Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery

Reconnect with your soul and rediscover your passion, purpose, and power



This week's numerology forecast reminds us to align with our role as the Co-Creators with the universe!

✨Create tiny rituals that will support your upward trajectory

✨Raise your expectations.
You have leveled up, and now it's time to level up your expectations to align with the new you.

✨Look at your positive lessons from the past and bring them forward to amplify your support (and leave the rest behind).

✨Shine your light! You have the medicine. You ARE the medicine that someone needs in this world. Own it. Share it.

Ready to ALIGN to your energetic codes & CO-CREATE a beautiful reality with the universe? Let's work together!
☝Link in Bio!


Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 08/29/2024

✨️I've started a journey.✨️
One where I align my business and my life to my energetic codes.

I am breaking old habits
And creating new ones that align to who I am,
What I am designed to do,
And who I am here to serve.

It is both scary and freeing.
There is both radical clarity and excruciating doubt.
But I am all in.
Aligning my resources.
Reprogramming my mindset.
Moving & grounding.
Feeling all the feels.
Integrating my masculine & feminine.
Stepping out of my shell and into my SELF.
Living aligned to love, balance, commitment, ease, joy.
Loving the new version & vision that emerges every day.💕

Bring it on September with your 8 energy of devotion, commitment, and infinite abundance.
I am ready!

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 08/26/2024

✨🍵What a beautiful Autumn Abundance: Cacao Circle & Community Potluck with House of Heeling this Saturday!🍵✨️

It was my first time playing outdoors, and it was magical! I feel so blessed to have been invited to share sound healing with this community!

Thank you Jenny McAllister for the invite and Shaman Carmen Marie & Sita Kody Ram for the incredible ceremony and the container you created for healing ❤️


Dang, Y'all... This is gonna be a bitch-slap of a week.
We've definitely got some work to do to prepare for September's 8 energy amplified during this 8 energy year!

It's a week for letting go of the bu****it, and truly aligning with what we are committing to.
This means cutting out with missile focus:
😮the people
😮the situations
😮the habits
😮the patterns
That are keeping us from living into our calling.

Fast forward to Tuesday & Wednesday for the real work of the week that will propel you forward into September, aligned and ready to commit so the abundance economy will flow right to you!

And don't worry... it's not all bad news~ If you do the work, the end of the week is filled with rest and blessings!🌱✨

Have you had enough of the bu****it?

Work with me.
Learn how to align
with your energetic codes
and inner knowing.
(for everyone’s sake.)
Link in bio☝

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 08/20/2024

🌱✨Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for August 19-25✨🌱

✨IF YOU'VE BEEN CLEARING OUT AND YOU ARE READY TO LEVEL UP, THIS is the week for getting in the RIVER and allowing it to carry us down the stream of transformation faster than we ever thought possible!✨

It is an AMAZING week for connection!
🌱business 1:1's
🌱developing partnerships
🌱improving relationships all around!

We are moving from HD Gate 29 -The Gate of Devotion- into Gate 59 -The Gate of Sustainability & Intimacy, and our commitment to our own vision will set us up beautifully for connecting with others and raising the vibration of the collective, for those who are ready to elevate!

It's about creating energetic patterns of grace, gratitude, & giving so everyone can thrive! 🌱💕✨

Let me know how the energy of the week feels to you! Drop me a comment below!👇

Want to connect more & discover how YOUR energetic codes can get you in alignment with the weekly flow? DM me or click my link in Bio 👆


✨Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for August 12-18✨

Big Murph & I are back for a big week with a HUGE manifestation cycle!

We are learning to be aware of the container we are creating to honor the flow of our journeys, AND our job this week is to expand our containers and the capacity to hold all of the incredible energy coming in!
✨We open the week with a 1st quarter moon on Today, asking us to root in to our essence and take inspired action.
✨We are also working within HD Gate 4: the Gate of Possibility that is asking us to lead from our soul's inner KNOWING before accessing our mind's KNOWLEDGE. The WISDOM is the bridge between the two!
✨Wednesday's 3 energy bring in a palatable energetic shift that will completely change our perspective and allow new insights in!
✨And on Saturday, HD Gate 29 - the gate of Devotion & Perseverance comes online asking us to commit to our path & refine our vision
✨Sunday tees up a mini 7/7 portal that asks us to look at what is already creating positive momentum in our lives, and asking us to take that leap of faith and go all in!

For more details about your numerology codes and YOUR personal forecast, book a Soul Blueprint reading! Link in Bio👆

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 08/07/2024


✨Rooted & Real's Somatic Sound Bath Experience is on Thursday 8/8, 7-8:30 !✨

Come! Experience the cathartic power of energetic sound & movement with nature's soundtrack supporting our intentions to release, relax, and renew!

Save your seat today! Link in bio.


✨Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for August 5-11✨

This week is both exciting and exhausting!

✨The week is bookended by HD Gate 7: The Gate of Collaboration today, and HD Gate 4: The Gate of Possibility on Sunday
✨In between, we've got the Lion's Gate Portal peak on Thursday
✨two mini portals Friday and Saturday
✨And... did I mention we just entered weeks of Mercury Retrograde today?

Whew! It'll be a week to embrace your inner animal, getting comfortable in your skin, connecting with your true desires, your physical body, and your divine nature. It is also a week for conserving energy, as animals do, funneling the flow into things that serve your highest and greatest intentions.

For more information, or to work with me in person during our LIon's Gate Somatic Sound bath, visit the link in bio.

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/30/2024

✨✨New!! Rooted & Real Clarity & Alignment Intuitive Energetic Card Spread!✨✨

So far, 2024 has really been all about becoming and living into our most authentic selves.

This year has asked us to shed our conditioning and trust our intuition.

It has called us to feel all of the feels, learn how to listen to them and learn from them and work through them and release them.

It has asked us to ground in and take care of our SELVES.

As we move from July’s loving, balanced 6 energy into the leap-of-faith 7 energy during an 8 energy of commitment and alignment year, we have no choice but to get clear on our vision and true desires and get ourselves into alignment so we can commit to this path.

July helped us feel grounded, loved, and held, building a strong foundation from which we can feel empowered to take that leap of faith in August.

I was called to create this card spread to help us all navigate this transition with more ease and clarity and knowing.

I found it to be hugely profound.

As I placed each card, I couldn’t help but let out an (incredibly loud) audible acknowledgment of its truth. After hearing me over and over again, my partner (who is not at all woo) needed to see what all the excitement was. When I showed him and explained what each of the cards revealed, he looked at me wide-eyed and said, “Wow, that’s insanely accurate!”

So-much-so, he even agreed to try it out for himself. He was very impressed.

Now, don’t get me wrong... He’s still not woo, but he might be edging a little bit closer to “woo-curious.”

Give it a try. Let me know what you think.

It’s definitely time to get into alignment and let your Soul-Self speak.



This week we are moving from the balance, harmony, love energy of July's 6 energy into the leap of faith 7 energy of August.

It is going to feel like an initiation as we move through TWO CYCLES of 8-9-1 energy. This is an invitation to devote - release - refine.

✨Midweek, HD Gate 33: The Gate of Retelling (aka: the Gate of the Old Soul) is giving us the opportunity to offer gratitude for our past and find power in the pain of our stories this week, so that we don't repeat the patterns, but we use them inspiration to move forward for ourselves and others.

✨We end this week with Sunday's new moon where we get to honor our journey and plant new seeds!

✨Remember, 2024 is truly a year of personal growth! It is a universal 8 energy year, and then September will be an 8 energy month in an 8 energy year, so August is preparing us to to get super-clear, align with our soul-self, and learn to trust our inner guidance system...

Like a fine, barrel-aged bourbon, we are distilling down to our essence this week, so that we can take focused aligned action in the second half of the year!

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/26/2024


Join me for the Vibrations & Libations Somatic Soundbath Experience With Vicki Meigs from Rooted & Real on Thursday, August 8, 7-8:30 pm at in the Block on Main in Downtown Holly Springs!
For all of the information and to save your spots, visit
✨ August 8 is the peak of the Lion's Gate Portal!✨
It is a magical day for:
✨ honoring yourself and your desires
✨ moving toward your truth
✨ releasing and letting go of what no longer serves you
✨ creating energetic space for alignment and manifestation
✨ setting your intentions & manifestations into motion!
And that's EXACTLY what we're gonna do together!
I cannot wait to share this magical day with you!
It is the perfect date night, GNO, and summer self-care evening! You will leave feeling so much lighter, clear-minded, relaxed, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way!

I can't think of a better way to spend an evening together! And... After the vibrations, be sure to head over to the .rooftop right next door for some libations and great conversations!

We had such an AMAZING session together last week, with so much good energy flowing! You don't want to miss this last session of the summer!

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/25/2024

"Rooted & Real Intuitive Energetic Card Spreads!"
They're FREE, Fun, and Fascinatingly accurate & insightful!

I have had a not-so-secret obsession with tarot & oracle cards for quite some time now.

I have hesitated to share because it feels incredibly personal to me. But the truth is that I have learned to trust and *rely* on my intuition to help me find clarity, direction, and answers in this crazy world.

I use my cards as TOOLS to validate my natural intuition and to get a greater depth of understanding in a situation or an idea that I never would have realized otherwise.

I have gotten REALLY good at creating intuitive card spreads in the past six months, and I have realized that I am not the only one who could benefit from a little extra guidance these days.

So I am SO excited to share my first 5 spreads (all in one place!), along with directions for use!

🦉If you are new to intuitive card reading, be sure to check out the FAQ section!


🌕✨🌗Between the full moon and the last quarter moon this week, we have the opportunity to create magic!✨
Now is the time for action. We have the power to end our karmic cycles and stop perpetuating the stories that no longer align with our authentic selves and the incredible lives we are designed to live!

Check out this week's full numerology forecast AND stay tuned for an incredibly powerful Intuitive Energetic Card Spread, designed to help you identify your blocks and push through what's holding you back!

[That epic full-color full moon pic was taken last night just a few hours before the storms in beautiful Raleigh North Caronina! I was amazed at the beauty in the color, as it was HUGE on the horizon!]


✨️💕🍵Sound Bath Practice Session with Big Murph!🍵💕✨️

Spirit called me to align throat, sacral, heart tonight, so I'm making last minute adjustments to the sound immersion in front of a live audience!

✨️Today's 6/6 portal is calling in higher vibrational balance, harmony and love. Are you ready to uplevel?✨️

If you're local, join me TONIGHT in Holly Springs for a communal energy clearing, somatic release & sound bath. Save your seat & prepare to elevate. Link in bio.

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/16/2024

✨️July's 6 energy is all about balance, harmony, love, comfort & connection. (Aren't we all craving this right about now?)✨️

THIS THURSDAY, July 18 7-8:30pm
in the Block on Main in Holly Springs!
👉 Grab a friend or a loved one and register today to release, receive & align to this beautiful energy!

🌊☀️Can't get away this month?
Need another excuse for some well-earned self-care?
Come on out, support a small business, and unwind with a relaxing evening stay-cation in downtown Holly Springs!

In our 90 minutes together, we'll experience
✨️somatic movement and stretching,
✨️guided meditation
✨️ an energetic clearing & amplification
✨️ crystal bowl sound bath composed to release, align & bring balance back to your mind, body, & spirit!

Afterwards, we hope you'll stay for great conversations next doork .rooftop

👉$25pp Don't miss out! Save your spots today!

(Cost helps me cover the rental space. The experience is my gift to you!)

🎶🧘‍♀️You can register for BOTH dates, July 18 & August 8!

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/10/2024

Hey Local Friends! I would LOVE for you to join me!!
(Like, seriously... come on out & join me!)

Looking for a fun, relaxing, and invigorating way to get your good-time summer vibes on?
If you have never tried a sound bath, this is the PERFECT first-time experience for you!
I emphasize somatic movement, stretching and infused energy work to help you get out out of your head & into your body, and literally get your energy flowing. I follow up with a crystal bowl "sound bath" that fills your body with vibrations that resonate and recalibrate you from the inside out. It is truly an experience like no other!
It's super-fun, relaxing, and the PERFECT date night or GNO!
Recalibrating & realigning your energy is even better together! Bring a friend or make some new ones!

After the healing VIBRATIONS at Studio 557, we'll head over to the Nightingale Rooftop Lounge for LIBATIONS & CONVERSATIONS!
It's Summer! A time to release that stress & tension from your body, move energy so you can relax, sleep more soundly, and declutter your mind! Join us!

Book your spots today! For all of the details, visit


While this week will likely feel MUCH more settled for you as harmony comes back into balance, it is an incredibly powerful week for coming home to YOU!
Sandwiched between Human Design Gate 53 opening on Sunday, and HD Gate 62 coming online on Saturday, we have a double 6 energy portal opening on Tuesday and a double 8 energy portal opening on Thursday. Plus the first quarter moon at the end of the week... Ooof!
It is a week to get really clear on the trajectory you want to set for your life --not the exact path, just the trajectory-- and TRUST that your next step will be revealed in exactly the right timing.
But don't sit around waiting for it! Be prepared to notice and take inspired action this week.
Lead like a Legend. Now is your time!

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/03/2024

✨️Card spreads aren't woo-woo. They can help align your business to your vision!✨️
I've been working on developing an amazing group coaching program and I am a point where I need to niche down a bit, so I pulled out this card spread to feel into the two ideal client groups I've been considering...
Which one do you think is the best path for success?
👇Comment below!

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 07/02/2024

✨🎶🥂Vibrations & Libations Somatic Sound Bath Experience is back on July 18!

It's the perfect date night or GNO!
Recalibrating & realigning your energy is even better together! Bring a friend or make some new ones at the studio!

It's summer! Time to release your stress & tension from your body, move energy so you can relax and sleep better, and declutter your mind!
With somatic movement, energy work, and crystal bowl vibrations, it is truly an experience like no other!

Book your spots today! For all the details, visit:


✨️🌱 Unlock Your Full Potential This Week with the Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for June 30-July6! 🌱✨️
Move past June's unsettling energy and embrace July's harmonious vibes. This week, focus on becoming your authentic self and releasing any remaining limitations. Share your true self with the world! Make space for balance and harmony to enter your life.
Want to discover your freedom codes & transform your life? Get your Numerology Soul Blueprint now and unlock your true potential! 🎉

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 06/22/2024

If you listened to the energy reports, you know that this entire week we've been getting right to the heart of the matter:
This full moon asks us to explore our actual love for OURSELVES.
Be willing to go deep today.
Know that you are divine.
Born of love.
Able to give AND receive love fully in flow with your true nature.
It is part of your design.
Understand that the quality of love for your SELF
sets the trajectory of what you attract into your life.
Today’s 8 energy calls you to spend time in devotion to
nourishing your spiritual wellness. 💖

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 06/19/2024

🌞✨ Join Us on June 20th for a Summer Solstice Sound Bath Experience! ✨🌞
Let's share the eve of the summer solstice together !
Reconnect with your natural rhythm, release all of the schoolyear stress, and rejuvenate with us through
✨ seasonal intention setting
✨ energetic stretching
✨ somatic & breathing techniques
✨ a serene sound bath
✨ gratitude practices
✨ meditation and more!
Swipe through for all the details and reserve your spot today!

Then, join us afterward .rooftop where the good vibes continue!


💖This week's energy is all about finding and aligning with your MERAKI --The Essence of Your SELF!💖

The arc of the week goes from Sunday's amplification of creativity to a midweek softening of compassion, flowing & knowing to the upleveling that really wants to take place take place at the end of the week.

🌟Human Design Gate 15 is coming online this Wednesday, which reinforces the need to find and realign with a natural rhythm and flow that allows our evolution. And this aligns beautifully with the full moon and the end of a manifestation cycle Friday and Saturday!

Want to learn more about Your Human Design Gates or Your Numerology Soul Blueprint? Visit


Hey Local NC Friends!
Summer Vibes Are Calling! Time to get outta the school year hustle and into the good vibes of summer!
👉Join me in Holly Springs this summer for 3 sound bowl sessions Studio 557!


✨️🎶We'll stretch, relax, and re-calibrate our mind-body-spirit to summer relaxation mode!🎶✨️

🍵A Sound Bath is an experience like no other! You will feel relaxed, clear-minded, and both energized and soothed! It releases tension from the inside out with vibrations you can actually feel inside of your body!
It is perfect for anyone who wants to de-stress, get out of your head, & reconnect with your body after a long day (or week or month...)
All ages and fitness levels are welcome! Registration is required. Cost is $25
June 20 🪷 July 18 🪷 August 8
For all the details & to register, visit:


💖This week's energy is all about simplifying, releasing our burdens, letting go and heading up the mountain for healing and a change of perspectives so that we can realign with our sacred patterns.💖
🌟Human Design Gate 12 is coming online this Thursday, opening up a big 'ol manifestation portal, right at the end of one manifestation cycle and the beginning of a new one that aligns with the first quarter moon. Talk about amplification!
Listen in for all the details and a special appearance from Big Murph!🐾💕
Visit for your soul blueprint report and to learn more about your ruling number, day number and how aligning to YOUR natural energetic codes and rhythms can empower you to lead your life with less stress & frustration and way more ease, flow, joy and satisfaction!



I am in LOVE with my bowls and how they resonate in the body!!
SO excited to announce that I am bringing full-body healing, calibrating & alignment to Studio 557 in downtown Holly Springs!!

Are you ready to be bathed in powerful, yet gentle vibrational frequencies to soothe, nourish, and re-calibrate your mind body and soul?
Make your wellness a priority this summer!
Join us for an in-person, immersive listening experience that can aid in reducing stress and anxiety, promoting deep relaxation, improving sleep quality, and enhancing mental clarity and focus. Leave feeling balanced and re-centered!
Join us for 1 or all 3 sessions: June 20, July 18, August 8, 7-8:30pm!
Save your seat & find out more:

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 06/01/2024

🪷30 Day Meditation Challenge!🪷

🌱June is the perfect time to honor your SELF, your mental & emotional health, and manifest the life of your dreams!
💖The energy in June is all about change, and in order to keep our footing this month, it is critical to stay grounded in our bodies & inner knowing, and clear in our minds about who we are, where we want to go, who we want to become.
👉It all starts with committing to habits that are proven to raise inner vibration, awareness, focus, and connection to SELF and lower stress, anxiety, worry, and doubt. Meditation is the perfect tool for getting and keeping you aligned.
Join me this month on a 30-day transformative journey back to YOU!

Tune in throughout the month for practices, tips, guided meditations, and the motivation to keep going.
Comment below and let me know if you are up for the challenge and ready to get rooted this month!!

[Photo credits: Jen Hagan Photography
Photo Location: ]

Photos from Rooted & Real Healing and Self-Discovery's post 05/31/2024

We're ending May on an 8-energy day, so let's use it to recommit to our SELVES, our businesses, and our lives next month! [Read on... 👇💖]

June's 5 energy will be calling you into the high vibrations of change.
That means:
🔥 no more settling
🔥leaning into freedom
🔥 satiating hunger
🔥embodying your curious and adventurous spirit
🔥aligning to new values and belief systems that will propell you forward when you leave the old ways behind.

For some this can feel fun, playful, and spontaneous, but for others it will feel like upheaval -- both chaotic and anxious.
Now is the time to ground into your commitment and devotion to your SELF, your business, your life, so that you can stay focused and ride the energetic waves of June!
June marks the half-way point in the year. It is the perfect time to reassess and realign to stay true to our journey. And that's exactly why I was inspired to create this intuitive card spread!
We are blessed to end this month on an 8-energy day (a day of devotion, commitment, going deep and honoring yourself!), so it is the perfect time to reflect on the space you are creating and align and commit to yourself and the life you want to live.
This spread will surely give you insights you can return to throughout the month of June!
Give it a try and let me know what resonates for you!

💫Want to know more about your soul's energetic blueprint and how your personal numerology can get you into a rhythm of flow and ease in your life? Visit

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Raleigh?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

✨ROOTED & REAL NUMEROLOGY FORECAST FOR AUGUST 26-SEPTEMBER 1✨Dang, Y'all... This is gonna be a bitch-slap of a week. We'...
🌱✨Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for August 19-25✨🌱✨IF YOU'VE BEEN CLEARING OUT AND YOU ARE READY TO LEVEL UP, THIS i...
✨Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for August 12-18✨Big Murph & I are back for a big week with a HUGE manifestation cycl...
✨Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for August 5-11✨This week is both exciting and exhausting!✨The week is bookended by H...
✨ROOTED & REAL NUMEROLOGY FORECAST FOR JULY 29-AUGUST 4✨This week we are moving from the balance, harmony, love energy o...
🌕✨🌗Between the full moon and the last quarter moon this week, we have the opportunity to create magic!✨Now is the time f...
Lately, the mountains have been calling.And archetypes And deep divesAnd vibrationsAnd qualitiesAnd intentionsAnd how it...
Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for July 7-13, 2024
What do YOU do while you're waiting at the car dealership for a fix on your car? 😆✨️When inspiration calls, I gotta pull...
✨️🌱 Unlock Your Full Potential This Week with the Rooted & Real Numerology Forecast for June 30-July6! 🌱✨️Move past June...
💕✨️🍵 Join us on the Summer Solstice --the longest day of the year! It's the perfect time to Relax, Reset, & Reboot!🍵✨️💕!...


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