Gedatsu Church Los Angeles

Gedatsu is a religious study whose ultimate aim is to awaken our inner spirituality through the daily practice and expression of gratitude

"Meaning of Festival" by Rev. Naoya April 2024【LA GEDATSU】 04/28/2024

The Festival is "MATSURI" in Japanese.
What is the significance of our Gedatsu festivals?
Let's learn it from the definitions of MATSURI.

Volunteering is one of the key elements of our Gedatsu festivals. Master Gedatsu Kongo often said at each festival, “I won’t say ‘thank you for coming today.’ That is because today’s festival is being held by you.”

"Meaning of Festival" by Rev. Naoya April 2024【LA GEDATSU】 The Festival is "MATSURI" in Japanese.What is the significance of our Gedatsu festivals?Let's learn it from the definitions of MATSURI.Volunteering is one of...

"大祭の意義を勉強しよう!" by 岡野尚也 2024年4月【米国解脱】 04/28/2024

「全国の皆さん、私は、今日ここに集まられた皆さんに、ご苦労様とお礼はいいません。それは、この大祭は皆さん自身で行う大祭だからであります」by 解脱金剛


#祭り #解脱 #守護神

"大祭の意義を勉強しよう!" by 岡野尚也 2024年4月【米国解脱】 「全国の皆さん、私は、今日ここに集まられた皆さんに、ご苦労様とお礼はいいません。それは、この大祭は皆さん自身で行う大祭だからであります」by 解脱金剛大祭の意義を「祭」の5つの語源から学びます!Gedatsu Church ...

"今年は隠れていたものが明らかになる年" by Rev. Naoya, March 2024【米国解脱】 04/16/2024




#溶連菌 #一平

"今年は隠れていたものが明らかになる年" by Rev. Naoya, March 2024【米国解脱】 Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" page branch: https://www.facebo...

"Revealing Long-hidden Secrets" by Rev. Naoya, March 2024 【LA GEDATSU】 04/16/2024

“Illness is the best blessing to fix yourself” and “Illness is the red light of an unhealthy life.”

It is important to see a doctor and receive appropriate medical treatment. At the same time, however, we should be grateful to be allowed to live today. Instead of regretting what happened to us, we should accept it with gratitude, look ahead, and step forward.

"Revealing Long-hidden Secrets" by Rev. Naoya, March 2024 【LA GEDATSU】 “Illness is the best blessing to fix yourself” and “Illness is the red light of an unhealthy life.”It is important to see a doctor and receive appropriate me...

"心に解脱の羅針盤を -- お浄めを実践しよう --" Rev. Naoya February 2024【LA GEDATSU】 03/06/2024



"心に解脱の羅針盤を -- お浄めを実践しよう --" Rev. Naoya February 2024【LA GEDATSU】 「解脱会の秘儀三法の1つ。お浄めを一緒に実践して、心に解脱の羅針盤を持ち、まずは皆さん自身が幸せになり、そして周りの人に幸せを分け与えて、幸せの輪を広げていきましょう」お浄めの素晴らしさとは?脳波とい...

"A Compass for Our Mind and Soul -- Hiho Meditation" by Rev. Naoya February 2024【LA GEDATSU】 03/06/2024

"What is the best way to reach to the theta waves state? --- Hiho Meditation. Hiho meditation includes mental and spiritual relaxation and purification, the right posture, and the right breathing. Hiho meditation surely helps you to the state of revival."

"A Compass for Our Mind and Soul -- Hiho Meditation" by Rev. Naoya February 2024【LA GEDATSU】 "We Gedatsu students possess a great and reliable compass in our minds. We have only to use it. Let’s practice this precious teaching and create a society ...

"新しい時代の到来 --甲辰(きのえたつ)の今年の運勢--" by Rev. Naoya January 2024【LA GEDATSU】 03/06/2024



"新しい時代の到来 --甲辰(きのえたつ)の今年の運勢--" by Rev. Naoya January 2024【LA GEDATSU】 「春の日差し、あまねく光に照らされて、急激な成長と変化が起こる」今年の干支は「甲辰(きのえたつ」一体どのような年になるのでしょうか?Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" pagehttps://...

"Fly High in the Year of the Dragon" by Rev. Naoya January 2024【LA GEDATSU】 03/06/2024

"The year 2024 will be like “the spring sun shining on everything unconditionally, promoting rapid growth and change."

Rev. Naoya explains what this year will be like from the concept called ETO.

"Fly High in the Year of the Dragon" by Rev. Naoya January 2024【LA GEDATSU】 "The year 2024 will be like “the spring sun shining on everything unconditionally, promoting rapid growth and change."Rev. Naoya explains what this year will...

"Holy Hiho Meditation" by Rev. Naoya November 2023【LA GEDATSU】 12/05/2023

Let's practice Holy Hiho Meditation.

"Nowadays, everyone, especially young people, is surrounded by attractive and stimulating things. While it is exciting to live in such times, we can become easily distracted and unable to self-reflect. By adopting Holy Hiho meditation in our lives, we can create quiet moments to look inward, ground ourselves, and gain a truer sense of who we are. In this way, I believe Hiho meditation makes our lives even better."

"Holy Hiho Meditation" by Rev. Naoya November 2023【LA GEDATSU】 Let's practice Holy Hiho Meditation."Nowadays, everyone, especially young people, is surrounded by attractive and stimulating things. While it is exciting t...

"美人になる法" by Rev. Naoya 2023年11月【米国解脱】 12/05/2023


「心は言葉にあらわれて 言葉は体の表現となる」


"美人になる法" by Rev. Naoya 2023年11月【米国解脱】 「心は言葉にあらわれて 言葉は体の表現となる」11月は金剛様が誕生し、ご遷化された特別な月です。ぜひ金剛様の遺されたお言葉から学びましょう!!Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" pagehtt....

"The Law to become Beautiful" by Rev. Naoya November 2023【LA GEDATSU】 12/05/2023


"November is a special month for Gedatsu members because it is the month of Master Gedatsu Kongo’s birth and death – like Easter and Christmas rolled into one, for Christians."

"Always keep in mind our founder’s words: “Our mind is revealed in our words, and our words are then expressed in our actions.” By doing so, I’m sure we will find that we have become more beautiful."

"The Law to become Beautiful" by Rev. Naoya November 2023【LA GEDATSU】 "November is a special month for Gedatsu members because it is the month of Master Gedatsu Kongo’s birth and death – like Easter and Christmas rolled into on...

#1【田中宏明館長インタビュー】全国上位の活躍! 埼玉・解脱錬心館の稽古 12/03/2023


Kendo dojo of Gedatsu church in Japan!!

#1【田中宏明館長インタビュー】全国上位の活躍! 埼玉・解脱錬心館の稽古 ▫️剣道教士八段。佐賀北高校(佐賀)から国士舘大学に進学。大学卒業後、宗教法人解脱会に奉職。埼玉県北本市の解脱錬心館にて少年指導にあたり、現在は館長を務めている。自身の主な戦績には、全日本選抜八段優勝...

"秋は霊魂との交流が盛んな季節~先祖供養・年忌法要のススメ~" by Rev. Naoya 【米国解脱】2023年10月 10/26/2023



"秋は霊魂との交流が盛んな季節~先祖供養・年忌法要のススメ~" by Rev. Naoya 【米国解脱】2023年10月 「秋は霊魂との交流が盛んになる季節」「親子孫が一つになるには、先祖代々つながってきた縦のラインを大切にすること」Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" pagehttps://gedatsu-us...

“The Divine, Spiritual Energy of Autumn” by Rev. Naoya October 2023【LA GEDATSU】 10/26/2023

"Religiously speaking, autumn is a season when spiritual communication with divine energy and ancestors is heightened."

"In order for family members of three generations to get along harmoniously, we have to cherish and nourish the vertical family line that extends from our ancestors to family members today."

“The Divine, Spiritual Energy of Autumn” by Rev. Naoya October 2023【LA GEDATSU】 "Religiously speaking, autumn is a season when spiritual communication with divine energy and ancestors is heightened.""In order for family members of three ...

"阿字観メディテーション" by Rev. Naoya September 2023【LA GEDATSU】 10/06/2023




"阿字観メディテーション" by Rev. Naoya September 2023【LA GEDATSU】 真言宗の開祖である空海が遺した阿字観メディテーション。阿字観メディテーションはどのようにやるのか?そもそも阿字とは?瞑想の効果を高めるポイントとは?解脱の基本とあわせてこれらを解説します!! #阿字観  #....

"Ajikan Meditation -- Living Our Gedatsu Practices" by Rev. Naoya in September 2023【LA GEDATSU】 10/06/2023

Ajikan Meditaiton, which was founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai, founder of Shingon Buddshim.

Rev. Naoya explains about...
1. The significance of Ajikan meditation
2. How to perform it
3. How to make your meditation practice more effective.

"Ajikan Meditation -- Living Our Gedatsu Practices" by Rev. Naoya in September 2023【LA GEDATSU】 Ajikan Meditaiton, which was founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai, founder of Shingon Buddshim.Rev. Naoya explains about...1. The significance of Ajikan meditation2....

"水から私たちの身体について学ぼう!" by Rev. Naoya August 2023【米国解脱】 10/06/2023



"水から私たちの身体について学ぼう!" by Rev. Naoya August 2023【米国解脱】 「私たちの身体の中の仕組み…そんな見えない世界のことを大自然の働きから学ぶことができます」2023年8月の弁財天サービスでの講話をご紹介!Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" pagehttps...

“The Lessons from Water and the Law of Nature” by Rev. Naoya August 2023【LA GEDATSU】 10/06/2023

"We can say that our human body is like a small Earth. In other words, today’s prayer to show our appreciation for water and its functions is the same as appreciating our body and its functions."

"we can learn from the visible phenomena of Nature all around us about the internal functions within our own bodies, which are mainly invisible to our eyes."

We are receiving countless blessings from water!
Let's appreciate water!

“The Lessons from Water and the Law of Nature” by Rev. Naoya August 2023【LA GEDATSU】 We are receiving countless blessings from water!Let's appreciate water!"We can say that our human body is like a small Earth. In other words, today’s prayer...

"Appreciation for Our Maternal Heritage" by Rev. Naoya September 2023【LA GEDATSU】 10/06/2023

"Nothing is wasted in life. Everything has meaning."
"Every mother, grandmother, great-grandmother . . . everyone has their own history, and because of their histories, we are allowed to live."

Rev. Naoya shared his grandmother's personal history at the Mother's Day service in May 2023.

"Appreciation for Our Maternal Heritage" by Rev. Naoya September 2023【LA GEDATSU】 Rev. Naoya shared his grandmother's personal history at the Mother's Day service in May 2023."Nothing is wasted in life. Everything has meaning.""Every moth...

"Our Precious, Purpose-filled Life" by Rev. Naoya - April 2023【LA GEDATSU】 05/03/2023

"True happiness is achieved when we realize that we are each equally precious, regardless of wealth, gender, race, and nationality, and when we love ourselves, are aware of our true mission in life, and strive to complete that mission."

Sermon by Rev. Naoya at the 3rd Sunday service in April 2023

"Our Precious, Purpose-filled Life" by Rev. Naoya - April 2023【LA GEDATSU】 "True happiness is achieved when we realize that we are each equally precious, regardless of wealth, gender, race, and nationality, and when we love ourselve...

"眠っている遺伝子をスイッチON!" by 岡野尚也 - March 2023【米国解脱】 05/03/2023


ロサンゼルス教会3月度感謝会講話 by Rev. Naoya

"眠っている遺伝子をスイッチON!" by 岡野尚也 - March 2023【米国解脱】 「真心からのご供養というのは、自分自身のご先祖様から受け継いだ、自分の中に刻まれて眠っている遺伝子のスイッチを意識的に入れることのできる尊いものであり、もしそれができれば、子孫のさらなる幸せにもつなが...

"Turn On Our Good Genes through Ancestor Blessings" by Rev. Naoya - March 2023【LA GEDATSU】 05/03/2023

”Sincerely offering holy tea blessing for our ancestors is a precious practice that can turn on our dormant ancestral genetic memories, which are engraved within our DNA.”

Sermon by Rev. Naoya at the third Sunday service in March 2023

"Turn On Our Good Genes through Ancestor Blessings" by Rev. Naoya - March 2023【LA GEDATSU】 Sincerely offering holy tea blessing for our ancestors is a precious practice that can turn on our dormant ancestral genetic memories, which are engraved wit...

"Address at Spring Festival 2023" by Rev. Shigehiro Kizaki - April 9, 2023【日本語】 05/03/2023


米国春季大祭記念講話 by 木崎先生


"Address at Spring Festival 2023" by Rev. Shigehiro Kizaki - April 9, 2023【日本語】 "Our attitude to prioritize economic wealth, in the belief that our happiness is derived solely from financial and material affluence, needs to be changed."G...

"Address at Spring Festival 2023" by Rev. Shigehiro Kizaki - April 9, 2023【日本語】 05/03/2023

"Our attitude to prioritize economic wealth, in the belief that our happiness is derived solely from financial and material affluence, needs to be changed."

Spring Festival Remarks by Rev. Shigehiro Kizaki.
English subtitle!

"Address at Spring Festival 2023" by Rev. Shigehiro Kizaki - April 9, 2023【日本語】 "Our attitude to prioritize economic wealth, in the belief that our happiness is derived solely from financial and material affluence, needs to be changed."G...

“There Are No Demons” by Rev. Naoya - February 2023【LA GEDATSU】 03/05/2023

“There are no demons either inside or outside of the home. There are many good blessings both inside and outside, though. In fact, we are surrounded by an abundance of blessings, but we are forgetful or ignorant of them. People mistakenly think of those who have different opinions as enemies, or demons, but we simply create demons within our minds” by Master Gedatsu Kongo

Let's learn from Japanese traditional event called "Setsubun" and "Mamemaki"

“There Are No Demons” by Rev. Naoya - February 2023【LA GEDATSU】 “There are no demons either inside or outside of the home. There are many good blessings both inside and outside, though. In fact, we are surrounded by an ...

"私たちの周りは「福」でいっぱい!" by Rev. Naoya - February 2023【LA GEDATSU】 03/05/2023

「鬼は家の中にも外にもいない。内外ともに福がいっぱいで人はそれに包まれているのだ。それを忘れて自分の心に合わない者を敵のように思うから、自分の心の中に鬼をつくりだすのだ」 by Gedatsu Kongo


"私たちの周りは「福」でいっぱい!" by Rev. Naoya - February 2023【LA GEDATSU】 「鬼は家の中にも外にもいない。内外ともに福がいっぱいで人はそれに包まれているのだ。それを忘れて自分の心に合わない者を敵のように思うから、自分の心の中に鬼をつくりだすのだ」 by Gedatsu Kongo日本の伝統行事「節....

"2023年。ウサギ年は飛躍の年!" by Rev. Naoya Jan 2023【US GEDATSU】 01/27/2023


"2023年。ウサギ年は飛躍の年!" by Rev. Naoya Jan 2023【US GEDATSU】 今年の干支は「癸卯(みずのとう)」どういった運勢でどんな年になるのか解説します!!Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" page

"2023 - Leaping Forward in the Year of the Rabbit" by Rev. Naoya January 2023【US GEDATSU】 01/27/2023

What kind of year 2023 will be like?
Rev. Naoya explain in terms of the Eastern astrological calendar.

"2023 - Leaping Forward in the Year of the Rabbit" by Rev. Naoya January 2023【US GEDATSU】 What kind of year 2023 will be like?Rev. Naoya explain in terms of the Eastern astrological calendar.Gedatsu Church USA to Ged...

"先祖供養でご先祖様と再接続” by 岡野尚也 202212【LA GEDATSU】 01/14/2023


"先祖供養でご先祖様と再接続” by 岡野尚也 202212【LA GEDATSU】 ご先祖様に守られている実感はありますか?先祖供養をして、ご先祖様とのつながりを強化しましょう!…というお話。Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" pagehttps://gedatsu-usa....

"どんな時も「感謝」” by 岡野尚也 202211【LA GEDATSU】 01/14/2023

「難が有るから有難い 難が無かったら無難な人生」


"どんな時も「感謝」” by 岡野尚也 202211【LA GEDATSU】 解脱の教えの根幹「感謝」についての講話。金剛様のみさとし「絶対感謝」について学びます。Gedatsu Church USA to Gedatsu Church USA "GIVE" page

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Videos (show all)

Somen Nagashi Rehearsal
Gedatsu Uklele Band
Snow Play
Gedatsu Office Band



7850 Hill Drive
Rosemead, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm

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Ibadah Raya Minggu : 5-7 pm Ibadah COOL Selasa : 6.30 pm Menara Doa Kamis : 8-9 pm