I Got U

We’re here to guide you through any obstacles you may face.


September is around the corner🥳. Pick one or two ABOVE you’re willing to commit to 30 days and watch how your life will change. 30days 💯❤️‍🩹

Finding a therapist who takes your insurance can be nearly impossible. Here's why 08/28/2024

As a provider, we want to ensure you continue to receive the best care possible. Many therapists are leaving insurance networks, but we’re here to support you.

It’s important to advocate for your mental health. We encourage you to call your insurance provider to ensure they cover your needed services. Your voice matters in making sure mental health care remains accessible!

Learn more about what’s happening in this article: Read more 👇🏾

Finding a therapist who takes your insurance can be nearly impossible. Here's why Getting mental health care covered by insurance can be really tough. Reporters spoke to hundreds of therapists who left their insurance networks to find out why.

Insurers can restrict mental health care. What laws protect patients in your state? 08/28/2024

When insurance limits mental health care, these state laws protect patients😩👇🏾❤️‍🩹

Insurers can restrict mental health care. What laws protect patients in your state? It can be really hard to get mental health care in the U.S. Even if you find a therapist in network, your insurer can refuse to cover the prescribed treatment. Here are the laws protecting patients.


Searching for a therapist is never easy. Trusting someone with your deepest secrets and emotions can be challenging enough when you’re already feeling so vulnerable. The team at I GOT U is always here for you. No matter the situation, our team of licensed therapists are ready and available to answer your call.

Visit our website to book your first session today. http://igotucorp.com/


Summer is a perfect time to do outside activities that benefit your mental health ☀️🥳☀️😃

Mental health is wealth! 🧘🌞 Take daily steps to encourage happiness and mental health and stability in your everyday life. As always, consult with a therapist or doctor for additional treatments if needed.


We see and hear the struggles faced by our LGBTQ+ siblings, and we stand as proud allies. This month, let's honor the courage, resilience, and pure LOVE that radiates from this vibrant community.🌈

Pride Month commemorates the ongoing fight for equality and celebrates love in all its forms. And while we honor the progress made, we remember the hardships endured by the LGBTQ+ community. Your strength inspires us, and we see you! 🙌🏾

This month, and every month, let's:

1. Celebrate every color of the rainbow! 🏳️‍🌈
2. Show love and respect for all identities and orientations. 🫶🏾
3. Educate ourselves and others about LGBTQ+ history and rights. 📚
4. Use our voices to speak up against discrimination. 📣
5. Support LGBTQ+ businesses, artists, and creators. 🎨
6. Stand as allies and offer love, understanding, and acceptance. 💞

We at 'I Got U' are here for everyone in the community. We're here to listen, support, and empower you on your journey. If you're struggling, seeking understanding, or need a safe space to express yourself, contact us. You're not alone, We Got U! 🤗



Notice the signs of depression before it's too late. Our team is here to support and guide you. Reach out today and schedule a therapy session today.



This Mother’s Day weekend, we’re acknowledging the full spectrum of emotions that come with it.

For some, Mother’s Day celebrates love, warmth, and nurturing relationships. For others, it may stir feelings of loss, longing, or complex emotions due to strained relationships.

Remember, it’s okay to feel what you feel. Your feelings are valid whether you’re celebrating, grieving, or somewhere in between. It’s alright to create rituals that feel right for you or seek comfort in loved ones or cherished memories.

If you’re finding this weekend difficult, remember reaching out is okay. Connect with a friend, a mental health professional, or a supportive community. You’re not alone.

In every case, let’s hold space for each other’s experiences. Today and every day, let’s be kind and gentle with ourselves and each other.


Trust yourself+Trust the process=Success💯💯


Happy Cinco de Mayo! 🇲🇽🎉😊

Happy Cinco de Mayo! 🇲🇽🎉

Today, we celebrate the rich history and cultural heritage of Mexico, as well as the strength and resilience of the Mexican people.

Did you know that Cinco de Mayo isn't just about the festivities but also commemorates the Battle of Puebla, a significant victory in Mexican history?

As we honor this day, let's remember that mental health matters across all cultures. Be proud to be an ally and support those around you, regardless of their background.

Stay connected, stay strong, and let's uplift each other! 💪🏽🧠🌟


All of us at IGU wish you an upcoming weekend full of love and laughter, do YOU this weekend!😀💯🖤


Consider. Just Maybe💯🫶🏾


Happy Easter🐣🐇🐰😊!

This time of year is all about new beginnings and fresh starts, and it's a time to celebrate and connect with loved ones. But it's also important to remember that this time of year can be challenging for some of us.

If you're struggling with your mental health this Easter, know you're not alone.

Here are a few mental health tips to keep in mind:

Practice self-care - This can mean different things for different people, but it's important to prioritize taking care of yourself. Whether taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, or taking time to read, make sure to carve out some time for yourself.

Connect with others - Building social connections can be incredibly beneficial for your mental health, whether with family, friends, or a support group.

Set realistic expectations - Holidays can come with much pressure and expectations. Set realistic expectations for yourself, and remember it's okay if things don't go as planned.

Get creative - Whether coloring Easter eggs, trying out a new recipe, or getting crafty, finding ways to express your creativity can significantly improve your mood.

Set boundaries - Setting boundaries means being clear about what you will and will not tolerate. Setting boundaries protects your mental health, time, and energy. Be clear about your limits, communicate them, and stick to them. Don't compromise your mental health for the sake of others.

Seek help when needed - Remember that asking for help is okay. If you're struggling with your mental health, reach out, we Got U!

This Easter, let's focus on caring for ourselves and each other. Remember, it's okay to not be okay, and seeking help is a sign of strength.

Our team here at I Got U wishes you all a happy and healthy Easter!


How many can relate?

Do you or a loved one need help in the area of Emotional Self Awareness and Regulation? Reach out today!💯🫶🏾👇🏾😊


It does. BE. LIKE. DAT- With no reason at times. Just accept and eat the cake💯😂😊


Hey Peeps,

Let's break it down and explore the connection between Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), victim mentality, and codependency. 🤔🔗 We're here to understand these dynamics and support each other on our journey to healthier relationships!🌊

NPD is a mental condition where people feel the need for admiration and may have a hard time empathizing with others. Studies have shown that people with NPD can also experience victim mentality (source: Lammers, C. H., et al. 2014. Narcissistic Victim Mentality: An Empirical Exploration. Journal of Individual Differences). 🎭👑 This mindset might help them protect their ego and get the attention they crave. 🛡️🚧

Now, it's essential to recognize that victim mentality can be valid and not necessarily associated with NPD. When someone has experienced genuine trauma, abuse, or hardship, their sense of victimhood is justified. It's vital to acknowledge and validate their emotions so they can heal and move forward. 🌱

Codependency is when somebody relies on others for emotional support and validation, often feeling responsible for others' emotions and well-being. 🧩🤗 This dynamic can be challenging when it stops personal growth and emotional healing. 🌱🚫

Here's how NPD, victim mentality, and codependency are connected: 🌉🌟

1️⃣ People with NPD and victim mentality might find themselves in relationships with codependent individuals who feel the need to "rescue" or "fix" them. 🚑🛠️
2️⃣ This can create a cycle where the codependent person reinforces the NPD individual's victim mentality, making it harder for both to break free. 🔄🔒
3️⃣ Codependency can be a positive force when caring for loved ones with special needs, as the codependent person's empathy and dedication can provide valuable support. 🌟

To vibe with healthier relationships, try these strategies: 🛠️💡

1️⃣ Self-Awareness: Recognize codependent patterns in your relationships and understand your role in them. 🧠🔍
2️⃣ Set Boundaries: Create and maintain healthy boundaries to protect your well-being and encourage emotional growth. 🚧🌱
3️⃣ Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or mental health professionals to help you work through codependency issues.

Together, let's grow, vibe, and support each other on our mental health journeys. 🎶🌱


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), Let's talk about the difference!👇🏾

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), Let's talk about the difference!

OCD is when someone has thoughts they can't get out of their head (obsessions) and does things repeatedly (compulsions) to feel better. On the other hand, OCPD is a personality disorder where someone wants things to be perfect and follows strict rules all the time. 🧠

Here's how you can tell them apart: 🔍
1️⃣ OCD is about feeling worried and scared, while OCPD is about believing your way is always the best way.
2️⃣ People with OCD know their thoughts and actions might not make sense, but people with OCPD usually don't.
3️⃣ OCD can make daily life hard, while OCPD is more about sticking to rules and order.

Understanding these differences helps us support our friends who might be going through tough times.

If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD or OCPD, don't hesitate to reach out to us at "I Got U" for professional support and guidance. We're here to help! ✊🏾

Click the link in our bio or visit http://www.igotucorp.com to learn more about our services and get in touch with our team of dedicated mental health professionals.

B Good to yourself 1st!🖤



Have you ever hit up a party and felt that wave of anxiety roll in? The kind of anxiety where you start moving to the edges of the dark walls, maybe checking your phone to look busy, and avoiding any conversation like it's the plague.

Yea? Whelp, it's your brain's quick fix to dodge the stress. Right there, that's a safety behavior—you're trying to lower your anxiety by keeping to yourself.

Short-term, it might be like a win. You dodge the awkwardness, the anxiety dips, and you make it through the night. But consider this: if every attempt to attend parties seems to turn into a solo mission while you're there, your brain starts playing tricks. It whispers, "See, no one's talking to you. Guess no one likes you here. You don't really have friends. Etc." This exemplifies how our "Safety Behaviors" start to backfire and cause more internal suffering.

Long-term, this cycle can tighten the grip of anxiety. It convinces you that avoiding interactions is the only way to chill, but deep down, it's isolating you, feeding those thoughts that you don't belong or aren't liked, which is FAR from the truth.

That's why facing those situations head-on, without always falling back on those safety behaviors, is key. It's tough, no doubt. But it's also how you break free, proving to yourself you can hang, you are liked, and you DO belong. It's about moving from just surviving parties to actually enjoying them.

Never forget: It's not just about making it through the night; it's about making those nights worth remembering💯.

Stay strong, and keep being good to yourself 1st! 🖤

Wanna read more? Check out: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/harnessing-principles-of-change/202201/how-our-safety-behaviors-feed-anxiety


“ I was THIS close to taking my own life” I can’t sugarcoat it. The truth is … two years ago, I was in a really dark place and I just couldn’t see a way out. And I know that probably sounds crazy to some people. I already know the kind of comments I’m gonna get.

“Bro, how the hell can you have all that money and be depressed? You’re John Wall.”

Read more: https://signature.theplayerstribune.com/john-wall-nba-basketball-los-angeles-clippers/p/1

Need help, reach out today!❤️‍🩹


Life with Schizoaffective Disorder 03/12/2024

Introducing Ray. Once a happy kid who used to help his father fix cars, everything changed on a fateful road trip in 1960.

Having successfully treated his mental illness, Ray Lay now enjoys life with his wife Dianna, shown here at their wedding in Las Vegas.

If you or someone you know has a mental illness, is struggling emotionally, or has concerns about their mental health, there are ways to get help. If you are in crisis, call or text 988 to connect with the 988 Su***de Crisis Lifeline and feel free to reach out to us here at IGU for mental health support❤️‍🩹


Life with Schizoaffective Disorder In this lived experience feature story, Ray Lay describes the challenges of living with schizoaffective disorder and his later success in life.


Our values are based on what we do.. not what we SAY. Err..Body Pro this or Pro that.. until things get too serious for our ego's liking!😩

How do you show up to support your loved ones struggling with Mental Health, without shaming them for struggling with mental health obstacles? 🖤


Happy Tuesday, IGU fam bam!

Have you ever felt the urge to explain your side of the story to make sure the world sees and understands you? You know. HEAR. YOU. OUT?🗣 About how much you were honestly mistreated and such?🤬🥹

If so, you’re not alone! Yes, it's human of “us” to seek validation, but we know that our overall goal is to reach a place “INSIDE” where your peace doesn't need an audience or validation cause your healing isn't hinged on others' approval of you to exist or HEAL in this world.

A reminder. If you keep pushing forward, acknowledging your feelings, even if uncomfortable, SIT IN THEM( the neg emotions). Explore them with curiosity.

Don't try to eat, drink, watch, or s*x the negative feelings away. That's all mentally/emotionally numbing. Sitting with our feelings is 🔑.

This will help you develop greater discernment-recognizing who truly deserves a seat at your table and who needs an eviction notice. It's not about closing doors or being mean, aka passive aggressive to anyone; it's about choosing what and who you entertain in your life.

Understanding that you DON'T have to accept every circus act ticket offered to you🤡

Until then? While you’re working to release the need to TELL YOUR SIDE, continue to protect your space, nurture your growth, and let your actions speak volumes.

Remember, you're not alone in this. We've all been there, some of us are STILL there, and some of us are all growing through what we go through. 🌿💪🏾

If the road gets too rocky, remember, our team at I GOT U is here, just a message away. Keep healing, keep growing, and trust that the best versions of YOU are still under construction. 🏗️❤️‍🩹

Drop a 💙 if you're embracing your growth today without needing a spotlight.


Bow Wow Reveals Being Addicted to Lean and How He Collapsed and Was Hospitalized. 02/15/2024

" Bow Wow further explained that any little thing would set him off and that his addiction got so bad he was consuming lean wherever he went. According to the 36-year-old, Lil Wayne would give him a "baby bottle" full of lean just to help get his fix."

Don't let the highs and lows of addiction recovery get you down.
Our team is here to be your biggest supporter. The road to sobriety may not be easy, but we'll be with you every step of the way to listen and encourage you. Reach out today~

Bow Wow Reveals Being Addicted to Lean and How He Collapsed and Was Hospitalized. Bow Wow reveals being addicted to lean while working on and promoting joint album with Omarion.

Bow Wow Opens Up About Struggling With His Lean Addiction and Being Hospitalized 02/15/2024

"The rapper's addiction got so bad that Lil Wayne gave him baby bottles of lean to get a quick fix."

The rapper advised his fans to stay away from the drug and, if they're already taking it, to stop immediately.

"To the youth- Stop with these dumb ass drugs. Im going to let something out. When me and Omarion worked on FACE OFF album. I was high off lean every day," he said. "When y'all saw me on BET going off on Torae, I was high off lean. My attitude everything changed."

He added, "Kick that s**t! Be a good son or daughter. Be the best you. I'm a start being more vocal. We gotta save the youth from going out early. DRUG-FREE IS THE WAY TO BE! smarten up tighten up out here. We can't lose no more of you. Not one! I love all y'all."

Don't let the highs and lows of addiction recovery get you down.
Our team is here to be your biggest supporter. The road to sobriety may not be easy, but we'll be with you every step of the way to listen and encourage you. Reach out today~

Bow Wow Opens Up About Struggling With His Lean Addiction and Being Hospitalized The rapper's addiction got so bad that Lil Wayne gave him baby bottles of lean to get a quick fix.


Love might just be the freedom to be flawed, strange, and free—all while holding space for others to join us in that freedom 💯🫶🏾❤️‍🩹😊💙.

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Ever heard of #bedrotting? It's all about spending your days in bed, whether you're binge-watching shows, scrolling thro...
** Exciting news**                         We have added another insurance provider🙌🏾.                                We...
Let’s chat about Codependency🧐💯
🥳 **Exciting News!** 🥳We’re accepting new patients at I Got U! If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just need som...
Great convo with host @realrclark about depression. You shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. If you need help or are fee...
How many can relate? 🤣
Did you know BPD comes with its positive traits too? 🌟


9431 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm

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