Empowering Path

What would happen if you stepped into your power fully, completely, and unapologetically? This is the real deal.

Are you feeling really uncertain about who you are and the life you're meant to live? Have you tried seminars, books, different therapies, various teachings etc. and you still haven't gotten to where you want to go?

​Do you know deep down that you're here to have an amazing life but have no idea how to follow through? If you answered YES to any of these questions, Empowering Path is the place to


Everyone always says to live like you’re dying. But in my studies I have learned to live as if I’m eternal being. ✨

That this journey here on earth 🌍 is such a short one before we’re off to the next great adventure. 🚐

It’s kind of like there’s summer and then there’s fall…our spirit always embarking on something new. ☀️

The secret is to make the most of the here and now. To taste divinity from this place that’s just for a brief moment. 🙏🏻

There’s no need to live like you’re dying; there’s simply a need for you to remember who you are. ♥️


This could be YOU! 😊


Some people receive a gift, love it, and use it right away. 🎁

Others receive a gift, put it on the shelf for a while, and take it out at a later date only to discover what they were missing all along. ♥️

And last of all, some people never see the value of a gift and essentially throw it away. 🗑️

As a guide in the lineage of King Salomon, I see this happen every day with the gift of initiation. There are those who run with it, those who it clicks for them at a later date, and those who never realize what they have in their hands. While the choice to heal is ultimately up to you, it’s often surprising to see who really values this gift of 10x more light in their life. ✨

Initiation is the path of true freedom. The gateway out of suffering and an inauthentic life. A path used for thousands of years by so many of the heroes of society and a miracle for those just like me who deeply desire to let go of their trauma and embody their higher self. 🌎

Though it requires effort and courage, where you are today is not where you have to be tomorrow. The things that bother you about yourself, the ways your negative ego holds you back, all that brings you shame etc. can all be overcome with this sacred gift. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that step is called initiation. Are you ready to receive this gift? 🗡️

To learn more, feel free to message me or reach out at www.empoweringpath.com

There is no better gift than truly being free. I am here for you. ♥️


When the whole squad shows up to learn more about the 12 Magickal Beings of Earth 🌍!

Unity, community, shamballah…coming right up! 🙌

🧚🏻‍♀️ 🧝‍♀️ 🐉 🧜🏻‍♀️


If you think spirituality isn’t practical, chances are that mindset is costing you quite a bit.

I guarantee you the wounds you refuse to heal are costing you time, money, an authentic life you truly love, etc.

One of the best things my spiritual guide ever said to me was “So Alex, what’s that anxiety costing you?”

We pay the price on the things we don’t heal. Whether it’s in our relationships, our job, or as simple as how we feel about ourselves. There’s always a price for what you wont heal. 💵

Spirituality may not seem like the obvious answer but it is. If you do the work to heal and understand yourself, your life can be fuled by joy rather than pain, a conscious mind rather than an unconscious one, spirit rather than confusion. 🕊️

Wishing everyone the choice of the road less traveled so that you can truly heal and be free. 🙏🏻

Photos from Empowering Path's post 19/08/2024

It’s no secret that so many in the world are lost in terms of their purpose and their mission. 🌎

With everyone’s mere opinion all over the internet, the world is hanging on by a thread to what really matters.

Thankfully, my entire life I’ve always been guided by my North Star which is how can I do the most good in the world while I’m here. 🌟

This led me to the ancient pathway of initiation/the lineage of King Salomon where rather than just giving a man a fish, I could help a man learn how to fish for himself. A place of true empowerment for those who seek to remember and understand themselves.

Over the past couple of weeks, many of my lightworker friends and I came together to fight for the light, to stand up to the darkness and say no!, and to recommit to never giving up. 💪

I’m so proud to be a part of team light ✨ and invite you to join the team! The time is now. The world needs you so very much! 💜


I am so deeply honored to announce I’m now certified to do baby blessings! 🌟

For children under the age of 5, this is a magickal blessing that welcomes them into the world and steers the ship for them to have a beautiful life. 🌎

Baby blessings were considered very important in ancient societies and have only been lost in the modern age.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind this is one of the best gifts 🎁 you could ever give a child.

Feel free to message me to learn more! ❤️

(Pictured below is my “nephew” Leonidas who I had the pleasure of attending his baby blessing 4 years ago! 🙏🏻)


I put together this loveseat by myself last Saturday night and it was such a powerful reminder of how much the world needs men!

What took me over an hour, probably would have taken a man less than 10 minutes lol.

If you think about it, men most likely built the homes we all live in, the buildings we work out of, the roads we use to drive to work, etc.

My desires and my life purpose are possible because of mens help! Thank you men so much!

(I should note there were several men who were ready to help me put together this couch last weekend but I gave it a shot myself as a powerful reminder of how supported by men I am on a daily basis.)

Thank you men for supporting us women so beautifully on the daily! I am grateful! 🙌


Lightwork is in everything. ✨

It’s in the smile you give to those you encounter, it’s when you see something beautiful in someone else and you mention it…it’s the reminder that there is hope when someone is feeling lost. 🌸

Once I began to understand IT ALL matters…thoughts, words, deeds.…that’s when my life truly began to change. We have a choice in every moment (see previous post) as the light is always available to us. What do you want your legacy to be? 💫

As we continue with the weekend, remember you are the light and that light can be easily shared with others.💜


Want to hear something crazy? 😜

In every moment, you’re either choosing the light or the dark. ✨

That means since there’s 86,400 seconds in a day, you have 86,400 opportunities to choose the light!

This means…

Rather than judging a person, you could choose to love them. 💜

Rather than breaking a person down, you could choose to build them up. ☀️

Rather than criticizing someone, you could choose to compliment them. 🌸

The power to choose has always been in your hands. 🙏🏻

Let’s make this world a better place and choose the light always! 💫

If you’re struggling to make good choices or put down toxic patterns, I’m always here to help. 🙏🏻


Photos from Empowering Path's post 22/07/2024

To whom much is given, much is required and I’m no stranger to understanding this message.

I’ve been truly blessed in life with parents that both worked jobs to provide, the best mentors and schooling, the best friends and relationships, the best clients, and access and training in the greatest healing lineage in the whole world. 🌍

Wanting to give back, I recently started volunteering my time at an assisted senior living center in Maine as a way of saying thank you for my life and all that I’ve received. 🙏🏻

Each week I’m teaching meditation to seniors who could use a little peace, joy, and hope in their lives. 🕊️

While I’m just getting started, it feels good to be giving back in a way that I can show up to volunteer every single week. 🌸

I’m so grateful for my life and for everyone who’s shown up for me. 💜

It’s a beautiful life. What a joy to be able to embody this message for others! 💫


Are you someone who keeps opening a closed door in your life? A job that’s done, a relationship that’s over, a friendship that isn’t working?🚪 🤔

Did you know every time you open a truly closed door it leads to more pain and suffering?

If a door is closed to you in your life, let it be closed. 🙅‍♀️

I remember I was in a relationship in my 20s that was on again and then it was off again and then it was on again and then it was off again etc. until eventually opening that closed door wasn’t worth it anymore. I was just hurting myself over and over again. 💔

You don’t have to open the closed door. It may not feel like it in the moment (and you may not even want it at this time) but there are doors waiting for you that are much more aligned! ✨

And luckily enough, if you’re watching this video and are struggling to keep the doors closed, I’m trained in some amazing healing modalities to help you fully and finally let go.

You deserve only the best and I’m here for you. 💜


This is what 4 years of choosing to heal looks like.

Congratulations Marianna on your transformation! 💜

To begin your healing journey:


Client: “I can’t bull$@&t you like everyone else in my life Alex.”

Me: “What do you mean?”

Client: “Well, my therapist I can pretend and get away with it and even my friends don’t necessarily know what’s going on in my life.”

“But I come to your office and I can’t lie. You’re going to see right through me.”


That’s just it.

When we enter the world of energy healing, the masks we wear no longer work. 🎭

As the light pours in at each session, the true self/ what’s really going on shines through. ✨

For some people this is uncomfortable and for others it’s a massive relief.

Most people will do the work not to be who they are yet what the soul yearns for is to be accepted and loved for the true self.

If you want to be different from the norm, take the time to heal and let the light shine through.

Who you are is who the world needs. 🌎💫


Who is the captain of your ship? 🛳️

Is spirit guiding you? 🕊️
Or is it money? 💰
Your negative ego? 🤔
Your subconscious mind? 🧐
Your impulses? 💥

In order to be truly free 🎆, we must lead ourselves in alignment with the light! ✨

Happy 4th everyone! Stay safe and enjoy the day. 🇺🇸

Photos from Empowering Path's post 01/07/2024

There are really no words to describe the Empower Thyself Initiation and each month I make my best effort to do so. 🤣

After two days together, students are totally transformed embodying and stepping onto the path of light. ✨

There’s no going back…the desire to be greater moment by moment has been anchored into place. ⚓️

Though it can be uncomfortable to surrender to what’s not working in one’s life, every step 🦶 forward means less and less ego and more and more the true you. 💜

Congratulations to New Hampshires latest 2 initiates!
I am so so proud of you. 🥰

Next ET class: July 27, 28
It would be my honor to chat with you. 🙏🏻


Scrolling through my Facebook feed, there are so many spiritual groups and companies advertising “death & rebirth” of the self.

While I’ve never attended any of these “death & rebirth” retreats, what I can tell you is the hunger we all have for death & rebirth of the self is nothing new.

It’s something our souls crave and has been a part of humanity since the dawn of time.

Transformation, becoming something greater, stepping into our higher self is a rite of passage that is anchored through the ancient pathway of initiation.

Meaning there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

Because the lineage of King Salomon🤴 has been handed down in tact for over 3000 years, you can still receive the original initiation of “death & rebirth” of the self with no ego attached.

In other words, rather than changing grandmas cookie recipe that you know is perfect 👵 🍪, you can partake of this ancient initiation that works one hundred percent of the time that is divine.

(To clarify, this post isn’t intended to knock down what anyone else is doing as I can only speak from my own experience; however, it is to bring awareness that initiations for death and rebirth of the self as they were originally given to humanity still exists.)

And I’m honored to be someone who can help you with that.

The next ancient initiation class is happening June 29,30 in Portsmouth, NH. Feel free to reach out to learn more. 💫


You have the winning numbers in your hand. You’ve literally won the life lottery. 🎫

Chances are if you’re reading this you woke up on a mattress, had access to clean water, use wifi, and are able to get something to eat.

If you sat in traffic this week, now you’re in the top percentage of humans who own and operate a car! 🚗

When it boils down to it, you’re the freaking luckiest. 🍀

So many people live in “lack” because they’re always focused on what they do not have.

Yet, in order to manifest, you have to first be grateful for what you do.

This is your reminder to be grateful for all of the things. If you pay attention, there is literally so much abundance in front of you! 🙏🏻


If you don’t know yourself…

💫your subconscious mind will constantly affect you with wounds from your past over and over again
💫everything in your life will become“fate”
💫negative thought patterns will be increasingly abundant
💫you’ll make choices you didn’t really want to make and wonder why you made them
💫you’ll need everyone around you to behave a certain way so that you’re not triggered
💫joy? What’s that?

Good thing this lovely group of beautiful humans spent last weekend walking the ancient pathway of Know Thyself!

Not a seminar or a religion or dogma but a proven path to achieve self mastery.

Go team light go! 🌟

Next opportunity to receive this training: June 29, 30 💜

Inquire within!


A lot of people seek out healing for comfort and to feel better. 🤒

And while feeling great after a healing session does often happen, it’s not always the case.

Why? Because healing is outside your comfort zone.

Healing is meant to push you, to challenge you for the better, and to help you see more of yourself where there may be a lack of awareness. 👀

It’s not about comforting the ego or telling yourself there’s no need to change anything about you. 🙅‍♀️

Grit, courage, and the desire to be better than you were yesterday. That’s what true healing is about. 💪

If you’re someone who is willing to live outside your comfort zone and learn more about yourself then what’s readily available on the surface, then yes the path of healing is perfect for you! 💖

Personally, my own pursuit of healing has led me far outside my comfort zone and it’s all been worth it to uncover the light within. 🌟

You’ve probably heard the quote that all magick happens outside the comfort zone…so if we want a life of magick we’re going to need to heal! 🪄


Sound the trumpets 🎺 sound the horns 🎷 the King Salomon Healing Modalities are here!! 💫

This 12 session healing series is some of the most powerful core healing sessions to ever come out of King Salomon’s temple. 🤴

They will without a doubt remind you that you are in fact a divine, eternal, and galactic being as well as help you to heal and blossom on the deepest of levels. 🌷

I was apprenticing for over a year to be able to share these healing modalities with you and now the time has come for you to experience them! 🙌

It’s my true honor and privilege to be able to facilitate this series so please inquire within if you are interested and it would be my greatest joy to share them with you. 🥰

If you’re someone like me that tried everything in the search for true healing, I’ve seen what’s out there and I can conclude that this is in fact the real deal. Let’s remember this summer as the summer of healing! ☀️


Do you ever get tired of hearing your own story even if it’s true? 🤔

That was me a couple of weeks ago when I heard myself say ONCE AGAIN that I was scared to lift weights because I had thrown my back out three times over the past two years. 🏋️

While it is true that I’ve thrown my back out multiple times, what isn’t necessary is the constant need to justify why I can or can’t do something because of it.

I remember a wise mentor of mine once told me the most empowering story is not to have one. 🤯

And while I won’t deny reality that yes, my back has been through some things, I am letting go of the need to attach reasons as to why I can or can’t do something because of it.

Where there’s a will there’s a way and where there’s a story there’s limitations.

Moral of the post? If you’re tired of hearing yourself tell the same story all of the time, you can choose to be done with it at any moment.

Here’s my accountability picture of me lifting some weights because limiting story begone! 💪 🌟

(Also, a huge thank you to network chiropractor extraordinaire who supports my spine in all of my endeavors 💜)


If you talk to people the way they believe themselves to be, they stay the same.

If you talk to people’s potential and who they truly are, you inspire them to grow! 🌱

Just wanted to share this piece of wisdom that’s been on my heart these past couple of days.

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful rest of their holiday weekend! 🇺🇸 💥


P.S. I’m recently back from my studies in Canada 🤓 where I became a fully certified King Salomon Healing Modalities Practitioner (a profound healing series!) as well as a Celestial Code Practitioner (an amazing healing for letting go of core issues!) 🌟 More details coming soon…

Photos from Empowering Path's post 24/05/2024

My latest marketing materials came in and I’m so excited about how they turned out! 🤩


“You’re invited to the transformative two day training Empower Thyself, a powerful initiation into the lineage of King Salomon. Once reserved for the world’s greatest leaders like Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, and Joan of Arc, these sacred teachings and rituals are now available to you. This advanced spiritual training bestows 10 times more light energy to fuel your goals and dreams. Learn daily rituals to connect with your inner power, protect your energy field, and establish a strong foundation to navigate life’s challenges. Gain access to profound metaphysical concepts and ancient wisdom, anchoring your true self here and now!”

Next class dates: June 1,2 2024

To book your spot or request a free consultation, please visit: www.empoweringpath.com

(Thank you Justine Harrington for all of your marketing help! 💜)

Photos from Empowering Path's post 17/05/2024

I’ve been studying with the Modern Mystery School for over 10 years now and what a true blessing it has been. 🙏🏻

Some might say I’m crazy but I say it’s crazy not to walk the path of eliminating your negative ego.

If the negative ego rules your life, then who are you answering to on the daily? That doesn’t sound like what I want out of this miraculous time here on earth at. all. I want to answer to my higher self forevermore.

By stepping onto this sacred and holy path, I’ve grown and shifted so much sometimes I look in the mirror and have no idea who I am. I love that I’m not who I was yesterday nor will I be tomorrow. 🪞

As our community gathered over the last couple of weeks (as we do each year to keep the lineage sacred), I can’t imagine having been anywhere else. What an absolute gift to serve the light in this lifetime.

I look forward to continuing to surround myself with those who choose the light, those who choose to know themselves, and those who choose a better world. 🌎

I look forward to you joining us too. 💜


I’ve been so guilty of this…disassociating, escaping, living in the past, worried about the future…

Turns out the most important moment is the one that’s happening right NOW.

Not the one happening yesterday, not the one happening tomorrow, but this very moment.

As the creator of my own life, the only moment I have the power to change is the current one.

And of course, the only moment I have the power to influence is the current one.

One of my favorite mystery school healings (let’s be honest they’re all my favorite 😂) is a simple and powerful technique called Space Alignment. Bringing someone back to the present moment, I’ve used this healing many times when I was feeling scattered or stuck in the past/future.

If you haven’t tried Space Alignment, I highly recommend it. If you just needed the reminder the most important moment is the one that’s happening right now, I’m grateful I could share this today!💜


Photos from Empowering Path's post 23/04/2024

This Sunday from 10:30am-2pm Dr. Al from tides and I are hosting a mini healing day! 🌟

Come get in on the meditation, crystal healing/crystal readings, journaling and network chiropractic adjustments!

If you’ve never had a network chiropractic adjustment, it is wild!!

We’ll be hosting all of this for just $50.

Come soothe your nervous system and join us! 🌸

Link to tickets: www.empoweringpath.com

Photos from Empowering Path's post 17/04/2024

The inimitable and wonderfully talented Seth Pearson will be hosting Improv Night tomorrow night at 7pm at my office!

Improv is a really fun way to hilariously work on your self expression and to boost your creativity and confidence!

Join us! 🎭 💜


Miracles are often a hot topic of conversation. People pray for them, hope for them, and can’t help but tell you all about the miracles that have occurred within their own lives. 🌟

While I’ve heard the word miracle defined in many different ways such as Marianne Williamsons definition that a miracle is simply a shift in perspective, it feels like it’s time for an updated definition.

What if a miracle is simply self awareness?

What if the miracle you’re praying for is actually more choice in your life?

Since self awareness leads to more choice in any matter, isn’t that the miracle we’re all actually praying for?

So many people become depressed, anxious, or hopeless in their lives when they feel like they have no choice. When a new idea arises or they have a thought they never had before, hope becomes instantly restored and thus they would tell you it’s a miracle.

When I personally needed a miracle in my own life, I found the tried and true ancient pathway of Know Thyself.

Still walking this path of healing 11 years later, I have more access to self awareness and choice in my life than I ever had in any years prior. Being able to come back to who I truly am in any given moment and discern more choice for myself is a miracle for me on a daily basis.

If you find yourself praying for a miracle, reach out and I’ll help to get you started.

Miracle= Self Awareness
Miracle = Choice

Lots of love. 💕

Videos (show all)

The Greatest Gift
Want to hear something crazy? 😜
Are you still opening closed doors? 🚪
The Golden Rule ✨We all know the golden rule which is “Treat others how you want to be treated.”Jordan Peterson, famous ...
Winning the Lottery
How do you speak to people?
Miracles Happen!
When you’re done, you’re done.
Joy is awesome and it’s worth choosing. It doesn’t matter if you’re happy, sad, angry etc. You can still have joy becaus...
It’s everyone’s favorite time of year again. It’s…Cord cutting season! ✂️ 🎄❤️Around this time of year there’s most likel...
Our annual holiday charity event is happening this Sunday December 3rd at @modernmysteryschoolboston from 1:30pm-4pm! 🎁 ...
Somedays I just want to scream from the rooftops. YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE!!! 📣 “If I had just known…”“If I had just found...


7 Greenleaf Woods Drive
Portsmouth, NH

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday 12:00 - 20:00
Friday 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday 12:00 - 20:00
Sunday 12:00 - 20:00