Natural Health Path

God created us. Additionally made everything in the world for use as food and medicine. I can now assist many people in finding a natural healing path as a CNHP.

I developed an interest for natural health after working in both conventional and holistic medicine. I made the decision to pursue my education in natural medicine after dealing with major ailments of my own. Every person is evaluated holistically, and then a customized natural protocol is created to support your body's internal healing.

Photos from Natural Health Path's post 08/22/2024

It is common for people to hide their emotions or mental state, whether it is to avoid judgement or to maintain a sense of control. However, this can be harmful as emotional and mental health are just as important as physical health and should be addressed and taken care of. Ignoring or suppressing these issues can lead to more serious problems in the long run. It is important to prioritize and openly address all aspects of our health.

That is why we offer Emotional Balancing.

The emotional balancing service is designed to provide support and guidance similar to a counseling session. During this session, you have the opportunity to express your feelings and concerns, while your practitioner carefully considers all emotional imbalances that you may be experiencing. Based on your specific emotional needs, a personalized remedy derived from flowers is created to help restore emotional balance. This treatment is carried out over a period of three weeks, allowing time for the remedy to take effect and for you to experience its benefits. At the end of the three-week period, a reevaluation is conducted to assess your current emotional state and determine whether further treatment is required. This service aims to provide you with the necessary tools and support to achieve emotional well-being.

🚨Most FSA/HSA accepted
🚨Payment plans
🚨Virtual appointments available
🚨Citas en Español

☎️214-778-6173 Calls Only/No Texts
📧[email protected]

Photos from Natural Health Path's post 08/20/2024

⁉️What does a Holistic Health and Wellness Consultation look like at Natural Helath Path? Refer to images

Schedule your consult today for a start to improved health.

⚠️Most FSA/HSA Accepted
⚠️Payment Plans available
⚠️Virtual Appointment options
⚠️Consultas en Español

This is your healthcare you’ve been looking for!! 🙏🏼🙌🏼


Diabetic? Do you want to know which rice is best to eat to keep your sugar levels in check?

Brown rice is considered to be a better option for people with diabetes because it is a whole grain and has a lower glycemic index than white rice. This means that brown rice is digested more slowly, causing a slower and steadier rise in blood sugar levels. Additionally, brown rice is higher in fiber and other nutrients, making it a more nutritious choice for those with diabetes.

Image shows Brown basmati rice.


¿Diabético? ¿Quieres saber qué arroz es mejor comer para mantener tus niveles de azúcar bajo control?

El arroz integral se considera una mejor opción para las personas con diabetes porque es un grano integral y tiene un índice glucémico más bajo que el arroz blanco. Esto significa que el arroz integral se digiere más lentamente, lo que provoca un aumento más lento y constante de los niveles de azúcar en sangre. Además, el arroz integral es alto en fibra y otros nutrientes, lo que lo convierte en una opción más nutritiva para las personas con diabetes.

La imagen muestra arroz basmati integral.

Photos from Natural Health Path's post 07/24/2024

🎉We're super excited about those taking part in the FREE 7 Day No Sugar Challenge!

Benefits Of Low-Sugar Lifestyle
😴Improved Sleep
⚡️Improved Energy
😖Reduced Pain and Inflammation
😁Better Mood
🤤Decreased Cravings & Hunger
🧘Improved Mental Focus
🏋️Weight Loss

🚨How Does Sugar Affect Your Health
-Insulin Resistance

🆓How do you get started? You will receive a PDF guide that will include:
-List of Benefits of Low-Sugar Lifestyle
-Sugar 101 What it Does to Your Body
-How it Works: Sugars to avoid
-What to Expect
-Track your Progress Sheet
-Delicious Meal Ideas
-Blood Sugar Hacks
-Sneeky Names for Sugar (Hidden in ingredients)

🕑You still have time to join. Comment or inbox “Count Me In”

¡¡Estoy muy emocionada por aquellos que participan en este desafío GRATUITO de 7 días sin azúcar!!

Beneficios del estilo de vida bajo en azúcar
😴Sueño mejorado
⚡️Energía mejorada
😖Reducción del dolor y la inflamación 😁Mejor humor
🤤Disminución de los antojos y el hambre
🧘Enfoque mental mejorado
🏋️Pérdida de peso

🚨¿Cómo afecta el azúcar a su salud? -Resistencia a la insulina

🆓¿Cómo empiezas? Recibirá una guía en PDF que incluirá:
-Lista de beneficios de un estilo de vida bajo en azúcar
-Azúcar 101 Lo que le hace a tu cuerpo -Cómo funciona: Azúcares a evitar
-Que esperar
-Seguimiento de su hoja de progreso -Ideas de comidas deliciosas
-Trucos de azúcar en sangre
-Otros nombres para el azúcar (ocultos en los ingredientes)

🕑Aún estás a tiempo de unirte. Comenta o envia mensaje “Cuenta Conmigo”


It's time to challenge ourselves and improve our health! Are you ready to join me for a 7-day no sugar challenge? Not only will this challenge help us cut out unhealthy sugars from our diets, lead to weight loss, improve overall health, improve energy levels, break sugar addixtion, but it will also give us a chance to bond with an accountable buddy for extra motivation. Let's commit to this challenge and reap the many health benefits together!

🚨Share with an accountable buddy or group.
🚨Comment “Count me in” for more details.

¡Es hora de desafiarnos a nosotros mismos y mejorar nuestra salud! ¿Estás listo para unirte a mí en un desafío sin azúcar de 7 días? Este desafío no solo nos ayudará a eliminar los azúcares nocivos para la salud de nuestra dieta, conducirnos a la pérdida de peso, mejorar la salud general, mejorar los niveles de energía y romper la adicción al azúcar, sino que también nos dará la oportunidad de vincularnos con un amigo responsable para obtener una motivación adicional. ¡Comprometámonos con este desafío y cosechemos juntos los muchos beneficios para la salud!

🚨Comparte con un amigo o grupo responsable.
🚨Comenta “Cuenta conmigo” para más detalles.

📧[email protected]


Regular exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and boost mood and overall well-being. If you are struggling with health problems, consider incorporating regular exercise into your routine. It can be a crucial part of a holistic approach to improving your health and feeling better. Don't wait any longer - schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier and happier life.

📧[email protected]

🚨Ask about FSA, HSA and Payment Plans
🌸Virtual Visits Available

🪻Hablamos Español

El ejercicio regular tiene numerosos beneficios para la salud tanto física como mental. Puede mejorar la salud cardiovascular, fortalecer los músculos y los huesos y mejorar el estado de ánimo y el bienestar general. Si tiene problemas de salud, considere incorporar ejercicio regular a su rutina. Puede ser una parte crucial de un enfoque holístico para mejorar su salud y sentirse mejor. No espere más: programe una consulta hoy y dé el primer paso hacia una vida más saludable y feliz.

🚨 Pregunte sobre FSA, HSA y planes de pago
🌸 Visitas virtuales disponibles


Mental and emotional well-being are essential for overall health and happiness. A calm and relaxed state of mind can improve cognitive function, decision-making, and overall quality of life. If you are struggling with your mental and emotional health, it's important to seek help and support. Schedule a consultation today to address any underlying issues and work towards a healthier and happier you.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 214-778-6173


High blood pressure can have a detrimental effect on one's overall health. It can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. It can also cause damage to the arteries and other organs in the body. It is important to address high blood pressure through a holistic approach, which includes regular check-ups, a healthy diet, exercise, stress management, and medication if necessary. Don't wait, schedule your appointment now to take control of your health.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 214-778-6173


Eating fresh vegetables in the morning can provide a boost of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to start the day. They are also a great source of fiber which can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut. Additionally, incorporating fresh vegetables into your breakfast can help to reduce cravings for unhealthy snacks throughout the day. Overall, consuming fresh vegetables in the morning can lead to improved energy levels, better overall health, proper digestion and a more balanced diet.

Note: Eating a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health. While vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet, they should not be the sole focus of your breakfast. It is recommended to have a larger breakfast, followed by a moderate lunch and a lighter dinner to aid in proper digestion.

Salad: Kale, Carrots, Red Cabbage, Red Onion, Apple.
Dressing: Apple Cider Vinegar, Olive Oil, Dijon Mustard, Garlic, Salt and Pepper.

Comment or inbox for recipe and instructions.


MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the body's methylation process, which is responsible for numerous important functions such as DNA repair and neurotransmitter production. Mutations in the MTHFR gene can lead to decreased enzyme activity, which has been linked to various health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, and pregnancy complications. It is important to be aware of MTHFR mutations and their potential impact on health in order to make informed decisions about lifestyle and healthcare choices.

Get tested at home. No needles!

Rupa Health | A simpler way to order specialty labwork. Order, track & get results from 30+ lab companies in one place with Rupa's Unified Lab Ordering Portal.

Photos from Natural Health Path's post 06/12/2024

It is not uncommon for children to have a lot of energy during the summer months, which can make it difficult for parents to keep up with them. Bach flower therapy is a natural and holistic approach that can help to calm children and reduce stress and anxiety in both the child and the parent. With the use of specific flower essences, this therapy can promote emotional balance and improve overall well-being for both parents and children.

Did you know??
This emotional imbalance can manifest in kids as bad behavior and hypersensitivity, leading to challenges in their social and academic lives. It is important to address these underlying emotional issues to help children thrive. Additionally, boredom is an emotion that is often overlooked but can be a sign of underlying emotional needs that need to be addressed. By understanding and addressing these emotions, we can help children lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Bach Flower Therapy special for all the family!

Have questions? Contact us.
[email protected]
Message us or comment your questions.

Virtual Appointments available.

Hablamos Español!!

Photos from Natural Health Path's post 05/31/2024

A bioscan is a device that uses advanced technology to scan a person's body and collect data on their health and well-being. This can include information on vital signs, organ function, and potential health risks. Getting scanned by a bioscanner can help individuals gain a better understanding of their overall health and any potential health issues that may need to be addressed. It can also serve as a preventative measure, allowing individuals to make necessary lifestyle changes to maintain optimal health.


FSA/HSA accepted. Schedule your scan today!

Photos from Natural Health Path's post 05/25/2024

Estrogen is a hormone that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, such as regulating the menstrual cycle, maintaining bone health, and supporting brain function. When estrogen levels are imbalanced, it can lead to a number of health issues, including mood swings, weight gain, and increased risk of certain diseases. It is important to keep estrogen levels in balance to promote overall health and well-being. This can be achieved through proper diet, exercise, and medical treatment when necessary.


🌸Need assistance?
📧[email protected]


Photos from Natural Health Path's post 05/20/2024

Allow yourself to release your emotion. Ignoring them will only make it worst.

Need assistance? We offer Bach Flower Therapy. This treatment involves using different flower essences to target specific emotional states and promote healing. It is based on the belief that certain flowers have healing properties that can positively impact our emotional and mental well-being. Dr. Bach, a British physician and homeopath, created this therapy in the 1930s and it has gained popularity in recent years as a form of holistic and natural healing.

Drops are taken under the tongue in liquid form. The treatment lasts for three weeks. To identify any emotions that still need to be addressed, a followup evaluation is highly recommended.

Are finances an issue? It's no problem, we can schedule a payment plan for you. We value your health and you should not let your finances prevent you from taking care of it.


🚨In case you missed this on your email.

🔚Special ends tomorrow. 35% OFF 😱


In today's digital age, it is important to be critical and discerning about the information we consume online. Just because something is posted on the internet, does not automatically make it true or reliable. This image serves as a reminder to fact check and verify information before believing and sharing it. Even trusted sources can make mistakes, so it is important to always be cautious and do our own research.

Animals, they're just like us. Orangutan shows off intelligence with this human-like scientific breakthrough 05/03/2024

God has created us and the world we live in, providing us with everything we need to survive and thrive. From the vast variety of plants and animals that serve as our food sources to the many natural remedies found in plants, God has given us all the resources we need to nourish our bodies and heal ourselves. It is our responsibility to care for and appreciate these gifts from God.

I love nature! Taking a natural approach to my healing path and yours is my calling.

Animals, they're just like us. Orangutan shows off intelligence with this human-like scientific breakthrough It’s the first time an animal has been seen applying medicine to a skin wound.


Consuming a diet high in fiber has numerous benefits for our overall health. It can help prevent constipation, lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar, and even aid in weight loss. Fiber also promotes a healthy digestive system and can reduce the risk of certain diseases. So, incorporating fiber-rich foods into our daily diets can hopefully lead to a healthier and happier life.

How to Get More Fiber In Your Diet

Send a message to learn more


Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate and appreciate all the hard work and love that mothers put into raising their families. This year, instead of giving the traditional flowers or chocolates, consider giving your wife, mom, relative or friend, a gift card for a holistic consultation. This thoughtful gift will allow her to take some time for herself and focus on her physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This is the perfect gift to show your loved one how much you care about her health and happiness.


🎉 Happy April Fool's Day! 🃏 Don't let the jokes fool you – our offer is no prank! 🎩 Today only, enjoy a 20% discount on all consultations! 🌟 Now is the ideal moment to take action, whether your goal is to be proactive with your health or to seek professional counsel for ongoing medical issues. 💼 Don't miss out – book your consultation today!

Discount Code APRILFOOLS

Discount applies to the following consultations for both in person and virtual:
-Holistic Health & Wellness Consultation Initial and Follow Up
-Emotional Balancing


It’s your last chance to save during my Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale!

Save on healthcare’s best supplements and wellness products before it’s too late:


Are chemicals TOXIC ? How do they affect your health? (Article in comments)

The body can become toxic from exposure to dangerous substances, which can also increase the risk of cancer, alter the DNA of cells, induce allergic reactions, and impair the nervous system.

At Natural Health Path, we educate others to refrain from the use of products with harsh chemicals in order to avoid a toxic effect in health.

There are few safe products to choose from at stores or online but you’ll have to read labels carefully. Or you can simply make your own at home with all safe ingredients.

Here’s how to make this very useful Goo Remover.

1 Tbsp of fractionated coconut oil
7 Drops of 100% pure lemon essential oil

Share with your friends and tell us your experience if you tried it.

🚨🚨Do you know if you have toxics in your body? Ask about our Bioscan. Sample report in comments.

Send a message to learn more


While supplementing is not a long term goal in any plan of care I offer my patients, when I do recommend them, I recommend top quality brands. And to top it off, I offer my practitioner rates to all my patients. Check out both of my online dispensary to see for yourself. Link in comments

Fullscript Dispensary offers over 250 quality brands of supplements.

DesBio: The three pillars of natural medicine; botanical, homeopathic, and nutrition are combined. These customized procedures are intended to support the body's structure and function or momentarily alleviate particular ailments.


YOU ASKED, SO WE LISTENED! We now provide both standard and specialized lab tests. Even better, you can purchase your tests online, they're shipped to you, and you can visit your closest phlebotomist. Both our practitioner and you will receive your results. You can then either make an appointment to discuss the results in person or virtually, or you can take them to another practitioner.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you want to know more; we'll be happy to help.

Lab draw station coming soon to our practice.

Rupa Health | A simpler way to order specialty labwork. Order, track & get results from 30+ lab companies in one place with Rupa's Unified Lab Ordering Portal.


Funny but sadly true.

Do you have a habit like this?

We advocate changing your diet because it's one of the most important, foundational steps to achieving optimal health as holistic practitioners.

"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and Dinner like a pauper"

The biggest meal should be breakfast, then a medium lunch, and a small dinner. But most people act in the other way. Additionally, if you eat dinner late at night, your body won't have a chance to naturally digest what it ate that day. The pace of digestion slows throughout the day. If you eat late at night, your body will naturally slow digestion by using energy from other organs. Long-term health problems result from this.

Imagine keeping leftover meals in a hot, confined space for several hours. It will decay and smell. Imagine that now occurring inside of you. Your body will behave similarly to this example if large meals are ingested late at night.

It's not about avoiding dealing with reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, bloating, or constipation. It will affect the rest of your organs in a similar way.

-Cardiovascular disease
And the list goes on….

How do you eat?


Do you struggle with any of these? Check all that apply….

What if I told you that each of these signs is related to the health of your digestive system?

It becomes extremely harmful to your intestines if your body has trouble getting rid of the food you ingest. The toxicity then moves through your body, causing harm as it does so.

Even if you don't immediately notice symptoms, the accumulation of extra toxins over time and poor lifestyle choices can cause chronic diseases.

Are you prepared to confront them, or would you want to avoid having their effects on your health?

We’re here to help!!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Online Dispensary
Big shout out to NHP’s newest top fan! 💎Thee Towers
Protein is essential for good health because it plays a crucial role in building and repairing tissues, making enzymes a...
Mindset is the foundation of our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs, influencing our emotions and behaviors. It is essenti...
Kids Driving You Crazy Already?
Not getting enough sleep can have a major impact on your overall health. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an...
Come see me. When: December 9, 2023 Where: 3200 S. FM 548 Royce City. Time: 10-2
Come see me at PTAA Royce City Saturday from 10-2.



Rockwall, TX

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