Dr. Safiya McCarter

Hello! This page is your resource for information regarding integrative medicine, health and wellness Hi! I am Dr. Safiya McCarter.

I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist and Facial Rejuvenation Specialist. I have over a decade of clinical experience and focus on pain management and reproductive health (fertility, menstrual disorders, menopause, hormone imbalance and more. I look forward to working with you on your journey toward optimal health.


Return on the blog! If you want more detailed information about my posts, head on over to my website and check out my blog page. There you will find all kinds of great information about both Naturopathic medicine, Acupuncture and much more! **I posted a couple weeks back about herbs that are great for cold/flu season and I have a great blog series of my top 5 herbs for this time of year…go check it out!**


December 2020 after much thought about the kind of environment in which I wanted to work and the kind of environment I wanted to provide for patients, I took the leap and Flourish and Balance Integrative Medicine was born. Taking that initial (terrifying) step has lead to me being the happiest I’ve ever been professionally. Running a business is not for the weak! I have the best friends who truly are family and the best patients. Thank you!! I am grateful to those that have been rocking with me since I decided to trade in my 9-5 to work 24/7, lol.


Written by Black women for Black women. During this time of year I post about giving the gift of health. This can also mean giving/gifting information. The Black Women's Health-O-Pedia with the accompanying workbook is a wealth of information and is a great stocking stuffer! Get your copy today for you or someone you love (link in bio).


While we're on the topic of keeping things moist...I swear I'm going to stop! Get a humidifier! Your upper respiratory tract will love you for it. This came in clutch for me with a recent upper and lower infection (big fun!). I opted for a cool mist humidifier. There are warm mist or a combo units available. A humidifier not only keeps your nasal passages and throat moistened but also help loosen mucus making coughing more effective and improving quality of sleep and thus supporting the healing process. It was a game changer for me! What's been your experience?


Moist...what is it about that word that makes people cringe? Hang with me because I am going to use it again...the lungs function best when kept MOIST. We often think of staying hydrated during the hot months of the year but it is also critical during these cold fall/winter months so that we can, keeps things nice and moist. Especially the lungs! When I make recommendations to my patients about hydration, I often tell them to drink and EAT water. It is no coincidence that some of the foods that have an affinity for the lung in TCM also have a high water content. So as you are meal planning and prepping incorporate things like asian pear (88% water), radish (94% water), daikon radish (95% water) and mushrooms (80-90% water), particularly the white ones into your meals/snacks. Keep those lungs moist and healthy friends!


In the immortal words of Wu-Tang Clan...Protect Ya Neck! Winter is approaching and the wind is blowing. Warmth is the name of the game, especially your neck. Why? There's an acupuncture point at the base of the back of the neck that is particularly susceptible to "invasion by pathogenic cold". Symptoms include sudden onset of fever and chills, sore throat and an aversion to wind/cold. Needling this point can be helping in treating syptoms that result from cold/wind exposure so keep acupuncture in mind! Prevention is a hallmark of bith Naturopathic and Acupuncture medicine and of the simplest things you can do preventively is to make sure your neck is covered when you are out and about during this chilly time of year.


The lungs are largely responsible for the circulation of Qi throughout the body. There is a particular type of Qi that is associated with our immune system. This is our Wei Qi (pronounced like way), which is also known as Defensive Qi. The Wei Qi protects the body from being “invaded” by pathogens such as viruses like those that cause the common cold and flu. Supporting and nourishing the lungs to bolster the protective function (Wei Qi) is critical to maintaining health this time of year. This can be accomplished with foods, herbal medicine and of course Acupuncture. Want to learn more? Stay tuned this week for the herbs and foods that I recommend this time of year. If you have scheduled an Acupuncture appointment...you might was to get on that! :)


I’m just going to smile like I haven’t been gone for a little while. 😁 Hello to new followers and thank you to those that have been here, liking and sharing, I appreciate all of you. To my new followers welcome! I’m Dr. Safiya, a licensed Naturopathic doctor and Acupuncturist with a clinical focus on reproductive health and pain management. Yes, Acupuncture and natural medicine are great for both! Stay tuned for more information and updates! If you’ve been looking for an Acupuncturist or Naturopathic Doctor here I am! You can find me at 6282 Montrose Rd, Rockville, MD

Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) on LinkedIn: #naturopathicmedicine #deia #dei #diversity #equity #inclusivehealthcare… 08/12/2023

I am looking forward to this. Click the link to register and join the conversation!

Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) on LinkedIn: #naturopathicmedicine #deia #dei #diversity #equity #inclusivehealthcare… Get ready to level up your practice and make healthcare more inclusive! Join us for a webinar with Safiya McCarter, ND, MSAOM, LAc as she dives into the…

Naturopathic Medicine & Acupuncture | Rockville, MD| Flourish and Balance 04/04/2023

My practice was featured on a colleague's vlog. Clink the youtube link below to check it out. The Acupuncture portion begins around 3:11. This video served as a reminder to me to make sure that I make the time to take care of myself. I hope it serves as a reminder to you all as well...regardless of your profession.
Flourish and Balance Integrative Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine & Acupuncture | Rockville, MD| Flourish and Balance Flourish and Balance Integrative Medicine, Rockville, MD. A holistic approach combining Naturopathic medicine and Acupuncture for chronic pain and reproductive health concerns (fertility, hormonal imbalance). Insurance accepted: Cigna, CareFirst/ (BCBS). Home visits and office visits available.

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians 02/22/2023


Hey, hey! My webinar, Crossroads: The Intersection of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Equity is happening tonight :) Click on the link for more info.

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Dr. Safiya McCarter is a dual-licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist based in Maryland and the owner of Flourish and Balance Integrative Medicine, a hybrid mobile/brick and mortar integrative medicine practice. In addition to clinical practice, Dr. McCarter works as a consultant. In this rol...

Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine| Rockville, MD | Flourish and Balance 10/20/2022

I'm so excited to share the news of my new office location!!! Beginning November 8, 2022 Flourish and Balance Integrative Medicine will be located at 6282 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852. Same great doc 😉, same great service in a brand new office location!!! I'll be sharing more as things unfold so stay tuned!

Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine| Rockville, MD | Flourish and Balance Flourish and Balance Integrative Medicine, Rockville, MD. A holistic approach combining Naturopathic medicine and Acupuncture for chronic pain and reproductive health concerns (fertility, hormonal imbalance). Insurance accepted: Cigna, CareFirst/ (BCBS). Home visits and office visits available.


Thank you for sharing this!

It is always a pleasure to have a chance to represent and speak about the benefits of Naturopathic medicine and Acupuncture and the BLOOM Summit DC was the perfect opportunity to do so. Check out the work of who put on this event.


We are in the week of BLOOM! Only a few seats left! Register today! See link below & in bio.



Did you know that March is Women's History Month? Show some extra love, support and appreciation for the women in your life that have made and are making history!

(240) 432-2976


Did you know that the risk of heart disease and stroke increases after menopause? As if the hot flashes, mood changes and insomnia (common symptoms of peri/menopause) aren't bad enough! African-American women are 60% more likely to have high blood pressure! High blood pressure is a major factor in heart disease and stroke. If you are in your early to mid 40's it's time to get serious about your heart health! Start by knowing your numbers! Get your blood pressure checked and get to work with someone that can help especially with nutrition and lifestyle factors.

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.


On this last day of Heart Health Month remember to take care of your heart! This is particularly important for African-Americans. The leading cause of death for African-Americans is heart disease. According to the office of minority health African-Americans are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure AND less likely to have it under control! It is critical to know your numbers!! The first line treatment for mild elevations are dietary and lifestyle modifications, factors that Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture are effective at addressing. Even when medication is required, these are still factors that need to be addressed and who better to work with than a practitioner that has specifically been trained in nutrition and lifestyle medicine...

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.


Fulfilling orders this week! Have you ordered your copy yet of this great resource yet? **link in the bio**


I was inspired by a Ted Talk that I watched this morning to do a series about why I do what I do. I think it will be interesting, stay tuned...

(240) 432-2976


A little reminder that Acupuncture is DOPE! If you are hesitant when it comes to needles, Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture is a great starting point.

Suffer from PMS? Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture can help with that. Along with Naturopathic medicine interventions, PMS symptoms can be a thing of the past!


Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.


Good health overall and particularly, reproductive health is crucial for family planning for BOTH partners (in the case of heterosexual couples). If you are having difficulty conceiving, keep in mind that roughly 50% of the time it is due to male factor infertility. Have you AND your partner had a thorough health check?

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.


Did you know that February is American Heart Month? Today there will be hearts EVERYWHERE-what a great reminder to do something good for your heart today! Try a brief meditation to decrease or relieve stress-as little as 5 minutes can help. Be intentional about incorporating foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids into dinner with your boo :) Move your body-physical activity is great for your heart. If you can, hug someone in the name of heart health...ask first! Seriously though, physical touch is calming, it reduces heart rate and lowers blood pressure. You know what else has a calming effect? Acupuncture!
Schedule today: (240) 432-2976 or visit www.DrSafiyaND.com


Do you want to get pregnant or currently trying to get pregnant? Do you have irregular periods, painful periods, fibroids, PCOS or endometriosis? All of these are hormone related conditions. Gut health plays a critical role in maintaining appropriate hormone levels and therefore, addressing and optimizing gut health must be a part of your treatment plan if you are dealing with any of the above. Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture are incredibly helpful in addressing these conditions and why you should have a Naturopathic doctor and Acupuncturist on your health care team! Bonus: I'm both 😃

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.
**Remember to use or mention the discount code TIGER10 to receive 10% off of products and services scheduled through 2/15!**


To be clear, when I say Acupuncture, what I'm actually referring to a system of medicine known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture is more to familiar... In fact, TCM is the style of Acupuncture in which I was trained (there are different styles of acupuncture-little tidbit for later). TCM includes many therapies in addition to acupuncture such as (Chinese) herbs, TCM nutrition, body work (Tui na, Cupping, Gua sha) and exercise (Qi Gong, Tai Chi). So when I mention all the conditions that can be treated, this is why. It is not just about the needles, it is about the body as a whole, how it interacts with and is influenced by nature, and all the things that need to be incorporated in order to maintain the foundation of good health. Get an Acupuncturist in your life! Bonus: Get an Acupuncturist that is also a Naturopathic doctor...like me!

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.
**Remember to use or mention the discount code TIGER10 to receive 10% off of products and services scheduled through 2/15!**


Clinical areas of focus = I have received additional training and focus my required continuing education (that I need to maintain both of my licenses) in: Pain management (**back pain, joint pain, headaches/migraines**), Reproductive health (**hormonal imbalance, irregular periods, menopause, Fertility support (IUI/IVF**) and Gastrointestinal function (**constipation, diarrhea, GERD, IBS**). Do I effectively treat other things, of course! I often find that those other things, are related to my areas of focus in some way. :)

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.
**Remember to use or mention the discount code TIGER10 to receive 10% off of products and services scheduled through 2/15!**


I was asked recently by a couple of colleagues if I was accepting new patients into my practice and the answer is yes! You have three options/locations to choose from, Rockville, MD, Baltimore, MD or a home visit.
**If you are interested in Acupuncture be sure to go to my website and click on the 'Insurance Check' button to see if you have coverage, many plans do!**

Schedule today at: www.DrSafiyaND.com or (240) 432-2976.
**Remember to use or mention the discount code TIGER10 to receive 10% off of products and services (in office) scheduled through 2/15!**


Acupuncture is just one of those things that I think everyone should have on board as a part of their health and wellness routine. There are so many proven benefits that go beyond pain relief. Particularly relevant, giving how our lives have been impacted by this pandemic is how effective acupuncture is in treating insomnia, anxiety and stress. Purchase a gift certificate for yourself or someone you love today! Purchase today using this link: https://www.drsafiyand.com/book.

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Videos (show all)

Thank you @thereal_psycyourmind for sharing this!It is always a pleasure to have a chance to represent and speak about t...
We are in the week of BLOOM! Only a few seats left! Register today! See link below & in bio.https://bloomsummitdc.splash...
Dr. Safiya McCarter's Zoom Meeting
Dr. Safiya McCarter's Zoom Meeting
Let's Talk w/ Dr. Safiya
Let's Talk w/ Dr. Safiya
Let's Talk w/ Dr Safiya
Let's Talk w/ Dr. Safiya
Does it hurt?
Kids, Acupuncture and Naturopathic Medicine...
Let's Talk w/ Dr. Safiya
Let's Talk w/ Dr. Safiya




6282 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

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