Through the Hands

Laurie Teixeira, LCSW, is a TAT trainer and a Body Code Practitioner, located in Richmond Hill, GA. Our bodies were designed to be in a state of balance.

Everyone has the ability to heal from any emotional and physical symptoms of stress that interfere with their ability to live a happy life. However, life stressors have a way of disrupting our bodies natural ability. The good news is that there are ways to resolve and restore this balance and state of well-being. Through the Hands is designed to bring healing and wholeness back to individuals thro


Breaking Free: Moving Forward on Your Healing Journey
We’ve all been there: stuck in a rut, feeling resigned to our circumstances. Whether it’s a stagnant career, a long-overdue relationship change, or neglecting our physical health, there’s a part of life where we’ve hit pause. It’s important to acknowledge that this is a common experience – no judgment, just recognition.
So, what can we do to break free? The first step is often healing the underlying blocks that are holding us back. These can feel like protective mechanisms, but they’re actually preventing us from moving forward and trusting ourselves, and the divine guidance available to us.
To start shifting, try tuning into your intuition and seeking inner wisdom. Small, consistent steps, combined with reflection, can illuminate patterns that might be holding you back. These patterns could be deeply rooted, even generational.
If you find yourself feeling stuck, ask yourself: What needs healing to bring clarity and forward movement? This question can be a powerful starting point for your journey to freedom. Remember, progress is often made through small steps, and every bit of healing brings you closer to your desired outcome.
Let’s break free from the cycle of stagnation together.
Would you like to explore specific areas of feeling stuck or dive deeper into healing? Let’s chat.


This year has been a time of deep inner work for me, as I’ve been exploring the darker parts of my soul. It feels like I’m being prepared for a big change – a shift in how I share my work with the world. For years, I’ve felt a strong pull to move from one-on-one work to working with larger groups of people. Now, I can see how all the pieces of this puzzle are starting to fit together. It’s like a beautiful picture is emerging, but there are still a few missing pieces. I’m excited to see this vision fully realized!
Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection:
What areas of your life feel like they’re in shadow right now?
Can you identify any patterns or recurring challenges?
How might these challenges be preparing you for something new?
What steps can you take to bring more light to your shadow areas?
Imagine your ideal future self. What does your life look like?


Feeling a powerful shift? You’re not alone!
This message is for anyone creating something amazing, something aligned with your deepest purpose. Even if you don’t realize it, you’re on the right track!
The secret? It’s not about forcing things. It’s about Yin power. This is the gentle energy of allowing, flowing, and receiving. It’s about appreciating the present moment and trusting the universe.
Think of yourself as a magnet. When you cultivate qualities like peace, passion, and purpose within yourself, you naturally attract those things into your life.
Here’s a great example: One of my clients faced challenges in all her relationships. She worked hard on healing those issues, setting boundaries, speaking her truth with compassion and letting go of a lot of negativity. Even though she financially struggled, she kept pursuing her passion in a helping field.
Guess what? A perfect job opportunity unexpectedly appeared,when she wasn’t even looking, offering a new environment, a promotion and a nice raise! She didn’t try to force it to happen, but it came at the “right time” on her journey. Even though she felt others were more qualified, she went for it and was offered the position .
So, let go of the struggle and embrace the flow! As you heal and open yourself to receive, amazing things will happen,perfectly timed for your path.


Have you ever felt a deep sense of change brewing within you? Like a butterfly about to break free from its cocoon, your soul might be undergoing a powerful transformation! This can feel intense, but trust me, it’s a beautiful and necessary step towards growth.
Think of it like a spiritual upgrade being triggered by a deep cleansing, where you shed old baggage, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy patterns. It’s a chance to become more present in the moment and truly connect with your inner wisdom.
Recently, a client of mine was wrestling with a difficult choice. She was considering going back to a relationship that wasn’t healthy. Part of her wanted to believe her ex had changed, but another part felt unsure. It’s a common struggle, right? We want to give second chances, but we also need to prioritize our own well-being.
This internal conflict is a reflection of her soul’s transformation. Stirring up feelings of guilt or doubt, making it hard to let go of the familiar, even if it wasn’t good for her. As she sheds old patterns, she’s naturally drawn towards healthier situations.
So, how can she navigate this tough choice with “eyes wide open?”
Consider all the options. What would it look like to stay in the relationship? What about leaving? How would each choice make her feel in the short and long term?
Seek guidance. Trusted supports and a little divine support can help us see things more clearly. Meditation, prayer, or journaling can all be helpful tools.
Focus on what she can control. She can’t control whether her ex has truly changed, but she can control her own actions and choices.
Trust her intuition. Shedding what no longer serves her. By listening to her inner voice, she can make a decision that feels right for her right now.
Remember, you’re not alone! Many of us face difficult decisions that might upset the people we care about. But by approaching these situations with courage, self-awareness, and a commitment to growth, we can navigate them with grace and emerge stronger.
Have you ever been through a similar transformation? Share your story in the comments! We can all learn and grow from each other’s experiences.


Breaking Free from the Past: A Journey to Peace
Have you ever noticed how your mind gets stuck replaying old stories? Those fights, disappointments, or even bigger struggles – they come back again and again, bringing up the same old emotions. It can feel like we’re trapped in the past, taking away some of our energy to focus on the present.
Here’s the thing: our brains do this because they think it keeps us safe. They’re trying to learn from those experiences. But sometimes, we just need to let go.
For me, healing has been about opening up to divine working in me and finally those replays are becoming quieter and less intense. They still pop up, but it’s different now. I can notice them without getting pulled back in.  I feel calmer, more at peace with them. I acknowledge them, the feelings they bring, and then a deeper part of me, a kind of “divine essence,” whispers, “It’s okay.”
It’s like a new space opened up inside. A space filled with peace and appreciation for the present moment. It’s hard to describe in words, but it’s incredibly exciting. I’m learning to experience life differently, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me!


Ever feel like your brain takes you down a rabbit’s hole after something stressful happens, or even from a simple chat? You’re not alone! Our brains are like guard dogs – they bark when they sense danger, even if it’s not real. This can flood our minds with questions and worries, making us feel overwhelmed and stuck.
Imagine your brain is like a chatterbox friend who loves to dramatize! It jumps to conclusions, brings up past stuff that might not even be relevant, and worries about things that haven’t even happened yet. This can make it hard to think clearly and deal with the situation in a calm way.
The good news is, the mind can become quieter. The more you heal past wounds and hurts, the easier it becomes to notice and shift the mind chatter and the emotions it stirs up. Think of it like training a puppy – with patience and practice, you can teach your brain new responses.
Here are a few tricks to help you become the boss of your thoughts:
• Take a deep breath. This might sound simple, but it helps! Slow, deep breaths tell your body to relax and calm down.
• Ask yourself: “Is this thought helpful?” Sometimes our brains tell us stories that aren’t true. Challenge those thoughts with more positive ones.
• Focus on what you can control. Instead of worrying about what might happen, think about what you can actually do in the situation.
• Acknowledge the feelings and allow them to move through you. Bottling up emotions can make them stronger. Let yourself feel them, and then let them go.
• Find the humor! Sometimes, when you realize how silly your worries are, you can laugh them off.
Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you train your brain to stay calm and focus on the present, the less likely it will be to drag you down a negative path. It might take some time, but you can definitely learn to quiet the chatterbox and move forward differently.


A Client’s Return: A Heartwarming Reminder on Healing
This week, something truly special happened. A client I hadn’t seen in years reached out, ready to tackle some new life struggles and complex family challenges. It fills me with such immense honor when past clients return to continue their healing journeys.
Witnessing someone come back, ready to dive deeper, is a beautiful reminder of the power of healing work. It’s about helping people access that inner wisdom and strength they already possess. It’s about guiding them to tap into the answers they’ve had within them all along, fostering a sense of clarity and trusting their intuition.
That’s what happens on the healing journey – a journey filled with rediscovery and self-empowerment. It’s about learning to trust those inner whispers and taking action based on your own guidance. Here’s to my amazing client (and all those on their healing paths!), for bravely choosing to keep growing and evolving!


A Client’s Return: A Heartwarming Reminder on Healing
This week, something truly special happened. A client I hadn’t seen in years reached out, ready to tackle some new life struggles and complex family challenges. It fills me with such immense honor when past clients return to continue their healing journeys.
Witnessing someone come back, ready to dive deeper, is a beautiful reminder of the power of healing work. It’s about helping people access that inner wisdom and strength they already possess. It’s about guiding them to tap into the answers they’ve had within them all along, fostering a sense of clarity and trusting their intuition.
That’s what happens on the healing journey – a journey filled with rediscovery and self-empowerment. It’s about learning to trust those inner whispers and taking action based on your own guidance. Here’s to my amazing client (and all those on their healing paths!), for bravely choosing to keep growing and evolving!


This weekend, I held my first in-person workshop since the pandemic, and it was amazing! We focused on helping people ditch negative thoughts and beliefs that hold them back from happiness. We talked about feeling good about yourself, believing you deserve good things, and overcoming challenges. It’s a big journey, but so rewarding!
The women who came shared their struggles, like feeling unsure or stuck facing invisible walls. Some even felt unheard or intimidating for speaking their minds. We explored how these issues can run in families, and how letting go of past hurts our ancestors carried can be incredibly powerful for us today. We did exercises to release these burdens, opening ourselves to clarity and changing negative beliefs. It even felt like we were opening the door to receive support from our ancestors!
The coolest part? We saw how our present struggles might be connected to patterns passed down through generations. Even better, when we focused on healing and releasing these burdens, it felt like a weight lifted from everyone’s shoulders. It was like freeing ourselves and our ancestors all at once! The messages from our ancestors we received at the end of the workshop seemed to perfectly match what we’d discussed and our healing intentions. It was like a sign we were definitely on the right track.
I’m so grateful to the women who participated and to their ancestors for helping us release burdens no one needs to carry any longer.


A recent client conversation resonated deeply. We discussed the challenges faced by many Black men, particularly in expressing their emotions and pain.
Consider this: Many Black men today have ancestors who weren’t that far removed from slavery. These ancestors endured unimaginable physical and emotional hardships, forced to suppress their pain to survive. Have you ever considered how past experiences in your family lineage might be impacting your emotional expression today?
This suppression of emotions can be passed down through generations. It could explain why this client’s father also struggles to express his feelings. It’s as if the pain accumulates, sometimes even intensifying over time.
This client’s story adds another layer to the complexity of unexpressed emotions. He’s not only a Black man, but also a trauma survivor and veteran who has witnessed the horrors of war firsthand.
The takeaway? There can be a multitude of reasons why someone might have trouble expressing themselves. By understanding our history and past experiences, we can begin to break free from these cycles and find healthier ways to process pain. What steps could you take to begin exploring and healing any potential ancestral wounds? If you could leave a message of healing for future generations in your family, what would it be?
Breaking the cycle starts with us.


Generational Echoes: How the Past Shapes Our Present
We often work through issues with our clients from various angles, yet sometimes they feel frustratingly stuck. A recent session with a client experiencing compulsive behavior offered a powerful breakthrough. Despite logic and self-talk, the need to complete this task persisted, bringing no relief until finished.
Then, a key piece of the puzzle emerged. My client, for the first time, mentioned, “My mother did this exact thing.” This revelation sparked a connection – could this be a generational pattern passed down, unknowingly influencing his behavior?
This realization highlights the profound impact of generational trauma. Unhealed wounds from our ancestors’ experiences can unconsciously echo in our own lives, manifesting as repetitive behaviors or emotional struggles.
The session that day focused on healing this ancestral connection. By acknowledging and bringing compassion to both himself and his mother, we opened a space for transformation.
This powerful reminder underscores the importance of exploring our ancestral history. The answers to our present struggles can often be found in the stories of those who came before us.
As we heal and cultivate compassion for ourselves and our lineage, we unlock a wellspring of inner strength and guidance, propelling us forward on a path of lasting change.


Embracing a healing journey isn't merely an act of self-care; it is a sacred commitment to your soul's evolution. By embarking on this transformative voyage, you embark on a sacred pilgrimage towards inner peace, wholeness, and enlightenment.

Let us embrace the opportunity to confront our past wounds with courage, for it is through these sacred wounds that we discover our true strength and resilience. As we nurture ourselves with compassion and self-love, we unlock the gates to profound healing and emotional well-being.

Remember, dear ones, that healing is not a destination but a continuous journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace each step with reverence and gratitude, knowing that every moment is an opportunity for transformation and awakening.

May you find solace in the knowledge that you are guided and supported by the universe on this sacred journey. Trust in the divine timing of your healing process, and know that the right experiences and teachings will find you when you are ready to receive them.

Together, let us walk this path of healing and spiritual growth, hand in hand, as we illuminate the world with our inner radiance and love.

TikTok · Reemergence of Healers 07/25/2023

TikTok · Reemergence of Healers Check out Reemergence of Healers's video.


Healers, don’t be afraid to embrace your differences and express yourself!
You are a healer FOR A REASON.


Today I worked with an amazing writing coach and healer who is helping me write my next book from an authentic and more vulnerable place.

I went from frustrated writers block to happy and wanting to write beautiful stories.

Amazing what can shift with the right help.

Love me some healers.


Can we slow down for a little while when coming back from a vacation?
Today, I am feeling that there is so much to do and not enough time to accomplish it all.
I am both exhilarated and exhausted.
Well, part of the exhaustion is my body needing a vacation, from the vacation. I set some new walking records for myself last week. 🤩
Exhilarated about what I see ahead of me and the goals that just make me smile and feel joy.
I intentionally have a lighter schedule today, allowing me to get back out of vacation mode and back  into my groove of healing.
Back into my routine of prayer and meditation—Consciously preparing myself to be a pure vessel for healing energies to flow through me, to take away and shift what is needed, and keep the energies moving and feel lighter within.
We don’t want to keep others' energies, it will ultimately deplete you. I have learned that asking for the energies to keep moving through and away is important, for my own physical and emotional health and balance.
As a healer, I love the different rhythms and frequencies I feel as divine energy flows through and around me—Heightening my intuition and other senses.
A beautiful dance of high vibrational energy surrounds both me and the clients I work with. In this divine space, extraordinary things happen.
I love being in this zone and so honored to be part of this special group of healers who are called to step forward and transform the lives of others. This is my true life’s purpose.
Do you have a daily practice to keep you grounded,  protected, and at your best to help others for the long term? If not, there is no better time than today to begin.
Comment below on what you do or are going to start. Love to hear.

Photos from Through the Hands's post 07/29/2022

As healers, all the hard and emotional work we do in helping others, it is so necessary to have fun and bring in that high vibration of joy.

That was achieved this week.

I must say, this has been such a wonderful week celebrating both mine and my daughter’s birthday.

We wore our Disney birthday pins and had a contest to see who would get the most birthday wishes. It was close but she did.

However, a family sung to us in line and that was unexpected and fun.

How do you make sure you are bringing joy into your life? I hope you are! There is always time to make even simple plans.


The gathering place

I just loved this sign when I read it.

As my daughter and I strolled through Disney land as one of our many birthday week activities, we came across this sign!

Pooh and his friends have been one of my favorite childhood stories. Well , I still love them.

They are simple and honest.

My hope is to establish a gathering place of healers for healers. Where we can provide a simple, honest, loving, save space for all who join!

A place to support each other on this journey. I will be sharing helpful things I have learned in my 15 year journey of stepping into my life’s purpose as a healer.

I hope others will share some of their tips, tools and concerns.

Join me on Facebook! The group is Calle “Reemergence of Woman Healers.” This is a group where all women, trans women, or anyone who identifies as a female, are welcomed!

If you have any questions about how to join, leave them below! Can’t wait to meet you all!

Photos from Through the Hands's post 07/25/2022

Magical moments

My daughter and I decided to take a trip to California for our birthday celebration this year.
We share the same birthday, so it is always a special time of year for us!

Before I came to California, I asked for some magical moments to happen that would be fun and unique.

On our first day, we went on a day tour of LA. While we were at the Observatory looking at the Hollywood Sign, there were small bushes with flowers that had hummingbirds flying around them.

On one bush there was a little bag hanging in it. We noticed it but kept walking until in another area we saw another one and went “hmmmm, what is that?”

My daughter bent down and picked it up and inside was a crystal necklace.

So we went back to the other bush and the first bag was still there. I picked it up and noticed another, different crystal.

My daughter’s was a blue apatite—that helps with, motivation, ambition, self-confidence and self- acceptance.

Mine was a pyrite—used for abundance, confidence and protection. It also protects and shields against all forms of negative vibrations and energy.

Each one was the right one for us to find.

Thank you for the beautiful surprise.

I love when magical things happen, and I am looking forward to more as we celebrate our birthdays this week.


I think astrology charts are so cool! This is another pre-birthday gift to myself.

Two years ago I had my astrological birth chart done for the first time.

It was so informative and really felt true for my life.

I didn’t realize how much went into a chart and learning about the different houses, planets and zodiac signs, a lot of information that felt overwhelming.

I saw an Astrologer who completed my chart and they were amazing! The Astrologer made sure I understood as much as I could take in.

I now enjoy having my chart read around my birthday to help give me some guidance, and confirmations of what I am feeling and timeframe I am planning certain tasks and goals.

It is so interesting me that what is written in the stars can tell us so much about ourselves.

What self-care gifts do you give to self? I would love to hear some below.

Photos from Through the Hands's post 07/20/2022

Love me some Reiki

As part of my pre-birthday celebration, I am doing some self-care and fun activities as a gift to myself.

I went for a Reiki session to move some of what I felt was some stagnate energy in my body.

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress through gentle touch. Through their hands and intuition the practitioner guides the energy through your body to promote balance and support healing.

My practitioner also had cats and made sure I was comfortable with them. . Now this was the first time I experienced a cat who jumped on the table, snuggle between my legs by my ankles and rested his head on my foot, for the entire session.

I actually felt more relaxed.

Afterwards, I felt more balanced, clear and open. My energy was flowing.

So thankful for healers.

Healers need other healers too.


Healing devastating events

Last week, one of my clients learned that a former employee came back to their workplace parking lot and completed su***de in his car.

This is such a tragic event and one that can be difficult enough to process.

But that wasn’t all.

The news was even more devastating, before ending his life, he took his ex-girlfriend and his service dogs life as well.

We hear about these events and hope it is not with people we know and love.

Without even knowing them, my heart aches for all those involved. 

As healers, we might not be able to prevent such horrific events but we can help heal the aftermath for the loved ones and others who are left with picking up the pieces as they try to make some sense of what happened.

As empaths we have to consciously let go of the emotions we feel from others. 

As healers who are impacted directly and indirectly by such events, we need to make sure we are taking care of our own emotional, physical and spiritual health to be able to assist others on their healing journey. 

If anyone is struggling with overwhelming emotions, suicidal thoughts, please seek help, someone is available to talk 24/7. Call the National Su***de Prevention Lifeline at 9-8-8.



Mental Health Awareness

I love that Mental Health Awareness is coming to the forefront and loosing some of it’s stigma.

That means Healers are so important at this time to help clear the trauma and stress that is felt emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Let’s support each other to get out there and help with our unique skills and gifts to transform lives and regain balance in mind, body, spirit and more.

Love to have you join Reemergence of Woman Healers, Facebook group and build an amazing supportive community to do this work, that is our calling.


Healing can be such a great gift. As healers, we have the abilities to heal ourselves and others!
It’s beautiful, rewarding, and an amazing experience for myself and others.


I enjoy spending my days off in the sun! Once the fun in the sun is over, I return to my healing work.

While doing my day to day work, I often times as myself “Am I allowed to call myself a healer?”

That is a question I struggled with for a long time and it is a question my clients ask themselves also.

I love this definition of healing: Developing a sense of personal wholeness that involves physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual aspects of human experience.

Wholeness is the state of being unbroken or undamaged. The journey to wholeness can be life-long but beautiful and worth the undertaking.

A healer helps a person achieve personal wholeness by using their intuitive skills, spiritual guidance and unique modalities to transform their lives.

If this sounds like you, then you are a healer.

Welcome! Healers, remember to continue enjoying life so that you can enjoy what you are meant to do!


‘Being a Healer’

Healers have been given the gift of the spirit. The gift to walk with integrity and authenticity. 

Healers, know that your work is very valuable and needed. 

Your work has tremendous meaning in changing the lives of others, who will seek your help.

The effects of your healing work on just one person can have an impact far greater than you may ever know.
It is like the pebble in the pond, its ripples can create a massive wave that can impact many..

It is time for each of us to step forward and do our part.


Are you a Healer or meant to be a Healer?

So how do you identify if you are one?

A Healer to me is someone who has the divine gift to help transform the lives of others. 

A Healer is an empath and/or intuitive who has the ability to use their gifts in understanding and feeling the subtle energies of emotions and the physical manifestations of trauma and stress to help release it in people, animals, even the planet..

It is such beautiful work that doesn’t feel like work at all. It is a passion, a life’s purpose.

Do you feel the call? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would love to have you join the Facebook group and be part of the community to support each other and continue to grow on this journey, we call life. Group name: Reemergence of Woman Healers.


Happy Independence Day,

What does Independence mean? Freedom from the control of another country.

Today we celebrate our Independence from Great Britain's rule.

I reflect on the many sacrifices people have made over the years to fight for independence, freedom and equality for all. 

I have been grateful to live in a country where we have many freedoms that are not given everywhere. Where people can express their beliefs and differences.

However, I am also saddened and perplexed that we are living in a time, once again where rights that have been fought so hard for are being dismantled. Rights that make this country a true melting pot of beautiful diversity and personal choice.

As an empath and healer, I feel the energy and heaviness of what goes on in the world and need to make sure I am clearing myself. I want to remain open and balanced to continue to help others through what continues to be chaotic times.


There are many things to be said, so many emotions to feel. As a healer, I must choose to be passionate in a way that will help guide others.

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Are you a Healer or meant to be a Healer?So how do you identify if you are one?A Healer to me is someone who has the div...
What do your eyes reveal?Before the pandemic, I had a photo taken of my eyes from an amazingly gifted woman who does Iri...
To all my healers, I would love to hear you share! Please comment down below. #healwithlaurie
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