Bill Ruzicka, ARNP

Bill Ruzicka, ARNP

A simple page spewing medical info from a providers point of view. No anecdotes, no rumors. Simple medical facts with my own personal flavor added in.


One of the things that arose from this pandemic is the increase in Telemedicine and the ability to reach more people from the comfort of their home or work.

With Redefined Health Clinic (which is all Telemedicine) we have a new offer...

Schedule your 15-minute Complimentary Consultation in the next 24 hrs. Then, receive 10% off your 1st month of treatment if you choose to join one of our membership programs.

Limited Time only. Expires 3/2/22!

Schedule your 15-minute Complimentary Consultation in the next 24 hrs. & receive 10% off your 1st month of treatment if you decide to become a member.

Limited Time only. Expires 3/2/22!

The CDC is finally recognizing 'natural immunity' — legislators should follow suit 02/03/2022

"Not exempting those with prior infection was always unfair; now it is unscientific as well."

I first shared this research last week - that surviving a natural COVID-19 infection provides excellent natural immunity. Or if one had a natural infection + the original 2-series vaccine = "Hybrid immunity."

Since the CDC is now recognizing the effectiveness of prior infections, it is time to update vaccination policies for schools or work-entry requirements. That should include federal, state, and county governments. Yes, data now supports the original hypothesis that those with natural immunity should have equal status as those that are vaccinated.

The CDC is finally recognizing 'natural immunity' — legislators should follow suit Now that CDC recognizes the protective effect of prior infection, it is time to update vaccination policies and school or work-entry requirements across federal and state or county governments.

Photos from Redefined Health Clinic's post 12/23/2021

5 quick tips for a Healthy Holiday season starting today.

As we prepare for Christmas and the coming new year it's never too late to start thinking about your health. Here are some simple tips to get you a leg up on staying healthy this season:


No matter which side of the vaccine debate you're on, this is too good not to share.

“This is a preventable illness” 08/26/2021

As a clinician, of course, I recommend the vaccine. But I am never going to scream at someone to get the vaccine, or shame them or ridicule them. It should entirely be their choice. But I do want them to know there is overwhelming data showing the differences in symptoms, hospitalizations, and mortality in those that are vaccinated vs unvaccinated. I have had otherwise perfectly healthy patients die from COVID. To see their families mourn. To hear the regrets of not getting vaccinated is heart breaking. Sadly, there is no turning back the clock.

"She knows that people, when they are fully functioning and living their lives, never think it will happen to them. Every day she goes to work, she is reminded that this just isn’t true. 'The risk is so much higher getting COVID than getting vaccinated,' Boni said. 'I believe people are trying to make the best decisions for themselves. I just want them to understand: This is a preventable illness. This doesn’t have to happen to anyone anymore.'"

“This is a preventable illness” ICU nurses caring for COVID-19 patients struggle to make sense of where we find ourselves.

FDA grants Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine full approval 08/23/2021

Welp, as predicted last week, here we are - full FDA approval of Pfizer vaccine. Expect that Moderna will be right on it's heels as well.

FDA grants Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine full approval The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday granted full approval to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for individuals 16 years and older.


Good morning all. Just a couple of quick updates for you all guessed it, COVID vaccines.

Good news on the vaccines for school-age kiddos (ages 5-12) front. Pfizer and Moderna have both expanded their study size to an additional 3000 patients each. Results are expected in that age group in September. That will likely be the gate opening to provide vaccinations nationally. Ages 2 to 5-year-olds will be 1-2 months later, then 6 months to 2-year-olds in the Nov-January timeline.

Further, new information about the DELTA variant than any other variant we've seen so far. Here are the highlights:

- Viral swabs from the back of throats in people infected with the Delta variant is 1000x higher than other variants.

- The ability of earlier variants to spread person to person was about 2-3 people. The Delta variant is about 7-8 people.

-"The viral loads in the throats of vaccinated persons who become infected with delta rises at identical rates as in unvaccinated persons, but only for the first few days. After five days or so, the viral loads in the vaccinated person start to quickly drop whereas those in the unvaccinated person persist." This means a shorter time to be able to transmit the virus in vaccinated people. [Original variants were 7-14 days].

- We have known that the COVID vaccine creates an antibody response called IgG. In effect, the virus still attaches to your oral and nasal mucosa, but the IgG antibodies are like a guard dog waiting on the other side of the door when a burglar breaks in. It clears it up before the person gets very ill or even notices it at all. The vaccine creates the IgG response.

- Vaccine shows an 8x reduction in the development of symptomatic disease in people testing positive. 25x reduction in hospitalization, and 25x reduction in death.

- People are questioning "If I'm vaccinated, why do I need to keep wearing a mask?" Above, I noted a 5 day period of viral transmission in people that are vaccinated. It's because of that 5 day period of possibly infecting 8 others that some agencies are recommending masks again. What I don't know is how that number looks in adults compared to school-age children. Remember, the mask was NEVER about protecting you. It was about protecting others. Just like a surgeon in the OR. They wear masks to prevent spray into the wounds of patients. It doesn't eliminate it, but it CERTAINLY reduces the exposure.

As you know, there will be more to come.

Stay safe out there. Get vaccinated. And let's get back to even more normalcy.

Timeline photos 08/11/2021

**Long post**

COVID and this Delta variant are very real. It's not a made up illness to scare or control the public.

* We are running at all time highs locally in our regional hospitals with ICU occupancy. The ER occupancy has long wait times.

For those with other health issues (heart attacks, COPD, diabetes problems, surgical emergencies, labor, etc.), remember, those other health problems don't wait for COVID to go away. They still occur.

I have seen couples who are pregnant that both contract COVID. Mother has to postpone her scheduled c-section due to her positive test, and her otherwise healthy husband is now intubated on a ventilator in the hospital.

I have learned of a perfectly healthy 40+ year old patients who have had to be life flighted to Seattle for ICU needs are are now on heart-lung bypass (ECMO) to try and save his life.

Unfortunately, all of the patients I'm talking about above are unvaccinated.

** Schools are getting ready to open in less than a month. We can only vaccinate kids 12-years or older. What about those younger kids. If northern trends follow what we're seeing in the south where schools have already opened, more kids under vaccine-eligible age are becoming severely sick - some needing hospitalization.

If we still had phases in place this year like we did last year, I can guarantee that the Gov would have schools close to start this year.

What are we going to do in our counties to help decrease the spread of this Delta variant to kids that aren't vaccine eligible when school starts? Will all teachers and staff be vaccinated? Will you as a parent get the vaccine?

Our ER and ICU departments are seeing younger children needing hospitalizations. This Delta variant is stronger and more unpredictable than others.

*** Unfortunately some people are still becoming infected after the vaccination. Remember, this vaccine was NEVER 100% effective. To help prevent the spread we ARE NOT doing enough as a community to help reduce it's spread.

Compare last year to this year, our numbers were already on a downward trend at 52 cases/day. As of Aug 9 this year we were at 152 cases/day.

Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla Counties have the 3 worst vaccination rates in the state. It's not surprising that these 3 counties are some of the highest not just in Washington, but in the Pacific NW.

We are at a point as a community we need to make a tough decision. Is it more masking? I wish it wasn't so, but I'm seeing that as the need.

Certainly vaccination rates need to improve.

If there is any medical recommendation I could give you today to mitigate the current problem we're facing, it would be to first get vaccinated.

I can't ask for this enough. I chose to get the vaccine for myself, my family, my patients, and my community.

I ask that you consider those that aren't yet eligible for vaccines. The kids under 12, those that are immunosuppressed. Do it for your community. Do it so our kids can get back to school, that want to get back to sports, that want to re-open our businesses.

If we were to have vaccine rates higher than what we currently have, I firmly believe that we wouldn't be where we are now.

The best defense is a strong offense. Lets be offensive and get vaccinated. I assure you that the vaccines are very safe and very effective.

Compare the mild side effects you may get from the vaccines to the long lasting life changes from a natural infection are vastly different.

If you have questions about the vaccines, please ask the questions to your primary care provider. Ask me.

I want out of this pandemic as much as you. I am tired of hearing about another infection, another ICU admission, another death.

It is time for us to be adults and do what is right for each other.

A well-known Tri-Citian is warning folks about from his hospital bed. He says if he pulls through, he *will* be getting the .
"It's not anything to mess around with," says his wife, Tina. "It's real."

Reduced Risk of Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 After COVID-19... 08/06/2021

New study released today shows that for people previously infected with COVID-19, those who went Unvaccinated more than 3 months after infection had significantly higher likelihood of reinfection. n=738 (Case participants + control group). 246 study participants (regardless of vaccine status) became re-infected. Of those who chose to not get the vaccine, 179 (72.8%) became re-infected).

I have encountered some patients that feel that if you were naturally infected with COVID-19 that you didn't need to get the vaccine. This study proves otherwise.

While this study was only conducted on Kentucky residents, this appears to be further proof that all eligible persons be offered COVID-19 vaccination, regardless of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection status.

Reduced Risk of Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 After COVID-19... This report describes COVID-19 reinfection among vaccinated and unvaccinated persons in Kentucky.

Timeline photos 08/05/2021

If you can, and you are physically able, do yourself, your family, and your community a favor - get vaccinated.

Latest statistics are out showing Infection rate, hospitalization rate, and mortality rate of unvaccinated people...and it's not surprising.

The COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in Persons Who Are Not Fully Vaccinated report from the DOH is available. Breakthrough cases by county are listed.

Summary Findings at a glance:
• 96.5% of COVID-19 cases from February 1, 2021 – July 24, 2021 were not fully vaccinated
• 96.0% of COVID-19 cases from February 1, 2021 – July 24, 2021 who were hospitalized were not fully vaccinated
• 94.6% of COVID-19 cases from February 1, 2021 – July 24, 2021 who died from COVID-19 were not fully vaccinated

Context for understanding findings in this report:
• More than 94% of all cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in individuals 12 years or older from Washington state can be attributed to individuals who have not been fully vaccinated.
• As of July 24, 2021, 60.6% of those in Washington state who are eligible to receive vaccines have completed an approved vaccination series. As the percent of fully vaccinated people increases, we anticipate that the overall case, hospitalization, and death cases across the state will begin to decline.
• Vaccinations save lives. Vaccination prevents severe illness and hospitalization and lowers your risk of dying from COVID-19. It also helps reduce the spread of the virus in communities while supporting communities so they can remain open.
• Unvaccinated individuals should get vaccinated and continue masking until they are fully vaccinated. With the emergence of the Delta variant as the dominant strain in Washington and the U.S., it is more urgent than ever to ensure that everyone who can, get vaccinated.
• The more than 4 million fully vaccinated Washingtonians have a very strong degree of protection against COVID-19 variants, including Delta. They are overwhelmingly avoiding severe illness.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 07/27/2021

"For example, fully or partially vaccinated people who developed COVID-19 spent on average six fewer total days sick and two fewer days sick in bed. They also had about a 60 percent lower risk of developing symptoms, like fever or chills, compared to those who were unvaccinated."

Coronavirus Disease 2019 CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.


Thanks Dr. Brian Lawenda for posting this earlier.

I plan on getting a video out later about vaccine efficacy. Statistics and data are what they are.

If you're in doubt about the COVID vaccines, now is the time to get it.

Amazing vaccine efficacy 😮❤️


It is my pleasure to announce the launch of my new private practice clinic, "Redefined Health Clinic"

To say I am excited is more than an understatement! This has been almost a year in planning, learning, working to get to this point. To Celebrate, I am also holding a contest, but more on that later.

The appointments begin Saturday, July 31 via telemedicine in Washington and Montana. (More states coming soon).

The clinic will focus on Men's health: hormone replacement, ED, low energy, fatigue, poor exercise recovery, low vitamin levels, and will soon be working with medical weight loss. If COVID taught us anything, it's that convenience rules.

(No. I am NOT closing my primary care practice. It is going strong and I love what I do. If you or a loved one are ALREADY a patient of mine, nothing will change. You will still see me as you have for the last 3+ years. Further, there will be no cross-over of patients between my primary care practice and Redefined Health Clinic).

Now, the contest. I am asking for the support of family and friends to participate in the launch of my new clinic with a simple contest. The more active you are, the more your chances to win.

To enter, simply:
1. Follow "Redefined Health Clinic" on Facebook:

2. Like and Comment on the FB contest post.

3. Share this Post.

4. "Follow" Redefined Health Clinic on Instagram:

5. Like and Comment on the Instagram contest post.

3 Randomly drawn winners will be selected to receive one $10 Gift card from Starbucks. The deadline to enter is July 31, 2021, at 10:00PM PST. Winners will be selected and announced on both pages on Monday, August 2, 2021.

Again, I am very excited because this is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. I am stoked to share this awesome news with you today.

Timeline photos 06/30/2021

As we have progressed in the last 6+ months since the vaccine roll-out, we are now anywhere from 68-72% of Washington St. population that is vaccine covered with at least 1 vaccine so far. Those figures vary between what the CDC and Washington St. Dept of Health use.

Regardless, there is still more work to do. Currently the population of people being admitted to the hospital and unfortunately dying from COVID are in those that are unvaccinated. Current figures range 98-99% of those people are unvaccinated.

To help you and your loved ones from contracting the virus, below are several vaccine sites over the next few days to either start or complete the vaccine series.

If you have any questions or concerns (believe me, there are a lot of them, feel free to reach out to me.

This week's pop-up clinics with many clinics moved indoors to keep our community and workers safe. If you need your first or second dose, there are lots of options.

(Washington State Department of Health )


Well folks, we are on the verge of an epic heat wave for the next week or so. It is going to be H-O-T!

Make sure you stay hydrated. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces in water daily (ex. 180 lbs = 90 ounces of water). Make sure your urine is pale yellow. Dark yellow is too concentrated and you're not getting enough.

If you have to be outside, get the sunscreen on your body and cover up. Make sure to take plenty of breaks and drink even more than half of your body weight in water.

Exercise? Well, keep it indoors if you can. But if you MUST exercise outside, do it early in the AM or later at night when the temps are lower.

Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in All of Us Research Program Participants, January 2-March 18, 2020 06/16/2021

A Pandemic Timeline Reset...

Providing more evidence to the fire, we now have further proof that COVID was here in the US pre-testing capability. Samples collected in January-February 2020 show Antibody presence. Estimates place exposure of those patients to COVID were in late December 2019.

Remember, the first known US Positive COVID test was on Jan 15, 2020 here in Washington in a man who had been to Wuhan China in December 2019.

Of the 24,079 study participants with blood specimens drawn from January 2 to March 18, 2020, 7 were positive for antibodies prior to the first confirmed case. This was in the states of Illinois, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi.

Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in All of Us Research Program Participants, January 2-March 18, 2020 AbstractBackground. With limited SARS-CoV-2 testing capacity in the US at the start of the epidemic (January – March), testing was focused on symptomatic patien


Out of genuine curiosity, what reason if any, are you opposed to getting any of the COVID vaccines?

COVID-19 Data Explorer 06/07/2021

As of yesterday, June 6, we are at 170 million people in the US with at least one COVID Vaccine. That's approximately 61% of the US Population. 138 million of those with 2 vaccines completed.

These are profound numbers for the last 6 months since the vaccine came available.

COVID cases have fallen under 15,000.

COVID-19 Data Explorer Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems

this looks so painful 😳 @zutaylor 
follow us @zupless for more 🦋
via: quinnerthesinner tiktok 06/06/2021

Maybe not so much today since it's cloudy and in the 50's. But remember to wear your sunscreen this summer.

this looks so painful 😳 @zutaylor follow us @zupless for more 🦋 via: quinnerthesinner tiktok

Fully-vaccinated Americans can return to life without masks, CDC says 05/13/2021

As we have progressed through the last 5 months of vaccines we are seeing the tide turn.

If you have ever questioned whether or not you should get the vaccine, this may be the reason to move forward now.

And with the news that 12-15 year old's can now get the vaccine ( things should definitely be opening up soon.

Let me know if you have any questions about the vaccines.

Vaccine locations can now be found here:

Fully-vaccinated Americans can return to life without masks, CDC says The CDC will no longer recommend masks for fully-vaccinated Americans indoors or outdoors, including in crowds, according to sweeping new guidance announced Thursday.



04/29/2021 04/27/2021

In my opinion, we as a medical community haven't done a good job educating our patients and the community about the COVID vaccines. In talking with patients, there have heard A LOT of misleading information out there.

So...I've decided to do a Live Q&A session talking about the Vaccines for you all on Wed, April 28th at 7pm.

Leading up to this, I'm asking you to submit your questions and I will do my best to answer them live. Also, you can ask me questions live on Wednesday evening.

COVID Vaccine in Pasco - Find locations in Washington. | Solv 04/08/2021

The link below is a list of locations around the Tri-Cities where you can get different vaccines now that we're rolling out all 3 types (Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson-Johnson). Most are listed by appointment only so you need to click each individual link to see when a spot is open.

Regardless, we're getting there! I believe April 15th is the beginning of vaccine availability for ANY person over the age of 16. So appointment spots will be filling up fast just due to the sheer number of people eligible now for the vaccine.

COVID Vaccine in Pasco - Find locations in Washington. | Solv Browse nearby locations offering the COVID vaccine in Pasco, WA and get the latest updates on Washington's vaccine plan.

April 7, 28: WSU Tri-Cities to host a public COVID-19 vaccination clinic | WSU Tri-Cities 04/07/2021

If you wish to prepare for summer by getting your COVID-19 vaccination, sign up for the vaccination clinic being held Wednesday at the WSU Tri-Cities campus. The clinic is from 9 AM - 8 PM on the campus in north Richland. You can learn more about the clinic at

The clinic is Wednesday, April 7 from 9 AM - 8 PM.

You can make an appointment online or just drop by between 1 - 7 PM.

You CAN get vaccinated even if you are not in one of the currently eligible vaccination groups.

They will be giving the Pfizer vaccine, which requires two shots. There will be a clinic on April 28 at WSUTC to administer the second dose.

April 7, 28: WSU Tri-Cities to host a public COVID-19 vaccination clinic | WSU Tri-Cities 01 Apr April 7, 28: WSU Tri-Cities to host a public COVID-19 vaccination clinic Posted at 11:04h in Academic Affairs, Community Engagement, Faculty, frontpage, profile, student success, WSUTC News by Maegan Murray By Maegan Murray, WSU Tri-Cities RICHLAND, Wash. – Washington State University Tri-C...


The American Cancer Society has changed the screening guidelines for colon cancer. It is now the age of 45 instead of 50 in an effort to catch and prevent colon cancer earlier. Yes, this means I'm now eligible as well. Dr. Brian Lawenda explains more below.


From "Your Local":

"Today the FDA released Pfizer’s Phase III vaccine trial data. This is big, as this is the first time we, scientists, have seen the data. Pfizer’s report was 92 pages long and the FDA report was 53 pages long. And, yes, I read it all. Here are your cliff notes…

Things are looking good. Well, not just good, they are looking great. This trial was as clean as it can get. There is nothing (big) we didn’t expect.


• We see benefit starting 14 days after the first dose (see Figure). This makes sense because it takes about 2 weeks for the immune system to make sufficient antibody protection after vaccination.

• After the first dose, efficacy was 52%. This is a fantastic for a single dose.

• After your second dose (3 weeks later), efficacy is 95%. We are confident that efficacy ranges from 90-98%.

• Efficacy doesn’t meaningfully differ by age, race/ethnicity, or comorbidity.

Adverse events.

• Overall, the Pfizer vaccination gives more adverse events than the flu vaccination but less than the shingles vaccine.

• The most common solicited adverse reaction (i.e. what we were expecting) were mild to moderate: injection site reactions (84.1%), fatigue (62.9%), headache (55.1%), muscle pain (38.3%), chills (31.9%), joint pain (23.6%), fever (14.2%)

• The chance of getting a severe adverse event was low (0.5%). A severe event is more likely in the second dose than the first and were less frequent among older adults compared to younger participants.

• An unsolicited (i.e. not expected) adverse event that came up more in the vaccine group was swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy). 64 people in the vaccine group compared to 6 people in the placebo group. This could be related to the vaccine.

• There were 4 people in the vaccine group with Bell’s palsy (compared to 0 in the placebo group). But this isn’t much of a concern because it reflects the same rate of Bell’s palsy in the general population. Something to keep an eye on

• 6 people died during the trial. Deaths were NOT related to the vaccine. Mostly related to heart attacks.

There are a few unknowns. From this study, we do not know…

• Duration of protection

• Effectiveness against transmission

• Effectiveness or safety among certain high-risk populations, such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals. There were just not enough people in the study to make meaningful conclusions. This likely means that the FDA will not approve emergency use for these populations. We will know more on Thursday.

• Benefits of individuals with prior COVID19 infection. But, given there is documented reinfection, the FDA stated that previously infected by people could benefit from vaccination.

Translation: This vaccine will likely be approved on Thursday. Which, by the way, will be streaming live. An event that will likely go down in history, albeit a bit boring, scientific, and long.

Love, YLE"

Here is the FDA document:

Here is the Pfizer document:


I have made my belief known for a few months now that I am in support of the return to schools (K-12) using continued measures of masks/shields, hand washing/sanitizing, social distancing where appropriate, one-way flow through halls (MS/HS) with extended time between classes to allow the longer routes, etc.

In Oct, the Wash Dept of Health created a summary document of different nations and states showing measures in place, reopening steps, and outcomes in terms of infection. Keep in mind infection spread can be measured with spread within a school vs spread from outside of the school. In other words, the source of the spread. Regardless, here is the document. I think it helps provide some more color to the realities of the safety of reopening schools here in WA - for the educational, mental, and social health of our kids - especially MS and HS.

I pray that our school districts can see this information, recognize that living in fear is not the answer, and implement a return to school for all grades K-12.

The Children Never Had the Coronavirus. So Why Did They Have Antibodies? 11/12/2020

Over the last 8+ months, we've been seeing this immune response in kids. Whether it be directly with pediatric patients, indirect information from my adult patients and their kids, or simply through research articles.

I think it sheds a lot more light on why kids are not becoming symptomatic with COVID-19, if at all. It also lends additional information as to why we should begin reopening face to face schools locally and across the state. =

The Children Never Had the Coronavirus. So Why Did They Have Antibodies? A provocative study suggests that certain colds may leave antibodies against the new coronavirus, perhaps explaining why children are more protected than adults.


This last week the Infectious Disease Society of America held their annual conference virtually. Dr. Brian York, Infectious Disease Specialist at Kadlec Medical Center shared some of their key points and takeaways from the conference, especially the encouraging news regarding starting schools back up face to face.

I've summarized the points below:

1. Vey low secondary attack rate. Meaning, if a child gets it, the secondary spread to another was very low.

2. Schools can open safely and delivered in an effective face to face manner with sufficient resources and low community viral burden. Most school-associated transmission appears (so far) to be related to out of class exposures.

3. 1266 schools, K-12, are submitting data to Brown University for research. Of them, 291 are in person, 252 are Remote, and 514 are Hybrid. This comprises over 212,000 students and over 64,000 staff.

4. Of 197 Urban setting schools, there has been a drop in infection numbers.

5. School districts are beginning to use collaborative efforts between school districts and local medical professionals to help with return to school planning, mitigation strategies, collecting data for decision making, and school-to-community based data.

Point 5 is something that our local school district administrations, though they've had 6+ months for planning, have not reached out to local medical professionals. This is something that we are advocating for locally. The only known medical advice that the school districts have sought out has been from BFHD with their flip-flopping back and forth.

Here is a link to the videos that were shared. Credit to Brian York:

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