Ramsey County, Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN Videos

Videos by Ramsey County, Minnesota in Saint Paul. Ramsey County is home to more than 550,000 residents. Social policy: http://bit.ly/2e1y4Jm

Think before you toss. Large plastic items like lawn furniture, laundry baskets and children's toys all belong in the trash and are not recyclable.

Learn more about what can and can't be recycled at RamseyRecycles.com/AtoZ.

Other Ramsey County, Minnesota videos

Think before you toss. Large plastic items like lawn furniture, laundry baskets and children's toys all belong in the trash and are not recyclable. Learn more about what can and can't be recycled at RamseyRecycles.com/AtoZ.

We're now hiring for the following jobs: -Planning Specialist 1 (closes Aug. 25) -Deputy Director of Social Services - Unclassified (closes Aug. 27) -Janitor Building Guard - Temporary Assignment (closes Aug. 27) -Health Educator 1,2 - Environmental Health (closes Aug. 28) -Clerk Typist 2-3 (closes Aug. 29) -Clerk Typist 1,2,3 - Limited Duration (closes Aug. 29) -Financial Worker 1 (closes Aug. 29 Learn more and apply at ramseycounty.us/Jobs

Keep your compost clean and green. Remember, pet waste and bedding or litter should not be placed in your food scraps collection bin. This waste goes in the trash.

The polls are now closed. Results will be posted at mnvotes.org. Ramsey County follows a set of standard procedures for collecting, compiling and reporting election results to ensure the security and accuracy of each election. Learn more: ramseycounty.us/CompilingResults

We're now hiring for the following jobs: -General Repair Worker - Temporary Position (closes Aug. 18) -Paralegal 1-2-3 (closes Aug. 18) -Support Enforcement Agent 1 - Karen Speaking (closes Aug. 21) -Management Analyst 4 (closes Aug. 22) -Deputy Director of Financial Assistance Services - Unclassified (open until filled) Learn more and apply at ramseycounty.us/Jobs

Do you have cleaning products and other chemicals you no longer use? The free household hazardous waste mobile collection site will be in Saint Paul (Summit Hill) on Fridays and Saturdays in August. Learn more: RamseyRecycles.com/HHW

Market Bucks
It’s Farmers’ Market Week! Learn how Market Bucks makes SNAP dollars go further.

Are you a military veteran with an honorable discharge who is passionate about serving your fellow veterans and ensuring no one gets left behind? Consider becoming a Veterans Treatment Court mentor. Learn more: ramseycounty.us/VTCMentor

We're now hiring for the following jobs: -Principal Purchasing and Contracting Specialist -Real Estate Appraiser 1 -Support Enforcement Agent 1 - Somali Speaking -Support Enforcement Agent 1 - Spanish Speaking -Sr. Property Manager - Building Services -Purchasing and Contracting Specialist -Senior Purchasing and Contracting Specialist -Support Enforcement Agent 1 -Administrative Clerk Learn more and apply at ramseycounty.us/Jobs

Did you complete your absentee ballot? Please return it in the pre-paid, preaddressed envelope that was provided with your ballot materials. ramseycounty.us/VoteByMail

On Wednesday, July 31, 4:30-6:30 p.m., join the Dale St. redesign team for an open house at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center to review the final design and get updates on the project timeline. Visit the project website: ramseycounty.us/residents/roads-transportation/future-road-projects/future-road-construction-projects/dale-street-redesign

Did you know that aluminum is one of the most valuable recyclables? It takes 90% less energy to make a new can from recycled aluminum than from mined aluminum. Learn more about recycling at RamseyRecycles.com.

We're now hiring for the following job opportunities: -911 Telecommunicator (closes Aug. 4) -LAN Specialist 1 (closes Aug. 5) -Child Protection Worker (closes Aug. 6)-Employment Guidance Counselor Aide 1,2 (closes Aug. 7) -Service Worker - Yard Waste Sites (closes Aug. 7) -Young Adult Career Academy (closes Aug. 7) -Planning Specialist 1 or 2 - Racial and Health Equity Liaison (closes Aug. 15) Learn more and apply at ramseycounty.us/Jobs

On July 27, Ramsey and Hennepin counties are sending out volunteers to map the hottest neighborhoods in our counties. Ramsey County Climate and Health Supervisor Abi Phillips explains more about what the volunteers are doing and why. Learn more about Ramsey County's Climate Action work at ramseycounty.us/ClimateAction.

All Ramsey County Service Center locations offer public Wi-Fi. Users must accept the terms and conditions to connect. To see other onsite resources, visit ramseycounty.us/ServiceCenter.

Don't trash it, fix it! Bring broken household items to the July 27 Fix-It Clinic in Maplewood for free repair. Details at RamseyRecycles.com/FixItClinics.

Safely dispose of needles, syringes and lancets. Bring those without medicine to our household hazardous waste collection site. Learn more at RamseyRecycles.com/HHW. Sharps containing medicine should be brought to a medicine collection site. Locations and more: RamseyRecycles.com/Medicine.

Ramsey County voters may vote early by using an absentee ballot in advance of the state primary on Tuesday, Aug.13. All voters can vote early in Minnesota. You do not need to provide a reason. Learn more: ramseycounty.us/Elections

Have a yard or gardening question? Ask a Master Gardener. Call their help line at 612-301-7590 or visit their booth at select yard waste sites this summer. Find the schedule at ramseycounty.us/MasterGardenerBoothSchedule

During hot weather, take these steps to stay cool in the heat: ▪ Drink water. ▪ Use sunscreen. ▪ Limit outdoor activity. ▪ Wear loose, lightweight clothing. Learn more: ramseycounty.us/ExtremeHeat Durante el clima cálido, tome estos pasos para mantenerse fresco cuando haga calor: ▪ Beba agua. ▪ Use protector solar. ▪ Limite la actividad al aire libre. ▪ Use ropa floja y liviana. Más información: ramseycounty.us/ExtremeHeat Thaum lub sij hawm huab cua kub heev, siv cov kauj ruam no kom thiaj nyob tau txias to: ▪ Haus Dej. ▪ Siv tshuaj pleev tshav kub. ▪ Tawm mus sab nraum zoov kom tsawg. ▪ Hnav cov ris tsho xoob thuav, sib kha. Yog xav paub ntxiv: ramseycounty.us/ExtremeHeat yeroo haalli qilleensaa ho'aa tahu qabbana arkachuuf tarkaanfii kana hordofi: ▪ Bishaan dhuguu. ▪ Golga aduu ittisu fayyadamuu. ▪ Hujii dirreerraa xiqqeessuu. ▪ Uffata(wayyaa) haphii uffachuu, ba'aa salphaa baachuu fi uffata(wayyaa) adii uffachuu. Kana caalaa barachuuf: ramseycounty.us/ExtremeHeat Xilliga cimilada ay kulushahay, qaad tallaabooyinkan si aad u ahaato qabow xilliga kulaylka: ▪ Biyo cab. ▪ Isticmaal kareemka qorraxda. ▪ Yaree dhaqdhaqaaqa bannaanka. ▪ Xiro dhar dabacsan oo miisaan qafiifsan. Wax dheeri ah baro: ramseycounty.us/ExtremeHeat