All Worlds Health & Pediatrics

All Worlds Health & Pediatrics...a compassionate, integrative approach to health for all ages Welcome!

Here at All Worlds Health & Pediatrics P.C., we know that every person, every problem, everyone’s journey is unique. We believe addressing these requires compassion, creativity and openness – considering “the whole you” and tapping into our comprehensive healing toolbox to find the best approach. See and for more information about integrative medicine, cranial osteopathy, integrative counseling, restorative yoga, prenatal yoga, and more.


🌟 We know that tension can contribute to tension headaches, but in reality, tension contributes to all kinds of headaches. If you feel pressure in your head, your body is giving you feedback that there is tension in that area. There can be force vectors too, such as from a head injury. The tissues in your body take in the pressure in attempts to protect you. Force vector in the head also commonly occur from the birth process, even in a “normal” birth. Even as an adult, there can be lingering effects from being squeezed during birth.

💖 I had birth issues addressed in my late 20s, and certain things improved significantly; I felt clearer and could think more easily. I didn't realize I had tension in my head until it was relieved. That experience led me to keep training in cranial osteopathy. Birth issues, as well as any kind of physical injury throughout your life—like falls or car accidents—can put pressure on nerves and blood vessels. This pressure can affect blood flow and drainage from your head.

👉 The middle meningeal artery, a branch of the internal carotid, is crucial for nourishing the brain, and pressure on this artery can sometimes feel like pulsation, contributing to migraine-type headaches. Osteopathic treatment, especially cranial osteopathic treatment, can be very helpful for various types of headaches.

👉 Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Headaches,” by clicking this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


🌟 Over-apologizing can be a coping mechanism to avoid conflict, which often aligns with people-pleasing. This is especially true if you grew up in a household where small things escalated into big deals. This could range from high expectations and disapproval for not meeting those expectations, to more severe traumatic situations like violence in the home. One way to survive these situations is through chronic apologizing, deflecting, and trying to smooth things out.
💖 This coping mechanism is not inherently bad. When I bring up these things, it’s a way of understanding, not labeling them as good or bad. A coping mechanism helps you get through. In a way, we need to be thankful for whatever coping mechanisms have come into place. However, if they’re outdated and no longer serving us, that’s another issue, and part of the conversation is to recognize old patterns and move away from them.
👉Learn more about the 6 reasons why might someone over-apologize in this another exciting episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Why Do People Over-Apologize” by clicking this link:
Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


cross-lateral exercises to integrate your nervous system 08/09/2024

cross-lateral exercises to integrate your nervous system -

cross-lateral exercises to integrate your nervous system 3.5 years of writing, editing, and designing, and a lifetime in the making… it’s hard to say what it feels like just days before the birth of a book. For all my patients, my loved ones, colleagues, those whose paths have crossed mine and those who I have yet to meet… I wrote this book for you....

NEW BOOK now available 08/07/2024

NEW BOOK now available -

NEW BOOK now available


💖 When our body, mind, and spirit are aligned, we feel healthy. After all, we are meant to be the embodiment of spirit. We are meant to feel the flow of spirit throughout our beings.

✨ When we don’t feel that flow of spirit, something will feel off. To investigate, we can reflect on the connections in our life — our soul connections, our connections with the Earth, and, our connection to each other.

❤️ Consider: Do you feel free to be in the world? Do you feel free to express yourself in the world? Do you feel free to create in the world? Those are things to ask yourself. And if you don't feel free, take steps to see how could you tend to yourself more, taking time to hear yourself, too see yourself. Being gentle and loving to yourself first then helps you be that for others.

💙 These are concepts we don’t talk about regularly in healthcare, but we can start, and we can each start with ourselves. So consider what areas feel deficient or less integrated, and start to nourish those areas of your life.

👉 Learn more about the mental-emotional layers by watching the podcast in The MultiDimensional MD, "A MultiDimensional Approach to Mental Health,” by clicking here:

Love lots,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 08/02/2024

Hot, muggy, and tired, with a few mosquito bites, I feel like a kid in a tree house! These figs were just out of reach, but an easy climb up a ladder. Sometimes you just need a little boost to get where you desire. Combined with a little sweat, determination, and a lot of fun in the process, you’re unstoppable!

This is my dad’s fig tree, so extra special this summer, especially with my new book release in the last week. The book is dedicated to my dad in spirit. I have so much appreciation for his guidance growing up and his guidance from beyond.

I just looked up the meaning of the fig tree, and in ancient Egypt it represented the Tree of Life. The roots are the past, the trunk the present, and the branches the future. There is wisdom in this connection, honoring those that have come before us, living in the present, with a clear navigation (intuitive guidance) into the future.

Believe in you, and trust there’s a reason you’re here.

With love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


🌟 When you're stressed, your brain activates the fight-or-flight response via the sympathetic nervous system. This is one response to stress, but it has a lot to do with overeating because your body is releasing more stress hormones—specifically cortisol, adrenaline, and growth hormone. I’m going to talk a bit about each one of those.�
➡️ First, let’s consider cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by your adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands look like little caps on top of each of your kidneys. Cortisol levels initially increase with stress, but with too much stress, they can start to fall flat as the adrenals tire out. You can get varying responses here, and both high and low cortisol levels can contribute to stress eating because your body is basically demanding more energy. How does it get more energy? Through food. It wants quick energy—sugar and carbs.

⚡️ High cortisol levels will give you that wired and tired feeling. Cortisol stimulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, pushing glucose into your bloodstream, and also increases the production of glucose. It counters insulin so that sugars can circulate freely. This gives you energy for the fight-or-flight response. Excess cortisol can contribute to insulin resistance. Cortisol and insulin are meant to regulate each other to balance each other out. The problem is that with chronically high cortisol levels, there will be some redistribution of fat stores and circulating fat deposited in the abdomen. These cortisol levels will drive you to eat more, looking for sweets, salty, and fatty foods. It will ask your body to get energy however it can.

✨ Insulin regulates glucose in your body by allowing it to enter the cells to be used as energy and keeping the circulating level within normal limits—not too high or too low. Cortisol is actually asking the sugar to be poured into your bloodstream so that you can access it regularly and immediately. Again, with prolonged stress, the adrenal glands tire, which can result in low cortisol levels. That's when your adrenals are fatigued. In the initial stages, when stress is demanding, the adrenals produce more cortisol, but later on, the adrenals get really tired and have trouble producing enough cortisol to respond to stress adequately with enough energy.

💙 Low cortisol levels are associated with more fatigue and still more salt and sugar cravings because your body is not getting the energy it needs. It keeps reaching for it, and cortisol can't meet the demands by pouring the energy into the bloodstream. So it will tell you to grab energy however you can. With low cortisol levels, you'll also see a reliance on caffeine to wake you up. All of this can disrupt sleep, which can contribute to more insulin imbalances and cravings.

Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 07/31/2024

I am so happy, honored, and grateful to birth this book into the world. Some people have been asking, how were you able to write a book with a practice and four kids and so much going on? I was able to do to with a lot of support, including

- my husband who has cheered me on endlessly for decades now

- my book coach Michelle Bish , who specializes in helping people write books on wellness. She is amazing, patient, and knowledgeable. I’ve met with her every two weeks for years now.

- my beta-readers (you know who you are - get ready for a special shout-out later) who gave me invaluable feedback

- my friend and accountability partner Mai Trinh who also met with me and our book coach Michelle every two weeks

- my editor Vesela Simic who does an incredible job of helping edit my words while maintaining my essence, which is no easy feat in editing

- my designer Diane Rigoli who infused the energy and feel of my book into her beautiful design

And so many more… my family, friends, patients, readers…

I love you all so much.

Thank you in sharing the vision with me.

I hope for all of us to know ourselves better so we can express the love that we are.

The amazing thing about love is that the more you give (including to yourself), the more you seem to have. Love is infinite, and you are love, so you are an infinite, too.

Believe in you.

With love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 07/28/2024

FREE Quiz “What Kind of Intuitive are You?” available online at See Free Resources.

Here’s a fun excerpt from my new book! I love hearing from people that have taken it, even whole families. Learn more about yourself and your loved ones.

There’s no right or wrong to the answers. Plus, you can continue to enhance your natural gifts AND expand other areas of intuitive access.

What’s fun is the adventure and self-discovery. There’s no end goal because we all have infinite potential.

Are there areas that you are more naturally intuitive in? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

With love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 07/26/2024

Today is THE day! Happy birthday to my dad in spirit! My connection with him has been so instrumental in writing this book. I am so happy, honored, grateful, and joyful to share this moment with all of you.

🥰 As one of my patients said to me today, “You’re glowing like a little kid!” (They was right before I fell off my stool lol.) May we all feel that inner glow always. And if we do fall, may we access that infinite resilience to shine on. After all, that is our nature.

❤️ See link in profile to order books, now available on Amazon and my publishing website

🥳 Please stay tuned for launch parties, book signings, and so much more…

With love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


💖 Last week, while I was meditating on what to talk about, the theme of Over-Apologizing came up.

❓ Have you found yourself saying I’m sorry a lot?

✨ Or do you know someone that tends to say "I'm sorry" even if it's not necessary?

💙 Anytime there’s an imbalance, I like to look at it in order to understand ourselves better because the stuck place is also where the healing is.

🌟 So, last week's episode is part of my practice of normalizing conversations about difficult topics so that we can process them, move forward and grow.

👉Join me in another exciting episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Why Do People Over-Apologize” by clicking this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


It's late and raining and the perfect time for Unboxing my NEW BOOK! I feel like a little kid before a holiday with so much anticipation of what is around the corner.

When I got the UPS message that the box had been delivered to my office, I knew I had to get down here.

This book is a culmination of my life's work, as a physician, mother, child, friend, and most of all learning to be me freely and in harmony with the creative flow of the Oneness.

Please join me in welcoming my newest baby: I AM Intuitive— A MultiDimensional Guide to Embrace Your Inner Light.

Thank you so much. I appreciate each and every one of you.

stress eating, and 2 DAYS until book launch! 07/24/2024

stress eating, and 2 DAYS until book launch! -

stress eating, and 2 DAYS until book launch! After meditating last week, the theme of Over-Apologizing came up. Have you found yourself saying I’m sorry a lot? Or do you know someone that tends to say "I'm sorry" even if it's not necessary? Anytime there’s an imbalance, I like to look at it in order to understand ourselves better because ...

Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 07/24/2024

3.5 years of writing, editing, and designing, and a lifetime in the making… it’s hard to say what it feels like just days before the birth of a book.

For all my patients, my loved ones, colleagues, those whose paths have crossed mine and those who I have yet to meet… I wrote this book for you.

DO YOU BELIEVE IN SHORT CUTS? I do! The engineering part of me loves efficiency. That’s why I followed everything in health that worked.

I studied so-called miracles (which are simply things we don’t understand - yet.) I also believe in a growth mindset (that powerful little word yet adds wonders.)

How do you nourish health from within? How do access that inner light? How do you live with more ease and confidence? How do you learn to trust yourself?

I practiced and built my little data points for myself—what worked for me? What created more joy, resilience, and inner peace?

The philosopher-physician in me had so many juicy questions!

Then when my dad passed suddenly 3.5 years ago, I decided it’s time for me to live fully with less fear. For me that meant it was time to share my message with the world.

And so here it is, 3.5 years later… I hope you love it.

💫 Lots of love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


🌟 This is going to be a multi-dimensional approach to headaches. The first thing is to address basic needs, and you could probably think of anything. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches. If you are not drinking enough, if you’ve been playing sports, or if you’ve been traveling, make sure you get enough water. You want your urine to be straw yellow, so pale yellow. If it’s getting more concentrated, then you are becoming dehydrated. Fatigue and headaches can be signs of dehydration, so address that first.

🧠 Also, you could be hungry or have fluctuations in your blood sugar, which can contribute to headaches. Your brain needs to be nourished and bathed in fluids, so address these common things first. The quality of your food also matters, and we’ll go over that in terms of headache triggers in just a moment. If you are not getting enough sleep, that can also contribute to headaches. The quality of your sleep matters as well, so adjust your sleep however you can, though I know that is a whole other topic in itself.

💜 The rest of these are other factors that I will consider anytime someone comes to see me for headaches.

👉 Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Headaches,” by clicking this link: []( "smartCard-inline")

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 07/20/2024

🎉 I've got GREAT news for you: only 4 DAYS until my book releases THIS FRIDAY, July 26th.

💖 This book is a CELEBRATION OF YOU!

👉 Because I've seen in you...
so much courage, despite hardships
a willingness to look from other perpectives, including a grander one
a depth of love for others, including an ever-growing love for yourself
a light that persists, even when the world is seemingly dark

🥰 We can access joy even in sadness, love even in hurt. The reason we hurt is because we care—we care for ourselves and each other.

💜 I hope the stories and practical exercises in this book continue to encourage you onward.

👉Watch the video version of this message here:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


Why people over-apologize 07/19/2024

Why people over-apologize -

Why people over-apologize TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body. In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...


💙 It takes courage to pave a new path for yourself, a new way of being. Anytime we enter territory that feels different or unknown, it's natural to feel afraid or nervous. Consider what if it all worked out for yourself. Trust in that even if you’re afraid. Trust that it is your nature to blossom.

💐 Just like the trees grow, the flowers bloom, nature continues, and nature knows how to renew itself. Nature knows how to flourish, come springtime, and blossom. Trust in that. You're part of nature, and it is part of your nature to blossom.

😧 It’s also okay to be afraid. Having courage doesn't mean not being afraid. It means being okay to be afraid. How often have you felt nervous or scared or afraid to do something new or to change in some way? You see this in little people; you see this in adults. When she was in elementary school, one of my kids said, "Mommy, I'm scared. I have to do this thing." It was an evaluation, and she'll get a grade on it. She said, "I'm scared, and everyone will be watching me." Adults feel the same way too. "I'm scared. They'll be watching me. I'm going to be evaluated, getting a grade in a way." I told her, "I love you no matter what. Whatever you get, you are still completely lovable." She was full of "but, but, but," which is totally okay, and I get it too.

💜 I felt in myself that my role was to feel the okayness with me being okay with her discomfort. So, cultivate it for yourself—being okay with your own discomfort. You can do that if we're talking about family, kids, or loved ones. It's okay.

👉 Watch the full episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “How to Believe in Yourself” by clicking this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

15 DAYS until Book Launch, AND a Celebration of You 07/11/2024

15 DAYS until Book Launch, AND a Celebration of You -

15 DAYS until Book Launch, AND a Celebration of You TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body. In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...


👀 When we're looking far, our eyes tend to be more relaxed. When we're looking at things up close, our eye muscles are more strained. If we're looking at things up close for a long period of time, our eyes can get more fatigued. Studies have confirmed that increased digital eye strain during the COVID-19 quarantine contributed not only to head and neck tension from looking at digital devices but also to more blurry vision. On top of that, we have the visual effects from COVID-19 itself directly. Many people are suffering from more visual difficulties now than before, and this is ongoing.

💛 Osteopathy could possibly help with that, as could possibly vision therapy. Everyone's eyes are different, and I'm not making any broad claims as to what's going to happen because I never really know what's going to happen. I've seen people who could only see the big "E" on the eye chart, and then after an osteopathic treatment, their vision became 20/20. I cannot predict that, and I don't actually know who that's going to happen to, but anytime something like that happens, it is a small miracle, and it really makes me intrigued to learn more.

❓ How can we recreate something like that? What else was contributing to it? In cases like that, when someone's vision improved remarkably with treatment, what I typically felt was there was some kind of pressure or tension in the head, on the nerves to the eye, on the nerves to the eye muscles, and on the muscles themselves. If we were able to improve the nerve communication, the arterial flow, and the nourishment to the nerves, the eye muscles, and the pathways from the eye to the visual cortex, then there could potentially be some kind of improvement.

⬇️ More in the comment section ⬇️


🥰 Over the years, I've explored various ways to look at vision (pun intended), and what vision might mean in terms of a holistic and MultiDimensional approach to health.

👁️ One of the key concepts is our vision is more than just our physical eyes.

👉 In my recent podcast, I'll go over the

- impact of physical strain and tension on vision
- deeper meaning behind vision and your life
- debate over whether vision exercises can help
- some helpful tips on presbyopia (age-related, near-vision decline)
- work of Jacob Liberman, optometrist and light researcher

💖 This episode is going to go deep yet stay practical at the same time!

💜 If you or a loved one have any vision issues, then please watch this episode and share.

👉Join me in another exciting episode in The MultiDimensional MD, “Vision Insights” by clicking this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD


💤 How can we enhance our natural detoxification processes that occur during sleep?

💖 Let’s take a look from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the organ clock: Starting around 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., we have the triple burner (9pm-11pm), then the gall bladder (11pm-1am), and then the liver (1am-3am). These times refer to the meridians and the organ systems they are named after.

🧠 According to TCM, the triple burner energy system is important for the overall harmony of all the organ systems. This aligns with the lymphatics in general because, as I mentioned earlier in the podcast, deep sleep is necessary for the lymphatics to work optimally. The lymph channels in your brain are called glymphatics. The neurotransmitter norepinephrine plays a role in glymphatics regulation. During sleep, especially deep sleep, the levels of norepinephrine decrease leading to greater fluid shifts in your head than when you're awake. There’s an influx of CSF into the interstitial spaces (between the cells). This allows more nourishment and more detoxification.

😍 To review, the triple burner time is a great time to harmonize the organs, followed by the liver and gallbladder times which are important for detoxification, making sleep an overall great time to detoxify. Integrating our understanding of the glymphatics the knowledge from the energetic meridian systems can help us appreciate the wisdom of our bodies and how to support our innate health.

👉 Watch the full episode of “Supporting Detoxification While You Sleep” in The MultiDimensional MD, by clicking this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

vision insights - what your vision says about you and tips to improve eyesight 07/03/2024

vision insights - what your vision says about you and tips to improve eyesight -

vision insights - what your vision says about you and tips to improve eyesight TRE is a set of physical exercises that helps you access a natural relaxation and rebalancing response in the body. In this special workshop, you'll learn a lifelong tool that you can turn to over and over again...

Photos from All Worlds Health & Pediatrics's post 07/01/2024

😖 Anytime we're stressed, there's always some tension built up in the body, and this will show up in our breathing. It can manifest in various patterns for different people.

🥰 When we are grounded, breathing has an ease to its rhythm. There's no force in inhalation or exhalation, and the rate is calm. It can help us feel more at ease, more at peace. You can think better, and your blood pressure and heart rate are more balanced.

💙 Some heart rate variability can actually be a sign of health. However, an overactive stress response can create autonomic imbalance in which the heart rate and blood pressure lose their healthy variability and/or are out of the optimal range.

👉 Watch the full episode of "A Breathwork Primer with Four Easy Breathing Exercises" in the MultiDimensional MD and check and see if you have any of these breathing patterns now. Click this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD



💙 Have you been through some challenging times recently?

🥰 You are not alone. In fact, suffering is a universal part of the human experience. There are always ups and downs in life, whether in relationships, family, jobs, organizations, communities, and the world in general. 

💖 Let's take a step to approach our experiences with more love and grace.

👉 In last week's episode, I share with you
- how I define grace
- an excerpt from my book (I AM Intuitive) on Healing with Grace
- some quotes from Edgar Cayce
- a tapping sequence on grace that I wrote four years ago that is still timely today

👉Join me for another inspiring episode of The MultiDimensional MD, “How Grace Helps You Heal” by clicking this link:

Much love and gratitude,
💕Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

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A compassionate, integrative approach to health

Welcome! Here at All Worlds Health & Pediatrics P.C., we know that every person, every problem, everyone’s journey is unique. We believe addressing these requires compassion, creativity and openness – considering “the whole you” and tapping into our comprehensive healing toolbox to find the best approach. See for more information about integrative medicine, cranial osteopathy, classical homeopathy, Tension & Trauma Release workshops, prenatal and kids yoga, Foundation projects, and more.

Videos (show all)

🤩 Let’s go deeper into the meaning behind vision, because I love to look at things from a holistic and multidimensional ...
🍔 I want to talk about is understanding comfort foods and the reward system. There are things we reach for, and not ever...
💖 We're going to go over six reasons someone might over apologize and these are all basically false beliefs in old progr...
Live Unboxing of my NEW BOOK!
🏃‍♀️ Gain momentum with small movements. When we are stuck, we are not moving; we are in one place, metaphorically or li...
💖 I wanted to share this intention that I had set to EFT tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, where you tap on certain ...
🍇 Did you now that concord grape juice can boost immunity? There was a 2011 study in the Journal of Medicinal Foods with...
🌿 Stinging nettle is another really nutritious herb. It actually has protein, amino acids, fiber, and many antioxidants ...
🤰 Birth is a big deal. It is amazing and natural, and usually, everything goes well. However, even when it does, the hea...
💖 I love this phrase: "Do More with Less." 👉 Inventor Buckminster Fuller was a huge proponent of "Do More with Less." Th...
I wrote this poem for a friend and for myself too. I’d love for you to hear and feel the vibration of the words as I rea...
💖 Sometimes you get a gift that is just too good not to share! Special thanks to eight-year-old Rembrandt who sent me th...



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Roswell, GA

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Tuesday 9am - 2pm
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Other Alternative & Holistic Health in Roswell (show all)
Vitality Project Vitality Project
801 Bombay Lane
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Could inflammation be robbing you of true Vitality? Contact us for a custom healing program.

The Open Mind Center The Open Mind Center
1425 Market Boulevard, Suite 500
Roswell, 30076

Holistic/Metaphysical Center in Roswell, Georgia

Lighthouse Nutrition Lighthouse Nutrition
4651 Sandy Plains Road Unit 112
Roswell, 30075

Nutrition Response Testing Available at SHINE health & wellness

Ethic RZ Ethic RZ
1130 Blue Wing Ter
Roswell, 30075

Organic Movement w/ Jai Lee Organic Movement w/ Jai Lee
295 West Crossville Road, Bldg 600, Suite 610
Roswell, 30075

Private Rehabilitative+ Pilates (1:1) Private AcuTonics Sound Healing (1:1) Group Mat Classes&Circles

Chrystan Blair Designs, LLC Chrystan Blair Designs, LLC
760 Old Roswell Road, Suite 217
Roswell, 30075

My goal is and will always be to help women achieve THEIR idea of beauty and to feel just as I did,

Vibrant Wellness Vibrant Wellness
12655 Birmingham Highway STE 302
Roswell, 30004

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Wisteria & Willow Wisteria & Willow
4905 Alabama Road Suite 120
Roswell, 30075

✨We offer reiki, meditation classes & intuitive tarot readings. Message us to schedule an appt.🌙

Plum Tree Holistic Care Plum Tree Holistic Care
Roswell, 30076

At Plum Tree, we believe in a comprehensive approach to health that focuses on YOU

Brain & Body Rehabilitation Specialists Brain & Body Rehabilitation Specialists
1400 Hembree Road, Suite 130
Roswell, 30076

Our team utilizes a unique brain-based model of care for neurological and body conditions

Serenity Paths Serenity Paths
Roswell, 30075

Energy work, Reiki, Chakra balancing, Pet Reiki, Holistic Therapy, Guided Meditation.

thelilithrosemystic thelilithrosemystic

Christa Rose- Energetic Alchemist/Intuitive Guide/Herbal Wytch