is making disciples of all nations utilizing the skills and talents God has blessed me with over the years.

The ultimate goal is to draw people into an intimate relationship with the God who created them and who loves them. My wife and I open our home five nights a week, Monday-Friday from 6:30pm-8:30pm for Dinner Bible Study. We cook for whoever comes, we dig into God's Word, and we all pray for each other. Personal and couples discipleship is available upon request.


In case you were wondering, we are always poor and always in need because we KEEP the poor close to us like GOD says. Our excess and abundance is almost always given away to someone else. So before you turn your nose up at us for not being “responsible” with our money, and always being poor and asking for help, you should know that this is what happens when your treasure is in Heaven instead of your bank account. You make $50/hr and still live poor and sometimes with $0.00 to your name, looking for change to get a gallon of water… but we won’t stop, because there’s also 100 orphans in Uganda who will never stop praying for us, because we are the primary giver in their orphanages.
The only reason I post this is because it seems most of our friends/family/followers have NO CLUE who we are or what kind of life we live.


I hope you know you're being lied to. All day every day. ---
My wife said Biden dropped out AND endorsed the VP.
I said...

I heard that.
Dang. He said he wouldn't and he did. Such garbage. That lady is absolutely useless in any kind of supervisor position. What a ridiculous episode of this stupid, corrupt television show we have going on.
And people don't know that this is only the beginning, and we are headed for even more outrageous and dangerous times. Imagine how the unsaved American feels right now.

Probably "fed up" and "sick of it" which is exactly the way the globalist elites want the Americans to feel. So they can have their one world governernment. We will destroy ourselves from within, and they have the contract to rebuild us into their empire.
That's it.
Plain and simple.
Everything else is theatrics and distraction. Like... if you made "fake propaganda" into a culture. That's what we have.
AND... we also have that on a GLOBAL scale as well!! Same pattern. The global government and global religion and the wars and rumors of wars and climate change and all that... just theatrics and distractions, because Satan is after you.
You were made in GOD'S image, and so he is at war with you. GOD made this world and everything in it and said it was "good," so Satan is at war with the world.

FATHER, please forgive us for our sins against YOU. Thank YOU, GOD, for life; for the breath in our lungs; for literally hold us and the world together so we can even exist and live. Thank YOU. Please, FATHER, please... give us wisdom and discernment. Protect us from lies and receipt. Let us not be deceived. Show us the truth, FATHER, please. Let our eyes be open and see and let us be awake and expecting YOU to send YOUR SON. Please protect me and my family and everyone reading this and praying this prayer. Please protect us and keep us safe from the enemies and their plans for us. Please let us only speak the words YOU want us to speak, and may our lives be poured out for YOU and for others in love. Help us give grace and mercy and forgiveness to others in the same abundance YOU pour it out on us. We as that YOU would bless us and give us YOUR favor, FATHER, as all things are yous and in YOUR hand. We thank YOU, GOD, for YOU and for who YOU are. We pray that you would give and take away as YOU see fit, that all we are and all we have would be YOURS today and forever to use us and all we have as YOU see fit... for YOUR purposes, and YOUR Kingdom, and YOUR glory, FATHER, forever and ever. And we pray... in JESUS' mighty, mighty name. Amen.


Think on this:
As an Army soldier, NOT infantry, I trained to fire my M16 and M4 rifles, hitting 3 out of 5 to sometimes 5 out of 5 rounds to the chest and torso of my target… at 300m. AND that’s with never firing a gun before joining the Army.
Trump’s shooter was 125m away.
I initially rejected the idea that GOD protected Trump. However, TRUTH is TRUTH. Is it good he did not get shot in the head? Yes! Then it came from GOD. All good things come from HIM.
Please, I implore you… do NOT get sucked up into this whirlwind of red and blue and left and right. Give your life to JESUS. Live for HIS glory. Not the U.S. or Trump or Nevada or anything else. We do not pledge allegiance to the flag. We pledge allegiance to JESUS CHRIST. We will not ALSO pledge allegiance to the flag because we SHALL NOT have any other gods before HIM. Do not do as the world does and is doing. Your charge is different. Let the Republicans and conservatives do what they are going to do. There are MORE than enough now. Making disciples is what WE are called to. Nothing will change this planet like people being filled with GOD at the moment of their salvation. Don’t fall for the enemies tricks. You don’t have to fall in line with a side to make a difference. You’ve ALREADY BEEN CALLED to go make a difference!! You were adopted as a son or daughter of GOD! Brother or sister to JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF! Sharing in HIS inheritance! A priest! An ambassador!
Act like it.
Be holy and set apart from the world.
Don’t be like them.
Be like JESUS.
If you don’t know how to do that, just read through the GOSPELS. JESUS is there, setting the example for us. Also, the rest of the New Testament is the apostles setting examples for us, and we are told ALSO to follow their examples as well.
You are not of the world.
Like Israel is a “chosen people”, we also are a “chosen people”.
So let your light so shine that they would see your good works and glorify our FATHER in Heaven.
Share your testimony.
Share the GOSPEL.
Message or call me if you want help or mentoring. I’ll pour out all I can for you.
Hang in there.
Lean into the LORD.
Pray without ceasing.
Ask for wisdom.
Ask for discernment so you will not be deceived.
Ask that you would only speak the words GOD wants you to speak.
Ask that love and mercy and grace would pour out of you the same way it pours out onto you from your FATHER.
He forgives your million dollar debt, you go forgive a million dollar debt. Now you’re being like HIM.
He made these people in HIS image; fashioned them in the womb for HIS own good pleasure. HE desires that none would perish, but they will all burn if they do not repent and be born again. If we love them, we will tell them.
HE is coming.
Time is short.
HE is coming.
Like a thief in the night.
🙏 🪔 🙏


4 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 5 You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. 6 No one who remains in Him sins continually; no one who sins continually has seen Him or knows Him. 7 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; 8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one who has been born of God practices sin, because His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin continually, because he has been born of God. 10 By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother and sister - 1 John 3


While we were shopping an ACE Hardware employee notified me that Trump was shot at a campaign rally. I don't watch debates and rallies, but I looked when I came home and video footage shows he WAS shot in the ear (they were aiming for his head, obviously), but was shaking his fist in defiance to the crowd who cheered for him. He did seem to have trouble walking. Poor guy. I had a feeling this was going to happen. May not be the last time, either. They missed their shot. He's not just fighting the liberal left and lunatics destroying our country, but those people are following the global agenda, so he is fighting against that, too. And those are very, very powerful people.
My prediction: they won't let him live to be elected. If he does win, he will become a villain or be killed/imprisoned as a sitting President.
Look, we read our BIBLES. All of this is theatrics. The god of this world is Satan. The vast majority of humans on this planet do NOT have the HOLY SPIRIT. They are "plugged in" and just going with the flow. The bad guy wins. The antichrist rules the earth. Duh. We are NOT going back to normal.


I feel like I'm becoming that person who just blasts the internet everywhere with the GOSPEL and BOLD TRUTH!! I don't fear the consequences. I just can't stop myself from telling everyone. You're being deceived. You're in terrible danger. JESUS is coming. It's almost time and you're still breathing, so you have an amazing opportunity to surrender to JESUS and bow down now and be saved. And all of this hope people have in Trump and guys like him to step up and defend us and get us back on track... none of that is happening. It is a false hope. The end is coming and is now here. And listen... the rapture could happen SIX MONTHS or A YEAR before the Tribulation period. We don't know that timing. Period. Could be today! We've seen major chaotic changes happen in just a day or two, globally. Things can slow down, and the LORD tarries, but we've also seen it speed up frighteningly. Just goes to show whoever thinks they have the timing of the rapture down... doesn't. But HE is coming. Soon and very soon. And everyone here will descend into the darkest and scariest age of humanity ever. If we love them, we have to tell them. We can't just watch them drown. And they are suffering NOW with no peace, no joy, no wisdom... because they don't know GOD!! We must tell them.


NEW Product Allert! We just released our Elderberry Infused Honey - Overall Health & Wellness - Immune Support 🐝 It takes weeks for us to make a batch of Elderberry Infused Honey - it is totally worth the wait! Delicious with all the health benefits of Pure Raw Honey and immune supporting Elderberry 😋


Ministry Update:
The outreach event brought quite a few people, and of course, a hundred more gathered for the 4th of July fireworks. An accident happened that was quite upsetting, and a brother in the LORD and his family could use our prayers. ...

'Round Here LYRIC VIDEO 07/05/2024

If Satan doesn’t come to fight you, it might be because you’re not doing anything impactful in the KINGDOM. Just saying.
Ain’t no fear ‘round here! We saved ‘round heeeeere!! Praying some seeds were planted today and some might be saved. ❤️ 🙏

'Round Here LYRIC VIDEO John Schroeder Music - Escalate Ministries


Would you pray for me? I need to restructure my days and start working dedicated hours on development and content AND start a new Bible study; leading my family and a new believer to do the same, but... 1. That's not easy, 2. I don't want to, 3. I'm tired and lazy, and 4. I will have to be MORE responsible.
More prayer, right? I can do all things through CHRIST!!! And it's HIM who strengthens me. More GOD. Less John. It's not MY life. Live for HIS glory.



We would appreciate your prayers. The world is just getting worse and worse and people will accuse you publicly with no evidence and lie to gain support… all because you were obedient to GOD.
They say what’s good is evil and what’s evil is good.
But it does weigh heavy on us and grieves us and makes my wife cry and to be angry. And then someone so close to you laughs at you for doing the right thing and says that’s what you get, like you’re stupid.
It’s hard, guys.
Please lift us in prayer that GOD will strengthen and comfort us. And for work and income. We are trying so hard to do this outreach thing on the 4th.
Thank you to those who support us. We are grateful.


Praise the LORD!! :D Shared the GOSPEL with Amber yesterday and sent her off to go sit at her table and decide for herself (Luke 14).
Just got a phone call... wifey says Amber gave her life to JESUS!!
AND... less than 24 hours later, she had kets to an apartment... which she NEEDS SO BAD!!
GOD is good.
That is all.

HOME | Doulos Handyman Serv 06/15/2024

Looks like I'm not getting that job back any time soon. Lawyers and powers-of-attorney and all that. I hope I get it back. It was a great gig and a sweet lady and awesome before and after pics. I'd really have liked to do the WHOLE house, obviously, but GOD is good and works out all things for our good, so I praise GOD. :)
My schedule is open starting now, and it's first come first serve. I hope you'll take a look at my new handyman website and see what kinds of things I can do for you, your home, your family, your work, your business...

All I have left on the site to do is the social media connections and then it's right into the African orphan charity. LORD willing, that will be done this weekend, and THEY can use it immediately to raise funds. LORD willing, everything we do moving forward will fund them also. Plus events and concerts and fundraisers and whatnot. If you want to help with that now... the orphanage we support in Kamuli needs $350 to redig their only well and water source that ran dry. They must dig deeper. That's workers and equipment and hours of labor. Imagine what that would cost here. Goodness.

HOME | Doulos Handyman Serv Welcome to Doulos Handyman Services, your go-to solution for all your handyman needs. Whether it's inside or outside, residential or commercial, we've got you covered. From sensitive projects to clean-up, organizing, removals, repairs, maintenance, installs, demo, delivery, errands, personal care, t...

HOME | Doulos Handyman Serv 06/14/2024

Praise the LORD!! The new handyman site is done. Just need to create some social media accounts and connect them, but you can browse around. Should look fine on a phone. I'd love your feedback. I can't see all my mistakes. I need your help. :)

And I'd REALLY love it if you would share it.
My family would thank you for that.

HOME | Doulos Handyman Serv Welcome to Doulos Handyman Services, your go-to solution for all your handyman needs. Whether it's inside or outside, residential or commercial, we've got you covered. From sensitive projects to clean-up, organizing, removals, repairs, maintenance, installs, demo, delivery, errands, personal care, t...


We are down to nickles and dimes now. But GOD is good. Work just evaporated in a moment and my schedule was full for that one customer... and then bam. Whole job shut down. The job MAY come back tomorrow, so I can't go booking myself out. Ugh. Please pray for us.
LORD willing, the handyman site will be done today and I can't wait to reveal it and the new company name. I think it will bring many opportunities in the future, if the LORD tarries. The gallery WILL contain before and afters from this "house recovery" job, I know some of you have been waiting to see. And really, the gallery feels ridiculous to me. I'll wait for your opinions and adjust based on feedback I get.
Anyway, I love you all. I hope you'll reach out if you need help or someone to talk to. We are not always down.


We are home. They brought her pain level down significantly with drugs AFTER they palpated her (which was VERY painful). They ran some tests and came back and said, “You should see a doctor. All done her. Have a great day.”
And that was it.
Uh… 😒
Just have to trust the LORD with it.
GOD works all things for our good.
No complaining.
Now to find a general surgeon.
Are they on Yelp? lol
Anybody know a Christian one?


We are going in. Please pray. NN ER on Mae Anne & McCarran I guess. For now. GOD’S will be done.


UPDATE on my wife:
She had a hernia surgery a few years back at Renown. As soon as she woke up from surgery, she was in agonizing pain. They kicked her out of the hospital. NO POST-OP CARE WHATSOEVER. Screaming in pain. Crying in anguish!! They said, "We can't help her. You need to leave."
I took her to Northern Nevada Medical Center, where they stabilized her.
She's been in debilitating pain every day since. Some days are better and she can do stuff and be a mom and a wife. Other days not so much.
Well, the good days are getting fewer and the bad days are increasing. It's getting worse. And from the research I've done, this is NOT normal by any stretch, and some people have had THREE of these procedures and live with no pain and full function.

So, please pray. She needs help. We are working on some kind of plan forward. Suggestions are welcome. I think we still have Medicare. I don't know if helping her will hurt us financially. I don't really care. My wife is more important.


New logo design for Escalate Ministries!! Woohoo!! Thank YOU, LORD!! :D

Confessing Jesus as Lord and Glorifying God (Selected Scriptures) [Audio Only] 06/04/2024

Are we living for GOD’S glory? Or is attention and priorities somewhere else? Let’s listen and pray about it.

Confessing Jesus as Lord and Glorifying God (Selected Scriptures) [Audio Only] For details about this sermon and for related resources, click here: receive John MacArthur’s monthly lett...


One of the orphanages we support dried up their well yesterday. Would you pray about helping? They need $350 to redig deeper and hit water again. GOD bless you.


Any interest in a 4th of July get-together? I can go seek permission for “the spot”.


Pride month is Satanic. Read what GOD says about pride. GOD blesses the humble. Let us pray for humility. And not for a month, either. Ceaselessly until our LORD comes.


Oh! GOD is good!! :D


I don’t blame my friends, family, and followers for not believing in me. I don’t believe in me, either. Gosh, look at my past. But GOD… will show HIS power and HIS plan. GOD is good. We trust HIM with our lives, and HE NEVER fails. You’ll see. HE is awesome.


Logo finished for new ministry supporting Africa (starting with Uganda and Kenya). We live like fat kings compared to their hard poverty. Men, women, and children who are desperate and often feel hopeless. Many of them, GOD would call our "brothers" and "sisters," as they, too, surrendered their lives to JESUS. We can ignore them and focus on making OUR lives more comfortable, or we can forgo some of our comforts to bring them some comfort. As for our family, the decision has been made. We will sacrifice. Anyone else who feels the same way is welcome to participate. Send me a message! GOD bless you, everyone.


Are you a person not listening to God? My friend, GOD says you were fearfully and wonderfully made; fashioned in the womb for HIS own good pleasure. That means, the person you truly were meant to be… HE likes her!! But when we walk through life, even for a few moments sometimes, we can be led astray by what the world and the enemy have to say about us. It’s been happening since Adam and Eve. GOD made them and saw that they were good. But they listened to the snake who told them GOD was lying and they could be much more if they abandoned HIM. And thus, now our nature is to rebel and push GOD away from birth. So even a devout disciple of CHRIST like Paul admits that, in prison for JESUS, he still does things he hates and doesn’t do things he loves. We all walk away from GOD. Sometimes it’s seconds. Sometimes it’s years or even a lifetime. And it’s a dangerous world out there, GOD says, ruled by Satan, who is like a god compared to us, both going into Heaven and accusing us before GOD and roaming the earth seeking who he can “devour” (which is a strong word, I think). Filled with humans, even after they are saved, who have evil and wicked hearts, GOD says.
The first iteration of our existence ended in the whole earth being consumed in violence continually. That’s human nature. The second iteration ended with empires rising up against each other to conquer the world. This third era is just about up, and people will get worse and worse until the end.
JESUS is our only hope. The end is near. We must repent for our sins against GOD and surrender to JESUS, our MASTER (LORD) and KING.
He will take the disciples first, dead and alive, and kick off the worst era in human history as the tribulation period unfolds and GOD’S wrath is poured out on the earth.
“Choose this day whom you will serve,” JESUS said, “No one comes to the FATHER except by ME.”
And “In my FATHER’S house are many “remains” (Gr - dwellings/houses). If it was not so, I would have told you. But if I go and prepare a place for you… I AM coming and I will take you along toward MYSELF that where I AM you may be also.”
This, HE says to HIS disciples. HE tells us crowd of thousands following HIM (like many in the world today), that they can NOT be HIS disciple if they are unwilling to love HIM more than anyone or anything (you shall have no other gods in MY presence), suffer for the FATHER’S will, if necessary, like JESUS did to save us all, and to perhaps give up everything we have for HIM.
So it’s a faith thing. Do we really believe? Is HE really GOD, and HE sacrificed HIMSELF to satisfy HIS own wrath against me and my sin? Just because HE loves me so much HE wants to have an intimate relationship with me? (NOT a religion)
Or we can choose to reject all of it and live separated from GOD. But we may die tomorrow and end up separated from GOD forever.
Today, while we have breath, let us surrender to our GOD and CREATOR who is good and just and love.
If you seek GOD out with all your heart, HE says you WILL find HIM.
“If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that JESUS is LORD, you will be saved.”


We have our trailer! GOD blessed us with a 58% discount on a new 30’ travel trailer!! We got it set up out front and we are getting used to living in it already! Everyone loves it, which is crazy, right? I mean, we have a house right there! And no one wants to be in there! lol
That’s GOD!
So that’s 1/3 of the important pieces we have been praying for.
THEN… sometime this week, LORD willing, I’ll pick up the speakers and amp to start doing concerts on my own. Once again, a 62% discount on a serious music set-up. Unbelievable.
That’s 2/3 important pieces to start our next chapter. In just a few weeks. And we have, likely, at least a few months left here.
All that’s left is the truck. I have a little 1500. We need a big 2500.
Project management MASTER PLAN is coming along very well. Stay tuned for more developments and more announcements.
GOD is so good. We have no qualms giving up our house and cars to dedicate our lives to sharing the GOSPEL and people being saved.
We do need help. We do need partners. If you’re interested.


Working on a master plan for what's next for us. Thinking of starting a 501c3 if anyone wants to help with that. Been working on it this morning. What do you think? (ESCALATE > eschatos > "last days/end times")
I'm interested in partnerships, donors, supporters, and collaborations if you want to be involved.


Just thought I would share this background I found and edited. I like it. You can have it. :)

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