Energetic Vison

Energetic Vision is a St. George, Utah Acupuncture Clinic specializing in Macular Degeneration and o Energetic Vision is a holistic St.

George, Utah Acupuncture Clinic specializing in Macular Degeneration and other retinal diseases.



The Definitive Guide to Healing Macular Degeneration E-Book


The E-Book that explains the specific protocol used at Energetic Health Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine that may be your best option for treating Macular Degeneration.

Macular Degeneration can be Intimidating

It’s difficult to know what to do when you’ve been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. Maybe you've been told there is nothing you can do except take some vitamins and hope for the best. However, there is a lot more that can be done. When properly treated by a specially trained Acupuncturist, Acupuncture for Macular Degeneration is a powerful way to save your eyesight.

Acupuncture is Effective For Macular Degeneration

It's unlike any other treatment available and has over an 80% success rate. This is because the treatment used at Energetic Health “awakens” dormant cells in the macula and heals damaged or “sick” cells.

How Does It Work?

There are 4 basic types of cells located in the retina of a Macular Degeneration patient. The first type is healthy cells. With any vision at all you have healthy cells that are working properly and allowing you to see. Our goal is to keep them healthy and not allow any more to deteriorate.

The second type is dead cells. These cells are lost forever and there is nothing that can be done to revive them.

The third type is damaged or “sick” cells. These cells are still working but at a low level and are on their way to joining the dead cells. This would lead to more and more vision loss. Our goal is to bring them back to health so they can be alive and vibrant and allow your vision to improve. This takes time and effort but can be a very important step in maintaining your vision.

The fourth type of cell is the dormant cell. These cells are not damaged or dead and can usually be “reactivated” rather quickly. These are the most important cells in the process of improving or stabilizing your sight. The Energetic Health Acupuncture treatment is designed to nourish and revitalize the dormant cells in the macula.


4 Main Steps to Reverse Macular Degeneration

Step 1
There are four main steps that need to take place in order to reverse Macular Degeneration. The first step is to increase blood flow to the macula. Blood flow allows nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to the eye. In addition, waste products are taken away from the eye in the same blood flow. If there is not an adequate blood flow, you will never be able to correct deficiencies or remove enough toxicity to stop the progression of the disease.

Step 2
The second step is to balance the main energies of the body that flow to the eyes. Acupuncture uses the unique Chinese medical terms Yin and Yang in its discussion of the difference between health and disease. Yin is the cooling energy of the body and is responsible for the nourishment, moisturizing and cooling aspect of the entire body. Yang is the heating energy of the body and also the fire and drying aspect of the entire body. These two energies must be in the correct balance with each other in order for the eyes to work properly

Step 3
The third step involves the detoxification of the macula area. Toxins in our environment have increased astronomically in our life time. The food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe all have toxins in them that prior generations did not have to deal with. Even newer technologies such as computer screens, iphones and wireless networks create environments that can affect the eye. When these toxic substances accumulate in the tissues and cells of the macula area, it becomes impossible for the cells and structures of the eye to function properly.

Step 4
The fourth step is to make sure the proper nutrients are available to the eye. Although the food that you eat will not be enough to heal your Macular Degeneration, it is still very important to your eye health. But even if you have the best diet in the world, supplementation of nutrients is still going to be necessary.



1. 80% of patients show improvement after completing one week of the Energetic Health Macular Degeneration Protocol.

2. Acupuncture stimulates neurological areas of the brain that controls sight.

3. Testing is Important! We use standard vision tests to monitor the results of the treatment. We test before the treatment begins and then retest after one week of treatments.

4. We have never seen any negative results from this treatment. All patients have either reported improvement of Vision (80%) or no change in their vision.

5. Needles are never placed near the eyes.

6. We are motivated to help keep your vision! Kurt has been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration since 2009 and has had no loss of vision since.

7. As long as you have some amount of light perception, there is a strong possibility of visual improvement.

8. Although this acupuncture treatment cannot revive dead cells in the macula, it does help to restore dormant cells and starts to heal sick or damaged cells in the same area.

9. Treatments are concentrated in a one week period to achieve maximum results. 10 acupuncture treatments are done in a 5 day window and then the body is allowed to rest.

10. It does not matter how old you are. We have had good results with patients well into their nineties!


Patient Experiences

Many people come to our clinic after having tried everything else possible to keep their eyesight. Most of them have never considered acupuncture for any health problem, let alone a degenerative eye disease like Macular Degeneration. I often hear that I am their last hope and if this doesn’t work they will just have to accept their blindness.

This is the situation that Jennifer was in when she came into our office. She had tried everything under the sun to stop the progression of her Macular Degeneration and her eyesight had continued to decline. However, she was rather hopeful about her chances and looked forward to trying something that was out of the ordinary. Her tests showed that there was severe loss of central vision in both eyes. In addition, she informed us that the deterioration had increased the last 6 months.

After one week of intense treatments with us, she kept telling me that it was ‘brighter’ out. She began looking at details more closely and noticed she could see the computer screen better. When walking, she noticed the sidewalk was more clear. She could see details in the distance that she couldn’t see before. She became very excited and so was I! As we continued the treatments, her eyes continued to improve. She could definitely see better than she had at the beginning of treatment. Jennifer continues to see me several times a year and has been very happy to keep her vision.

Acupuncture is a Unique Treatment for Macular Degeneration

Each person has a unique pathway to Macular Degeneration. In addition, each person has a unique reason why the disease occurred. Energetic Health treatments are just as unique and are adapted to each individual. It is an intensive treatment strategy that requires 10 treatments in a five day time frame. Acupuncture is not a “cookie cutter” system of medicine. Knowledge and experience is critical especially when seeking out an Acupuncturist to help you with your Macular Degeneration.

Discovery call: 435-359-1479 Let’s set up a consulting call, no charge, no obligation, to explore what your next step is, to answer all your questions, and to see if the Energetic Health Macular Degeneration Protocol is right for you. Or, click here for our E-book.


Kurt Redmond
Energetic Health Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture St. George, Utah

[email protected]


How Does Acupuncture Work on Macular Degeneration?

In acupuncture theory, there are meridians or channels of energy that flow to the eye and specifically flow through the macular area and the part of the brain that enables vision. These meridians are like great rivers flowing inside each and every one of us. Instead of carrying water they carry Qi (pronounced "chee"). This is the body's healing energy that keeps the eyes alive and vibrant and your vision robust.

As we age these rivers of healing energy slow down and become sluggish. Years of health issues, poor diet, toxicity, sedentary lifestyle and high stress, causes this energy stream to become polluted and stagnant. Toxins build up and the healing energy of the body cannot reach a very critical area for sight. Eventually the macula will wither and die.

The goal of Energetic Vision is to discover why the Qi has become restricted, weak, toxic and out-of-balance. Once we uncover this problem, we will then use certain methods to remove the blockage, uncover the root cause of your problem (which will be different for every person) and allow the free flow of healing power into the macula area and brain.

As this is accomplished, your body will have the capacity to "turn on" dormant cells and repair damaged or sick cells in the macula and brain and return to a state of balance. This will ultimately improve your vision.

I am very motivated to help people with Macular Degeneration. Our money back offer is an extension of our heartfelt desire to be of service to people who are suffering from this awful disease.

Please call today and we will schedule you for a FREE consult to discuss your eye issues. Our number is 435-359-1479. We look forward to hearing from you.


Conventional Treatment and Acupuncture Work Well Together.

Many of our patients with wet Macular Degeneration are receiving regular injections for retinal bleeding. Some patients are on blood pressure medications and cholesterol medications as well. Integrative strategies seem to give the patient the best possible outcomes and we encourage all of our patients to continue to see their medical doctor.

For more information on how Acupuncture works on Macular Degeneration and to set up a FREE consult please dial 435-359-1479 today!!


We Measure the Effectiveness of the Acupuncture Treatments.

All patients are given a series of functional tests before any treatments are given. At the end of the week, the tests are repeated to see if any change has occurred to their vision.

Sight can be Improved by the Treatments Offered by Energetic Vision.

80% of patients going through the Macular Degeneration Protocol at Energetic Vision see an improvement in their eyesight. There is a lot that can be done to recover lost vision and slow or stop the degenerative process.

For more information and to schedule your FREE consultation please call 435-359-1479.


Acupuncture is Unlike any Other Treatment Available for Macular Degeneration

This is because the specific treatment used at Energetic Vision “awakens” dormant cells in the macula and heals damaged or “sick” cells.

There are 4 basic types of cells located in the retina of a Macular Degeneration patient. The first type is healthy cells. If you have any vision at all then you have healthy cells that are working properly and allow you to see. Our goal is to keep them healthy and not allow any more to deteriorate.

The second type is dead cells. These cells are lost forever and there is nothing that can be done to revive them.

The third type is damaged or “sick” cells. These cells are still functioning but at a low level and are on their way to joining the dead cells which would lead to more and more vision loss. Our goal is to bring them back to health so they can be alive and vibrant and allow your vision to improve. This takes time and effort but can be a very important step in maintaining your vision.

The fourth type of cell is the dormant cell. These cells are not damaged or dead and can usually be “reactivated” rather quickly. These are the most important cells in the process of improving or stabilizing your sight and the Energetic Vision Treatment Protocol is designed to nourish and revitalize the dormant cells in the macula.

For more information and to schedule your FREE consult please call our office at 435-359-1479.


Age is Not a Factor

You would think that age would be a major factor in the healing of Macular Degeneration, but it seems not to be much of a factor in terms of overall response. Other factors like existing health issues, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and high stress are more of an issue with the rate of response.

For more information on how acupuncture helps with Macular Degeneration and to schedule a FREE consult, please call our office at 435-359-1479.


Individualized Treatments

Each person has a unique pathway to Macular Degeneration and has a unique reason why the disease occurred. The protocol used in Energetic Vision is just as unique and is adapted to each individual. Acupuncture is not a "cookie cutter" system of medicine. Knowledge and experience is critical especially when seeking out an acupuncturist to help you with your Macular Degeneration.

Treatment for Both Wet and Dry Macular Degeneration

This protocol works very well for both wet and dry Macular Degeneration. We have seen very good results for both types and feel it is an extremely effective system for most degenerative eye conditions.

For more information and/or to schedule your FREE consult please call our office at 435-359-1479.


Why Energetic Vision?

Clinically Proven Methods to Recover & Preserve Retinal Health

Commonly, with the diagnosis of Macular Degeneration, there is a period of time when fear of blindness and losing your independence overwhelms you. Luckily, there is a system that has been proven to save your sight and your independence.

80% of patients going through the Macular Degeneration Protocol at Energetic Vision see an improvement in their eyesight. There is a lot that can be done to recover lost vision and slow or stop the degeneration process. As a matter of fact, recent research has shown that the specific acupuncture technique that Energetic Vision uses increases blood flow to the eyes and stimulates neurological areas of the brain that are responsible for sight.

For more information and/or to schedule a FREE consult please call our office at 435-359-1479.


Acupuncture is the Best Option for Macular Degeneraton

Acupuncture is unlike any other treatment for Macular Degeneration because it "awakens" dormant cells in the macula and heals damaged or "sick" cells. Energetic Vision uses a unique treatment strategy that allows 80% of our patients to see an improvement in their vision. We also offer a risk free money back guarantee. If your vision does not improve, you will be refunded your money. Place your trust in an experienced Acupuncturist specializing in the treatment of Macular Degeneration.

For more information please feel free to call our office at 435-359-1479.


An 86 year old woman came in with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. After her first week here for treatments she has found that her right eye had improved from 20/200 to 20/50. She stated that she noticed street signs on her driving travels that she never noticed before. She also said that things in general were much brighter. She was looking forward to discovering how much more she could see as her eyes continued to improve.

If you would like more information on how acupuncture can help with your eye diseases or to make an appointment for a FREE consult please call our office at 435-359-1479.


The Importance of Trust.....This is especially true in a relationship between an acupuncturist and a patient. And even more true with the very real risk of losing your vision from a very difficult degenerative disease like Macular Degeneration. So, let me tell you a little bit about myself and explain why I became an acupuncturist and why I decided to specialize in Macular Degeneration.

My name is Kurt Redmond and in my early 30's I became very ill with an unknown disease that we (my wife Amy and I) spent the next ten years trying to find a solution for. I was very close to becoming disabled as we spent those 10 years going to practitioner after practitioner and spending thousands and thousands of dollars trying to regain my health. Nothing worked. As you can imagine, I became very disillusioned with the entire process and highly skeptical of ever getting better. Although I knew that acupuncture could not possibly help me, my wife literally dragged me to an acupuncturist. It was there that I regained my health. Well that was fantastic!

And yet, although I knew that acupuncture helped me, I really had no idea how or why it worked. So I started studying it and ended up graduating from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago, Illinois and became a nationally board certified acupuncturist.

In the meantime, Macular Degeneration became very personal for me as my mother developed the disease in her 80's and I watched her slowly lose her sight. Then my father-in-law developed Macular Degeneration and I watched him not only lose his sight, but also slide into depression because of his loss of independence. I also was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration in 2009 but due to treating myself regularly and taking herbs, I have had no progression of the disease and no loss of sight.

To find out more about how we can help you and to schedule a FREE consult please call our office at 435-359-1479.


Intensive Treatment Protocol

Energetic Vision uses a unique treatment strategy that very few acupuncturists in the world are trained for.

The unique protocol that Energetic Vision uses is an intensive treatment strategy that requires 10 treatments in a five day time frame. For our out of town patients this requires a week's stay in beautiful St. George Utah.

The specific protocol we use has its roots in Denmark and has been successfully used since the 1990's for retinal diseases. The decades of research and clinical trials has improved the results to the 80% we see today.

Call today at 435-359-1479 to schedule your FREE consult to discuss how acupuncture can help you!


How Does Acupuncture Work on Macular Degeneration?

In acupuncture theory, there are meridians or channels of energy that flow to the eye and specifically flow through the macular area and the part of the brain that enables vision. These meridians are like great rivers flowing inside each and every one of us. Instead of carrying water they carry Qi (pronounced "chee"). This is the body's healing energy that keeps the eyes alive and vibrant and your vision robust.

As we age these rivers of healing energy slow down and become sluggish. Years of health issues, poor diet, toxicity, sedentary lifestyle and high stress, causes this energy stream to become polluted and stagnant. Toxins build up and the healing energy of the body cannot reach a very critical area for sight. Eventually the macula will wither and die.

The goal of Energetic Vision is to discover why the Qi has become restricted, weak, toxic and out-of-balance. Once we uncover this problem, we will then use certain methods to remove the blockage, uncover the root cause of your problem (which will be different for every person) and allow the free flow of healing power into the macula area and brain.

As this is accomplished, your body will have the capacity to "turn on" dormant cells and repair damaged or sick cells in the macula and brain and return to a state of balance. This will ultimately improve your vision.

I am very motivated to help people with Macular Degeneration. Our money back offer is an extension of our heartfelt desire to be of service to people who are suffering from this awful disease.

Please call today and we will schedule you for a FREE consult to discuss your eye issues. Our number is 435-359-1479. We look forward to hearing from you.


Conventional Treatment and Acupuncture Work Well Together.

Many of our patients with wet Macular Degeneration are receiving regular injections for retinal bleeding. Some patients are on blood pressure medications and cholesterol medications as well. Integrative strategies seem to give the patient the best possible outcomes and we encourage all of our patients to continue to see their medical doctor.

Call us today and we will schedule a FREE consult to discuss how acupuncture can help with your Macular Degeneration. Our number is 435-359-1479.


How Long Will the Treatment Last?

Benefits will vary patient to patient depending on different factors such as co-existing health issues, medications, diet, stress, lifestyle factors and compliance. On average a patient with severe Macular Degeneration will require a follow up treatment one month after the initial treatment and then a treatment every 3-4 months for one year. After the initial year of treatments usually 1-2 times per year is sufficient.

A patient with early stage Macular Degeneration will usually benefit by receiving treatments 1-2 times per year.

For more information on how acupuncture can help you and to schedule a FREE consult please call 435-359-1479. We would be happy to speak with you about your Macular Degeneration or other eye diseases.


We Measure the Effectiveness of the Acupuncture Treatments.

All patients are given a series of functional tests before any treatments are given. At the end of the week, the tests are repeated to see if any change has occurred to their vision.

80% of patients going through the Macular Degeneration Protocol at Energetic Vision see an improvement in their eyesight. There is a lot that can be done to recover lost vision and slow or stop the degenerative process.

For more information and/or to schedule your FREE consult please call 435-359-1479.


Acupuncture is Unlike Any Other Treatment Available for Macular Degeneration

This is because the specific treatment used at Energetic Vision "awakens" dormant cells in the macula and heals damaged or "sick" cells.

There are 4 basic types of cells located in the retina of a Macular Degeneration patient. The first type is healthy cells. If you have any vision at all then you have healthy cells that are working properly and allow you to see. Our goal is to keep them healthy and not allow any more to deteriorate.

The second type is dead cells. These cells are lost forever and there is nothing that can be done to revive them.

The third type is damaged or "sick" cells. These cells are still functioning but at a low level and are on their way to joining the dead cells which would lead to more and more vision loss. Our goal is to bring them back to health so they can be alive and vibrant and allow your vision to improve. This takes time and effort but can be a very important step in maintaining your vision.

The fourth type of cell is the dormant cell. These cells are not damanged or dead and can usually be "reactivated" rather quickly. These are the most important cells in the process of improving or stabilizing your sight and the Energetic Vision Treatment Protocol is designed to nourish and revitalize the dormant cells in the macula.

To schedule your FREE consult to learn more, please call 435-359-1479 today!


Age is Not a Factor

You would think that age would be a major factor in the healing of Macular Degeneration, but it seems not to be much of a factor in terms of overall response. Other factors like existing health issues, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and high stress are more of an issue with the rate of response.

To learn more about how acupuncture works on Macular Degeneration or to set an appointment for a FREE consult please call 435-359-1479 today!


Treatment for Both Wet and Dry Macular Degeneration

The Energetic Vision Protocol works very well for both wet and dry Macular Degeneration. We have seen very good results for both types and feel it is an extremely effective system for most degenerative eye conditions.

To set up your FREE consult please call 435-359-1479.


Individualized Treatments

Each person has a unique pathway to Macular Degeneration and has a unique reason why the disease occurred. The protocol used at Energetic Vision is just as unique and is adapted to each individual. Acupuncture is not a "cookie cutter" system of medicine. Knowledge and experience is critical especially when seeking out an acupuncturist to help you with your Macular Degeneration.

For more information and to make an appointment for a FREE consult please call 435-359-1479.


Specializing in the Treatment of Macular Degeneration

80% of patients going through the Macular Degeneration Protocol at Energetic Vision see an improvment in their eyesight. There is a lot that can be done to recover lost vision and slow or stop the degenerative process. As a matter of fact, recent research has shown that the specfic acupuncture technique that Energetic Vision uses increases blood flow to the eyes and stimulates neurological areas of the brain that are responsible for sight.

For more information and to set up a FREE consult to learn how acupuncture can help you, call 435-359-1479 today!


Why Energetic Vision?

Clinically Proven Methods to Recover & Preserve Retinal Health

Commonly, with the diagnosis of Macular Degeneration, there is a period of time when the fear of blindness and losing your independence overwhelms you. Luckily, there is a system that has been proven to save your sight and your independence.

Please call today at 435-359-1479 for your FREE consult and find out how acupuncture works on Macular Degeneration and other eye diseases.

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Saint George, UT

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm

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