Hero Poppins Child Care & Consulting

Hero Poppins is a prestigious nanny agency specializing in career nannies, who are also trained and


Stretch the Dollars by Incorporating Tax-Free Benefits: It’s no secret that inflation is on the rise and the job market is tight. Like businesses, many families are having to stretch to attract candidates. Incorporating tax-free benefits into the compensation package is a smart way to stretch the dollars. Here’s a list of the most common benefits offered by families: Qualifying Healthcare Benefit… Continue Reading Stretch the Dollars by Incorporating Tax-Free Benefits http://dlvr.it/SQHljJ


Raising Inclusive Kids: Raising kids is one of the most challenging but rewarding parts of life. Parents have an incredible job of learning who their kids are, guiding them to find their purpose and passions in life. Along with this is raising kids that are not only aware of who they are, but how they can include, appreciate,… Continue Reading Raising Inclusive Kids http://dlvr.it/SQ8S4x


How To Find Your Own Unicorn Nanny Family: By George J. Newton As a nanny, you’ll see a lot of debate online about finding your unicorn family. What does that mean? Essentially, a unicorn family is the perfect match for you. They’re a joy to work for, and they match your own working needs perfectly. Many feel like they’ll never find their own… Continue Reading How To Find Your Own Unicorn Nanny Family http://dlvr.it/SPv38p


Traits of an Inclusive Workplace: As a business owner or manager, it is important to ensure that your team is valued not only for their experience and expertise, but for what makes them unique as individuals. Creating an inclusive workplace that embraces each person’s diverse backgrounds and perspectives. But it’s important that diverse workplaces aren’t necessarily inclusive, and vice versa.… Continue Reading Traits of an Inclusive Workplace http://dlvr.it/SPp9wq


Team Activities that Encourage Compassion in the Workplace: Work is a busy place – people are likely focused on deadlines, meeting project goals, and ensuring clients get what they need. In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day work, it is easy to forget about extending compassion to others around you. However, this is an important part of creating a culture that supports each… Continue Reading Team Activities that Encourage Compassion in the Workplace http://dlvr.it/SPSN57


The Power of Giving Yourself More Compassion: In today’s age of self-help books and exhausting our energy mentally and physically at work, it is easy to think we need to ‘fix’ ourselves. The world we live in is fast-paced and we are always on the go – we hardly have time to think of ourselves. And when something goes wrong – an… Continue Reading The Power of Giving Yourself More Compassion http://dlvr.it/SPKNw8


How to Prevent Compassion Fatigue as a Nanny: Being a caregiver is incredibly rewarding – you get to experience the richness of helping people and loving them. As a nanny, you are not only doing this, but you are also helping instill skills in children that they will take throughout their lives. Not to mention, you’re demonstrating what it means to be kind… Continue Reading How to Prevent Compassion Fatigue as a Nanny http://dlvr.it/SP2Gtp


9 Ways to Become a More Positive and Present Parent: By Aussy Aportadera Parenthood is no joke. According to a Pew Research survey, 71% of parents say that parenting is harder today than it’s ever been. Becoming a good parent is not all about providing for your kids anymore. It’s about being there emotionally, supporting them, and becoming a positive presence. Whether you have normal… Continue Reading 9 Ways to Become a More Positive and Present Parent http://dlvr.it/SNynKR


Teaching Kids the Art of Compassion: With the world going through so many troubling times, it is incredibly important to fill our specific corners of the world with as much love, kindness, and compassion that we can. Even the smallest acts of compassion can have a huge ripple effect. Compassion needs to be taught and modeled – and as a parent,… Continue Reading Teaching Kids the Art of Compassion http://dlvr.it/SNct4m


12 Ways to Be a Mindful Role Model: By Derek Goodman Modeling is one of the most important ways that parents and caregivers nurture children into happy, healthy, capable members of society. Children look to adults when learning to navigate the world around them and imitate what they see. Do you know what your words and actions are teaching your little ones? Here… Continue Reading 12 Ways to Be a Mindful Role Model http://dlvr.it/SNTzvT


How to Get Paid Correctly for an Overnight Shift: By GTM Payroll and HR Often parents will turn to you for overnight or weekend care of their children. Maybe work trips take them out of town or they plan a getaway to have some time together without their little ones. How do you get paid for these extra shifts? Your employer may just want… Continue Reading How to Get Paid Correctly for an Overnight Shift http://dlvr.it/SNDqzn


How to Land Your Next Nanny Job: Make a Great Impression During Your Interview: By Aunt Ann’s In-House Staffing Interviewing is essential to finding a position. Whether on Zoom, or in person, this is your opportunity to further display your knowledge, abilities and qualifications that make you the best person for the job. If you struggle with interviewing, you’re not alone! We’re sharing our top tips so you can… Continue Reading How to Land Your Next Nanny Job: Make a Great Impression During Your Interview http://dlvr.it/SN42gk


2022 INA Board of Directors Nominees: The INA Board of Directors are representatives of the INA Membership, which consist of nannies, newborn care specialists, caregivers, educators, agency owners, business staff, parents and industry service providers. Each year the Nominating Committee strives to bring the membership nominees who will serve the organization to its fullest and meet or exceed the qualifications required… Continue Reading 2022 INA Board of Directors Nominees http://dlvr.it/SMyqS3


Developing an Action Plan to Encourage Small Business Growth: As a business owner or manager, you know how much dedication and creativity it takes to build a thriving company. There are a lot of moving parts that come with owning and operating a business and there are plenty of things to plan for along the way. So, ensuring you have an action plan that… Continue Reading Developing an Action Plan to Encourage Small Business Growth http://dlvr.it/SMffYw


Can a nanny agency share a background check with prospective family employers?: By Mike Coffey of PFC Caregiver and Household Screening This is a question that nanny agencies ask me a lot. I thought it might save us all a bunch of emails and phone calls if I use my conference sponsorship email to share my answer with all of my INA friends. [Disclaimer: I’m not a… Continue Reading Can a nanny agency share a background check with prospective family employers? http://dlvr.it/SMLVrt


The Importance of Having a Nanny Action Plan in Case of Emergencies: By Katie Brenneman A nanny can help any parent reduce their stress levels, all while ensuring their children get quality care from someone they trust. Whether you’re going through hard times or simply need a self-care day or date night, your nanny has your back. However, while great nannies are amazing at childcare, they don’t… Continue Reading The Importance of Having a Nanny Action Plan in Case of Emergencies http://dlvr.it/SMCSz7


Action Items for Self-Improvement: With the busyness of daily life, prioritizing yourself can be difficult. But, finding ways to improve yourself can positively impact all parts of your life – not just personally, but professionally, too. Here are action items to consider for self-improvement, so you can be the best version of yourself. #1: Be a continual learner. One… Continue Reading Action Items for Self-Improvement http://dlvr.it/SLnBjF


2022 INA NOTY™️ Selection Panel: Last week we introduced you to the 2022 INA Nanny of the Year™️ Finalists and soon we will be introducing our 2022 INA Nanny of the Year™️. But before we do, we want to introduce you to the 5 professionals in our industry who spent a lot of time over the month of January to… Continue Reading 2022 INA NOTY™️ Selection Panel http://dlvr.it/SLQsWB


A Call to Action: Encouraging Young Adults to Be the Change: Kids and young people growing up today are experiencing things that people in decades past never imagined. A pandemic, global warming, war, racial injustices, and a multitude of other things are flooding headlines around the world, and our kids are learning to process and live through these life changing events. One thing is certain: growing… Continue Reading A Call to Action: Encouraging Young Adults to Be the Change http://dlvr.it/SLML39


Introducing our 2022 INA Nanny of the Year™️ Finalists: The INA has introduced our five 2022 INA Nanny of the Year™ Finalists over the last few days on social media. If you have not had a chance to get to know them, we invite you to meet them now. Here they are in reverse alphabetical order. Sarah Salisbury has worked with children in… Continue Reading Introducing our 2022 INA Nanny of the Year™️ Finalists http://dlvr.it/SL69ts


Taking Action to Make a Career Change: The last two years have put many things into perspective for people. For many, they have recognized that they are not in the right career and that it is time to make a change. Career changes happen for a multitude of reasons, but when they do, it can feel scary to take action to make… Continue Reading Taking Action to Make a Career Change http://dlvr.it/SKwPvC


Practicing Sustainability in Childcare: By Aussy Aportadera Sustainability refers to the responsible use of today’s resources without compromising the access of future generations. This has become a rallying point for businesses and a topic for awareness campaigns. However, one can argue that the best way to promote a sustainable lifestyle is to start them young. This has led to… Continue Reading Practicing Sustainability in Childcare http://dlvr.it/SKnckJ


Be Empowered & Change the World Around You: It is no secret that the world right now is a difficult place. Whether it’s the pandemic, an economic crisis, environmental concerns, or escalating tensions between countries, there are many things that people are anxious about. However, if each person takes time to empower themselves to do their part to add something good to their… Continue Reading Be Empowered & Change the World Around You http://dlvr.it/SKVG51


How to Empower Your Kids Through Writing: By Adrian Lomezzo Good writers have higher professional as well as entrepreneurial potential. They can express their ideas easily and in an understandable fashion. Their ideas will dominate their peers and society. Children should learn writing from an early age. Here are tips on how to empower children through writing. Choose the right reading materials… Continue Reading How to Empower Your Kids Through Writing http://dlvr.it/SKMLH7


Interesting Times: We recently sent this meme to the INA membership – partly to give everyone a little smile and partly to salute the INA and our collective effort over the years to professionalize the industry. During challenging times like these, it helps protect and propel the entire industry. Thank you again from all of us at… Continue Reading Interesting Times http://dlvr.it/SKC6WM


How to Empower Your Nanny: Your nanny plays a vital role in your home. They provide loving, attentive care to your children, they help reduce your day-to-day stress through their help, and they become a supportive advocate for your child during their growing up years. A good nanny gives a lot of themselves to the family that they work for,… Continue Reading How to Empower Your Nanny http://dlvr.it/SK48jr


How to Land Your Next Nanny Job with an Excellent Resume: By Aunt Ann’s In-House Staffing Having a strong resume is essential to being noticed by potential employers. Your resume is your opportunity to display your experience, abilities and qualifications that make you the best person for the job. If you struggle with writing your resume, you’re not alone! Here’s how to best present your experience… Continue Reading How to Land Your Next Nanny Job with an Excellent Resume http://dlvr.it/SJxKrf


How Nannies Can Help Children Become Confident and Empowered: By Katie Brenneman Nannies play a vital role in a child’s development. You support them as their personalities start to flourish, and are there to guide them as they explore and encounter a world full of stimulation and experiences. However, to navigate the wide world that children find before them, they need to have high… Continue Reading How Nannies Can Help Children Become Confident and Empowered http://dlvr.it/SJnm5F


How to Empower Your Employees to Do Their Best Work: We hear it all the time: your employees are your greatest asset. They are what help keep things afloat when your head is underwater. They help things run smoothly and give you the extra hand you need to minimize stress. But, oftentimes, employees feel overlooked and overworked, and they sometimes feel like they are not… Continue Reading How to Empower Your Employees to Do Their Best Work http://dlvr.it/SJgqMl


Beyond the Paycheck: Benefits Nannies Can Request: By GTM Payroll Services You can ask your employer for more than a pay raise. Here are some tangible benefits you can look for from a prospective family – or ask your current family to offer: QSEHRA Pre-Tax Insurance Plan A Qualified Small Employer’s Health Reimbursement Agreement (QSEHRA) allows nannies to be reimbursed for health… Continue Reading Beyond the Paycheck: Benefits Nannies Can Request http://dlvr.it/SJMVFl


Empowering Children to be Themselves: Each child that comes into the world has a unique personality, a distinct point of view, and a one-of-a-kind opportunity to impact the world around them. And if you ask parents and nannies what they want most in life for their kids, most of the time you’ll hear the same answer: for them to be… Continue Reading Empowering Children to be Themselves http://dlvr.it/SJF1BP


2022 Conference – NCS Track: These are the workshops for the 2022 INA Conference on March 31 – April 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada for the “Newborn Care Specialist” Workshop Breakout Track. Find the full schedule HERE Authentic Marketing for your NCS Business Jeff Butler Friday, April 1, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Know Your Worth- Everyday Skills… Continue Reading 2022 Conference – NCS Track http://dlvr.it/SJ3r6s


Want a Bigger Tax Refund?: By HomeWork Solutions Every penny counts these days. Be it a coupon code, a $50 referral bonus from your friends at HomeWork Solutions, or an unexpected gift certificate from your employer… every little bit helps. But did you know there are small changes nannies and other household employees can make that can pave the way… Continue Reading Want a Bigger Tax Refund? http://dlvr.it/SHyVnf


Creative Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Nanny: Showing appreciation for the people around you goes a long way – especially when it comes to your nanny. Your nanny invests time and energy into their job and making sure that you recognize them for a job well done is important. Not only does it make them feel seen and heard, but it also… Continue Reading Creative Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Nanny http://dlvr.it/SHqYxv


NEW INA Member Benefit – Collective Connections: As we near the end of our Member Appreciation Month, we are excited to announce a NEW INA Member benefit: Collective Connections. Our first installment of this new benefit is called Grief and the Nanny but there will be more to come. Collective Connections is a series of online workshops that are designed to be used in small… Continue Reading NEW INA Member Benefit – Collective Connections http://dlvr.it/SHnhv6


2022 Conference – Business Track: These are the workshops for the 2022 INA Conference on March 31 – April 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada for the “Business” Workshop Breakout Track. Find the full Schedule HERE. New Agency Workshop: Building A Solid Foundation Megan Metzger Thursday, March 31, 2022 2:00 – 4:00 PM Extra cost of $65 for INA Members… Continue Reading 2022 Conference – Business Track http://dlvr.it/SHdzmF


Tips on Teaching Kids Gratitude & Appreciation: Teaching kids and young adults the art of gratitude can feel like a difficult task. We live in a day where we are surrounded by fancy technology and the need for always having the newest gadget on the market, it can be challenging to keep a grateful mindset. But, giving your kids the tools to… Continue Reading Tips on Teaching Kids Gratitude & Appreciation http://dlvr.it/SHPHqP


2022 Conference – Nanny Track: These are the workshops for the 2022 INA Conference on March 31 – April 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada for the “Nanny” Workshop Breakout Track. The full schedule can be found HERE. Inner Child Coaching Chelsea Miller Friday, April 1, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Empowered Play through A Whole Child Approach Farrah… Continue Reading 2022 Conference – Nanny Track http://dlvr.it/SHCr83


How Appreciation Can Transform Your Workplace: In a busy workplace, it is easy to forget about focusing on appreciation and gratitude. The pressures of your daily tasks can feel overwhelming. But, if you let appreciation fall through the cracks, your workplace will feel flat and maybe even a bit like a machine that is just going through the motions. Appreciation is… Continue Reading How Appreciation Can Transform Your Workplace http://dlvr.it/SH6B4f


Simple Ways to Show Your Nanny How Much You Appreciate Them: By Jori Hamilton As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child.” If you have a nanny, you know what an integral part of that village they are. Finding a nanny you can trust, and someone who works well with your kids can feel like a dream come true, especially for… Continue Reading Simple Ways to Show Your Nanny How Much You Appreciate Them http://dlvr.it/SH0pmR

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