hungry for the thing you wish to become. 🚀 It’s in our desire to be great that makes us great.It’s in our desire to be perfect that makes us perfect. 💜It is our hunger, our will power, that leads us to where we want to go…not our potential. When I wanted to become a healer 10 years ago, I was hungry for it. I knew there was a solution to the anxiety, the depression, the meds, the things that people struggle with constantly, etc. and I was HUNGRY to share it. So I did. 💪And yet so many people have potential or say they want to do something and yet that’s as far as it goes. Potential. 🫠But those that are hungry for that they wish to become? 🔥🔥🔥Hunger trumps potential…every. single. time. 👊🏻So my question is…are you hungry? #hunger #worldpeace #healing #energyhealing #portsmouthnh #portsmouthhealer #nhhealer

Have you noticed how people are constantly trying to exit everything? 🤔 It’s how can I escape…how can I get out of this as fast as possible? 🏃‍♀️ Whether it’s alcohol, drugs, weed, sex, Netflix, the phone, avoiding conversations etc...it all leads to an escape and not to a solution. But what if…what if LEANING IN is actually the solution? What if leaning in actually gives us a chance to change our reality not escape from it? 🦸‍♀️ I don’t know about you but I’m here to have an impact in a positive way. 👊🏻It’s very hard to do that if a) I can’t accept reality and b) Im not present enough to do something about it.Next time you’re in an uncomfortable situation, I challenge you to LEAN IN to what you don’t like rather than simply exit the situation. Who knows? You might just change the world once you show up for it. 🌎 www.empoweringpath.com#worldpeace #empoweringpath #comfortzone #portsmouthnh #healernh #loveyourself #energyhealer

The way the world is isn’t working for me. 🌎 The fear, chaos, anxiety, struggle… Is it working for you? 🤔 . . . If not, maybe there’s a way to create a better world for ourselves. 👑 A proven path of healing and joy that predates religion. 🌈 A way greater than ones ego that uses the wisdom of the heart. 💜 This path has blessed my life and the lives of thousands of others. 💫 If you’re suffering, it’s time we had a chat about it. Peace, light, and fulfillment is available to you! 🫶 www.empoweringpath.com

The default when you don’t make a choice or you don’t go after what you want is that the choice gets made for you. Again, the choice gets made for you. Say you really like someone but you never pursue them or you never say how you feel and then one day they’re dating someone else and you’re upset about it. Well…not making a choice led to the choice being made for you. Just dropping in quick today to remind you that your empowerment lies in having choice. Be intentional with your choices. Go after what you want. Decide.

@sarahsmets was all smiles and excited before her life activation today! 💫 What were you like before receiving yours? Me? I was depressed and angry af 😂 looking for some hope. And hope I certainly found! 💜 What were you like before yours? Lmk!

The January Calendar at Empowering Path is really sexy. 🔥 Crystal Magick, Sanctuary Meditation, Empower Thyself Initiation…need I say more?

The December Calendar at Empowering Path is super sexy this month!! Santa came early for all of my metaphysical friends. 🎅 🔥 Sign up now at: www.empoweringpath.com

🚨 MARK YOUR CALENDARS 🚨 Here are the upcoming workshops and events coming to Empowering Path: ✨ Crystal Magick - Saturday, 12/3 ✨ Full Moon Ceremony - Wednesday, 12/7 ✨ Astral Travel - Saturday, 12/10 ✨ Advanced Astral Travel - Sunday, 12/11 ✨ Empower Thyself - Sat + Sun 12/17-18 ✨ In Person Max Meditation - Every Wednesday at 7:30pm Seats are limited... head over to the calendar to reserve your spot 📆 https://www.empoweringpath.com/calendar