

Simple K-9 is committed to guiding you how to effectively communicate with your dog and strengthen your relationship.

Dedicated to instilling well-rounded canines and packs for a more balanced home life!

�Opening Day May 1st 2022!�


Dear Valued Clients/Supporters,

I am delighted to share significant news regarding Simple K-9. After careful consideration, I am thrilled to announce that I am moving operations to a new state. As I embark on this new chapter, I am confident that this move will allow me to enhance my services while expanding my reach.

My journey has been shaped by the unwavering support of my incredible clients and I want to extend my sincere gratitude to each one of you for contributing to Simple K-9’s success.

Important Details:
    •   The last day of operations at my current location (Northern Nevada) will be April 1st, 2024.
    •   Starting May 1st, 2024, Simple K-9 will be fully operational in Martinez, CA.
    •   All communication channels, including phone number and email, will remain unchanged for now. However, the phone number may be subject to change with the relocation.

I am dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience for my clients during this relocation process. I appreciate your understanding and continued support as I take this bold step forward. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for entrusting me with the well-being of your pets and allowing me to create a relationship and bond with both owner and pup that I will carry with me forever. I look forward to welcoming you this Spring to my new location, Martinez, California!

Best Regards,
Angela Dunn Owner/Founder

Contact Information:
    •    Phone: (775)-380-8873
    •    Email: [email protected]
    •    Website:


Taking a break for Thanksgiving! 🌟

All emails and texts will be answered on Nov 27th, so please bear with me! 💌

Wishing you all a joyous Thanksgiving holiday. 🤎

Photos from The Love For PACC's post 09/11/2023

Hello all,

I want to start by expressing my heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support and love my friends, family and beloved clients have shown me throughout the years. It is not easy for me to reach out in this way, as I have always taken pride in the ability to navigate life's challenges independently.

However, many will know life has a way of throwing unexpected curveballs. Despite best efforts to plan and save for emergencies such as this, I am currently facing a situation that has stretched resources to the limit.

This is not a decision my family and I have taken lightly, and it has not been easy to share this vulnerability with you. But I believe that true strength lies in the ability to lean on our loved ones during times of need. I have always believed in the power of community and the bonds that connect us, and now my family and I find ourselves in a position where we must rely on that very community for support.

I want to emphasize that your willingness to help is a gift my family and I that we deeply appreciate as we do not make this request lightly. Your assistance will go directly towards resolving the immediate challenges we are facing, and it will allow us to move forward with greater peace of mind.

I understand that these are uncertain times for many, and we do not take your generosity for granted. If you are able to assist us, please know that every contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant difference. And if you are unable to provide financial support, we genuinely value your emotional support and understanding during this trying period. Thank you all so much. 🙏

Link for Luca's TPLO Surgery Fund will be in my bio as well as here ⬇


“Have you ever looked at someone and thought, what is going on inside their head?”

Let’s break down what’s going on inside your doggo’s head… 🧠

Think of the brain as a large storehouse, full of cells called neurons. Neurons are like little light bulbs— each one without much power to light up anything by itself, but when joined together with others via synapses, they can form neural networks which work much like Christmas lights. Neural networks allow for responding effectively to different situations, these networks are the resources that dogs use to analyze, cope with and respond to each situation.

A dog’s interpretation of a behavior when faced with certain situation will vary significantly depending on which networks are activated, which networks are connected with one another and how complex said networks are. If you know me by now you know how much I talk about the brain during lessons with behavioral issues at hand, we must focus and understand the functions of the brain and why its responding the way it is, before we try to encourage the body to behave how we’d like.

The stimuli to which we expose dogs to will also create 𝑵𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 that connect each stimulus to different neural networks, which are then activated upon receiving and dealing with said stimulus, thereby connecting what is going on in the environment to the most effective mental coping resources available for responding to the stimulus. (This could look like already established behaviors, bad experience with a car ride then anxious or stressed in car everytime, fearful of large dogs and hitting the breaks when seeing one)

Neural networks and pathways can form and/or be strengthened or weaken until losing all usefulness depending on the dog’s experiences. I believe that it is mine and others responsibility as dog owners and trainers to provide our dogs, particularly while they are still puppies, with quality experiences which will leave room for the appropriate neural networks and pathways to be created.

Teaching, educating, and training imply that above all we’re modifying the structure and landscape of the brain!


I will be out of town and unavailable from July 1st-11th, all out going messages regarding current or new bookings will be answered and addressed when I return.

If you have any behavioral emergencies, do not hesitate to call or reach out in anyway. Again, this is for behavioral emergencies only! If you have any other questions or concerns regarding scheduling or more please feel free to respond here or give me call before the 1st.

Have a happy & safe 4th of July everyone!!

Photos from simplek9nv's post 15/06/2023

Out here building good canine citizens!

(The turtle unfortunately is not training just being super cute on his rock!🥲🐢)


Are you a lover or a leader…? 🤴

Often we get the two confused or mixed up and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with loving your dog… we all love these animals that’s why we do so much for them and provide so much love & joy for them in their short lifetimes right?

BUT, that doesn’t mean we should love all the time 24/7 even when their behaviors aren’t out of love.
Chewing on your shoes?
Getting into the trash?
Jumping on your guests?
Those acts aren’t out of love yet we find ourselves rewarding these behaviors at the end of the day without truly understanding their psychological reason behind it all. 🧠

Being a dog leader can mean providing structure and boundaries when needed even when you feel it may be difficult to do so. Guiding your dog through acceptable behaviors and non acceptable behaviors is super important within your relationship as well as finding balance in your home life.
You wouldn’t let a toddler charge your guests in the knees or jump all around your furniture, so why do we let our dogs practice the same behaviors? We don’t. We become the leaders our children need to help understand and guide them on being a good citizen in the world. 👫🏻

With dogs it’s no different, we’re raising good canines! Not dogs who pick and choose what they want and need 24/7 based on your idea that being love driven will give you the outcome or respect you’re looking for. If I could bake cakes and run around like a Disney princess giving out unconditional love in order to become a millionaire, I would! We all would right? But that’s now how you get the results of successful outcomes, love plays a factor of course. But putting in the time, work and leadership for not only the goals you’re trying to achieve with your pup but also for your own personal self, is the step in the right direction to becoming a dog leader. 🫡

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”
—John C. Maxwell


📣 PSA 📣

First thank you all for being so supportive since opening Simple K-9, from the bottom of my heart it means so much to me how awesome, understanding and kind my clients are.

That being said all appointments will be honored with current pricing before the date stated above and new prices will be updated on my website no later than 6pm tonight. I will announce when the new prices are live, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out as I understand how difficult it can get during this time of record high inflation.

My mission is to always deliver the best experience and coaching possible for both you and your pup, I encourage you to reach out via email, text, call or dm for any and all questions!

💌 - [email protected]
📲- 775 380 8873


Hey everyone!

I’m filling up very quickly this month, if you’re interested in a private session or excursions reach out via DM’s call or text, snag your spot now!

Photos from simplek9nv's post 17/10/2022

Went to the pumpkin patch at Ferrari Farms!
The boys did great, lots of different stimulation.
Lovely people and lots of happy kids!
Great overall interactions & experiences, we also went for a hay ride. 🚌

Stay tuned for more! 🎃🐾

Owin the Dalmatian PitBull Mix
Black the PitBull Mix


Alright let’s clear the air….. 😉
About what to do to keep your dog safe from poor air quality!

Northern Nevada is currently being hit with some serious smoke coming from the Mosquito fire in California, causing our air quality index (AQI) to shoot to a high 417 which is considered very hazardous, compared to a normal index which is 50 or less…

That being said here are a few ways to protect your dog from the smoke:

• Keep your dog indoors as much as possible use an air purifier to filter the air.

• Minimize your dogs time outdoors, let your dog go out for regular relieving opportunities but walks should be kept to a minimum.

• Puppies & seniors dogs may be more sensitive to poor air quality.

• Our dogs are impacted by a 100-150 AQI level (‘Orange Zone’)

• Avoid intense outdoor exercise during periods of poor air quality, anything that may cause them to pant or breath heavily.

• Monitor your dog for signs of respiratory distress and eye inflammation. If they experience difficulty breathing, is coughing/sneezing excessively, or has swelling or inflammation of the mouth or eyes or upper throat, please seek a veterinarian!

What can you do to exercise or tire your dog while indoors? Well mental exercise is just as if not more tiring than physical exercise! Here are some examples… 🐕

- Turn meal time into a game! Utilize their meal for training time or by hiding the food and having them search for it.
- Work on recall! Practice recalling your dog to you in different areas of the home, we could always use a solid recall even inside the house.
- Stuff a Kong or toy! Get out their favorite toy you can stuff some fun treats in and let them work on getting everything out.
- Perfect opportunity to practice grooming! Work on getting those nails pretty, hair nice and smooth maybe even a bath? Use treats and calm energy.
- Work on greetings! Desensitize your dog to the door bell, or other sounds they may struggle with. Grab their leash and run a few drills as if you were expecting company.
- Zen it out! What better way to destress than a massage? Massage your dogs neck or legs, gently rub specific areas and then cuddle.. ☺️

Photos from simplek9nv's post 01/09/2022

🫱🏼 I n t r o d u c i n g… 🫱🏼
Tootsie the Yorki — Meet this very cute girl Tootsie, she is currently coming to me for leash reactivity with dogs and sometimes people, we’re working on gaining more engagement towards the owners up the leash while also coaching and practicing leadership skills in and outside of the home!
Sadie the Lab — This very enthusiastic gal is working on leash reactivity with people and especially dogs, achieving a calm state of mind in new environments as well as setting expectations for how we want her to behave in public. We’ll be working on social skills, patience and tons of leash manners!
Moose the Lab — Another lab?! Uh yeah, we love them all!
Moose is currently working on his reactivity to strangers or even people he knows, coming in the home as well as dog reactivity on leash in public areas. He lacks the confidence, leadership and proper exposure to navigate certain situations on his own, lots of confidence building, bonding and respect up the leash with this guy!
Stay tuned for updates on the new pupperoni’s! 🍕🐾


“He’s sad!”
“He looks depressed…
“If he enjoys it, why does he look so sad?”
“He’s upset because he got his dinner later than usual.”
A few examples when I hear someone talk about a calm facial expression on their pup, a lot of the time we as dog owners project how we feel onto our animals which can definitely create certain behaviors. However, I promise you your dog is not sad, he is not depressed nor is he bummed out he didn’t get his meal on time… these are human feelings that do not have any value in the animal kingdom.
They are simply: ✨ calm ✨
If you think your dog looks sad or upset before or after a long walk, nice meal, play time, training session etc.. they’re achieving a calm state of mind which the essential state we should always ask our dogs to be in.
This can look like asking your dog to be calm before leaving the house, asking for calmness before feeding, requiring a calm state of mind before working on the next command or when focusing on leash manners… There are an infinite amount of examples in which you should want your dog to go into a calm state of mind. A calm mind can help introduce new information to their brain, creating room for new patterns to build off of!
Always encourage a calm state of mind to better you and your dogs relationship & current training! 🙌🏼


With temperatures rising it’s important to prepare and educate yourself for your pups summer! ☀️
If it feels really hot to us in the air, imagine how the ground feels for your dog and then some…
Unprotected paws on asphalt leads to burnt paw pads, blisters, swelling, or charred skin..
• CHECK IT, if you cannot hold the back of your hand on the ground for 5 seconds.. it’s too hot for your dog to walk on.
-Booties are a great source at providing protection for your dogs paw pads!
Dehydration and Heatstroke are real risks to look out for as well, both could cause organ failure if not treated.
• Look out for blue/gray sticky gums, weakness, vomiting or diarrhea.
-Keep a bottle on you always to provide to your pup!
Dogs eyes are prone to cataracts, UV light damage, and pannus that could lead to blindness, and burns on the skin around their eyes.
• Blinking rapidly, rubs eyes, consistent watering of the eye.
-Doggy Sunglasses is an excellent way to protect your dogs eyes!


Photos from simplek9nv's post 05/06/2022

🚨 New Pupperoni Alert 🚨

Everyone meet Theo the Aussie Doodle! 🐾
Theo’s owners are looking to help lay puppy foundations and overall structure, while also learning and applying what they can with my teachings. Currently, they’re struggling with puppy biting, herding feet and legs as well as crying in his crate.

Mainly normal puppy behavior..
However, Theo lives in a facility with multiple people so it’s important to me and his owners that he’s responsive and respectful to everyone in the building. Being handled, fed and walked by many is just the start of his training as well as his owners!
Can’t wait to see how far they’ll come.

Stay tuned for more updates on Theo 🧡

Photos from simplek9nv's post 17/05/2022

If you don’t give them something to do, they will find something… and you probably won’t like it…
⏭ Swipe for examples!
Whats your favorite job to give your dog? 😊


Time to talk about the crate! 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽
First off, I LOVE the crate or kennel..
My boys love their kennel, they eat, sleep and rest in their kennels. When a client tells me about the issues they have in the home, one of the first things I ask or recommended is crate training.
Dogs crave structure! Not allowing your dog to have the house to himself 24/7 provides clarity on what they can and cannot do. It’s not mean, it provides boundaries, helps with potty training, helps them relax, provides a safe space for them to sleep or eat.. AND it helps you out just as much!
Can’t keep an eye on them at the moment?
Cooking with guests?
Eating Dinner?
Need to prepare their food?
Crate = Relax


TGIF Check-In! 🥳
I know we’ve all been there…dog trainer, reactive dog owner, owner seeking more information, we all know how difficult it can be..
Just remember that you are doing the best you can and that is what truly matters. It isn’t easy, but we’re all grateful for the dogs that teach us so much!

Photos from simplek9nv's post 13/04/2022

“We should venture on the study of every kind of animal without distaste; for each and all will reveal to us something beautiful..”



These past 3 months have been so eye-opening for me, I separated myself from people and things that no longer served a greater purpose for my well-being or my future…

That inclined me to step way out of my comfort zone to reach for something like this. It has been terrifying to say the least, physically exhausting, mentally challenging… but overall so irrevocably rewarding.

I’ve learned so much already in such a short amount of time..
I’ve failed, succeeded, failed again, cried happy tears and not so happy tears, many sleepless nights or rewarding days. Trials and errors are bound to happen and I’m here to learn from it all.

Here is a recap of some activities I’ve been lucky enough to recently do. My growth doesn’t stop here, my education doesn’t stop here as it is only the beginning of my journey..

Thank YOU all for the love and support the last 3 months, I carry a great amount of gratitude in my heart for those that’ve stuck by me during my process. I’m so excited for what the future as to come!
Let’s make 2022 a great year.. ✨



Hello friends 👋🏼

Meet Tj, the 2 year old Rottweiler Mastiff mix! 🐾
We’ve been working together during in home sessions for the past 3 weeks now. We just recently started excursions around his neighborhood to help him gain more experience outside of the home..

TJ’s owners came to me looking for guidance on how to properly acclimate him into the world... When he was just a pup he tore his ACL severely. After a year of multiple surgeries, and another year of recovery and physical therapy, he’s finally healed and ready to take on life! Due to his medical problems as a puppy and into his adulthood, he was unable to gain the proper exposure and experience to truly take on life and enjoy being a dog.

His lack of exposure and confinement of only being home and at the vet as led to-
• Not being able trust or be confident around strangers
• Severe separation anxiety with owners
• Barking reactions to every little thing passing by the home (children, dogs, people, moving bush)
• Confusion on leash
• Very low confidence

Tj has months of work ahead of him, from bonding with me to gaining confidence outside of the home and finally seeing what this world he’s so unsure of is all about! His long term goals intails off leash freedom, RV life setting, solid leash manners/obedience, confidence around strangers and confidence in new environments. Right now we’re starting small and simple, I believe he would negatively touch a person if he felt pressured or uncomfortable enough by a stranger in anyway. So it’s imparative to myself and TJ’s training that we start by slow and work our way up!

Stay tuned for more updates on this big guy! 🐕


“Eat your vegetables!” 🥦🥒

Something I’m sure we’ve all heard before we were allowed to leave the dinner table.. Yet now as adults we understand why vegetables are such a crucial part of our health.
Veggies are full of important nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Though your dog must eat meat to get the full array of amino acids he needs, vegetables help balance out their diet and supply important phytonutrients that aren’t found in meat.
One of the most important kinds of nutrients you can give your dog are phytonutrients. But they can only be found in fruits and vegetables. In the 1900’s scientists discovered vegetables could protect people from cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Skip to the present, we now know those health benefits come from material called phytonutrients. These powerful nutrients can:
• Kill cancer cells
• Reduce inflammation
• Promote gut health
• Support a healthy liver
Kibble may cause your dog to be in a constant state of dehydration, this contributes to problems such as kidney disease or the formation of bladder stones. Adding some veggies to your dog’s diet can help provide him with the fluids, phytonutrients and vitamins they need!
Here are a few examples:
• Broccoli
• Spinach
• Seaweed
• Alfalfa sprouts
• Lettuce
• Cucumbers
Stay away from these as they are proven to be toxic to dogs-
• Onions
• Potatoes
• Peas
• Beans
• Legumes



Took some time to work with my boys while the weather is getting nicer, we had a skatepark behind them and a park with a soccer game happening in front as well.

Lots of distractions! We worked on tethered decompression, tug, leash manners, obedience and some recall!
Luca struggles with FOMO and achieving a calm state of mind so a lot of his and Bo Jackson’s work was hanging back and simply watching the world go by..


Personally I know how difficult it can be trying to pinpoint exactly what it is that is creating this distance between you and your dog, that overwhelming feeling of “what am I doing wrong?” And “how do I help my dog improve?” (Even dog trainers hit a roadblock with their own personal pups!)
Doing your due diligence with any resources provided for you, is the first step in the right direction for your dogs future. Most give up and live/work around certain behaviors, simply because they fail at doing their research and searching for outlets that can provide them with the information needed to achieve their long-term goals..
These resources can be :
• Group Classes
• Training Programs
• Board and Trains
• Private Sessions
• Agility Classes
• Seminars
If you’re in need of guidance or a different outlook on how you’re approaching certain situations with your dog, we’re here to help and provide you with what you need to be successful and fulfilled.
Visit now to schedule your next session!


Let them use their nose! 👃🏼
Did you know your dog leads with → nose → eyes → ears?
Dogs utilize their nose to gather information on their environment which helps guide them in the present moment… Allowing them to access part of their brain that processes their surroundings helps you communicate and understand them better.
• Wet noses help capture scent
• Special structures within the nose that amplifies smells
• Their sense of time can be processed through scent patterns
• Dogs have 300 million smell receptors, we have 6 million
• Nose prints for dogs are fingerprints to humans
• Specific breeds excel with smell more than others—
(ex.) bloodhounds, basset hounds, and beagles


- N u t r i t i o n - 🥗
Let’s talk about nutrition and why it’s so important for you and your pets relationship!
A universal word and action preformed all over the world. That being said, good nutrition is a key factor to not only the health of our dogs but also our relationship.
You eat better, you feel better!
The best way to understand this is by thinking of your own health. Imagine shopping at a grocery store and aisle 1 is full of chips, cookies and crackers. While aisle 2 has fresh fruit, vegetables, milk and meat.

If you eat from aisle 1, that’s high in sugar, sodium and starch you are more likely to be sick. However in aisle 2 we have food full in nutrients, proteins and vitamins. Making it more likely to be healthy and avoid disease.
Our dogs are no different, yet almost all dogs are fed from aisle 1. Dry, starchy and unvaried kibble is non-nutritious to their health. Your dogs’ ancestors ate very differently in the wild, dogs consumed their entire prey making their diet more rich and varied. The pet food industry is an extension of the human food agriculture industries and its various issues.
Do your own research to become knowledgeable and confident about the basics of animal nutrition! Try feeding a variety of fresh, healthy foods to your pet.

More to come on Nutrition, information requiring the pet food industry and feeding raw. Stay tuned! 🥩


✨ Do you ever look at someone and wonder, what is going on inside their head? ✨
Often people feel disconnected from their pet simply because they struggle trying to communicate and understand them properly! A huge part in understanding whats going on inside your dogs head is reading the big picture, body mannerisms, non-verbal communication. Training your eyes what to look for and when, remember they’re always having conversations with you and the environment.
Simple K-9 can guide you how to establish clarity in your relationship by teaching you how to efficiently communicate with your dog! Any breed, any dog.
Contact us for your more information!
(775)-380-8873 📲

Videos (show all)

It is my very best friend’s birthday today… 🐾                                                 Black found me at a time i...
These past 3 months have been so eye-opening for me, I separated myself from people and things that no longer served a g...
Took some time to work with my boys while the weather is getting nicer, we had a skatepark behind them and a park with a...
