

Hi welcome! I am a Natural Mystic and Clairvoyant. I read Angel and Ancestor Oracle, Moon, Karma, Chakra, and Past Life cards.

I am a Spiritual Coach and Reiki Healer. I was certified for coaching in 2022 and Reiki in 2019.


🦁🫀🌻✨LEO SEASON✨♌️👁🦁

The Sun leaves watery Cancer for some fun and enters Leo on July 22nd. Welcome this new fresh energy with open arms; we all could use this kind of energy right now!

When the Sun is in Leo we may be more optimistic, outgoing, and playful. We may want to shine our light for all to see and sit proudly on the throne of our lives. This is a time when we really enjoy ourselves and express our authenticity openly without fear of what others may think of us.

The Lion is the animal for Leo. It symbolizes being brave, dominating, and yet very patient. There is a sense of grace and pride about lions that we can learn from. Instead of acting on impulse, we sit patiently waiting for just the right moment to make our move, making calculated risks.

Keywords: I will. Leo is a masculine fire sign. This energy is bold, passionate, and creative. Do what you love to do and don’t feel guilty about it. Embody the strength of Leo and you will automatically invite much needed pleasure back into your life.

Things to consider:
We may tend to be a bit more self-absorbed and vain under Leo’s influence. Leo just loves drama and being the center of attention. So one major lesson to learn would be to remember to be kind, open hearted, and project our beautiful light upon others in hopes to inspire them to do the same.

Leo Sun Affirmation:
I tap into my heart space & align. As I draw strength from within, my powers emanate. I will manifest my greatest dreams.

Wishing you a beautiful Leo Season💛
shared via Moon and Cactus🦁♌🔥


Chiron retrograde 7/19 – 12/23

Chiron helps you see how your unique gifts fit into the world. 🫶

Better yet, he helps you realize your unique gifts stand out and shows you how to bring them into the world – if you’re brave enough.

Chiron retrograde in Aries is about your identity, uniqueness and ability to live in the world. 🌎

He’s always a healer.

Which means:

🌟 You have the opportunity for great healing right now.
🌟 This is the time to observe old wounds and release your ties to them.
🌟 Take time to reevaluate your relationship with yourself and others to understand your past and give way to your future.

Photos from Crystal_Moon_Mystic's post 07/19/2022

Magic is the art of directing and controlling energy.

Once you understand this, it's quite fun!


Let me know if it resonates with you 🫶

The time is right to seek new opportunities. It's time to plant the seed. But think it through.
Surrender and lean into faith then peace becomes real.
You are in the midst of transformation.
Connecting to the Earth
Deep breathing
Clearing your energy field
Practicing gratitude
Attuning to the divine spirit
Detoxify in all areas of your life know your worth find your balance talk less feel more but most of all love yourself
Your Crystal is Amethyst💎🔮


Channeling involves consciously shifting your mind and mental space in order to achieve an expanded state of consciousness.

In conscious channeling or a light trace, the individual has partial or full awareness of what's going on in their environment, as well as what comes from within. When I'm partially aware, It's like what it feels like when I am dreaming. Sometimes, I forget what I said, or I can have a foggy memory of what was received after I'm done channeling.

This is a widespread type of channeling, the medium is either fully conscious or in a mildly meditative state. She/He gains the attention of the "mind's ear" by quieting oneself and listening within. You are able to hear a voice or a language transmission seemingly coming to you from within. It's best to just repeat what you hear, and pass it on.

When the voice is strong, it can feel like it comes from the center of the head. When it is weaker, it can feel like a telepathic thread of soundless words within the mind with a vibrational form of recognition. A great many channel's operate in this manner. In channeling this way, it can be more difficult to decipher between material originating from one's self or from an outside source. It can feel like it comes from "out of the blue" or out of nowhere. But, with experience and practice, it gets much easier.

They often report receiving information in the form of imagery seen with the mind's eye. The information is believed to come from outside her/him. These images can be like 2 dimensional photos, 3 dimensional holograms, or a moving sequence- like a movie. Such imagery can be concrete objects, life events, patterns of energy, or light patterns.
Like a clairaudent, the clairvoyant can usually tell what's coming from her/his on mind or what's coming from another source. You must sense within what is of self and what is not.

An ability to channel thoughts, images, feelings, and information from someone besides yourself, and other than fellow embodied minds or from physical reality. What "comes to mind" comes from a larger realm other than One's self and One's own personal experiences. Various people feel it's tapping into the Universal Consciousness, our Guides, or even omniscience of God, and God's light.

Physical or objective, as opposed to mental or subjective, channeling is defined as the human ability to channel unknown energies that affect the physical environment in ways that can be directly experienced by persons other than the channel. Examples include materialization, dematerialization, Apportation, levitation, teleportation, table tilting, knocking, and the imprinting on photos or film.

Many times the Channel will go outside of their body and have no recognition of what is being said or done.


Take note up until June 27th

See a rare alignment of all the planets in the night sky.

The celestial show will be the last time the five brightest planets cluster in the sky until 2040.
A grand celestial reunion is due in Earth’s skies throughout June. Sky-watchers will get a rare chance to see all the major planets in our solar system bunched together—with the moon joining the festivities, too.

This rare alignment includes the five planets easily spotted with the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each is bright enough to be seen even in light-polluted city skies, with brilliant Venus being the brightest and Mercury the faintest. Our closest planets will appear to be arranged across the sky in the same order as their distance from the sun.

Astronomers call these planetary close encounters conjunctions. Having two or three planets huddled together is not all that rare, but the last time we saw a conjunction the five brightest planets was in December 2004.

The more distant Uranus and Neptune will also cluster in the same area, though the two ice giants will be more challenging to spot, requiring the use of binoculars. Scan between Venus and Mars to find green-tinged Uranus, and blue Neptune can be found between Jupiter and Saturn in the sky.

This planetary alignment can be glimpsed by the vast majority of the world’s population, but some will be better positioned than others. For those in the northern latitudes, above cities like New York and London, the planet closest to the sun, Mercury, will be near the horizon and may be washed out by the glare of dawn. In these regions, the other planets will also hug the eastern horizon, making it a bit of a challenge to easily see all the planets.

As the month progresses, however, Mercury will appear higher in the sky, making it easier to spot. For observers even farther north, like those across Scandinavia and in northern Alaska where the sun never sets at this time of the year, the planets won’t be visible at all.

The best views will be centered around the tropics and in the Southern Hemisphere, where the planets will rise higher in the predawn sky.

Happy Sky Gazing!🌌🪐💫🛸


Today is the Summer Solstice also known as Litha. It is the longest day of the year, it won't get dark until very late into the night, there will be at least 16/17 hours of daylight. Litha means a stopping or standing still of the sun, in Latin Solstice means 'Sun Still' it is one of the 8 Pagan solar holidays throughout the year called a Sabbat. This may be the longest day of the year but after today the days will start to get shorter and nights longer.

This is a day of celebrations, the Goddess is heavily pregnant with the harvest to come. The Lord of light The Oak King is at the height of his power. But this is also a day of sadness because today the Sun God The Oak King (God of the waxing Sun) battles with the Lord Of Darkness (God of the waning Sun) The Holly King and the Holly King will win and start to take over the skies. After today the Sun slowly starts to lose its strength, the days will get shorter and the nights longer, as we look to Autumn and Winter. The Oak King (The Lord Of Light) is born on Yule (the Winter Solstice) and he shines so brightly for 6 months of the year but this weakens him. The Holly King (The Lord Of Darkness) lays in wait until Litha for the Oak King to use his last ounce of strength to make sure the earth has enough power for the harvest to come. The Oak King (The Lord Of Light) will slowly descends into the underworld his journey will not be complete until Samhain (Halloween) When the Holly King (The Lord Of Darkness) will take over the skies.

In ancient times, the Summer Solstice was a fire festival of great importance when the burning of balefires ritually strengthened the sun and would ensure a good harvest. It was often marked with torchlight processions, by flaming tar barrels or by wheels bound with straw which were set alight and rolled down steep hillsides. The Norse especially loved lengthy processions and would gather together their animals, families and light torches and parade through the towns and villages blessing people with prosperity and fertility.

The use of fires, as well as providing magical aid to the sun, were also used to drive out evil and to bring fertility and prosperity to men, crops and herds. Blazing gorse or furze was carried around cattle to prevent disease and misfortune, while people would dance around the balefires or leap through the flames as a purifying or strengthening rite. The Celts would light fires all over their lands from sunset the night before Midsummer until sunset the next day. Around these flames the festivities would take place.

Litha is a time of light, purification and of healing. It's a time to reflect on the light and dark that are both within each of us and within the world around us. It is a time to appreciate everything we have in our lives and to give thanks for it, to appreciate nature and all that it gives us.

Pick some flowers and put them on your altar to honour the season and to offer them to the Sun God and the Goddess and thank them for their sacrifices. Oak leaves and branches will honour the Oak King. Adorn your altar with fruit and anything gold, yellow or shiny to honour the Sun. Build a bonfire or a small fire or light a candle. A fire lit on Litha is said to be very powerful and magical.

"Write down your hopes and dreams and burn them in the fire, to do this on Litha night will bring you your desire"

This is the height of summer it is one of the most celebratory days of the year, enjoy it, have family round for dinner, invite friends and party, go for long walks and appreciate the beauty of the Summer and nature, dance and be merry.

Have a Blessed Summer Solstice. May the God and Goddess watch over you.

Photos from Crystal_Moon_Mystic's post 06/21/2022

21st June : Solstice

Today is the June Solstice.
It is a moment of "standing still" and reflecting on the journey that you have taken in this cycle.
And preparing yourself to move forward into the next cycle.
Who Are You right now?
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to create?
Are you in Balance?
Are you receiving and transmitting the radiant Diamond Light that is so intense right now?
Allow yourself to relax and make the choices that will take you into a new cycle of Creativity, Inner Peace and Simple Joy!
It is almost time to begin a new chapter in the Book of Love!
Have a Beautiful Day on this Solstice Day!

Photos from Crystal_Moon_Mystic's post 06/19/2022

By the end of June, we’ll see five Moon-planet conjunctions:

🌖 The first planet to meet the Moon was Saturn. On June 18, at 12:22 GMT, they were 4°16' apart. The distance too wide to fit in a telescope’s field of view, but you might use binoculars or observe them with the naked eye. Saturn will shine at a magnitude of 0.5, and the lunar disk will be 72% illuminated. Both in the constellation Capricornus.

🌗 On June 21, at 13:31 GMT, the last-quarter Moon will pass 2°44' from Jupiter (magnitude -2.4). They will meet in the constellation Pisces where you can also spot Mars (magnitude 0.8). The planets will shine bright enough to be observed with the naked eye.

🌘 On June 22, at 18:16 GMT, the conjunction of the waning crescent Moon and Mars (magnitude 0.5) will occur. They will meet in the constellation Pisces at 1° from each other. Jupiter (magnitude -2.2) will be nearby and add up to the scene.

🌘 On June 26, at 08:11 GMT, Venus (magnitude -3.9) and the barely visible Moon crescent will appear close. The distance between them will be 2°41'. They can be found in the constellation Ta**us. The Moon and Venus will rise shortly before the Sun – you'll have, at most, two hours for observation. Spot them in the northeast, near the skyline.

🌑 On June 27, at 08:20 GMT, the Moon will meet Mercury. Mercury will have a magnitude of -0.5 but will still be challenging to observe. It rises only an hour before the Sun and doesn't have time to climb high above the horizon. Our natural satellite will be almost invisible – it will reach the New Moon phase the next day.

Follow us so you don’t miss the most spectacular astronomical events!


Remember to smile:
If you are feeling strange symptoms it’s because the cycle of this years summer solstice is upon us in many ways.
The fields are open and emitting high levels of cosmic energy, this has also been accompanied by a full moon, which expands everything to allow anything within that needs letting go of.
The effect it has on the human body in all some ways can be quite dramatic emotionally, mentally, and physically, the imaginations can run wild, as does the intuition.
At theses times use the intelligence to guide you in your way of life and to lay any fears that may arise out of the imagination and vivid dreams that might be more than normal.
Anything physical that you feel that might need a doctor, go and see one so the you can be sure you are ok, do not doctor your self,
This time can be very enlightening and harmonious once you have understood what is happening, always give your self as much time as you need to do anything, keep hydrated, try not to hurry, remember to smile and be in the moment when theses energy are making you feel odd.

These few days before the optimum centre of the solstice field is open are the times when then builds up, it is this, that is producing theses strange feelings.
Once the centre has passed there will be big release of these tensions so that that the flow of light can brings everyone into this new light vibrational frequency with the love that is needed to raise the whole planet.


(Solar Plexus)
Your solar plexus functions as your master antenna for psychic feeling. Numerous nerve networks associated with the autonomic nervous system are located there. They are spread over the abdomen like a latticework of finely tuned wires. The autonomic nervous system not only provides direct access for psychic impressions to the subconscious mind but it also is linked to every major organ and most of the endocrine glands.

You feel things in your gut. It can be as mild as little butterflies or as strong as a huge knot in the pit of your stomach.

▫️Very sensitive to Other people's feelings.
▫️Trust their gut instinct and feelings
▫️Keep work and personal life comfortable,
▫️Give of themselves to others freely,
▫️Are great at sensing subtle signals.
▫️Are great huggers.

▫️Are prone to bring psychically overloaded.
▫️Are prone to pick up other people's feelings,
Positive and Negative.
▫️Can become overly Emotional, and Easily
overwhelmed by feelings and Emotions.
▫️Can have issues with tardiness of meeting
▫️Are very susceptible to being hurt by

▫️Most natural of all the Psychic senses.
▫️Easiest psychic sense to develop.
▫️Best psychic sense for discerning and
identifying subtle energy patterns.
▫️Best Psychic sense for Empathizing with
▫️Best Psychic sense for personal Protection.

▫️Strongest Psychic sense that picks up
Negativity from others.
▫️Hardest sense to turn "on", "off", & shut off.
▫️Psychic sense that makes it difficult to
remain detached.

Photos from Crystal_Moon_Mystic's post 06/15/2022

The shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves.
Most humans go to great lengths to protect their self-image from anything unflattering, negative, or unfamiliar. We hide anything unflattering about ourselves to others and frankly from ourselves too. It’s so much easier to observe another person's shadow before acknowledging any defect in our own.

In my life experiences, seeing the shadow of a different teacher-healer has helped me understand how someone can show gifts in one area of life, while remaining completely unaware of their really poor behavior in other areas. We are all susceptible to this…

By objectively exploring your shadow, it leads to "knowing and being true to yourself", being authentic, energetic, more Intuitive, psychic, and to deeper Spiritual growth.

The shadow is the “dark side” of your personality. It consists mainly of primitive, negative human emotions and impulses like rage, envy, greed, selfishness, desire, ego, and striving for power or Fame.
We deny seeing the things in ourselves that we find inferior, negative, dark, or unacceptable. They become part of your shadow.

Your personal shadow is your "disowned" self. Basically, it's the part of you that you refuse to take ownership of. We ignore it. We fight against accepting it but it's always there lurking in the darkness. You can't eliminate your shadow. And many Troubles manifest in our lives when we fail to see it.

Remaining unconscious of your shadow issues hurts your relationships with everyone you know, your partners, family, and friends. It greatly impacts your Professional relationships as well as your Leadership Abilities.

False identities of being “good” can keep one from connecting to their shadow.

◾Make a list.
Make a list of all of your positive qualities. Then, highlight the negative. Try to identify the opposite within yourself. Identify with both sides of your psyche.

◾Pay attention. One of the best ways to identify your shadow is to pay attention to your emotional responses & reactions to other people. Everything that irritates you about other people leads you to understand more about yourself.

◾Study the work of Carl Jung and neo-Jungian Robert Moore.
“There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection. To round itself out, life calls not for perfection but for completeness; and for this the “thorn in the flesh” is needed, the suffering of defects without which there is no progress and no ascent.” ~ C. G. Jung

◾Engage in Inner dialogue. I often talk and argue with myself about my interactions with others. Many ignore or deny disowned parts of themselves that they don't want to face.
By dialoguing with yourself in your imagination or in your journal, you can integrate these parts into your conscious self.


Your sun sign is defined by the position of the Sun at the moment of your birth, which is your inner self, the 'real' you, and your most basic look at life. Each individual sun sign is associated with its own set of characteristics, personality traits, tendencies, and habits. They are one part of the cosmic influences that are factored in to compose the totality of your astrological chart and your unique identity.

Each sun sign has its own list of 'general' tendencies which are affected in various degrees by the ascendant and the moon sign.

The AIR signs have a tendency toward intellect. They are Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

The WATER signs have a tendency toward emotions. They are Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

The EARTH signs are the practical ones. They are Capricorn, Virgo, and Ta**us.

The FIRE signs are characterized by ambition. They are Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.

Basic characteristics of each sun sign:
(December 22- January 19)
Strongest sign of the Zodiac, tends to intellectualize emotion, very analytical to a fault, love obstacles, brilliant retentive memories, won't tolerate phobias within themselves, wonderful humanitarian, not vindictive, very flexible with other people's opinions, fastidious about neatness and clothing, comfortable with set patterns.

(January 20- February 18)
Natural born teachers, usually more comfortable in groups than one on one, loves to dance, loves water and the ocean, extroverted but in an introverted subtext, as if always containing a hidden compartment, slow to anger but explosive when pushed too far. Deeply offended by injustice, Romantic.

(February 19 - March 20)
Most metaphysical sign of the Zodiac, thrive on compliments but offended by empty flattery, very sensitive to insults and slights, rarely suffers in silence when offended, need romance- not just s*x in relationships, avid readers, students, note takers, stubborn but flexible if they see they're wrong, good at keeping secrets, despises prejudice and bigotry, quick to defend others who are being mistreated.

(March 21- April 19)
Aries can be both impulsive and compulsive, extremely loyal. They enjoy a good laugh, even when it is at their own expense. They tend to keep proving their point over and over again, Resist authority, and need their own personal space, morally offended if you turn your back on them while they are talking with you.

(April 20- May 20)
Ta**us can be slow to forgive, boring, stubborn, artistic, care deeply about ecology, very neat, not usually family oriented but very protective of loved ones, sentimental about holidays, special occasions, and birthdays.

(May 21- June 21)
Like to talk, cautious about forming new relationships, self conscious, multifaceted, changeable, easy going but fickle, difficulties staying grounded.

(June 22- July 22)
Protective, frugal, animal lovers, home loving, intensely selective, prone to moodiness, easily hurt, will tell a story 99 times and leave out the punch line 99 times.

(July 23- August 22)
Very determined, hide their insecurities, usually have a strong sense of loyalty and Fidelity, heartbroken if hurt but enraged if someone they love is hurt by another. Usually hates to lie and liars, not fond of hard work but yearns for material wealth, hates to lose. More Intuitive about events than people.

(August 23- September 22)
Usually a prim exterior but can have a hidden promiscuous side, very organized, meticulous, good with people, obsessive about finishing what they start, likes to make lists, hypersensitive, can be deeply in love with 2 or 3 people at once, better supporters than leaders in an organization, dislike change, often has inconsistent parents

(September 23- October 23)
Natural mediators, jumps from subject to subject in conversations, affectionate, magnanimous but paradoxically secretive, bad tempers, resents unsolicited advice, sees illness and self pity as weakness, hates ingratitude, very honest, equal balance of male and female aspects.

(October 24- November 21)
Goal oriented, not good with verbalizing their thoughts, very s*xual, wants to change the world, cover all their bases, take charge but slow to battle, innately secure, loners, approach life with their own set of truths, Natural stamina, great teachers.

(November 22- December 21)
Analytical, enjoy mind- involved issues, in constant need of validation, quick witted, prone to anxiety, loves to postulate on any subject, needs their personal space and freedom but extremely faithful, soft hearted but can be very vindictive if hurt, blunt.


Sagittarius SUPER FULL MOON (6-14) 🌕 This is a FIERY one! 🔥 Jupiter, the ruler of this moon, is in ARIES. Sagittarius and Aries are both fire element signs. This may feel like fresh forward movement, Courage and also Energizing! If we need to let go of some old beliefs no longer serve us, we may initially feel that we've lost our compass but this is an opportunity to have the courage to let go of what no longer serves us & find a more empowered way forward. This full moon squares Neptune and will help to show us there is a way—a different way—to achieve our goals and potential. Allow the curiosity and courageous spirit of this Super moon to guide you in finding different answers. The day AFTER this moon we have MARS (more fire!) conjunct Chiron! This could trigger some old hurts or wounds that could arise looking for healing ❤️‍🩹

Photos from Crystal_Moon_Mystic's post 06/12/2022

🫶🏻 Children of the zodiac 🫶🏻

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