That Fit Chick Jodie

That Fit Chick Jodie

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The Health Dad
The Health Dad

Easy & healthy family friendly meal plans, short, effective workouts & endless accountability


I've reached 600 followers! Keep your eyes here, because I plan to take That Fit Chick Jodie to the next level in 2024 & you will not want to miss anything!


It's time to start thinking about back to school right? What about making a plan to make some changes in your health, too?

Get the kids back into the swing of things, and then take 10 days to focus on yourself.

We start August 28th. It's $57 and you don't need any fancy equipment or any mad cooking skills.

Simple meals your family will love (vegan meal plans included!)

Short, effective workouts you can complete in less than 30 minutes at home.

Daily check ins for accountability in a private community, off social media.

Are you in? DM me with questions or to get the registration link!


UltraFit training today with the best running coach around!

As long as I've been teaching & as many treadmill classes as I've taught, I still feel like I learned SO MUCH about sprinting and high velocity running (aka running really fast) today.

I may have even learned how to make my little legs go faster too. 😜


Ok, here's my two weeks in photo comparison. Day 15 was Monday.

And, I love this so much because if we're being honest there's not a significant change here.

So all in all, after two weeks of eating well, hydrating and moving my body, I haven't experienced anything life changing.

I may look a little less bloated, definitely sleeping better and feeling mentally good about the changes in my routine, but body changes aren't overnight (or a fortnight).

Keep pushing forward. Regardless of how well you think you're doing, any small habit changes you've made should be celebrated!

And you are definitely welcome to join our little support and accountability group because I will be in there for 60 more days doing this thing!


I'm opening up a couple of spots in my nutrition coaching calendar.

This "boot camp" as I lovingly call it is really about learning how to fuel your body well & not just about food.

Guidance for your intuitive eating journey & learning to eat healthy food for long term commitment.

It's NOT just a quick fix style diet.

I'm have some room for a couple of nutrition coaching clients right now.

My Nutrition Boot Camp is not for the faint of heart.

1 on 1 nutrition coaching is a lot of work for me. It's a ton of planning and accountability and I put a lot of pressure on myself to help my clients reach their goals.

It's also a lot of work for my clients.

If you're ready to get serious - this is for you.

If you know it's time to take control of your health by fueling your body with REAL FOOD - this is for you.

If you want meals planned, recipes, shopping lists, nutritional content & more - this is for you.

I really enjoy being able to use my expertise in this way. So reach out and get in on this amazing opportunity!

You can start in just one week from the day you sign up.

ARE YOU IN? Drop a HECK YES in the comments & I'll reach out to you. Or just PM me if you prefer.


KISS - Keep It Simple Sister.

Have you ever tried a fancier version of something - and it just fell flat?

I was reminded of my summer time penchant for switching from wine to a nice cold beer. And, if you like to do the mix & match 6 packs, then you are MY PEOPLE. 🍺

I enjoy trying different beers - and believe me, I have tried some really gross ones. Sometimes, S'mores flavored beer just is not the answer. I tend to go back to one or two reliable ones & leave the weird, fancy flavors for someone else.

Because very often, keeping it simple is the best route. There is beauty in simplicity. 🌼

And, WHAT if I told you that you could "keep it simple sister" and still have great results with your health & nutrition? πŸ’ͺ 🍎

There's plenty of choices when it comes to nutrition & exercise. It can be confusing, especially when there are actually plenty of them that are great options. (I can easily list the ones that AREN'T, but that's a whole 'nother post!)

I teach a VERY simple approach to your fitness & health.

Nutrition can be simple, tasty, kid friendly & even fun.

Effective workouts can be done at home, in less than an hour.

Transforming to the healthiest version of yourself doesn't have to be confusing or even HARD.

It can be overwhelming because there's so many options out there. Which one is best?

I have a 10 Day program to jump start your summer goals, and it's only $49!

Dates are April 10-19 and I'll be sharing the registration link shortly!

Want details?

14 day meal plan (because I like to give extra)
Daily check ins βœ…βœ…
Workouts you can do at home! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ͺ🧘

And, it's a community space off of social media, so no Facebook scrolling required!

Interested? Comment below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ or shoot me a message!


Sleeping in a little and then heading to teach LifeBarre at 11am in McKinney is the best kind of Saturday.

Come channel your inner Ballerina and meet me at the Barre this morning.

Not a member? Come be my guest!


Photos from That Fit Chick Jodie's post 24/03/2023

My order arrived!

Everything was safely packaged and of course came with a hand written note.

Supporting small businesses is everything.

Our entire life relies on people supporting our small businesses.

Excuse me while I get out my big spoon and sample these before getting back to work on meal plans & my next 10 day challenge coming up in April.


Yes, I'm back here again! I went in today for a brow lamination and tint.

I'm so happy with the subtle and natural change because my poor eyebrows are a victim of the early 2000s and I'm definitely not ready to commit to any sort of permanent brow treatment

And today Ariel took great care of me, so the whole team here is amazing!


Um, why have I never done a lash lift & tint before?!

I love me some lash extensions, but this is less maintenance & lasts longer.

was so great & I'm really happy with how they turned out.


It's called a yoga practice because we are always in progress.

Flexibility comes with learning to get a little uncomfortable for a greater goal.

And, let's be practical, flexibility and mobility training is the foundation for keeping your body young and less prone to injury.

I'm delighted to be teaching tomorrow morning at 9:30am at Life Time McKinney Craig Ranch.

It's all the best parts of exercise blended together into a format unlike any other.


Happy International Women's Day! πŸ’•

I live in a house full of men, so I am extra grateful for the amazing women in my life.

And it's because of the support of those women that I consider myself a success in my business.

Friends with constant encouragement, clients who trust me, and the women who are now both.

May we always cheer each other on and believe in whatever crazy-seeming dreams we dream up.

Let's climb towards our goals together, lifting each other along the way. ❀️❀️


πŸ‘ŽFake it til you make it.
πŸ‘ŽAlways have a plan B
πŸ‘ŽNever eat carbs after 6pm

Yeah, let’s file those statements under β€œThings you should no longer believe"

Because over the last couple of years, I've realized that we often believe old lies & catchy sayings but they don't really get us anywhere.

I can say all kinds of cute and momentarily motivating things. You can read things that seem like sound, Science-y advice.

They are WRONG.

You can't fake it til you make it in your fitness journey. You have to buckle down, put on your big girl panties and decide it's time to put in the real work.

You can't have a plan B for your health. You get one body. One life. There's no do-overs.

And, yes you absolutely CAN eat carbs after 6pm. Carbs are life. You can't give up carbs.

Stop trying to create success by yourself with silly tricks that aren't based in Science.

(And if ya wanna argue with me about carbs, BRING IT IN THE COMMENTS! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

If you are ready to buckle down & get to work, then let's get to it!

Message me for detail on what we can do together to get you on track & making progress towards your goals.


Happy first day of March! It's your lucky day - here's a freebie download for you.

It's 30 Smoothie Recipes πŸ’šπŸ’š


"Hey, mama. You're doing a great job."

It's something we all long to hear. Sometimes it comes just when we need it the most. Sometimes there's no one to say it just when you need to hear it.

We all try our very hardest to care for our family. Staying up late or rising early (or often both) to get everything taken care of is just simply part of motherhood.

Being your very best self is paramount when taking on the task of raising a family, but we so often put ourselves very last, or skip over our own care completely.

You want a healthy family who eats healthy dinners, gets enough sleep, feels loved and and who feel like you're available to meet their every need. You stretch yourself thin while letting your own health fall to the side.

What if I told you that you can care for your family while getting yourself back on track, without the guilt of taking precious time away from your family?

What if I told you that YOUR health and wellness is actually the most important thing for your family?

Your health is my passion. Your success in creating a healthy lifestyle is my business.

Check out my Intuitive Health Community!

Details in bio


Do you believe in Soul Mates? πŸ’“πŸ’“

Of course you immediately think about marriage and love, because that's what we usually mean when we say Soul Mate.

This time, I actually want to tell you about my soul mate client.

My heart and passion is to help busy moms who need to get their health back on track & be their healthiest self while running their household, working a job, and doing ALL THE THINGS while wearing ALL THE HATS.

You, mama, are my soul mate if:

β—€ You're busy & overwhelmed
β—€ You want to take care of yourself & your family but you always put yourself last
β—€You have tried everything to find lasting success but you just can't make it stick
β—€You want to make a change but haven't found YOUR soul mate program & coach.

Does this sound like you? Maybe we're soul mates. πŸ’œ


Two years ago today I launched my first self written program.

Lots of tireless work went into creating and marketing and executing it.

I almost can't believe I really built my own brand and have multiple programs & products available that are MINE.

I can create a landing page, write & edit an email sequence, market my current project and a whole heck of a lot of other things I couldn't do before.

I have some special stuff to share with you this month in honor of my one year anniversary.

Keep your eyes peeled for new offerings, special prices on current offerings and maybe some sweet giveaways.

Thank you for every time you've liked, shared, commented on, subscribed and spent your hard earned money to support my little fitness & nutrition biz.

If you need support with your workouts, nutrition, or accountability for getting those things done, send me a message.

Registration for my membership is open! First meal plan goes out today. πŸ₯πŸ₯‘πŸžπŸ₯¦πŸ₯©πŸ“πŸ₯žπŸ₯˜πŸ₯™πŸ₯—πŸ₯’πŸ₯“πŸ₯”πŸ₯•


I have a few inspirational moments on occasion - usually my inspirational quote for a work bio is "I don't need a motivational quote, I just need coffee."

But, every once in a while I want to remind you that all the little things you do matter.

Every single extra effort you make is progress.

Didn't have a soda today - progress.

Ate a good breakfast when you usually eat sugary junk - progress.

Drank 8oz more water today than you did yesterday - progress.

Took a 10 minute walk around the block with your extra time at lunch instead of scrolling social media - progress.

Lifestyle changes almost always MUST be small. Because we aren't made for life altering, earth moving changes with a complete 180 degree flip at once.

Sometimes our health gives us a "come to Jesus" moment - like a cancer scare or a warning from our doctor about blood pressure, blood sugar or heart disease.

But, the little things you do day in and say out - the ones that may seem insignificant - are the real change-makers.

Long term, sustainable changes - it's why I coach my clients with grace and not a whole lot of tough love.

You can do it. I promise. And I'm here when you're ready for help.

Photos from That Fit Chick Jodie's post 18/01/2023

When you buy groceries do you feel overwhelmed by the choices and not knowing what's actually truly healthy for you?

Guys, I had HEARD about this but I picked it up and said to "Ugh! How much cancer do you think is in this box?!" πŸ˜³πŸ€’πŸ˜‚

Honestly, there was never a time in my life I would have bought this, but I'm certain there's a market for it or else it wouldn't be on the shelves.

You know what I'm gonna say next - PLEASE DON'T EAT THIS.

Look, I eat pasta. I don't do mac n cheese myself much because well, DAIRY. (We ain't friends) I do eat noodles, I let my family have a healthier version of macaroni and cheese. I'm not a monster. Carbs are life.

But, creating healthy habits is something I learned by trial and error and with my education in nutrition and the experience I have - I'm pretty passionate about educating other people on how to create a long term healthy lifestyle.

1. Please don't buy this junk.
2. Let me help you. Set up a time to chat with me to see how I can serve you and your family.


I didn't invent atomic habits, but I love utilizing them.

My weirdest one is I hate using lotion on my hands, and when I'm at home I usually end up washing it off pretty quickly because my hands got dirty for whatever reason.

So, I keep some lotion in my car and whenever I get in to go somewhere, I apply it and I guarantee I have time for it to soak in before I end up washing my hands again.

My skin is much more hydrated now!

So, habit stacking can look like drinking 8oz of water right after you brush your teeth every morning.

Or taking my JuicePlus with my lunch every day.

You know you're gonna do the first thing, so add a second small habit with it to improve adherence!

Do you practice habit stacking? What habit could you use help with the most?

Let's brainstorm a way to combine it with something else you already do!


It's hard to pick just one quote from Martin Luther King Jr to share.

We studied MLK & his contributions to the civil rights movement during homeschooling today and I feel like I always learn something new every time.


It's not selfish nor should it be under a "luxury" category to take care of your health.

I'm working on launching my new affordable online community for all things healthy!

Recipes, meal plans, workouts and support from yours truly.

I'll be sharing more with you all soon!


I'm never ever here to make you feel bad about your body or how much you weigh.

I AM here to help you build your healthy lifestyle. πŸ’ͺ πŸ‹

I'm never here to tell you your body isn't "beach ready". 🌴 πŸŸπŸ‘™

I AM here to support you with workouts and nutrition if you have goals. πŸ₯‘πŸŽπŸ₯•πŸ₯

A quick run down on the 1-1 coaching.

✴Meal plan ideas for each week personalized for your tastes and needs (hates, loves, allergies, prep time available) with a shopping list for the meals.

✴Nutritional info for each meal made easy for tracking in your preferred fitness app.

✴Office hours - you have my ear for questions, concerns, accountability.

✴I'll be checking in with you daily via message.

✴ Option to have a Weekly private call (30 mins or so, depending on your need) to check in on progress.

Photos from That Fit Chick Jodie's post 09/01/2023

You all may know I partner with the Juice Plus+ Company. It was a total "duh" for me and my family when I learned it was just fruits and veggies with nothing added. It's just food. Real food.

I have yet to find a simpler or more effective solution to getting better nutrition into myself and my family. It's completely transformed my health and millions of other families.

SO, when you start hearing about it more (like in 2 days πŸ“Ί...hint hint πŸ₯³), seeing it in commercials, and hearing people's incredible experiences with it - remember me. Reach out.

πŸ“±Let's chat. I'd love to answer all your questions, take care of you, and support you on your journey. πŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸ’œ

I take it seriously because it's real nutrition. Not a supplement from a company that also sells face cream or toothpaste. (No shade to the face creams and toothpaste!)

With my nutrition certification, I can't bring myself to recommend anything that's not legit. Which is why I haven't partnered with any other companies or brands of supplements since I learned better.

Photos from That Fit Chick Jodie's post 06/01/2023


I found myself desiring strong community for this new year.

Not just for me personally by staying better connected to my friends and acquaintances but also being intentional with creating community for my clients and followers.

I had chosen the word COMMUNITY as something I wanted to work on and that became my word for the year when I thought about what I needed most and what I see other women needing more of.

And then right before the year ended I got an email from a very amazing fellow mompreneur talking about a special deal on AppSumo for an app purely intended to create community.

Caz even reached out to me directly on messenger to make sure that I knew about the app and the deal that was running at the end of last month.

It's a clear message that the desire laid on my heart to create community was already in God's plan for my life this year!

He connected me with the app that would make community possible through somebody that's already in my network who I admire & trust a recommendation from.

If you have made it this far, well done! I promise I tried to edit this down as much as possible.

You can see a screenshot for the community that I am working on here.

I still have some logistics and back end to finish setting up but I'm so freaking excited!

If you're excited for community and want to join just let me know in a comment or send me a direct message if you've got questions.

Yes there's FREE options & I'll have some coaching offers available in the Community too.

Photos from That Fit Chick Jodie's post 04/01/2023

I did a little podcast last year.

I didn't have a long term plan for a "season" but I ended up with 12 episodes before it got too hot to be in my studio without the A/C running and my window unit was too noisy for recording πŸ˜‚

This Spotify wrapped warmed my heart and I am gearing up for the second season soon!

I'd love for you to go listen, follow/subscribe & maybe even drop some episode ideas in the comments.

Link in bio

I'll literally talk about anything, so bring on the suggestions!


Starting 2023 with a chiropractic adjustment 😁.

Hurt my back last week - Thursday I noticed after my morning kickboxing class that it was suddenly really tight and I couldn't sit/squat lay down without pain.

I tried all the usual - rest, Theragun, Icy Hot, stretching.

I had to cancel a couple of sessions because I can't do my very physical job - which totally sucked.

So, I made it through the weekend and called first thing to get my self an appointment.

Take care of your body, guys. It's the only one you get.

What you eat, what you drink, what you put on your skin, and how you move your body affects your quality of life.

P.S. definitely not doing any back bends right now, but hoping I'll be back to my normal self soon 😜

Photos from That Fit Chick Jodie's post 01/01/2023

Yesterday we celebrated 14 years of marriage. I'll include my best marriage advice as a bonus. 😁❀️

That's 5509 days. (I Googled it.)

In days, that doesn't sound like a lot, but as I look back over the last 14 years of marriage, and think about how much has happened, how much we've gone through, what all we've accomplished & how much we've grown...

It's monumental.

Best marriage advice I can give:

Show each other grace.

We are imperfect in every way. We are flawed and need forgiveness every day.

So, choose to talk through things and then show each other grace as much as you can.


If you read my last post you can probably guess mine:


I am so beyond ready to build a community for my friends and clients to connect, grow & stay motivated to reach whatever their goals are for 2023.

What's your word of the year?



A little mild debasing is acceptable this time of year.

But, I'm already thinking about the little habits I need to reincorporate into my days.

1. Bible study - I'm doing a Study to read the Bible through (in chronological order) this year. I've already joined a few other ladies for accountability.

2. Taking my JuicePlus daily. Its so simple, it's easy to forget.

3. Drink water. I got into a great habit when I did the 75Hard (or the version I did of it) and I honestly feel the difference when I don't hit that 80-100oz goal

You may be thinking - just three? And super simple ones?

Uh, yeah. That's how we build success.

I'm going to be working on accountability groups, so let me know if you want some support this upcoming year, and what you need accountability for the most!

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@lifetime.classes You won't want to miss LifeBarre on Saturdays at 11am. Come be my guest if you're not a Life Time memb...
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Rockwall, TX