The Art of Style

Find yourself. Invest in yourself. Love yourself. Indulge in yourself.


It's World Mental Health Day...

time to check in with yourself.

How is your mental health?

Every once in a while, when I feel overwhelmed or have a problem that I don't know how to handle, or if I just need an unbiased witness to listen and give me a reality check, I schedule an appointment with my therapist.

I had a friend tell me years ago that every 3-6 months, she does a check up with her mental health specialist just to make sure she is alright.

I love that philosophy.

It is kind of like going to get your teeth cleaned twice a year by the dentist and going for your annual physical exam with your doctor.

Why should our mental health be any different?

It shouldn't.

In fact, our mental health is what sometimes dictates our physical and emotional well being.

If you didn't already know, the mind, body, and soul are all connected.

One affects the other.

On this day, I just wanted to encourage you to do a check in with yourself.

We all need someone to talk to, and someone from the outside to guide us through our life's challenges when we can't see things so clearly.

And there is no shame in asking for help when you need it.

Actually, it is one of the most courageous things you can do.

Over 1 billion people suffer from mental health problems in the world today.

If you happen to be one of them, please consider scheduling a session with me or work with me long term to get you to a more tranquil state of mind.

When you look good, you feel good

Another way to make yourself feel better is to dress up.

When you wear clothing that flatters your figure, it makes a difference.

One of the most common pieces of feedback I have received over the years is that when people wear my clothing, they always get complimented.

This is why I claimed 'Brace yourself for compliments' as a slogan of mine.

I followed that up with 'Don't let it go to your head, cause vain people suck.'

What I mean is that when you are put together on the inside, and can show it to the outside world in how your present yourself through your clothing, as an expression of your personality and style, you tend to own the sidewalk, otherwise known as the runway of life.

It is not about being better than others, it is about being your best self.

That is what my clothing is all about.

Find yourself.

Planning for life, or just the month...

This month I am excited about hosting my dear friend, Kristin Adams for a Psychedelic Breathwork Session on Sunday, October 27th starting at 7pm.

No drugs.

Just the breath.

This style of breathwork is a facilitator-led, full-bodied breathing technique that gently and rhythmically focuses your breathing to effortlessly release tremendous amounts of anxiety, stress, and grief held in the body, heart, and mind.

The breathwork sessions offer deep and gentle support in releasing old programming, patterns, negative thoughts, conditioning, and emotions.

By doing so, it creates space for new life and increased consciousness.

Kristin’s technique activates the subconscious mind, allowing for greater awareness and insights that may not be easily accessed through traditional therapy.

Also, joining us this month is the ever so talented artist, Giulia Gray.

Her work entitled 'In Segno D'Acqua' highlights the human experience and it's evolutionary process through the everyday.

She is interested in the uniqueness and in the repeatable- the macro becomes the micro and vice versa, in an ongoing succession of infinite, ever-changing forms, that move in a sinuous dance through space and time.

Moreover, in the video installation, moments of common life unfold, with water always serving as a central element of inspiration and reflection.

Take time out of your busy day for a moment of tranquility at TAOS Lounge.

Come spend some time and join us throughout the month to view her work and come to the main event on Halloween for her Gallery Showcase, Thursday, October 31st from 7-10pm.

The Substitute

My mission with The Substitute was to help 1 million people reduce stress and anxiety from their lives.

For those who smoke (cause there are 1 billion that do), smoke less, cause The Substitute is smokeless.

Of course this is all tied to breathwork as when you breathe consciously, you raise your awareness and consciousness, too.

But did you know that the fastest way to relax your nervous system is to just breathe?

It is that simple, yet sometimes we do not realize how much we are holding our breath.

The Substitute helps remind you to just breathe throughout the day when things get stressful, or you start feeling down, or when your social anxiety creeps up.

It can be used anywhere, when you're on a phone, or in a plane, or at the office, or examining your brain.

Use it today and find yourself more calm and less stressed.

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)

You only live once, take care of your mental health.

The mind controls the body, the body holds the soul, but you are the one who can help them all.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.

This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.

For me, there is no such thing.

Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

This week I talked planning.

Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey ...

Mindfulness and Movement

I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community.

This is a safe space where all are welcome.

No experience is required.

Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well.

The seven main chakras play a role in the flow of energy in your body, as they all correspond to specific nerve bundles and organs.

When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it can impact your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

For October, the focus is on the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth.

Come with an open heart and mind, and feel your body unwind.

Find yourself.


Time for some action...

even if it just step by step.

Two steps forward, one step back

It's Friday!

And even though I would normally be inviting you to join me for a Gallery Showcase tonight, I am not.

As I continue to trust and surrender to the divine timing of the universe so that I can ultimately go with the flow, I am excited to share that the October Gallery Showcase will actually be held on Halloween, in conjunction with a Halloween party!

So that means you have plenty of time to figure out what you are going to dress up as when you come.

But I did want to invite you to come and take a look throughout the month at Giulia Gray's work entitled 'I need your DNA' and see the new set up (and the new piece I've just designed).

Also, I am delighted to share with you that my very dear friend, Kristin Adams, is hosting a Psychedelic Breathwork Session on Sunday, October 27th at 7pm.

This journey of life can sometimes feel like a dance and not a straight path forward, but it is always forcing us to take a moment to pause, reflect, and perfect.

As long as we keep taking inspired action towards our dreams, they will come true.

This session will shake up what is stuck within and transform you in the process.

Come, learn, and grow.

Ready to take action?

If you or someone you know needs help taking the first step, please consider scheduling a session or working with me long term.

Sometimes the first step can be the hardest one to take, but it will eventually get you to where you need to be.

Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Even though taking action towards your dreams can be scary or uncertain on occasion, as it is the great unknown, but once you get going, things seemingly fall into place.

This is where having faith in yourself and your abilities can keep pushing you in the right direction.

As with any action hero, sometimes you just need to take a running start.

Once you get going, things naturally unfold.

Also, in this dance, not forcing things to happen allows serendipitous moments to take place.

You realize that once you let go of expectations and outcomes, your stress levels dissolve.

It can be difficult when life keeps throwing you curve balls, but as long as you keep moving, you can make it to the other side.

The movement of the Mystical Dress

From this position, it looks like the Mystical Dress is backless and sleeveless, and, well, it is, in this situation.

However, it can also transform into wings, cover your arms and most of your back, and allow you to float through the world.

You can also wrap the wings around you, wear it as a halter dress, or updated toga and tuck it in the neck in the back.

If you want to be a little more secure, you can criss cross it at the waist and belt it, or fasten it with a brooch.

There are so many options when it comes to this sexy little number, not to mention the fact that it can be worn backwards, too.

Use your imagination, play with your clothes, it's a magical experience.

The Substitute

The Substitute helps you move through life effortlessly.

Just take a few inhales and exhales, and you can come back to center, where everything is just fine.

Need a moment to regroup and collect your thoughts before taking action?

Use The Substitute to calm the breath, body, and the mind, no matter what is happening in your world.

It is helpful to remind ourselves that we really don't need to move at the speed of light and that slow and steady wins the race.

And that is just what The Substitute helps you do- slow down, take a breath, relax, and gather energy to move once again, but with more control and grace.

Try it for yourself and see how it moves you.

You may be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you settle the body and the thoughts by using the breath.

All you need to do is just breathe.

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)

You only live once, but you can always take action to change your direction...

Actions speak louder than words, but aligning your mind, body, and soul speaks volumes.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.

This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.

For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

This week I talked about action and next week I will talk about planning.

Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey ...

Mindfulness and Movement

I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community.

This is a safe space where all are welcome.

No experience is required.

Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well.

The seven main chakras play a role in the flow of energy in your body, as they all correspond to specific nerve bundles and organs.

When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it can impact your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

For October, the focus is on the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth.

Come with an open heart and mind, and feel your body unwind.

Find yourself.


Honesty is the best policy...

even it it hurts.

The truth will set you free

Sometimes the truth can hurt.

Even when we know it, when we hear it, when we say it, it can be painful.

But avoiding the truth can be even more harmful to us.

When we lie, cheat, or steal (or doing anything else dishonorable) it goes against our core nature.

We tend to feel bad inside, cause we know what we are doing is not right.

Another aspect of this is not only are you affecting others when you are dishonest, but you are ultimately betraying yourself, cause you are not speaking your truth.

Some people have become so conditioned to lie to appease others, that they almost can't help themselves with creating more lies.

But eventually, the truth will come out, whether you want it to or not.

Through your actions or behaviors (because the body never lies), the truth finds its way to the surface, where you can no longer hide.

You must face it head on and accept the truth, whatever it may be, then deal with the aftermath.

If you are in denial, you are just not ready to accept what is.

Once you are brave enough to face the music, even though you might have trouble dancing through it, you will, eventually get through it.

Be honest.

It is really the best way to be.

Need help being honest with yourself or others?

If you or someone you know needs help speaking your truth and being honest about all things, consider scheduling a session or working with me long term.

Together we can face the truth of the situation that you are dealing with, how you got there, and how to get out of it, with dignity and integrity.

People say that sometimes what I say stings, but the message is always delivered in love.

If you need some compassion for your situation and help resolving it (while also taking a good hard look at yourself), I'm here to be as honest with you as I can.

I promise to be a mirror to you and show you things you may not have seen in yourself and how taking small steps to autocorrect your behavior, thoughts, or words can make a drastic impact on your life.

Stop lying to yourself.

You deserve the truth (and so does everyone else).

Honestly, I am loving designing

Even though I thought I would be farther along on this journey of designing The God|dess Collection, it does not deter me from continuing on my pursuit.

In fact, it pushes me even harder to figure things out, find the material, talk to people, perfect the methods, and ask tons of questions.

It even has me asking for help- something that I have a very hard time doing.

But I know that I cannot do this on my own, and that I need help from a bunch of different people to accomplish my goals.

That is part of becoming a God|dess, too, realizing that you shine brighter with others on your side.

We are not in this world alone, and together we are supremely good.

Might as well feel good and look good as you go through this world, and the Celestial Jumpsuit can help you do just that.

It is unisex and can be worn casually as well as elegantly, depending on your style|mood for the day.

You can also have it with or without pockets, pop open the collar, and unzip it all the way down.

The Substitute

The Substitute is honestly one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Not only has it helped me smoke less, but it helps me regulate my nervous system by calming down my breath.

When I first started using this five years ago, I had no idea how much it would transform my life, not to mention, others.

I first came up with this concept for myself after I got pneumonia.

Then people everywhere started asking me about it.

And because of all the issues surrounding mental health, I thought how impactful this would be for the world.

Now they are being used in salons, airports, hospitals, and restaurants across the globe.

My mission is to help one million people smoke less (cause The Substitute is smokeless), and to cure cancer, one breath and butt at a time.

And if you didn't know that the to***co companies have been lying to us this whole time, that what what we really crave is the breath, now you know.

It is the honest truth.

It will also heighten your awareness the more you use it.

Use The Substitute and see what a difference it makes in your life.

It is also a back scratcher, hand slapper, ass smacker, pointer, thinking stick, and lost finder.

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)

You only live once. Be honest.

When you are dishonest, your mind, body, and soul can feel it.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.

This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.

For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

This week I talked about honesty.

Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey ...

Mindfulness and Movement

I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community.

Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well.

This is a safe space where all are welcome.

No experience is required.

For September, the focus is on the heart chakra.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 27th starting at 7pm for a Psychedelic Breathwork session with my friend, Kristin Adams who will be leading the course and holding space for us all to transform.

No drugs are required, your body naturally releases things to make you feel good.

Come, learn, grow.

Find yourself.


It's World Gratitude Day!

What are you grateful for?

Gratitude is key to a happy life.

When you focus on gratitude, your whole world changes.

It reframes your perspective towards joy and less stress, which is one of the most powerful ways to rewire your brain.

We tend to pay attention and continue to ruminate on the negative things that happen to (for) us, instead of shifting to a positive way of being.

Albeit difficult to do this, just like anything else, practice makes perfect.

This is why we practice.

Because it is, of course, very difficult to not pour our attention into the 'bad' things that happen in life, but when we can laugh it off, or even better, shift it to a point of gratitude regardless of our situation, everything changes.

Our internal system resets, our external system relaxes, and we remember that we do have more power than we think to create our own reality in this world.

On this day, I wanted to encourage you to think about all the many things that you have to be grateful for and say thanks.

Need help being grateful?

If you or someone you know needs help rewiring your brain towards a more grateful way of being, consider scheduling a session or working with me long term.

Accessible Guidance was designed for those interested in getting immediate results in this fast paced world who may not have time for a full session, but want to start doing the work.

Sometimes it just feels good to get things off your chest, but of course, we always want results.

Yes, you may have a problem, but instead of complaining about it incessantly, how can it be solved or resolved?

Accessible Guidance will allow you not only to vent in the moment of whatever is going on, but it will also give me an opportunity to deliver tailored questions and advice to help you in that said moment, without the need of having a scheduled session.

Of course it is up to you to do the work and answer the questions yourself, but it will shift your confidence and allow you to handle future issues with grace and a reflective eye, expressing gratitude for all those little life lessons that have come up on the way.

You will find that once you start being more aware of your actions and behaviors, you also start giving other people more compassion and grace for where they are on their journey and being grateful that you are no longer there.

Grateful for The God|dess Collection (and all who made it possible)

Even though The God|dess Collection has not evolved as I had originally intended, I am super grateful for the process and for the countless people that have made it possible.

For those of you who don't know, my sister-in-law was the one who first offered to help teach me how to make a pattern and make my first prototypes.

Ironically, my late husband's sister, brought me back from the dead.

I am also grateful for my fabulous neighbor and seamstress, who has answered so many questions and constructed my ideas into form for others to embrace their inner God|dess.

For my mini me for being my personal assistant, photographer, videographer, helping me set up my new space and host parties.

For all the artists who have allowed me to showcase their work and promote my store and revolutionary concept to their circle.

For my fabulous clients from the past who continue to love what I do and support my efforts in continuing to share my designs and of course all the new clients who have embraced me here in Florence and other parts of the world.

For my amazing friends who have patiently listened to me go on and on about this, even when I was denying it.

And last, but certainly not least, my mother, who has always been my number one cheerleader, encouraging me every step of the way.

Without each and every one of these people in my life, I would not be here.

Even though I have been slow to emerge (at least that is how I feel), I am grateful for all the lessons learned and for the process.

I fully know that everything happens in divine timing, and I am excited about what the future holds for my designs and future collections.

As the final few months of the year come to a close, I am hoping to go out with a bang.

I still have many things to accomplish, but I am grateful for the journey, and for all the incredible ideas I have flowing into me to eventually create and share with the world.

Thank you all for being there with me on this journey called life and cheers to you and your encouragement to keep going.

The Substitute

The Substitute also helps you become more grateful, one breath at a time.

With each inhale and exhale, you feel the stress leaving your system almost immediately.

And that allows you to be grateful in the present moment, the only thing we actually have.

This week was another challenging one, and was a good reminder for me to go back to the breath, and leave the past behind.

I found myself stressed out and frustrated beyond belief, but after focusing on my breath and moving my body through some yoga positions, I was able to regain my composure.

The Substitute helped me come back to center and let go of all the things that were bothering me.

It will completely change your perspective on things when you continue to use it daily.

And ultimately, it will lead you to follow the breath through your body to not only relax it, but regenerate it, breathing life to new cells for positive growth to occur.

The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)

You only live once. Be grateful.

When you are grateful, your mind, body, and soul can feel it.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.

This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.

For me, there is no such thing. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

This week I talked about chaos.

Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey ...

Mindfulness and Movement

I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community.

Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well.

This is a safe space where all are welcome. No experience is required.

For September, the focus is on the heart chakra.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 27th starting at 7pm for a Psychedelic Breathwork session with my friend, Kristin Adams, who will be leading the course and holding space for us all to transform.

No drugs are required, your body naturally releases things to make you feel good.

Come, learn, grow.

Find yourself.


It's positive thinking day!

How do you think positively?

Thinking positively is a choice.

(But it takes lots of practice.)

On this day, I wanted to encourage you all to take a moment to try and think positively.

It is not that I am ignorant to the woes of the world, but being consumed by them daily does no one any good.

And perhaps it is because positivity is my number one strength that my glass is always overflowing, but when you choose to see the positive instead of focusing on the negative, your perception shifts.

Don't believe me?

Try it.

Try reframing each 'negative' situation into a positive one and see what life is showing you.

Don't like what you see?

You are the only one who can change it.

This also means deliberately surrounding yourself with other positive people, places, and things.

Paying attention to what information you digest and how you consume your time will help immensely.

Choose positivity, cause the world has enough negativity in it, and focusing on the negative only breeds more negativity.

See how your life changes when you change your mindset to a positive perspective.

Need help thinking positively?

If you or someone you know has a 'glass half empty' perspective on life, consider working with me to shift your mindset to a more positive way of thinking.

It takes time to rewire your patterns and behaviors, but many have benefited from the time spent investing in themselves to reframe their mindset into a more optimistic viewpoint on life.

This causes change not only within, but in the world around you.

Once you choose positivity as a way of being, it is hard for things to get you down.

I am not saying it is easy, but it can be done.

If you are committed to bettering yourself and being a sunshine for others to witness, please reach out to schedule a session or work with me long term.

The best investment you can make is in yourself and it has long lasting effects.

You will see a change not only mentally and emotionally, but physically, too.

Your personality creates your personal reality.

Make it a great one and make the most out of this one life you have...

Feel positively divine in The Enchanting Cardigan

It is said that when you look good, you feel good.

I hold that statement to be so true in the fact that when I dress up (which I do on a daily basis), I tend to feel pretty good about myself, and how I am showing up in the world.

When I don't 'feel right' in an outfit (even if I love it), I change.

I always dress how I feel (or want to feel, if I'm not 'feeling it' that day), and it allows me to shine brighter when I express myself through my clothing.

Not only I am comfortable in my own skin externally (cause I practice yoga daily and eat healthy food), but internally as well (cause I am constantly working to better myself).

So when designing The God|dess Collection, I wanted to create pieces that made people not only look good, but feel good too.

This is why the number one piece of feedback I received over the decade that I had my store was that people always got complimented when they wore something from it, hence why 'brace yourself for compliments' became a saying of mine.

This also builds self esteem and confidence (which is what I do through my coaching as well), but truly knowing that you are worthy of everything you desire and having the confidence to take that plunge and indulge in yourself is crucial to a well-lived life.

Embrace your inner God|dess and see how you feel in The Enchanting Cardigan.

Oh, it also comes in black, too, so you can have it all...

The Substitute

The Substitute also contributes to a positive lifestyle.

By consciously breathing, your nervous system calms down, allowing you to feel peace in your life regardless of what is happening.

It is physiologically impossible to be in a state of distress when your breath is smooth, calm, and regulated.

The Substitute helps you remember to just breathe when you get stressed or anxious.

It is also the ultimate accessory, performing many functions. Just the other day I discovered a new one...
The Books- Available on Amazon and Audible (and Italian!)

You only live once. Make it a positive experience.

When you think positively, it impacts your mind, body, and soul.

Intimate Conversations with Lady Kendra

Join me every Monday at 9pm CET on Instagram Live as I talk about life and such.

This is my way to have a conversation with the world about some subjects that may be taboo or touchy.

For me, there is no such thing.

Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

This week I talked about freedom, one of my favorite subjects.

Be a part of the conversation in person from 7-9pm at TAOS Lounge or just tune in when you have the time and follow the journey ...

Mindfulness and Movement

I also invite you to join me every Wednesday morning from 9-11 am as I share my mediation and yoga practice with the community.

Each month I will shift the focus to a different chakra so we can not only align them, but our bodies as well.

This is a safe space where all are welcome.

No experience is required.

For September, the focus is on the heart chakra.

Find yourself.

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The Art of Style is a contemporary boutique that caters to men and women who have an appreciation for style. Here you will find high quality, unique yet current clothing that can fit into any aspect of your life. We curate items that are superior in fit, functionally, and, most importantly, design. We then bring them to you in a sophisticated + fun environment.

Through our services, we are here to make your life easier - not to tell you how to live it. You can browse at your leisure. You can walk in and out with what you need in a matter of minutes. You can treat every visit as your own personal styling session.

We are a dedicated team of professionals that have a passion for clothing and an appreciation for the human condition as a whole, whatever it may be. Let us walk with you in style.

Video (vedi tutte)

Don’t wait too long- I only have a limited amount of fabric to make these pieces, and October is flying by like leaves i...
TAOS is a play on words of Taoism- we are everything, we are nothing, we are undefinable. Find yourself. #taos #taoism #...
Find the balance… with the Balanced Jumpdress. #balance #balanced #jumpdress #findyourself #investinyourself #loveyourse...
The Mystical Dress transforms before your very eyes as well. At first glance, the deep v may be what captivates you, but...
The Magical Palazzo Pant makes you feel like a God|dess anywhere, doing anything. #magical #feel #god #goddess #anywhere...
Do you know how beautiful you are? Feel beautiful everyday in The Enchanting Cardigan from The God|dess Collection
Just me being myself in The Enchanting Cardigan and Magical Palazzo in a gorgeous setting. Always feel like a goddess. Y...
The evolution continues… #evolution #revolution #retail #experience #transformative #clothing #florence #firenze #italy
Please join us tomorrow night as we celebrate La Vetrinetta delle Barbie and its creator, Francesco Galli. Dress to impr...
Come on Barbie let’s go party @kendraleonard @thesubstitutesociety @taos_theartofstyle @galli_artepiombo @la_vetrinetta_...
See what TAOS has in store for you this August. Three new pieces arrived this month from The God/dess Collection: The Ce...
La Vetrinetta delle Barbie has inspired me to evolve the annual into a Be...




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