Providence College Galleries, Providence, RI Videos

Videos by Providence College Galleries in Providence. Providence College—Galleries —Hunt-Cavanagh Gallery at Hunt-Cavanagh Hall —Reilly Gallery at

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Best In Show going up in the Hunt-Cavanagh Gallery! On view until August 2, 2024. #pcg #providencecollegegalleries

PCG has a tradition of sending Valentines to our friends and supporters that are designed by a different prominent artist each year. This year the Valentine will be designed by artist Elizabeth Corkery (On The Wall, 2019) @eacorkery⁠ ⁠ Share your name and mailing address by this Friday (Feb 4) via email through the CONTACT button in our bio to receive your special PCG Valentines greeting! ⁠ ⁠ Past invited artists include: Pippi Zornoza and Xander Marro (2021), Katarina Burin (2020), Jim Drain (2019) and Nadia Haji Omar & Bayne Peterson (2018).