Let's Live / Christy Maples MA, LPC

Let's Live / Christy Maples MA, LPC

A safe space to explore your journey through life.


Anxiety is good. Anxiety is information. Anxiety is warning signs from the body. Learn how to use anxiety as a powerful thing through emotional regulation.


Rockwall/ Surrounding area friends!!!! I am needing a space for my summer camp. Last summer was such a success that we need a bigger space so we can serve more girls! Anyone have any recommendations of affordable event spaces or places I can rent to expand? Would prefer having access to an outdoor area because we have some exciting things planned this summer!


“What Ifs” are dangerous. If we take the fear of the future (f) out of the what ifs we are left with WHAT IS. That is where we need to stay. The what ifs, we have no control over where the what is IS our control.

Whenever you feel deregulated or overwhelmed, challenge your thoughts. Reframing them to a WHAT IS.
Ex: WHAT IF—>“What if I fail and I am not good enough”
WHAT IS—> “What is happening is that I have an opportunity to test my skills I have been working so hard on.

Put your thoughts on trial. People’s opinions will never stand as evidence in the courtroom so don’t let them stand as evidence in your belief system.


Make loving your body a priority! I feel as though I have seen a huge spike in body image issues over the past few years. Social media plays a huge role in the pressure to look a certain way, but ultimately we have to teach ourselves.

Loving your body doesn’t mean you don’t want to change things about your body. It doesn’t mean you don’t have areas to work on or improve. And it doesn’t mean you have to be skinny to love your body.

Loving your body is placing value in the way it has protected you. The way it is has helped you survive hard times and the way it has allowed you to achieve great things.

Your body is yours. You have control over who sees it, touches it, and the value and respect it gets. The human body is a precious and valuable thing and we don’t take enough time to appreciate it. Respect it, love it, and appreciate it. Even when others don’t.


Check your attraction. These are the ones to surround yourself with!


Listen to your body. We ignore most of the information it is trying to feed us.




Not one person.


If I had to pick the hardest part of parenting it’s this balance of just being protective. Not over protective but not under protective, just protective.

There is no clear boundary of what makes something over or under protective. There is no manual, no absolute of what you can do to be successful at this as a parent.

We live in a world of information overload and this isn’t going away. There is no parenting strategy that is bulletproof. There are sooo many different philosophies and strategies that you can invest in and find research to support their effectiveness. And then you can turn around and find evidence to support ineffectiveness in that same strategy.

Kids can’t be put in a box. It will fail every time. What is over protective for one kid might be valid and protective for another. For example, if you have a kid that has earned trust and is making good choices while communicating with you… putting severe restrictions on them is over protective. They are reading for new tests and failures. However if you have a kid that isn’t ready for the freedom and is consistently making irrational and developmentally inappropriate choices, these same restrictions may just be protective for this kid.

That’s why the balance is hard. What is healthy for your kid is situational. It may not always be balanced. There may be a season for more protection,but they have to be able to earn their way to that balance. They have to see a change in the scale if they have changes in their behaviors because that’s how life works. Natural consequences are the healthiest consequences.

So.. trust your gut. Trust your expertise on your kid. Trust your family. But don’t trust your own trauma and past experiences. Stay focused on the moment and the facts of the situation.

Find YOUR balance.


Experiences give is valuable information. Choose wisely on which connections you want to reinforce and repeat more of.


Do it for you and you alone.


If it didn’t mean anything, it wouldn’t make you sad. Embrace the sadness as a reminder that there is great value in it. It existed in your life for a purpose and give gratitude and appreciation for what it taught you. Then release the sadness and keep the gratitude.


My favorite breathing technique.

Breathing correctly to slow your heart rate down takes practice.


Put down the alcohol, w**d, drugs, food, video games, social media, screens, etc.. it’s fake. Get the good stuff!


Sometimes we have to consciously shift our throughts from the negative to the positive. When we write things down it is powerful.

Tell yourself what you need to hear when no one else notices, notice it for yourself.

Don’t knock it until you try it. Pick which words you choose to give power and influence.


Like what you like because you like it.. not to get likes.


I always felt “connected” to Heath Ledger. Even in 10 Things I hated About You🤪. I don’t know if his pain came through the screen and it pulled my therapist heart strings but there was just always something about him.

This is a reminder.. where are you getting your value from? If it’s external (money, cars, status, looks, likes, etc…) you are left with a hole. Something will always be missing. Find value internally. What brings true joy. What fills that cup?

Put it all on a scale. Which side is heavier, internal or external?


This couldn’t be more true. It will define you, shape you, and create you. Practice who you want to be.


My favorite thing to teach 🔥

People aren’t attracted to looks, just energy. Is yours attractive?


Pretend Play Vs Pressured Play

I recently found this video of my daughter when she was about 4 years old. She started asking for a YouTube channel when she was 3! So many people told me to do it and that she would go viral. And she probably would. She is adorable and hilarious.

Our kids NEED pretend play. It’s one of the HEALTHIEST things for their development. More on the benefits in a different post because I won’t get on my soap box regarding pretend play today.. 🤪

This is THEIR version of pretend play. Making videos, opening toys and doing reviews, acting out skits. The dangers come in when we start sharing them with the world. It teaches them to seek validation in others.

I share this video to show how she was SO happy and having fun until the video didn’t go as planned. She wasn’t able to cognitively understand that this video was just on my phone because all the others ones she has seen the whole world sees. SHE WASN’T AND COULD NEVER BE COGNITIVELY READY AT 4! The dissapointment in letting others down was so real for her. She started to doubt herself and started to criticize herself at 3!

Point of sharing is.. let them pretend. Let them make videos. But use them as teaching opportunities and not validation seeking opportunities. I remember talking to her after this video and working through the pure sadness of dissapointing her “fans”. Telling her “it’s not real” or “nobody is actually watching it” would only add to the saddness and dissapointment. And in that moment, I knew I couldn’t squash her creativity and spirit but I needed to guide it.

One day when we feel SHE is ready, we will slowly introduce her to social media. But until then, I will do my damndest to make sure she has a healthy relationship with herself and with social media.

Social media is a part of our social system today. It’s not going away. Let’s embrace the system but enhance it to be a positive platform.


I am so excited to offer a summer camp for girls this year! Confidence and self worth is at the root of happiness and we will work these weeks to nurture and feed those roots to build them so solid they can’t be torn down by storms.

🌸Limited spots available for each camp so if you are interested complete the google form ASAP as it will be first come first serve! Even if the dates don’t work but you are interest, fill it out and we will see if we can add more dates!

🌸The camp will be offered one week in June and one week in July and if there is a lot of interest I may add a date in August!

🌸$300 per session
Registration will include materials used for activities, snacks and beverages, and some fun surprises!

🌸This is not group therapy, but just a summer camp filled with arts and crafts, games and fun all while building confidence and worth! Anyone is welcome!

🌸Reach out with any questions!
Christy Maples
[email protected]

🌸Register Here or click the link in the comments! —>



This is beautiful. ❤️


Love me some P!nk!💕

Christy on TikTok 23/03/2023

The difference between being nice and being kind.

It’s a difference that could change someone’s life. Find those people. Be those people. Teach your kids to be those people.

Christy on TikTok Kind and nice are not equals.


The original is always of significantly higher value. It’s desired, sought after, and very few have the privilege of having.

Make that your self worth. Don’t try to replicate what you see online. It can’t be done without reducing value.

Photos from Let's Live / Christy Maples MA, LPC's post 18/03/2023

It was an honor to speak to this wonderful group of young ladies that are our future. It fills my cup. 💕

National Charity League is a fabulous organization that I uphold the most respect for.


Still time to join this group! We have a few spots left and we are getting started!

💥This is going to be a powerful group!!!💥

Please reach out to me or Cary if you are interested and please share with those you know who could benefit! The beauty and healing from these groups is incredible!

How Our Parents' Marriages Shape Our Relationships 03/03/2023

Staying together for the kids is actually the worst thing you can do.

How Our Parents' Marriages Shape Our Relationships Critical lessons in emotion management.



Videos (show all)

What are your mental standards? #standards #expectations #selfworth #selflove #selfdiscovery #selfkindness #boundaries #...
Let’s play. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Pretend Play Vs Pressured PlayI recently found this video of my daughter when she was about 4 years old. She started ask...
It’s a ME problem. #health #mentalhealth #therapy #counseling #heal #healing #insecurities #selfworth #confidence #minds...
Self Worth should Sparkle. #selflove #selfworth #loveyourself #selfacceptance #buildconfidence #confidence #womenempower...
Your body is your ride or die. Your biggest protector.. listen to it. It has a 💯% survival rate so far. #trauma #mentalh...
Let me introduce myself❤️
✨SELF CARE VS ✨ VS 💖SOUL CARE💖I once heard a psychologist talk about soul care and I have used this concept in therapy e...
Love 👏🏻AND 👏🏻DisciplineWho knew the word AND could be so powerful. #raisingkids #parenting #thepowerofand


Rockwall, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00