Sheila H. Chiffriller, PhD, Psychologist, PLLC, Rockville Centre, NY Videos

Videos by Sheila H. Chiffriller, PhD, Psychologist, PLLC in Rockville Centre. Dr. Chiffriller has been in private practice since 2006. She counsels clients ranging across the li

Let’s gather around the fireplace for our next Counselor Interview: Christina! 🥰 If you wish to book an appointment, click the link in our bio or call us!

#psychologytips #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #copingskills #anxietyrelief #ridthestigma #mindfulness #traumainformed #mentalwellbeing #aetna #cigna

Other Sheila H. Chiffriller, PhD, Psychologist, PLLC videos

Let’s gather around the fireplace for our next Counselor Interview: Christina! 🥰 If you wish to book an appointment, click the link in our bio or call us! #psychologytips #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #copingskills #anxietyrelief #ridthestigma #mindfulness #traumainformed #mentalwellbeing #aetna #cigna

Our next Counselor Interview is with Cassandra!! 🤩 Cassandra is so excited to be co-leading the LGBTQ+ Group with Crystal :) Say hi to her in the comments! 👋🏼 #psychologytips #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #copingskills #anxietyrelief #ridthestigma #mindfulness #traumainformed #mentalwellbeing #aetna #cigna