Hofmann Peter N

Are you perplexed by all the marketing, hype, bait-discounts, and confusing information when you seek Dental Care?

I want to make life simple by providing a Service and sharing the Truth about your condition, choice of treatment, and the best way to prevent further damage or new damage. Your mouth is important for speech, expression, good nutrition intake, and hence for the general health of your body. There is a lot of new good research that shows the cause and effect of having an "acid" diet and "acid" saliv


Today it was revealed that on Wednesday the Mexican forces intercepted 10 IED's after our agents captured a fully armed cartel member and a firefight ensued with 10 or more other cartel members. They were called in and found those IED's on the Mexican side. All this happened in a "hole" in the border wall along a favorite route for smugglers at a Texas ranch. Right now security forces throughout northern Europe are arresting radical Islamists who have conspired to murder the public in coordinated attacks.

The war in Israel is about to spread worldwide. Again as I have warned supernatural forces are in place, and prophecy is being fulfilled - so the "little war" in Israel is not going to go away as in the past. This is the 7th of significant wars that Israel has fought against its neighbors (and so this mix may be what should be called the "neighbors war of Psalm 83). The next war will probably be Ezediel's war of Gog and Magog where God pulls the northern "king of Gog by the hook of the nose" into battle with Israel. And it is not a coincidence that America has the weakest leader in history in the time of greatest threat. It is possible that the "rapture" may happen just seconds or minutes before or at the point of a major nuclear war that will impact Russia/Asia and North America and which will force a re-organization of nations and economies under one leader.

The Bible explains it in the Book of Daniel, Genesis 3:15, and Revelation 12 along with passages in the prophecies of the "sack cloth sun and blood red moon" in Joel and Revelation 6. You can read more about this in the inspirational book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series in which each warning has come true with a forewarning that Satan (the invisible power) would begin a direct spiritual attack on earth. And it warned of the "invisible agent" (Covid 19) that would affect every sector and level of society worldwide. The book was written in 2017 before the Great American Solar Eclipse. It exposed many lies including that "Planet X" would soon collide with earth. That book was followed by the sequel in 2022 warning of major events to happen in 2024-25.

Note that Jewish eschatology views Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the Jewish Messiah, which would usher in the age of the Messiah and would bracket the beginning and end of all war (Eze. 38 starts it and 39 ends it). First would come a forerunner, the Messiah ben Joseph, who would defeat Gog and Magog, and prepare the way for the Messiah ben David; then the dead would rise, divine judgement would be handed out, and the righteous would be rewarded.


Much of the social resistant population has gone into goblin mode and are rejecting the concept of working for a living, and the presevation of goodness around them. Drugs and self destructive culture has enveloped most of them. Ironically along the Amazon where you see "primitive living" people are livng very healthy and productive lives. They sleep in hammocks, raise chickens and cows, live in lands where there is a 40 ft. difference in water levels from the wet and dry season. Thus their homes are on stilts and many live on fishing. Families are strong and the life is simple without heavy pressures. IN the northern hemisphere the storm is building up and forces are threatening the very existence of civilization as we know it. Both Cahn's book "The Return of the Gods" and my book "Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible Wart & Final Chapter" explain a deeper reason why the "goblin effect" is taking over our modern highly advanced system of living. I am writing you from a one month trip to and around the Amazon River in Brazil.

This could be a very Prophetic turning point and the most significant since the Sign of Revelation 12 gave its warnings. We have a charismatic brave Jewish leader of Ukraine standing up against the "dragon" Russia and seeking help from each nation in Europe and America. He appealed not only to the leaders but also to the hearts of the people. He has largely been ignored and the Russians continue to pummel civilian areas including hospitals, daycare centers, theaters, and apartments. Thousands are dying as the situation gets direr and dark with little hope of stopping. Putin will not back down unless a miracle happens to stop him. The question is -- are we seeing a Babylonian type invasion that has been purposed by God in order to punish a corrupt nation and challenge the fortitude, morals, and ideals of both Europe and America? The powers of the West have been on a course of defiance against God and His Word, warnings, and Truth. So is Putin God's instrument in enacting judgment on the powers of the world in order to bring about the !0-horned beast. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown to understand the countdown to the 70th week of Daniel. The book ties 3 of the most controversial books of the Bible together revealing the Truth behind some of the greatest Prophetic mysteries in the Bible- including Daniel's 70th-week prophecy, the Great Sign of Revelation 12, and the 1st Promise or Prophecy given by God in the Word- Genesis 3:15.


I just copied this from a article sent to me by a major "health adviser" - and this is where each of us needs to research what is truth and what is a lie. The info shared here has been debunked by dentists for over 25 years. This is one of the worse things that you can do to both your gums and teeth. Here is the article within an article and both are completely wrong:

"We recently ran an article in this newsletter about how hydrogen peroxide can be used as a teeth whitener as well as many other beneficial uses. In fact, many of the professional whitening gels used by dentists and sold online contain peroxide as a main ingredient. But if you want an easier and more cost effective teeth whitening recipe that you can make at home for pennies, just combine hydrogen peroxide with BAKING SODA! " The use of baking soda which is very abrasive even to tooth enamel is also bad because it harms the microbiom. Peroxide only doubles the problem because it kills the good bacterium and can irritate the gums + the dental pathologists say that is a vector in causing mouth cancer. My book Dentistry Xposed---does a lot to expose this kind of MYTH and bad science. I am starting a Blog-Podcast that will cover many of these problems or lies that are being promoted in the media and in some homeopathic circles!!!!

Photos from Geoscience Network's post 08/09/2022

so what does this have to do with the end times? Like this rock that used to be mud, the hearts of the world system have been hardened by rebellion and the world philosophies and religions such as the religion of man-centered science with its trust in evolution. This is a massive God set billboard saying "look this is from my first worldwide judgment- when I flooded the entire earth." God continues by saying, "Note that I have sent you the Great Sign of Revelation to warn you of the next worldwide judgment." The Countdown has begun as explained in the carefully prepared Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series-- starting with the first book that came out before the Great America Solar Eclipse and the Great Sign of Revelation 12- as it happened on Sept. 22-23, 2017. Since then every insight or forecast has come true as revealed including the Invisible War and the New Beginnings at every level and sector of society.


Dr. Hofmann is breaking down barriers in his series of New Books. This is a heart-rending time when we are being tested both physically and spiritually. His books expose myths, lies, and falsehoods - revealing Truth that will open your eyes and change your life.

As a Dentist, he has been a crusader for fair prices and honest dentistry. Some have called him the Ralph Nader of dentistry as he exposes weaknesses and falsehoods in the world of general healthcare and the care of your mouth. His book Dentistry Xposed: Protecting You, Your Smile, and Your Wallet, will help you save time, money, and even your life. Five of the major causes of death are connected to the mouth. These include Heart disease, Pneumonia, Diabetes, Cancer, and Sleep Apnea.

As a scientist, artist, and student of theology, Dr. Hofmann has been given a unique perspective and understanding of world history, the Great Sign of Revelation 12, and other prophetic events in the Bible. His Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series of books reveals a timeline that has come true. Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation written in 2017 shares 7 critical insights that have come true. His most recent book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter reveals more of the mystery and why we are experiencing escalating uncertainty and turmoil including the “invisible war that generated new beginnings in every sector and level of society.” The book confirms that our leaders have eyes that do not see the Signs of the time, and ears that are not hearing God’s voice.
There are areas in the Bible that have been debated for centuries such as the location of the divine deliverance of the nation of Israel in the Sinai. This is important as it reveals how easily the Church allows archeology and Academia to dictate Biblical truth when the geography does not correlate with the Biblical text.

It is unfortunate that the seminaries have not demanded a better explanation and it has been up to 3rd parties to provide the evidence that disproves the traditional crossing. For further exploration and understanding check out the extensive evidence provided by the Patterns of Evidence videos and studies. Another major error dictating the sermons of many pastors is the concept that the “King of Tyre” is another name for Satan. First, the “King of Tyer” was a human and not an angel. As CLEARLY explained in the text – he died, and Satan cannot die. That should be enough evidence! Why would any theologian continue to insist that this is a direct reverence to Satan? Yet this is taught and implies that Satan was cast down from heaven in the days of Ezekiel or earlier. This is an untruth and should NEVER be allowed to be preached.

Satan is the Father of Lies, Deceit, and Falsehoods.!!! By stretching the truth these people are confusing the elect and demoting God and the facts relayed in Revelation 12 that clearly imply that Satan was not cast down to earth in the Old Testament days. Read the verse, “and Satan is furious because he knows that his days are short.” From the human perspective 200 years IS NOT A SHORT TIME.


This could be a very Prophetic turning point and the most significant since the Sign of Revelation 12 gave its warnings. We have a charismatic brave Jewish leader of Ukraine standing up against the "dragon" Russia and seeking help from each nation in Europe and America. He appealed not only to the leaders but also to the hearts of the people. He has largely been ignored and the Russians continue to pummel civilian areas including hospitals, daycare centers, theaters, and apartments. Thousands are dying as the situation gets direr and dark with little hope of stopping. Putin will not back down unless a miracle happens to stop him. The question is -- are we seeing a Babylonian type invasion that has been purposed by God in order to punish a corrupt nation and challenge the fortitude, morals, and ideals of both Europe and America? The powers of the West have been on a course of defiance against God and His Word, warnings, and Truth. So is Putin God's instrument in enacting judgment on the powers of the world in order to bring about the !0-horned beast. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown to understand the countdown to the 70th week of Daniel. The book ties 3 of the most controversial books of the Bible together revealing the Truth behind some of the greatest Prophetic mysteries in the Bible- including Daniel's 70th-week prophecy, the Great Sign of Revelation 12, and the 1st Promise or Prophecy given by God in the Word- Genesis 3:15.


Germany is remilitarizing. Israel may be the negotiator between Ukraine and Russia. Russia recently stated that it does not recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Putin has put his nuclear forces on High Alert. What does this look like? These and other events related to Covid controls are preps for the coming 10 horns of the beast and the staging for the introduction of the Anti-Christ. Events are escalating for a reason as forewarned by what Jesus said when He shared the future in the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 and in Luke 21. "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea." In the book of Revelation sea is often used to refer to the Gentile population of the earth. This and the Great Sign of Revelation 12 which involved the Sun, Moon, and stars is discussed in the latest Cosmic Crossroad book: The Invisible War and Final Chapter


Anything is Possibe if you Believe----guess who said this? The Supreme Being in the Universe said it. Greater than the fantasy superman and wiser than the Genius computer......... prophets from centuries past spoke of his coming including the Great Promise of Genesis 3-15. He is the Door....that opening that all the great religions of the past sought in search of eternity. I pray that you seek HIM with all your heart, soul, and mind in this New Year


"The LORD himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’)."
—Isaiah 7:14 There were other divine signs such as the Bethlehem Star and the Angel's announcement. Each Sign grew bigger and more obvious as it approached both time and location. God has given us a Sign in the Prophecies of Daniel, Revelation and Genesis that point to a fast approaching even. He also recently gave us a major Sign in the Stars and Constellations (as he did with the Bethlehem Star - go to BethlehemStar.com
for more info or to my new book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter. ) The next Sign or signs will be something big and I pray it is not war due to Russian, Chinese or Iranian aggression.


The Lord laid upon my heart an insightful message in 2017 on Prophecy based on the 3 most controversial books- Genesis, Daniel, and Revelation ---with support from a dozen other books in the Bible. Part of my concern is the Church has forgotten God's message in the areas of science that most pastors are dubious about---this includes astronomy, historical sciences, language sciences, and physiology.

Having grown up overseas in nations from the Middle East to Asia, studied in the medical sciences, surrendered to God in the Arts, and been saved by a radical conversion in the midst of dying ----I am compelled to complete the mission of getting the Message of the Gospel and the Truth of His Word to as many people as possible. As a new believer, I had to swim against a tide of illogical messaging from pastors that did not know what they were communicating when it came to the true faith! I heard everything from "speaking in tongues is the heart of my faith," to "you cannot be baptized as an adult because you were baptized as a baby," to "Gideon chose his 300 based on the fact that those who lapped like a dog were more alert"-------each of those and many many more have FATAL FLAWS THAT ONLY LEAD ADULTS TO NOT BE ABLE TO SHARE THEIR FAITH WITH THEIR KIDS ETC. ETC. because it causes fog in the brain and impedes the Holy Spirit.

It seems as if the church is determined not to pass the truth to the next generation-------and this is why we will not have revival and one reason why the LORD is returning very soon. I have written a book called Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation---which the LORD gave me and which had 7 insights--each which came true in the last 3 years. Now I have completed the sequel which is Cosmic Crossroad Countdown The Invisible War & the Final Chapter.


The Word of God says that the Power that Raised Jesus Christ from the dead is inside every Believer in Jesus Christ.

Minor events can catch one's attention. They may not mean much but here we have a few: We now have 3 active volcanoes in Italy and one that has been inactive for 6000 years near the capital of Iceland that is erupting after over 1000 minor earthquakes. The leader of Italy Draghi is a financial wiz whose name in ancient Roman means - "Dragon" and here in America we have a leader whose name means "surrender" and who just fell 3 times trying to climb the steps up to his flying cabin on the way to Atlanta. He has declared war on everything from unborn babies to the Evangelical church that supported Trump.

We have enemies who are circling waiting for the right moment to take advantage of any weakness in our defense. Our borders are porous and our policies are divisive and self-destructive. What most people do not understand is that we have an invisible war going on that flies much higher than Covid-19, nighttime tornadoes, sheer winds, and hurricanes. There are forces seeking to destroy the souls and minds of the innocent at every level of society. We had better wake up and seek God with all our hearts, mind, and soul. Read my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown to understand God's timing and the Signs that He has given us.

We have a heavy price to pay for our abortion industry that has killed so many unborn and even born babies. Is God going to see that we meet that burden with an influx of a million or more "refugee" children at our border? Will we be linked to Israel's War of Gog and Magog that may happen soon? Those ancient days when Israel was judged were days when babies were sacrificed to BAAL or Moloch. God determined that Israel would be held captive as a nation (after its destruction) for 70 years---each year that it did not RETURN to God during the Jubilee year X 7 as declared by God as punishment in the book of Leviticus. They turned their backs on God and worshipped other gods. We as a nation have existed 24 + 200 + 21 = 245 years. We are approaching our 5th Jubilee and have discovered many other gods to worship and follow on a daily basis to the expense of thousands of innocent unborn babies.


This Podcast series will save lives and will save your health, your teeth, and your wallet. Xplore and discover a Miracle Molecule that will prevent both colon cancer and tooth decay.


Started a Live Broadcast on my book Dentistry Xposed to occur on a regular basis. Skip the first 1.45 minutes as I was waiting for a prompt from the program--and did not get one so went ahead with the broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/dentistryxposed/live/

Dentistry Xposed New Book Dentistry Xposed will be out in October: The good & bad in Dentistry, the health of your mo

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