Gina Santangelo Health and Mindset Coaching

Dedicated Health and Mindset Coach, wife, and mother − Gina lives her passion for women’s fitness, mindset work and holistic nutrition each day.

As Master Fitness Instructor, Founder of GLOW Body Pilates Centre in Ridgewood, New Jersey, GLOW - Gina's Lifestyle Of Wellness,, I feel blessed to live my passion for holistic nutrition, mindset work and fitness every single day. Over the last 37 years I explored nutrition, practiced and certified in many fitness genres ─ always grateful to connect with pioneers and master


During both aerobic and resistance training, your muscles contract and stimulate the uptake of glucose all on their own, without needing any help from insulin! 💪 This amazing process helps fuel your workout and keep your energy levels high.

Stay active and healthy, and have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! 🇺🇸✨


Food for thought. Contrary to common practices, eating six small meals a day may not be the best approach.

This constant eating keeps insulin levels high in an average body, preventing our bodies from resting and engaging in autophagy, the process of cellular repair.

Instead, consider specific eating windows (intermittent fasting) to promote better health and reduce insulin resistance… a precursor to diabetes.

If you're thinking, "if I fast I'll get hyperglycemic," it's important to clarify that hyperglycemia refers to elevated levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. A good fasting coach (like myself 😘) would know ways to keep you balanced during your transition to the lifestyle.

Please remember, I am always here to help you with questions and concerns.

Have a healthy and beautiful weekend.



✨ Did you know that your head placement can impact the way your neck skin hangs?

💆‍♀️ As someone who teaches both Pilates and Yamuna Body Rolling, it’s fascinating to see how these methods can influence posture.

Yamuna Body Rolling, in particular, focuses on aligning the body’s plumb line, the vertical axis passing through the center of gravity, promoting better balance and posture.

💪 This practice can play a significant role in improving head placement and reducing neck strain.

✨ My client struggled with a lot of hanging skin around her neck and jawline, stemming from weight loss. After 6 months of consistent training, we worked on her head placement, and now her neck appears less wrinkled.

Pretty amazing stuff!


We can only identify light, once we understand what darkness is.


🌿 Choosing the right oils for your health matters! Seed oils like soybean, corn, sunflower, canola, safflower, and rapeseed are high in omega-6 fatty acids, linked to inflammation and chronic diseases.

Trans fats, commonly found in partially hydrogenated oils like margarine and some processed foods, are equally harmful, contributing to heart disease and stroke. Moreover, excessive consumption of seed oils can lead to mitochondrial damage, impacting cellular energy production.

Opt for healthier alternatives like olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil, with better fatty acid profiles. Your body will thank you! 🥑


Unraveling the Science of Lateral Flexion on the Pilates Cadillac! 💪

Let’s delve into the details:

✨ Understanding Frontal Plane Movements: Lateral flexion on the Pilates Cadillac primarily targets muscles responsible for side-to-side movements, such as the obliques. By focusing on these muscles, we enhance our ability to move efficiently in the frontal plane, promoting better overall stability and balance.

✨ Targeted Muscle Engagement: Through lateral flexion exercises, we strengthen and tone key muscles involved in side-to-side movements, improving posture, spinal alignment, and functional movement patterns.

✨ Enhanced Range of Motion: By incorporating lateral flexion into our Pilates routine, we increase flexibility and mobility in the spine, allowing for smoother and more fluid movements in the frontal plane.



🌟 Unraveling the Science of Lateral Flexion on the Pilates Cadillac! 💪

Let’s delve into the details:

✨ Understanding Frontal Plane Movements: Lateral flexion on the Pilates Cadillac primarily targets muscles responsible for side-to-side movements, such as the obliques. By focusing on these muscles, we enhance our ability to move efficiently in the frontal plane, promoting better overall stability and balance.

✨ Targeted Muscle Engagement: Through lateral flexion exercises, we strengthen and tone key muscles involved in side-to-side movements, improving posture, spinal alignment, and functional movement patterns.

✨ Enhanced Range of Motion: By incorporating lateral flexion into our Pilates routine, we increase flexibility and mobility in the spine, allowing for smoother and more fluid movements in the frontal plane.



Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Love’s like a journey,
With me and you!

It’s laughter and joy,
And sometimes a sigh,
But together we ride,
Underneath the sky.

So here’s to love’s journey,
Wild and free,
Roses are red,
For you and me!


🚴‍♀️✨ Transform Your Core and More with the Pilates Spine Corrector ✨🚴‍♀️

Discover the game-changing benefits of targeting your psoas muscles with the bicycle movement on the Pilates Spine Corrector. This powerful exercise not only strengthens the core of your movement but unlocks a range of benefits for your back, hips, and transverse abdominal muscles. Here’s why it’s a must-try:

🔑 Key Benefits:

Enhanced Core Stability - The bicycle movement deeply engages your transverse abdominals, the foundational layer of your core, enhancing overall stability and posture.

Psoas Power - Directly targeting the psoas muscles improves your lower back and hip flexibility, reducing the risk of injuries and alleviating lower back pain.

Hip and Spine Health - Strengthening the muscles around your hips and spine supports better alignment, mobility, and reduces discomfort, making every movement more efficient and pain-free.

Improved Balance and Coordination - This exercise challenges your balance and coordination, promoting a more harmonious and efficient body function.

🌟 Why the Pilates Spine Corrector?

The unique curvature of the Spine Corrector supports your body perfectly for the bicycle movement, ensuring optimal alignment and effectiveness. It allows a fuller range of motion, maximizing the engagement of the targeted muscles and enhancing the efficiency of your workout.

📌 Takeaway:
Incorporating the bicycle movement on the Pilates Spine Corrector into your routine is a powerful way to fortify your psoas muscles, along with strengthening your back, hips, and transverse abdominals. It’s more than a workout; it’s a path to a stronger, more flexible you.

💡 Tip: Start slow and focus on form to fully reap the benefits of this transformative exercise. Your body will thank you!


✨ The Law of Attraction ✨ teaches us that our thoughts and beliefs hold the power to shape our reality. But have you ever considered how this powerful law impacts the way we see ourselves?

🌟 The Reflection in the Mirror 🌟: Our self-perception is often a reflection of our innermost thoughts and beliefs. If you believe in your potential, your mirror reflects confidence and possibility. But if you’re clouded by doubt, your reflection might seem less assured.

🧠 Mindset Shift 🧠: By adopting a positive mindset, we can transform not just our outlook on life but also how we view ourselves. Positive affirmations, gratitude, and visualizing success can reshape our self-image into one of strength and confidence.

🌱 Growth and Self-Discovery 🌱: As we align our thoughts with our desires, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. The Law of Attraction isn’t just about attracting external success; it’s about discovering our true potential.

🔍 Self-Perception and Success 🔍: How we view ourselves directly influences our actions and decisions. By seeing ourselves as capable and deserving, we open the doors to opportunities and success.

Embracing the Law of Attraction is not just to manifest our dreams but to see the best in ourselves.

Your thoughts have the power to paint your reality, so why not paint it bright? 🎨✨


🌟 Trusting My Heart’s Wisdom 🌟

In life’s journey, I’ve learned that when I face choices, trusting my heart is often the best decision.

🌅 Each morning, I wake up knowing it’s a new opportunity to embrace what makes me happy. I trust my heart to guide me through my joys and dreams.

💭 Reflecting on moments of true happiness, I’ve learned these are the times when I’m following my heart’s desire.

🌱 I understand now that life isn’t just about big achievements. It’s about knowing who I am and valuing what’s important to me.

🔥 I trust the path my heart shows me, even if it’s unfamiliar. These are the paths where I find the most joy and fulfillment.

🤍 Every day, I take time to listen to my heart. It’s a journey of discovering what I truly need and want.

Photos from Gina Santangelo Health and Mindset Coaching's post 01/09/2024

Such a wonderful shout out 🩷🩷🩷 from Callanetics Exercise corporate.

👯👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ Immense credit goes to Callanetics exercise for its role in maintaining and enhancing my posture and alignment. Not only did it preserve my figure from my early twenties, but it also sculpted it into a leaner and more elongated form.

The most remarkable transformation was evident after I had twins at 45. My body bounced back to its pre-pregnancy state in just a few months, a feat I attribute to the groundwork laid by my prior Callanetics routine. The beauty of Callanetics lies in its emphasis on proper alignment, which allows the body to naturally do the necessary work, reducing the need for intense exercise.

For those who have experienced Callanetics with me, the profound impact of these movements is clear. Its absence is not just felt by the client, but their body noticeably yearns for it too. And if you’ve never tried Callanetics, you’re in for a treat. Feel free to reach out, and I can slip you onto my waitlist for either private lessons in person or via Zoom.

In my practice and teaching, I blend Pilates with Callanetics. This unique combination in my clients' private lessons catalyzes a transformative experience, benefiting both my clients and myself.

This synergy is undoubtedly the cornerstone of our success


🌟 Why New Year’s Resolutions Matter for Health & Fitness 🌟

The new year is a time to reset and embrace new habits, like Pilates for flexibility, strength training for muscle health, eating nutritious foods, and keeping hydrated.

Whether it’s mastering a new Pilates move, lifting heavier weights, eating more greens, or drinking more water, resolutions guide us in setting and achieving specific targets.

The excitement of a new year renews our motivation to pursue diverse fitness goals, from Pilates to strength training.

Regular exercise, including Pilates and strength training, along with a balanced diet and proper hydration, boosts both physical and mental well-being.

Sticking to varied resolutions, from attending Pilates classes to consistent strength training sessions, reinforces discipline in all life areas.

🌟 Tips for Achieving Your Health & Fitness Resolutions 🌟

Be Realistic: Set achievable goals across all areas: Pilates, strength training, healthy eating, and hydration.

Monitor Progress: Keep a journal to track your workouts, diet, and water intake.
Workout Variety: Mix up your routine with Pilates, strength training, and other exercises to keep it interesting.

Nutrition Focus: Plan healthy meals and beverages. Think about starting an intermittent fasting schedule.

Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle handy at all times.

Celebrate Small Wins: Each positive step, whether in Pilates, strength training, or diet, is progress.

Stay Positive & Patient: Health and fitness transformations take time.

Let’s make 2024 our healthiest and most balanced year yet, filled with Pilates, strength training, nutritious foods, and plenty of water! 🌟


🌺 Your journey is a masterpiece in progress. Embrace every moment, knowing that the universe conspires for your greatest good.


🐾 Our little nugget Coco makes our day so complete! 🥰🐶 She's more than just a pet; she's our best friend and constant companion. We cherish every moment with her, and she fills our lives with boundless joy and unconditional love. 🐕💕


🧘‍♀️✨ Embrace the Power of Pilates ✨🧘‍♂️

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey for your body and mind? Pilates is the key to unlocking strength, flexibility, and inner balance! 🌟💪

🩰 Gentle Yet Effective:
Pilates is all about controlled movements, breathing, and precision. It's the perfect blend of gentleness and effectiveness, making it accessible to all fitness levels. 🙌💫

🤸‍♀️ Core Connection:
At the heart of Pilates is core strength. You'll develop a powerhouse that not only supports your spine but also enhances your overall stability and posture. 🧘‍♀️🌈

🩴 Equipment or Mat:
Whether you prefer using specialized Pilates equipment or just a simple mat, there's a Pilates style that suits you. Find your flow and create a mindful movement practice. 🧘‍♂️👣

🌅 Mind-Body Harmony:
Pilates is more than just physical exercise; it's a mindful experience. Through breath control and concentration, you'll achieve a deeper mind-body connection. 🧘‍♀️🌄

🌟 Benefits Galore:
Expect increased flexibility, improved balance, reduced stress, and a toned physique. Pilates offers a holistic approach to well-being. 🌟💆‍♂️

Ready to prioritize your health and well-being? Dive into the world of Pilates and discover the incredible transformation it can bring to your life. 🌟💖


Seeing 11:11 is considered a special sign from the universe or a higher power. It symbolizes being on the right path and receiving support. It's a sign of spiritual awakening, activating your purpose, and guiding you toward your true path. This synchronicity helps you connect with divine guidance and tap into your intuition and wisdom.
When you see 11:11, it's a reminder to stay connected to your spiritual practice and trust in the universe's guidance. It's a chance to align with your higher self and embrace your true purpose. It also offers encouragement and reassurance, reminding you that you're not alone and that higher powers support you. Overall, seeing 11:11 is a beautiful sign that awakens and aligns you with your spiritual purpose, representing hope, encouragement, and spiritual awakening for those open to its energy.


As I embark on Day 3, I find beauty in cherishing the present moment. Join my and let's be thankful together. 🌼💖

Join me… What are you thankful for?


As I embark on Day 3, I find beauty in cherishing the present moment. Join my and let's be thankful together. 🌼💖

What are you grateful for?


Day 1: Grateful for positivity shaping my life. 🌟

Join me… What are you grateful for?


🙁 Today, my 9:30am client had to cancel last minute, and it shifted my schedule. Her day was turned upside down, which, in turn, affected my day. But you know what? I'm completely okay with that because I truly believe in going with the flow.

💪 Sometimes, life throws unexpected challenges at us, and it's important to be adaptable and understanding.

I'm here, sitting at the coffee shop across the street, admiring my new sneakers, waiting for my next client, and embracing the unpredictability of life. Life is wonderful.

Let's remember that flexibility and compassion can make all the difference. Of course, she is incredibly considerate and, in line with my policy, she kindly paid for her session despite the cancellation.

I love my clients and I’m blessed to have such a rewarding job helping others. ❤️


Nature’s encore: a stunning double rainbow outside gracing the sky. Moments like these make us pause, appreciate, and believe in miracles. 🌈


🍂 As I head to work it’s 58° today and oh, how the tables have turned!

I’m already missing those sunny summer days, but I'm gearing up for all the pumpkin spice and cozy sweater moments.

Remember, even if it's not super hot, the sun never stops shining down on us. ☀️

Summer, you were lovely, but fall, I'm ready for your charm! 🍁😉


8th grade. 🙏 Time flies! Darius has officially entered 8th grade. Grateful for all the lessons, experiences, and memories that each grade brings. Here's to a year of new challenges, discoveries, and success. Keep shining, baby! 🌟 We love you!


Focus on the energy of your desires, not your doubts. 💫 The universe responds to where you place your attention. Embrace the ease and flow of life, trusting that what you seek is seeking you. 🌌

Photos from Gina Santangelo Health and Mindset Coaching's post 08/21/2023

Savoring these summer moments with Darius at a top Manhattan eatery. Food's on point and the company? Unbeatable. ❤️🍴


🌟 Big News! 🌟 Change is in the air, and I'm thrilled to share it with all you wonderful followers.

My IG handle has a fresh new look: ! ✨ But don't worry, this is still the same me and not a duplicate account. 😉

For those who've been with me on this journey, you know that GLOW has been an integral part of my brand for a while now. And guess what? GLOW stands for "Gina's Lifestyle Of Wellness" – a true reflection of my passions and journey.

I'm excited to keep bringing you content about fitness, clean eating, inspiration, and even a peek into my personal life.

Your support means everything, and I can't wait to continue growing and glowing together! Let's embrace positivity, wellness, and a radiant life. Stay connected, my friends! ✨🌿🌟


👩‍🦰 Looking for a non-invasive facelift alternative? Yamuna Face Ball offers a natural way to sculpt facial muscles and stimulate bones. Discover the holistic secret to youthful radiance. PM me for details.


Best food in Bergen County hands down.


Growth comes when we allow to feel what is uncomfortable.

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Preparing a green juice daily should not be complicated. Make it super simple by using just 3 ingredients.  One cucumber...
PM me for more information about Yamuna Face ball 1:1 sessions.  Learn the how to apply the concepts of bone stimulation...
Pilates strengthens the core, balances muscles, aligns the gate and aids in flexibility.  Strength training in combinati...
Intestinal Broom Detox Salad🍥 1/2 of a small head of green cabbage - shredded fine🍥 3 large carrots - julienne 🍥 4 table...
Beautiful day.  Beautiful life. #belove


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