Dr Jolie Silva

Dr Jolie Silva

Psychologist and Mom of 2


Raise your hand if you relate to this quote! 🙋‍♀️

Another one of our mom superpowers: comprehending what no one else can - our toddlers.

As we watch them grow from toddlerhood into childhood into adolescence, our superpowers continue to grow.

We understand our children with an almost psychic ability.

We know if they are too hot, too cold, something is bothering them, they are about to get hyper, they are about to get angry, they are tired, overtired, about to be overtired….the list is never ending.

We instinctively have the ability to protect, nurture, and deeply know our children.
While this makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, I will go a step further. Not only do we pick up on their micro facial expressions, body language, tone of voice and words, but there is a knowing beyond what can be seen. We are connected in ways that science as we know it cannot explain.

When you have a minute today, look into your child’s eyes and feel this connection. It is worth every second of that minute. ❤️

SHARE if you know another mom who can relate to this quote!


If you have or had a partner while you navigate the torrential waters of parenthood, it is probably clear to you that finding one who is not only supportive, but shares in your values, lifestyle preferences, and shows a mutual respect is essential.

While lots of my current work is in the parenting and child psych world, I have also treated countless of single people looking for love and stable relationships.

And now that I am a mom myself, boy do these relationship deal breakers scream loud and clear.

This article published in Women’s Health and featured in Yahoo! Sports is about how to identify relationship deal breakers and move on.

I cite some common deal breakers and what to do about them.

It’s a quick and good read!

SHARE with your single friends and family members!


FOMO = the fear of missing out

JOMO = the joy of missing out

Let’s apply this to parenting.

Have you ever felt unsettled, uncomfortable, or even anxious that your kid is going to miss a social event, activity, or sports opportunity? Do you put pressure on yourself to attend events or gatherings because you fear that you may miss something?

Alternatively, are you sometimes relieved when your kid has a cold and you have an excuse not to attend something? (Admit it 😉)

In my opinion, all of these things are “normal”…to an extent.

It becomes problematic when we gauge our self-worth on our or our children’s social status, inclusion, or presence at social events.

As this article points out, happiness from within is the goal and over reliance on others for your happiness or worthiness will always fall short.

Read the article for more information and tips at wellandgood.com!

SHARE this post to help educate people on FOMO and JOMO.


While we have little control over how many thoughts enter into our minds in a given minute, we do have control over our behaviors.

Research shows that if we engage in one task at a time for 30 minutes without interruption, we will have significantly increased productivity.

This means- cell phones on silent, no bathroom breaks, no email, and set your timer for 30 minutes. No breaks until the timer goes off.

After 30 minutes, take a 5 minute break. Then do another 30 minutes and repeat until the task is fully completed.

Now, obviously, this is not always possible, especially if you have kids. BUT you can squeeze in 30 minutes when they are sleeping, at an activity, or school. Give it a try!

This week I commit to cleaning out my daughter’s closet and purging all of the dress that don’t fit.

Name one task you can try this week!


Raise your hand if you agree 🙋🏻‍♀️

(and let me know if you disagree)

Comment below!

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Rockville Centre, NY