All Worlds Health & Pediatrics, Roswell, GA Videos

Videos by All Worlds Health & Pediatrics in Roswell. All Worlds Health & Pediatrics...a compassionate, integrative approach to health for all ages

🤩 Let’s go deeper into the meaning behind vision, because I love to look at things from a holistic and multidimensional perspective. Jacob Liberman is an optometrist and light researcher who has written and talked extensively about this topic. He explores the idea of what it means to experience various visual difficulties. For example, some people have more difficulty seeing at a distance, while others struggle with near vision. By describing how you see and then considering what those descriptions might mean metaphorically, you can gain insight into how you respond to the world.

💟 If you have difficulty seeing far, it might suggest that you are protecting yourself by keeping your world smaller. Conversely, if you can see far but not as well up close, it could indicate a stress response related to the "fight" aspect of the fight-or-flight response. These interpretations are suggestions and need to be specific to each individual, but they offer a way to understand how visual patterns might relate to one's stress response and overall experience.

⭐️ Double vision is another interesting and challenging phenomenon. Often, those with double vision seem to live out two parallel lives: one imaginary, where they might wish a past tragedy never occurred, and one in the reality they are currently experiencing. This can create strain on the brain and nervous system, leading to double vision. Although there are definite physical aspects to address, considering these issues from a broader perspective might reveal deeper meanings about one's experience.

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🤩 Let’s go deeper into the meaning behind vision, because I love to look at things from a holistic and multidimensional perspective. Jacob Liberman is an optometrist and light researcher who has written and talked extensively about this topic. He explores the idea of what it means to experience various visual difficulties. For example, some people have more difficulty seeing at a distance, while others struggle with near vision. By describing how you see and then considering what those descriptions might mean metaphorically, you can gain insight into how you respond to the world. 💟 If you have difficulty seeing far, it might suggest that you are protecting yourself by keeping your world smaller. Conversely, if you can see far but not as well up close, it could indicate a stress response related to the "fight" aspect of the fight-or-flight response. These interpretations are suggestions and need to be specific to each individual, but they offer a way to understand how visual patterns might relate to one's stress response and overall experience. ⭐️ Double vision is another interesting and challenging phenomenon. Often, those with double vision seem to live out two parallel lives: one imaginary, where they might wish a past tragedy never occurred, and one in the reality they are currently experiencing. This can create strain on the brain and nervous system, leading to double vision. Although there are definite physical aspects to address, considering these issues from a broader perspective might reveal deeper meanings about one's experience.

🍔 I want to talk about is understanding comfort foods and the reward system. There are things we reach for, and not everyone reaches for the same things. Ask yourself, why do you reach for certain foods? Comfort foods are known to release dopamine, which provides a short-lived effect of increasing mood and pleasure response. These comfort foods can also have certain memories attached to them. 😋 For example, the other weekend I was at a Filipino event with a feast of Filipino food. Many of the dishes I ate growing up but don’t eat regularly nowadays made me happy. After a long, tiring day, eating these foods reminded me of childhood celebrations. I found myself eating past the point of being full and craving the food for days afterward because of these memories. Every time I ate a bite, I remembered my dad and grandmother and certain feel-good memories. I knew this was a part of why I was reaching for them. It’s part of the pleasure-reward system. 🥰 This is really interesting because there is a role of what's called the lateral habenula. These are small nuclei cells located on either side of the brain, near the pineal gland. The lateral habenula helps regulate the reward versus aversion response. A study on mice showed that with high-fat food, a normally responding lateral habenula would down-regulate the reward response so that the mice wouldn’t overeat and wouldn’t find it as pleasurable. This is also true for humans. However, if you have chronically elevated cortisol levels, often seen in chronic stress, the lateral habenula is no longer active as it normally is. This means that eating continues to be associated with pleasure, even if you’re no longer hungry. The reward centers keep releasing dopamine, giving you a short-lived, feel-good response every time you eat certain kinds of food. The regulation in the body and feedback loops can get disconnected, leading to a mind-body disconnect and lack of integration in the right and left hemisphere

💖 We're going to go over six reasons someone might over apologize and these are all basically false beliefs in old programming. We'll also go through why they might be there. ‌ 🌟 The first reason someone might over-apologize is this overarching want that most people have, which is wanting to be liked. (See also Ep. 89 of The MultiDimensional MD: “Why We Care About What Other People Think.”) It's this fear of rejection or criticism and it's a need to people please, or as my friend Maudy Fowler says, “the disease to please.” We are social beings and apologizing is often associated with politeness and respect. But when it's overdone, it places too much weight in another person's opinion, so there is need to have some balance. 💙 Two, going along with this is perfectionism or fear of failure, which often to go hand-in-hand with that fear of criticism, rejection or of doing something wrong. There could be a tendency to over-apologize if someone doesn't feel like they aren’t living up to their idea of perfect, and it may or may not be something that exists or something that's obtainable. However, we don't need to apologize every time we realize we are human. Later in the podcast, we’re going to talk when we do need to apologize, but it's not all the time. You don't need to apologize for being you, for existing in the world. 👉Learn more about the 6 reasons why might someone over-apologize in this another exciting episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Why Do People Over-Apologize” by clicking this link:[]( "smartCard-inline") ‌ Lots of love, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #apologize #overapologize #imbalance #sorry #healthiswealth #healingapproach #relationships #family #jobs #community #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth

Live Unboxing of my NEW BOOK!
It's late and raining and the perfect time for Unboxing my NEW BOOK! I feel like a little kid before a holiday with so much anticipation of what is around the corner. When I got the UPS message that the box had been delivered to my office, I knew I had to get down here. This book is a culmination of my life's work, as a physician, mother, child, friend, and most of all learning to be me freely and in harmony with the creative flow of the Oneness. Please join me in welcoming my newest baby: I AM Intuitive— A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light. Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you.

🏃‍♀️ Gain momentum with small movements. When we are stuck, we are not moving; we are in one place, metaphorically or literally. We might be curled up in a ball, in bed with low energy, unable to move, or it might be more of a mindset like "I have to do it this way and I can't do it any other way." That kind of stuckness.💙 Movement is life, and flow is life, so it's about tapping into that movement and flow wherever you can get it. Dr. Gladys McGarey, who is 103 years old now, is this amazing physician. She authored "The Well-Lived Life" and is also one of the co-founders of the American Holistic Medical Association. In her book, she talks about tapping into any movement, no matter how small. For example, if you are a parent and you're taking care of all these kids you're just exhausted on the couch, but they're asking you to do things. So, she says, as you move around, can you exaggerate that movement? Even if you just turn the page of the book, could you make it a bigger movement and breathe with it? Small movements can flow into bigger ones.👉 Watch the full episode of “EFT Tapping & Other Tips for When You Feel Stuck" in the MultiDimensional MD by clicking the link below: love and gratitude,💕Dr. Arlene DijamcoThe MultiDimensional MDEFTtapping #springbreak #EFT #tapping #springallergies #springseason #spring #springtime#healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

💖 I wanted to share this intention that I had set to EFT tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, where you tap on certain meridian points, acupuncture points, to help your energy free up in your body. You can follow along with me. It's really interesting because I wrote this in March of 2020, just at the start of the pandemic, and when I pulled it up today, I felt that it was so timely. It was written in response to a very difficult time, but it has this timeless quality because, like I said, suffering is inevitable in the human experience. There's no one that lives through life unscathed, but you can still experience beauty, love, and peace even when things are really hard. 😍 We'll do it together, and you can just follow with me. I'll tap with a couple of fingers on each of the acupuncture points, and then I'll read through the intentions that I wrote. 👉Watch the full EFT tapping in my latest episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “How Grace Helps You Heal” by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #EFT #EFTtapping #intentions #mantra #grace #healing #healingjourney #healingvibes #healthiswealth #healingapproach #relationships #family #jobs #community #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🍇 Did you now that concord grape juice can boost immunity? There was a 2011 study in the Journal of Medicinal Foods with 85 middle-aged adults who took Concord grape juice for nine weeks. They compared this to a control group with a placebo beverage without the polyphenols. Those who drank Concord grape juice had a significantly greater number of circulating T cells, which are immune cells, higher serum vitamin C levels, higher serum antioxidant activity, and reduced DNA strand breaks when challenged. It protects your cells overall and boosts your immunity.💡 When you're traveling, in school, or at work, people often ask what else they can do to help boost their immune system. Well, you can have some Concord grape juice regularly. There are many other things, but it is amazing that this one food, one juice, can do so much.👉 Now, we are talking about Concord grape juice, not eating grapes. While there are still benefits to eating grapes, they have a high glycemic index and don't provide the same blood sugar-balancing benefits as the juice. It's the concentration of polyphenols in the juice that's important.👉Watch the full video of, “Concord Grape Juice & Its Remarkable Health Benefits,” in the Multidimensional MD by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude,💕Dr. Arlene DijamcoThe MultiDimensional MD#metabolism #guthealth #immunesystem #balance #immunebalance #ConcordGrapeJuice #grapejuice #cardiovascularissues #cardiovascularhealth #cardio #stayhealthy #healthytips #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🌿 Stinging nettle is another really nutritious herb. It actually has protein, amino acids, fiber, and many antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonoids. It's also rich in minerals that are great for your bones, including iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, boron, and vitamin K, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health and clotting.👉 The reason it's called stinging nettle is that the little hairs on the leaves and stems have irritating chemicals that can sting and leave a rash when touched. So, it's best to pick stinging nettle with gloves. 🌱There are different varieties of stinging nettle and in my experience, some definitely sting more than others. When cooked down, the stinging properties can cook off depending on the plant. Dried nettles do not have that sting.🍂 I typically use more dried stinging nettle since I don’t have regular access to a fresh supply. If I have fresh stinging nettle, I'll cook it down like spinach. Stinging nettle can be combined with lemon balm to make a great dried tea.🍵I love using a French press for tea because I can place loose herbs in it with plenty of water. I can also steep the tea covered, preserving the aromatic constituents in the water. When ready, I can press it down and voila!❤️ Stinging nettle is a great bodybuilding herb and is often included in nutritious tea formulas. It's considered a superfood due to its packed nutrition.👉 Watch the full of episode of “Nervine Teas” by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude,💕Dr. Arlene DijamcoThe MultiDimensional MD#stingingnettle #herbs #nutritiousherbs #teas #NervineTeas #calm #stresstraumarelease #AnxietyRelief #healing #healingvibes #loveexpression #love #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🤰 Birth is a big deal. It is amazing and natural, and usually, everything goes well. However, even when it does, the head gets squeezed through a small opening, which is why newborns' skulls are designed to be flexible. If they experience too much squeezing or tension, birth strains can occur. The tissues might hold onto that tension, or the birth itself can create a stress response in the autonomic nervous system. At times, overwhelming pressure on the head can feel like a post-concussion syndrome even many years later. 🤕You might not know you have unresolved birth strains until someone helps you identify them. This is one of the specialties of cranial osteopathy. Cranial osteopaths can feel the vectors of forces in the tissues, including the head, to detect any remaining strain patterns. 👩‍🍼 I had some birth strains myself, even though my birth was considered “normal.” These strains were discovered in my late 20s, after medical school. When they were released, it felt strange because I had already done so much, but I could think much better. It didn't take as much effort, and I had more energy. I used to fall asleep easily in lectures and classes. Figuring this out later in life was beneficial, though I wish I had known earlier. It could have saved me some angst. All in divine timing. I see kids and adults with issues stemming from birth. The good news is that those vectors of force can be released, which can be immensely helpful. 👉Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Attention and Focus Issues,” by clicking this link: You might also want to check out Episode 134 of The MultiDimensional MD - “How Your Birth Can Affect Your Health.” Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #birth #birthstrains #tension #ADHD #attention #focus #FocusEnhancement #mindbodyissues #energetics #nutritionaldeficiencies #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproa

💖 I love this phrase: "Do More with Less." 👉 Inventor Buckminster Fuller was a huge proponent of "Do More with Less." This is an overarching theme in holistic health to take a proactive approach to what resources we have. Our body's naturally tend towards balance. If you get a scratch, it tends to heal. By understanding the health within, we can enhance our natural healing abilities, and in essence, do more with less. 🧠 That got me thinking of how much occurs while we sleep. Our brains need to detoxify regularly. They are working hard and require ongoing maintenance. A lot of that occurs during sleep. 😴 So, how can we enhance our natural detoxification processes that occur during sleep? 🎙️ In this week's podcast, I'm going to go over - a brief review of the brain's glymphatic system - perspectives from TCM and Ayurveda - remedies to support sleep detox - topicals and appliances - a healing poem I wrote to read at bedtime 👉Join me in another exciting episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “**Supporting Detoxification While You Sleep,**” by clicking this link: []( "smartCard-inline") Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #Osteopathy #lymphatics #sleep #braindevelopment #brain #glymphaticsystem #sleepdetox #bedtime #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

I wrote this poem for a friend and for myself too. I’d love for you to hear and feel the vibration of the words as I read them (which you can listen to on the full episode of the podcast). 💙 This is for times when we're feeling down. "When I feel sad" Sometimes sadness sweeps through A heaviness like a fog And I let myself sink inwards, inwards, inwards Until I meet the flame within A light in the darkness Faintly familiar Until I walk closer And realize it is me Not lost at all I am here I am within I am light I scoop up my light in an eternal embrace Returning home I am who I am And realize I am a part of the larger light The universal Oneness Who never gives up on me 👉 Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Words are Powerful: Healing Poetry” by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD ‌#sadness #sad #words #powerfulwords #poetry #poems #healing #healingvibes #loveexpression #love #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

💖 Sometimes you get a gift that is just too good not to share! Special thanks to eight-year-old Rembrandt who sent me this animation. It reminded me how we can love day and night - love ourselves, love the earth, love each other. ☀️ What if we lived every moment like this—with the purpose to express love and kindness? Let’s imagine that together and then take steps throughout our day and night to do so. Love in action. Love you day and night! 🌖 Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #love #selflove #dayandnight #lovetheearth #loveoneanother #loveyourself #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🍇 Concord grape juice has great cardiovascular health benefits. I think of my loved ones who have cardiovascular health problems, whether high blood pressure or coronary artery disease. You can consider the benefits of red wine without the alcohol, avoiding the impact on the liver. Many studies show that it reduces blood pressure over a three to four-month period if you have hypertension and can improve blood flow, known as flow-mediated vasodilation, and decrease LDL oxidation in people with coronary artery disease.📚 In the study, they used 7.7 milligrams per kilogram per day for 14 days. If you weigh about 150 pounds, that's about two cups a day, which can be spread out. This was from a 1999 study in Circulation. They found that it helped people with coronary artery disease by improving blood flow and decreasing LDL oxidation. This is amazing because it’s a food. The more we can help ourselves through our foods and use food as medicine, the better, especially when it tastes great.💖 There was also a 2020 meta-analysis in the Journal of Clinical Medicine that supported these results. It showed a significant effect on lipid profiles, not just LDL but triglycerides and HDL as well. We also know that it can reduce oxidative stress, as mentioned before, and decrease platelet aggregation, which can mean a lower risk of clotting. This is why Concord grape juice has remarkable health benefits, and it's about consuming it consistently over time.👉Watch the full video of, “Concord Grape Juice & Its Remarkable Health Benefits,” in the Multidimensional MD by clicking this link: love and gratitude,💕Dr. Arlene DijamcoThe MultiDimensional MD#ConcordGrapeJuice #grapejuice #cardiovascularissues #cardiovascularhealth #cardio #stayhealthy #healthytips #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealt

💖 Emotional freedom means that you’re able to flow and surf through emotions freely. Your emotions don't have to keep you stuck or afraid to be yourself. You’re also free to express your true self, that essence of you which is all light and love. 💙 Emotions don’t have to control you. That doesn't mean that you're not compassionate or empathic. When you're dealing with your own emotions or the emotions of others, you do not make compromising decisions, like who you are, your true nature, or your essence based on your own emotions or the emotions of others. This means that you have to have both compassion and self-compassion. ✨ So many people that come to see me are caretakers and very sensitive people. They're already empathic in nature and very compassionate people. For some, they care so much that the feeling can often be overwhelming and make them feel frozen, stuck, or choosing to make decisions in ways that are possibly compromising their nature. Remember, your true nature, your essence, is all love. You are this unique emanation of Stillness, so anytime something is fear-based, it eclipses the true nature of who you are. 👉 Watch the full video on "Emotional Freedom & Health" in The MultiDimensional MD and learn more about how to shift to access more of it. Click the link here: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD emotional #empathetic #emotions #sensitivepeople #sensitive #essence #meditation #emotion #emotionalfreedom #freedom #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

💖 Mealtime blessings can make the food you eat even more nourishing because our words are powerful, especially when imbued with loving thoughts and intention. 🥰 We know from Masaru Emoto’s work (and Veda Austin’s) that water can carry messages, so when we drink water or eat hydrating foods after giving thanks, we bring those loving messages into our bodies. Fruits and veggies also have a lot of structured water which gives them a heightened capacity to carry nourishing messages. 💞 So, next time you eat or drink water, consider giving thanks and love. This is a mind-body-spirit approach to meal time. 🌟 See the podcast for a sample mealtime blessing that I created this for a talk that I did with Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. 👉 Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Words are Powerful: Healing Poetry” by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD ‌#mealtimeblessing #words #powerfulwords #poetry #poems #healing #healingvibes #loveexpression #love #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

💖 Sometimes in life things happen. We go through difficult experiences or maybe there's generational wounds and that light and love of our soul essence gets eclipse by our shadow side. it takes courage to look at your shadow side it's the part of ourselves that we again we would rather not look at. 💜 The first element is to have some courage to be able to see all of you. Because this is an aspect of you that is still worthy and deserving of your love, your awareness, and to be embraced to be brought back home. So, when I talk about this side to people, and to patients, to friends, I talk about it as if it were a crying baby. So, if you had a crying baby, then what would you do? You would scoop it up and cradle it and sooth it and you couldn't be demanding of the baby. You couldn't say, "Stop crying!" That wouldn't work and you can't toss the baby out. You can't put the baby in a corner. Although you could put it in a safe spot and say, "I'll be right back," if that's necessary. You need to do that sometimes to say you feel like you can't address it at that moment. But at some point, you do have to pick up that crying baby that is an aspect of you and give it some love and tenderness, gentleness, and bring it back home to your heart center. It is this shadow side of you, that is just feeling an eclipse it's not that it doesn't have light, it doesn't have love, it's just needing your consciousness to bring that part out. 👉 Watch my latest episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “The Eclipse and Your Shadow Side,” by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #courage #shadow #shadowside #eclipse #phasesofthemoon #Moon #lunareclipse #lunarphenomenon #Lunar #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🌱 One of the many ways we can maintain the energy of your space is to ask for assistance from the flowers or the herbs. You can do this in many different ways. Flowers represent the beauty of the oneness, the stillness. This is why we use flowers to honor many different circumstances from birthdays, weddings, funerals, and more. 🌻 Flowers in the home or work bring their light, vibration, color, and beauty. In fact, a Harvard study conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., showed that flowers helped to decrease anxiety and worry, boosted energy snd happiness helped people feel more compassionate and kind. 🌸 Even when I already feel grounded and centered, I still like to ask for help. I will take an assist anytime because why not? It makes things so much easier, especially when you're asking for assistance from the beauty of nature and it can help to support you in such a gentle and easy way. 🌺 We can also get help from flowers via flower essences, which are different than essential oils. Essential oils have concentrated physical properties of the flower. The flower essence is just the energetic property of the flower and what that represents. So, various flower essences have various healing energies. It's the same as like the different essences of people- of beings and their constitutions. Everyone has a different feel. They're different colors of the rainbow and so the flower essences are too and they're all beautiful. It's not like one is more so than the other, they are all so beautiful and helpful. ✨ I've done many energetic space clearings, but mainly, I would love for you to know how to maintain the health of your own space. ✨ If everyone tended to their spaces, then it would create a more loving resonance around the world. 👉 Watch and learn from this episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Energetic Space Clearing,” by clicking this link: [](

🌟 In a MultiDimensional approach to weight loss, you can start with the physical but there so much more than that. Often, people go straight to hormones, wondering if their hormones are off balance wondering which hormones matter. The thing is that all your hormones matter because the body works together as a unit. It's not just the thyroid. It's not just the adrenals in your cortisol levels. It's not just the ovaries, not just the pituitary. It's everything. The whole body has to be coordinated. 💜 At certain times we focus more on some hormones, such as cortisol or thyroid… more recently, there’s been a lot of discussion in medicine about leptin and ghrelin. The thing to remember is that all your hormones matter. They represent this midline in your body energetically because most of your major endocrine organs are either in the center or paired symmetrically to the midline. It's not an absolute, but many of the endocrine glands have a relationship to the midline: For example, there are the gonads — the ovaries and testes which are paired glands in either side of the midline; there are the adrenals which are paired symmetric; you've got your pancreas right in the center; even your heart has endocrine functions and is in the center of the thorax; the thyroid in your neck, and the pineal and pituitary glands... I'm expanding on how the physical organs connect to the energetic body, and so all hormones matter. 👉 Watch the full episode of “A MultiDimensional Approach to Weight Loss,” by clicking the link here: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #approach #weightloss #loseweight #weightlossapproach #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #springbreak #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🪴Have you ever tried to communicate with nature? There are studies showing that plants are sentient beings—they respond to our thoughts, mood, and even the colors we are wearing. 🌼 The first thing is to notice it: see the colors and landscape, how the plants are coming out of the ground, any little details... Notice how nature is growing. To sustainably harvest, make sure you’re allowed to by law; then, speak to the plant and make sure that it's okay for you to take some of it. 💖 How would you speak to a plant? The easiest way is to ask through your heart. This might seem silly at first, but just experiment with it. Place your hand on your heart, and use your imagination and talk to the plant. Ask the plant which ones you can pick and you'll get an opening if you get a yes. Then you might feel some sensation like a heart opening or expansion in your heart chakra (heart energy center) that you can take as a yes. 🌼 I'm going to ask here and we're going to pick one little petal, this german chamomille because what I want to do is to show you how I just explore the vibrational properties of the plants. What I do is I put it in my palm. Then I'll take one on each side and hold it on either side of me. I’ll wait and feel where the vibrational energy has an affinity within my energy field, my body. 👉 Learn more how to communicate with nature by watching my episode, "Communicating with Nature" in The MultiDimensional MD. Click the link below: Much love, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #communicatewithnature #germanchamomille #talkingwithnature #naturetalk #Nature #NatureLover #Vacation #multidimensional #multidimensionalhealing #mindandbody #mindfulness #naturewalk #communication #mindfullnessmatters #mindbodyspirit #integrativehealth #integrativehealing

🏡 Physical preparation for an energetic space clearing can be simple. If possible, open the window and doors to let the sunlight and breeze enter to clear any density of the air and let your house breathe. ❤️ If you can't keep the windows and doors open for whatever reason (such as too much pollen), then open up any curtains, drapes, or blinds to at least let the sunshine in. ☀️ There are benefits and challenges with new homes vs old homes. With some modern energy-efficient homes, the house doesn't breathe as well, and there might be some off-gassing of new materials. With old homes, there might be old energies lingering. So, either way hope for the home to be able to breathe just like you need to be able to have space and fresh air to breathe. 👉 Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Energetic Space Clearing,” by clicking this link: Much love and gratitude, 💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco The MultiDimensional MD #energy #space #selfcare #selflove #healingvibe #healthiswealth #multidimensionalapproach #healthymindset #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #integrativemedicine #multidimensional #mindbodyspirit #holistichealth #integrativehealth #integrativehealing