Amare Aesthetics

Dermatological resource, integrative wellness and
Advanced Restorative Skin Health



The left picture was her baseline, the top right picture was taken two months after treatment, and the bottom right picture shows her condition six months without treatment, still maintaining.

Rosacea comes with a range of signs and symptoms, grouped into four main subtypes to help guide treatment:

•Subtype 1: Vascular Rosacea
Sensitivity, flushing, and redness. Sometimes, broken blood vessels are visible.
•Subtype 2: Inflammatory Rosacea
Facial redness with red bumps (papules) and pus-filled spots (pimples). Often mistaken for acne.
•Subtype 3: Phymatous Rosacea
The skin thickens and may become bumpy, especially on the nose.
•Subtype 4: Ocular Rosacea
Inflammation of the eyes and eyelids (blepharitis), sometimes with no noticeable skin symptoms.

It’s important to understand that people often experience a mix of these symptoms, and they can change over time. The exact cause of rosacea is still debated, but here are some potential factors:

•Environment and Emotional Stress
Sun, cold weather, wind, humidity and any extreme weather can trigger flares, followed closely by emotional stress.

•Food Sensitivities
Common triggers include cinnamaldehyde-containing foods (e.g., tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate), alcohol, spicy foods, hot drinks, and histamine-rich foods like aged cheese and processed meats.

•Inflammatory and Immune Responses
It has been shown that people with rosacea have higher levels of a peptide called cathelicidin, which may cause an exaggerated immune response.

•Skin Microbiome
An overgrowth of skin microorganisms, particularly Demodex mites, can play a role. They love sebum and their byproduct creates inflammation.

•Impaired Digestive Health
The gut microbiome’s balance is thought to affect skin health, linking gut and skin conditions.

My focus was to identify and manage controllable factors, staying diligent with a personalized skincare and supplement routine, and equipping her with the tools to stay clear over the long term.✨😎 questions? comments? Leave below👇🏿



Well… chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for the vibrant color of plants, is responsible for photosynthesis by converting sunlight into energy. It can be found in green vegetables and fruits.

There’s an ongoing debate about the actual benefits of chlorophyll for our health. While research highlights its potential antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying properties, it’s important to recognize that chlorophyll is not a cure-all. It offers various health benefits, but it’s just one component of a balanced diet that contributes to overall well-being. Let's talk about potential health benefits:

🌻Antioxidant Properties:
Chlorophyll can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, potentially reducing the risk of cellular damage.

🌻Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
Chlorophyll can help reduce inflammation, which is beneficial for inflammatory conditions.

Chlorophyll helps in detoxifying the body by binding to and removing harmful chemicals and heavy metals. Research also supports its ability to act as an internal deodorizer. Iykyk

All of these benefits translate to the skin!

Before jumping to supplements, I always recommend real food first! How can you maximize your chlorophyll intake?

•Eat Green: Incorporate green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and green beans into your diet. These foods are rich in chlorophyll and other beneficial nutrients.
•Avoid Food Waste: Leafy parts of vegetables that are often discarded, like broccoli leaves, are rich in chlorophyll. Using these parts can enhance your diet and reduce waste.
•Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to support the detoxification process and overall health.

Questions or comments?? Leave below!👇🏿Have you tried chlorophyll before?

Photos from Amare Aesthetics's post 07/16/2024

Tired of dealing with those irritating bumps after shaving or waxing? I highly recommend laser hair removal, which can even help treat pseudofolliculitis barbae! Swipe through 👉🏿to learn more about the causes of ingrown hairs, why they can be completely normal in some cases, and how you can minimize them. Don’t forget to follow for more skincare tips and advice. & if you’re struggling with persistent ingrown hairs, reserve a session for customized treatment✨



As a practitioner, I see patients struggling with acne related to dietary supplements all the time. When I suggest alternatives or recommend stopping certain supplements to identify triggers, it can sometimes create a sense of disconnect. Patients often have strong beliefs in the benefits of their supplements, but it’s important to understand that these products can sometimes do more harm than good.

Many people are surprised to learn that certain dietary supplements can exacerbate or worsen acne. While we often take supplements to improve our health, some ingredients in these products can trigger skin issues. For instance, vitamins B6 and B12, iodine, whey protein, and even some “muscle-building” supplements can lead to acne outbreaks.

Vitamin B6 and B12:
•Commonly taken for energy and general health.
•High doses can result in acne-like eruptions on the face and other body parts.
•These vitamins may alter the skin’s microbiome or increase acne-causing bacteria.

Iodine (biggest culprit):
•Found in vitamin and mineral supplements, hair supplements (yes nutrafol), as well as kelp supplements.
•Can cause inflammatory pustules on the face and upper body.
•The iodine content in dairy may also contribute to acne.

Whey Protein:
•Popular among those who workout and athletes.
•Increases levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), promoting acne development by stimulating skin cell growth and oil production.

Muscle-Building Supplements:
•Sometimes contaminated with anabolic-androgenic steroids.
•These steroids increase skin oil production and alter skin lipids, leading to severe acne.

✨Key Takeaways✨
•Understand the nutritional facts on supplement bottles.
•Be aware of the recommended daily allotment of nutrients like iodineto avoid exceeding it, as iodine is also found naturally in foods.
•Check if your supplements are third-party tested for quality.
•Opt for grass-fed whey if you enjoy whey products.
•Be mindful of iodine intake, especially if you are focused on hair growth. I’ve seen people ruin their progress starting random hair growth or multivitamins mid treatment. Keep your practitioner in the know.




Continuing from yesterday’s topic, I’d like to highlight the incredible impact that understanding and managing our hormones can have on our overall health and well-being. While I won’t delve into specific patient cases, I want to share a general success story that exemplifies the transformative power of honing in on the body youre in, understanding hormones, and making the changes necessary with professional support.

One of my patients, a truly inspiring lady, has made amazing strides in her journey with me. She is in the maintenance phase of her treatment, focusing on sustaining the progress she has made. Her commitment to periodic check in sessions, new lifestyle and skin care routine has been the cornerstone in maintaining her skin health. An ongoing collaboration allows us to address any new concerns quickly and adjust as needed.

I think one of the most beautiful gifts my patients give me is coming back time and time again, and sharing what they’ve learned and applied from our sessions. It’s incredibly rewarding to see them embracing new principles to better themselves and improve their overall health.✨love this for her and I appreciate the loyalty🙏🏿

Photos from Amare Aesthetics's post 07/01/2024

Did you know that hard water can have a significant impact on your skin? Conditions like eczema, a chronic medical condition, can be exacerbated by hard water, leading to persistent dryness, irritation, or even dermatitis.

Have you ever noticed your skin acting up after moving to a new area or traveling? Sometimes, my patients experience unexpected skin issues when they change locations, and hard water is often the culprit. Swipe through to learn more about how hard water affects your skin and discover practical tips to protect your skin’s natural barrier. Share your experiences and let’s discuss what has helped! Comment below 👇🏿


Tea extracts, particularly from Camellia sinensis, which includes green, black, and white tea, are becoming increasingly popular or buzzwords in skincare products. Known for their rich composition of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and other bioactive molecules, these ingredients can offer many benefits for skin health and overall appearance. But its use is rooted in centuries-old tradition and its ability to provide safe, effective results without harming the skin.

Key Benefits of Tea in Skincare

🍵Antioxidant Properties
•Tea extracts are in polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. These compounds protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can accelerate cellular aging and lead to various skin issues. It also helps to protect the integrity of your collagen and elastin, essential proteins for maintaining skin structure and elasticity.

🍵Anti-inflammatory Effects
•The anti-inflammatory properties of tea has been said to help reduce skin inflammation and irritation. By soothing irritated skin and reducing redness.

🍵Photoprotective Benefits
•Tea extracts have been known to supportthe harmful impact of UV radiation. Minimizing the impact of things like sunburn, protecting skin cells from UV-induced DNA damage, and may enhance the skin’s resilience to sun exposure

🍵Collagen quality
•Some tea extracts have the ability to inhibit enzymes like collagenase and elastase, which break down collagen and elastin in the skin. This inhibition helps to maintain skin firmness and elasticity.

🍵Skin Health
•Overall it can help support skin moisture levels and improve skin smoothness.

🍵Improved Microcirculation
•Tea polyphenols enhance blood flow in the skin, promoting better oxygen and nutrient delivery to skin cells. Improved microcirculation results in a healthier complexion and can aid in the healing of skin damage.

The good news is that many skincare products already include tea extracts (I love green tea) in their formulas, so you don’t always need to shop by individual ingredients. My recommendation is to look for products that state they can soothe and calm the skin. Questions? Comment below👇🏿✨


Acne is a highly personal journey, no two cases are exactly alike, making the path to clear skin a deeply personal and transformative process. It requires a willingness to be open, to try new methods, and to fully commit by a trusted professional.

One of my clients, placed her confidence in my expertise and adhered to the plan we created together with 110% dedication. By getting to the root of her acne issues and addressing them , we saw beautiful improvements. Using advanced treatments like combined with a personalized routine, we were able to achieve the results she desired. Clear skin! When it comes to acne, you have to stay clear….so if you think reverting back to no cleanser or serums after your results is the way to go, you are sadly mistaken. Just as you get fit and build muscle to be healthier, doesn’t mean you stop once you achieve the results.

I get it, a new acne routine can be daunting, but with the right approach, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Here are five tips for starting:

1. Be Patient & Persistent: Acne treatments take time. It’s important to be patient and persistent, understanding that true results come with consistent effort over weeks and even months.
2. Communicate Openly with Your Practitioner: Keep an open line of communication with your skincare professional. Share your experiences, concerns, and any side effects you may encounter. This helps in adjusting the treatment plan to better suit your needs.
3. Follow the Routine Religiously: My pet peeve is duping all my recommendations. You’re going to get your feelings hurt and blame me when the results don’t come. Stick to the prescribed routine without skipping steps. Consistency is key in seeing progress. Make it a part of your daily ritual, just like brushing your teeth.
4. Be Gentle with Your Skin: Avoid being too aggressive or picking at your skin.
5. Stay Positive and Trust the Process: Maintaining a positive mindset and trusting the process is key. Believe in the treatment plan and your practitioner’s expertise. Positive reinforcement can significantly impact your overall experience and results. You got this!



Did you know that improperly stored skincare products can lose their effectiveness or even cause irritation? When clients tell me they have a serum that I gave them over two years ago, I cringe inside ..yes I'm judging you girl! Best case scenario the efficacy is lost and worst case scenario rancidity and oxidative damage tears tour skin up! To ensure you get the most out of your skincare routine, it’s essential to consider the shelf life and proper storage of your products. Here are some key tips:

Shelf Life Tips

•Check Expiration Dates: Always check for expiration dates before purchasing and using skincare products. Some products past their expiration date can lose effectiveness or cause irritation. Some things you can get away with but products like SPF, ditch
•Storage Conditions: Store products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat to extend their shelf life.
•Use Consistently: Once opened, use products consistently to avoid them sitting around and potentially expiring before you finish them. Rotating per season isn't a big deal tho.
•Signs of Degradation: Be aware of changes in color, texture, or smell, which can indicate that a product has gone bad and should be discarded.
•Labeling: Consider labeling products with the date they were opened to keep track of how long they have been in use. This is especially important for products with a short shelf life (some actives).

Specific Ingredient Considerations

•Vitamin C: Vitamin C serums are particularly prone to oxidation. Look for products with stabilizing ingredients and store them in the fridge to prolong their potency. Or dark areas.
•Actives: Retinol and HQ can degrade with light and air exposure. Products in airtight, opaque packaging help maintain their effectiveness. Say no to jars for potent actives.
•Preservatives: Products with natural ingredients or without preservatives often have shorter shelf lives girlfriend. Use these products quickly and store them properly to prevent microbial growth.

Questions? Comment below ✨

Photos from Amare Aesthetics's post 06/17/2024

If you didn’t know, I love to take an integrative approach to skin. One of my favorite OG ingredients is Mānuka honey. People underestimate the medicinal benefits and how transformative it can be for both the body and skin! Mānuka honey is packed with nutrients like amino acids, B vitamins, and essential minerals, making it a true powerhouse for your health. Its antimicrobial and wound-healing properties are unmatched, helping to maintain a healthy bacterial balance and promote natural healing.

Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties further support skin health and overall well-being. For skincare, Mānuka honey is perfect for home treatments—just apply it as a mask for 15 to 30 minutes, and for those with very dry or dehydrated skin, use it with steam for an extra boost of hydration.

Swipe through to learn more about this incredible honey and how it can benefit you! Have you tried it before?


Some hard truths about skincare:

1. Skin transformations aren’t an overnight success: Real, lasting improvements in your skin take time and consistent effort. Patience is key.

2. The body is more interconnected than you can imagine when it comes to the skin: Your skin reflects your overall health. Factors like your metabolic health, play a significant role in your skin’s appearance.

3. Treating a symptom will get you results but they won’t last: Addressing only the surface symptoms of skin issues without understanding and treating the underlying causes will lead to temporary improvements at best.

4. Investing in higher caliber treatments (laser, peels)but then deviating from your aftercare and expecting to maintain with substitutes is a recipe for disappointment.

5. There is a great amount of misinformation surrounding skincare on the internet. Not all information is accurate or suitable for your skin type and condition.

6. There are physiological differences amongst ethnic groups when it comes to the skin, and may require tailored treatments.

7. Moderate to severe pigment doesn’t go away with over-the-counter products. Don’t be misled by false claims. More than likely its black market or illegal ingredients.

8. You can get acne later in life: Acne isn’t just a teenage problem. Many adults experience breakouts due to various factors, including hormonal changes some foods, and stress.

9. America is very consumer-driven when it comes to skin health: The skincare industry often promotes the idea that more products equal better skin. In reality, a simple, consistent routine can be more effective and sustainable.

I hope you learn something on this page✨



A beautiful outcome with strategic placement. A little lift and a little centering ✨



As women enter perimenopause and menopause, the decline in estrogen levels leads to noticeable changes in the skin. These changes can vary among different ethnicities but generally share some common characteristics.

Estrogen deficiency during menopause affects the skin in many ways:

•Increased Dryness and Itching: The skin becomes drier and more prone to itching.
•More Wrinkles: The loss of collagen and elasticity leads to more pronounced wrinkles.
•Thinning Skin: The skin becomes thinner and more fragile.
•Slower Wound Healing: Healing processes slow down, making it harder for wounds to heal.
•Decreased Skin Health and Attractiveness: The overall health and appearance of the skin decline.
•Reduced Skin Barrier Function: The skin’s ability to protect against external elements weakens.
•Decreased Antioxidant Capacity and Defense Against Oxidative Stress: The skin becomes less capable of defending against oxidative damage.
•Melanocyte Dysfunction

Melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin (the pigment that gives color to skin, hair, and eyes), become less active. This reduction in melanin production can cause several visible changes:
🌷Lighter Skin Tone:
🌷Graying Hair
🌷Increased Sensitivity to The Sun
🌷Age Spots or Liver Spots

For women with darker skin, these changes might manifest as the normal signs of aging and persistent pigmentation issues. Understanding these changes can help in better managing your skin care during and after menopause, setting you up for success (no one product or treatment is going to save you) and ensuring that you can address these effects to maintain healthier life and skin.

Photos from Amare Aesthetics's post 06/02/2024


Whether you’re looking to address a chin that’s set back, square, short, or has a double chin, chin fillers can help create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial profile. Lets talk how chin fillers work and what to expect:

Evaluating and Planning

A thorough evaluation is essential to assess the overall contour and proportions of your face, especially in relation to the upper and midface. One method injectors use to evaluate your profile is the Ricketts Aesthetic Line (SWIPE LEFT), which checks if the chin aligns with the rest of the facial features. However, it’s based on a Caucasian aesthetic and do not necessarily represent aesthetic balance in other patients like African descent.

It’s important to acknowledge that each person has a distinctive ethnic facial structure, with variations even within the same ethnic group, and I consider the effects of aging AND jaw development. I tailor the treatment to enhance your natural beauty rather than conform to a generalized or westernized ideal. In this case, this patient wanted better anterior (frontal view) support. I assessed her profile from all angles, considering that no one is one-dimensional, and voilà! Peep the jaw too!

Why Consider Chin Fillers?

Chin fillers can be used to enhance a retruded chin by improving the projection of a chin that appears to be set back. It can also shape a square or short chin, creating a more refined and elongated appearance. Or the opposite for masculinization. Additionally, chin fillers can address a double chin (though it has limitations) by providing definition and reducing its appearance. For those seeking a more pointed chin, fillers can help achieve the popular “V-line” look.

By taking into account your unique ethnic features and personal goals, chin fillers can help you achieve a look that is both beautiful and true to your heritage.



I’ve seen countless patients and can often tell a lot about your skin’s condition just by looking. Did you know studies have shown oral birth control pills can deplete essential vitamins and minerals, impacting your skin and overall health?

Commonly depleted nutrients include:
• Folic Acid
• Vitamins B2, B6, B12, C, and E
• Magnesium
• Selenium
• Zinc
• Copper
• Co-enzyme Q10
• Beta-Carotene

These vitamins and minerals are vital for:
• Collagen synthesis
• Skin elasticity and firmness
• Reducing inflammation
• Maintaining a healthy moisture barrier
• Supporting immune function and overall cell health

To minimize these effects:
🔑Eat a nutrient-rich diet with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
🔑Consider a high-quality multivitamin or prenatal supplement (consult your healthcare pro with relevant experience!).
🔑Boost gut health with probiotics and fermented foods like yogurt and kombucha.

Remember, this is a process. Consistency is key, and professional treatments can complement your routine. Always wear SPF to protect your skin! For an extensive expansion on this topic, check out my recent blog post. Questions? Comments? ✨



Your skin is an amazing barrier that protects you from the outside world. Not only does it guard against water loss and infections, but it also plays a big role in how you look, Here’s a quick breakdown:

Intrinsic Aging (Natural Aging):
•What it is: This is the aging that happens naturally over time, starting from birth. It’s mostly due to your genetics and internal body processes. Think of it as the “built-in” aging clock that everyone has.
•Signs: Thin, dry skin, fine wrinkles, and gradual thinning of the dermis (the layer of skin beneath the surface).

Extrinsic Aging (Environmental Aging):
•This type of aging is caused by external factors and lifestyle choices. This includes sun exposure (photoaging), air pollution, smoking, and poor nutrition. Among these, sun exposure is the biggest factor, causing about 80% of visible facial aging.
•Signs: Coarse wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, sagging, and a rough skin texture.

How Intrinsic Aging Affects Your Skin
•Basal Cell Layer Changes: As you age, the cells in the basal layer of your skin (the deepest part of the epidermis) don’t multiply as quickly. This makes your skin thinner and less able to absorb nutrients.
•Less Collagen & Elastin: The proteins that keep your skin firm and elastic decrease, making your skin sag and wrinkle.
•Dryness: Your skin loses its ability to hold onto moisture, leading to dryness and a dull appearance.

How Extrinsic Aging Affects Your Skin
•Sun Damage: UV radiation from the sun thickens the outer layer of your skin and breaks down collagen, leading to wrinkles, spots, and an uneven skin tone.
•Smoking & Pollution: These introduce harmful chemicals into your body, which can accelerate aging by damaging skin cells, cellular DNA, and reducing blood flow to the skin.
•Diet: Poor nutrition can deprive your skin of essential vitamins and minerals, making it more prone to aging.

What You Can Do?
Always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage. Avoid smoking, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated. Use products that promote hydration and collagen production.



Our skin acts as a barrier against external threats like bacteria, UV radiation, chemicals, and physical contact. Anything that weakens this barrier can cause skin problems, and hard water is a common culprit. Hard water often comes from water filtering through underground limestone, gypsum, or chalk, making it common in certain areas.

When hard water is used, it leaves deposits of minerals like calcium and magnesium on the skin. These minerals interact with soap and detergent ingredients, making them difficult to rinse off completely. This residue can lead to skin irritation and dryness by increasing water loss from the skin. Studies have also shown a higher prevalence of eczema in areas with hard water.

Constant Exposure to Hard Water

Hard water’s high calcium and magnesium content affects soap by creating a residue that is hard to rinse away, often referred to as “soap scum.” It can change the skin’s pH, making it more prone to infections and skin conditions.

Eczema, a chronic inflammatory condition, can be worsened by hard water. Those with eczema may experience more severe symptoms due to the harsh effects of hard water. Sensitivity to hard water may also be linked to genetic factors and immune system issues too.

When we break it down further to understand the skin barrier, which is the outermost layer of the skin, this is a key component in keeping harmful substances out and retaining moisture. Damage to this barrier from hard water exposure can lead to dry, irritated skin and more.

What Can You Do?

Consult a dermatologist if you truly are running into issues related to hard water. Moisturize after you shower! While the effectiveness of water softeners or filters is debated, many people find them helpful. Other things that can be helpful include a gentle cleanser, avoid excessively hot showers, moisturize and rinse well! Questions?



Chemical peels can elevate your skincare results to the next level by deeply rejuvenating your skin and addressing various concerns such as fine lines, acne scars, and uneven texture.

The skin is a complex structure with three main layers: the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis, your outermost layer, contains more keratin, a protein that provides protection and helps the skin renew itself every 27 - 45 days. The dermis, beneath the epidermis, is richer in water due to the presence of blood, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and lymph. It contains proteins like collagen and elastin, which provide structural support and elasticity, and GAGs such as hyaluronic acid, which retain water and keep the skin hydrated.

Chemical peels interact primarily with the epidermis and sometimes the upper dermis, depending on their strength. The acidic environment of the epidermis, with a pH range of 4.2 to 5.6, helps protect the skin from bacteria and fungi. So peels adjust this pH temporarily, allowing acids to pe*****te and break down the bonds between dead skin cells, to help in their removal. This process allows for fresher, more radiant skin and stimulates the production of new cells and collagen. And as you can see, pushes off superficial pigment with ease.

By targeting specific layers and components of the skin, chemical peels significantly improve skin texture, acne, structure, tone, and overall appearance.

How Can You Maximize Your Chemical Peel Results At Home?

•✔️Prep: Use actives like retinol, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) in the weeks leading up to your peel to loosen dead skin cells and enhance exfoliation.
•💦Hydration: Keep your skin well-hydrated to maintain its natural barrier function and reduce potential irritation from the peel. Prepare for the dryness from peeling…sometimes oral omega fatty acids use can be beneficial.
•☀️Sun Protection: Protect your skin from sun exposure before and after the peel to prevent sensitivity and damage.



When we talk about antioxidants and your skin health, it’s important to understand that oxidative stress can seriously harm your skin, potentially leading to inflammation and conditions like acne or eczema. But what’s interesting is that oxidative stress isn’t just a random thing… it can be triggered by various factors including your diet, lifestyle, environmental pollutants, and even stress. This means the choices you make every day, such as what you eat, whether you smoke, your exposure to pollution, and how you manage stress, can all influence the level of oxidative stress in your body.

Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance between the production of free radicals, reactive molecules that can breakdown and damage healthy cells, and the body’s ability to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects with antioxidants. This imbalance leads to inflammation, cellular aging, and various diseases, including those affecting your skin.

How do antioxidants support this process? They act like your body’s cleanup crew, helping to clear up or repair the ‘pollution’ caused by oxidative stress, & reducing damage and keeping you healthy. Antioxidants are found in many foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables like berries, tomatoes, and greens, as well as nuts, seeds, and green tea. Regular intake of these foods can help minimize skin inflammation by neutralizing harmful molecules in your body. This not only protects your skin but also supports your gut health and other organs…a crucial link since your gut health is connected to the condition of your skin!🌈

The concept of integrative health is not just about treating skin conditions from the outside but also nourishing your body from the inside. Think of it as ensuring that your skin’s ‘ecosystem’ has the best defenses and the best maintenance crew working around the clock.

So, for glowing, healthy skin, consider adding a rainbow of vegetables or fruits to your diet, sip on some green tea, and increase more whole foods. Maybe it’s time to put those hot Cheetos on pause🤣…just for a bit! (They cause anxiety🤫)

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9327 Fairway View Place
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 9:30am - 4pm

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