The New Federalist Party

The New Federalist Party

The New Federalist National Committee Official FB Site. Platform:
Twitter: @N Founding Members' Bios:

Bret Copley - I am a Federalist.

The Conservative Right is far left of me. Since a young child I have believed in Liberty. So much to the extent that as a child I believed in Anarchy to the degree that it is tattooed on my chest. Anarchy being the purest form of freedom and Liberty. I grew up to realize that what I believed in the whole time was the same as our founders. Life, Liberty, The pursuit of happiness, the ability of all


Tom Hanks on "The Love Boat" in 1980


The New Federalist Party


These are images of Election Night 2012 from around the world. LOOK at them.
India, China, The Ivory Coast, Japan, South Korea and there are so many more out there from the vast sea of nations in our world.

China - People had their picture taken PRETENDING to cast a vote.
In India ? Waiving flags and having viewing party's to watch the coverage.
In South Korea? They are watching an Electoral map.
In Senegal? A Mock ballot box.
In the Philippines? Children participated mock elections and received "I Voted" stickers.


Yet WE THE PEOPLE continually take for granted our nation. The men and women who fight for it and the principles and systems in which you and I draw upon to complain about this or that issue with absolute disrespect for the 237 Years which our nation has existed. Be proud of your Nation, be proud of its people. Love one another as Americans. Stop the arguing about the petty bu****it and realize that we are a nation divided over petty squabbles of individual choices in which our Nation affords EACH OF US the right to make on our own for our own lives as American Citizens.

Do none of you realize that we are but TEN DAYS from December 23rd. But yet? 237 Years ago....

That day is more than the day before Christmas Eve...

Its the day that instead of going home, The soldiers of the Continental Army stayed with Washington to fight for a new Nation. On this day a choice was made that echos on today. In the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, the wisdom of common sense invigorated a starving, broken, bleeding, freezing and frost bitten Continental Army. If you have any doubts to the difficulty of this choice then by all means Here are the words of Washington himself on how desperate the hour was. Men made a choice to stay. Unpaid, no food, water, nor proper shelter or clothing. A choice that would lead to the birth of a Nation.

That Evening: December 23rd. Two-Hundred and Thirty-Seven years ago, General George Washington ordered Thomas Paine's first crisis paper be read to his soldiers.


"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated."

"I fear not. I see no real cause for fear." Let us hold fast to these simple words, and not let the uncertainty of the future make us fear its inevitable arrival."

"Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it."

The words were enough...
Christmas Eve 1776 General George Washington and his men crossed the Delaware river and this was the Battle of Trenton. The Tides of War and a single moment in our history. A single sliver of a strand of moments changed the course of the Revolutionary war from utter failure to What we are so guilty of taking for granted today.


Let's face some truths today.

Being that it is an important day in history. Let's take a few moments together and face some facts.

Conservatives complain about a lot of things, the cost of welfare and other quote&unquote Entitlement Programs and how they are abused and mis-used. Liberals complain about a lot of things too. Gun Control for instance.

A laundry list of issues and complaints that can all be addressed rather sensibly if you take the time to factor yourself out of the equation and reach across and see it for how the opposition see's it. Then peel back your beliefs and theirs and reference The Constitution and what it prevents the Federal Government from being involved in and remember the 10th Amendment.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

We are in a nose dive without power, the engines have stalled and we are spinning out of control when it comes to not only spending, but every other issue and it's a hard stall in every single branch of our Federal Government. Ladies and Gentlemen... You have a bought Congress. A Bought White House and a Bought Judiciary.

As a nation, our primary founding principles are found in the Preamble to The Constitution Of The United States Of America.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The Dictionary defines Liberty as:
The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

What does "free" mean though in context? The best definition that I can find for Free(dom)/Liberty is:
A balance between Anarchy and Totalitarianism. Which is precision accurate in regards to our Republic.

How do we serve one another the freedom and Liberty promised to us as citizens without ripping one another to shreds?

We simply reject the notion that we as citizens have the right to press upon or oppress someone of varied beliefs so long as their beliefs and ideals do not directly cause undue harm upon another. You want to have an abortion? That is your choice. I want to own guns? That is mine. You have no right to say that I cannot and I have no right to say you cannot.

Make whatever argument you wish. However, It is written in black and white and the fact is that Apples to Apples he**in addicts should be allowed to chase their dragons right to their grave. If we take this approach as well. Tough love.

I love my fellow citizens regardless of your walk of life and I respect you for your beliefs and choices. I do not know anything about you. Your life is not my life. My life is not yours. We all must be responsible and live with our choices each and every day. We also may die because of them as well. Each day we face an assumed reasonable expectation that this day may be our last.

We have a responsibility to ourselves to the degree that we must manage our own lives as responsibility as we can manage to do so. We have a responsibility to one another to expect and hold ourselves and each other accountable for those actions. We see this every day. Someone breaks a law, they are hopefully caught and then go to jail.

We hold criminals responsible for their actions but in the scope of society we do not hold one another accountable for our social mistakes. We live under this idea that it is okay to allow one another under some misguided form of decency to abuse our rights and press our beliefs upon one another. That, it is somehow acceptable to indenture one another to Religious, Social and Societal beliefs and ideological structures. That we must find unity in these things and conform to one another structures of systems.

This is highly un-American and is tantamount to creating a Democracy which is NOT what we are. We are a Republic. The difference? A Democracy the majority wins ALWAYS. A Republic protects the minority from the majority. It is THE REPUBLIC that THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF the 1960'S HINGED UPON!!!

A democracy would have seen The Southern Democrat States have every Black American swing from a tree rather than allow them to be equals under the law in all ways. you want Democracy?

DO YOU think that 236 years of The United States of America would continue to exist in our precious state if we switched to a Democracy today? How would allowing the majority voices to have their way see your life change?

How do you justify enslaving your fellow Americans to your beliefs? To press them on each other and argue amongst one another? This creates the worst form of Disunity. Your answers are already provided for you! They are in the founding documents of our Nation.

Unity creates a stronger citizenry. You can exist separate but ONE which is the entire premise of a United States to begin with!

There is no law that says you must own a gun, there is no law that says you must have an abortion, there IS a law that says you are going to pay for one now and THAT my friends is entirely UN-Constitutional.

Forcing your personal ideological choices and beliefs on another citizen of this nation is just wrong. There is no gray area. There is no tangent event in which justifies this in any way shape or form. Period.

How much do you think the citizens of this nation cared about ANY of this garbage on December 7, 1941? Did our nation care about any of this on September 11, 2001?

We acted like Americans for the FIRST time in my life-time. It was such a sight to behold. We respected one another, we loved one another. we showed caring and compassion. All of a sudden men were holding doors, manners existed, Every mother and father hugged their children a little tighter. There was genuine love and genuine sadness, but a deep appreciation for The Nation we live in.

It was the first time in my life that all of this petty bickering didn't matter in Washington and everyone came together as one. We showed true UNITY as citizens, as people, as a Nation.

Now we disgrace ourselves and our founders by not standing together as a Nation and as a people.


National Guard battalion needs help getting home - Plant City Observer: Community News

Absolutely unbelievable...

Contact American Legion Post 71 in Lake Wales.
President Andy Anderson
POST: (863) 589-5689
CELL PHONE: (863) 528-0655
ADDRESS: 43 W. Park Ave., Lake Wales, FL. 33853
HOURS: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Sunday
INFO: Checks can be made payable to American Legion Post 71. Specify “Military Fund” in the memo. Debit and credit cards also can be processed over the phone by calling the Post 71, (863) 589-5689. Last week, Donna Hagadone received a cell-phone picture from her husband. Two military duffle bags sat tattered and faded on the floor of her home. She rushed home to see them for herself. They were her son’s. “Some of Jake has arrived home,” Hagadone said. Her son, Jacob Kesler, is in the Florida N...


I would like to take this opportunity to inform anyone who is considered a "Low Income Worker" that the President of The United States, The Senate, The House of Representatives and The Supreme Court of The United States of America have collectively just cost you your job.

There is a loop in H.R. 3590 (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) and the Amnesty Bill. This loop effectively costs companies $5,000 per employee when tax consequences are factored in for companies that do not provide healthcare to a qualitative standard as spoken of in H.R. 3590.

The above is a factor for Legal Immigrants and Citizens of The United States of America.

What the Amnesty Bill does is take 11 Million Illegal Immigrants and give them "RPI" Status, Registered Provisional Immigrant Status. If A business owner chooses to hire 5 legal citizens or permanent residents, they will owe $25,000 Dollars. However, If they hire 5 RPI's who came here illegally? They owe nothing.

As a man of Business? Companies every where are bean counting the costs of not providing insurance benefits at all, versus the costs on claims year-over-year. If a business can keep more money by not providing it at all? They will. That's just smart and good business practice.

As a man of Business? If firing my work force in a no-fault state such as Florida, and replacing them with RPI's allows me to pay absolutely no penalties what-so-ever, and I have the added bonus of not being required to provide health insurance benefits to my employees. I will certainly and will legally discriminate against the American Citizen.


I, Bret Copley wrote the article titled "The New Deal" on February 3rd 2013. Please bare in mind that I do come across as a bit of well, an ass. However there is nothing wrong with providing a bit satire when discussing such topics. The intention is to make you the reader "Think". To truly take a step back. Rationalize and evaluate criteria, subject and information.


Wait. Haven’t you heard that title before? Open a new tab in your browser and search it. You will need to know what that is before we can proceed. Otherwise what I am about to talk about will make almost no sense.

Federalism was once upon a time the most influential political party and movement in the United States, rising out of the ashes from the discontent for the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation (The First American Experiment) are precisely what many people want to go back to; however they simply do not have all the facts about it. Every vote requires a unanimous decision. Power is however; very and I mean very limited. The Continental Congress had the power to sign treaties and declare war but was essentially powerless to do so.

So our second experiment was Federalism. Ever heard of Shay’s Rebellion? If you have then you know all to well that the Civil War wasn’t the first time or the last time the people armed themselves against the government. Shay’s was truly a tipping point where everyone had to admit that the Confederation Just would not work. They could not even raise an army. Massachusetts had to do it themselves.

So in 1787 fifty-five delegates met in Philadelphia (The Capital), and created the “Great Compromise“. Ladies and Gentlemen Federalism is where and why you received your Constitution and your Bill of Rights. The Tenth Amendment set the rule for Federalism in the United States.

Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”

Directions: Read the 10th Amendment as many times as need be. If the light bulb isn’t floating over your head, hit yourself with a mallet and read it again. Repeat as needed.

So what the hell happened? When did this experiment begin to tank?
Justice Marshall and Justice Taney.

We were screwed by the Supreme Court.

It was not their intention to do so. Let me make that clear. These were legitimate cases of question and needed answers. McCulloch vs. Maryland saw the state of Maryland impede operation of a branch of the Second Bank of The United States by imposing a tax on all notes of banks not chartered in Maryland. The law was applicable to all banks not chartered in Maryland. However, the only bank at that time that wasn’t chartered in Maryland happened to be The Second Bank of The United States lol. Legitimately the state found a way to mooch off the Feds.

edit: Really what happened is the State wanted everyone to only use its chartered banks, The feds were cutting in on the fun to much. Yes, American Greed wasn’t invented on Wall Street. It was inherited from England.

In Gibbons vs. Ogden the decision was made that Congress had the authority to regulate inter-state commerce.

The Feds setup shop in the banking industry, in comes regulation and they played the ball into their court. They did such things as ban the transfer of women across state lines with the Mann Act (yeah terrible I know “lol”), National Banks Act, Land-Grant Acts etc. In other words. These are all great laws with wonderful intentions. (The path to hell etc etc etc)

This is going to hurt… So listen well…

I will tell you, even Communism on paper looks incredible. Hell its utopian. Its literally trying to be Eden. The idea of Utopia has been around since before the written glyph. Eden is not what man needs. Man would get bored with Eden and blow it up or section it off, or worse yet have an inquisition and begin to crucify people upside down and impale anyone who stands in their way. We are just that way. We do these things and we have to accept that it is simply our nature to be territorial and destroy things we view as a threat. Man while having superior knowledge is still a slave to our animal nature. We try to be civilized and can be for the most part until something foreign comes our way and we become fearful and must “kill it”. Forget trying to understand it, If we can’t make it like us, eat it, or have s*x with it. It must die.

So what the hell does any of that have to do with us and our problems? Both have the same fundamental flaw. The Human Element.

We have the ability to vote for individuals to act on our behalf. Yet we continually vote for individuals we cannot trust and are simply flawed and just bad people. I do not mean they make immoral decisions. I mean they are truly not worth the heart that beats in their chests. I’d rather give their lungs to a life long smoker and their kidneys to a life long drinker. I simply feel they lack any value worthy of the offices they hold. They lack integrity, honesty, loyalty to the people and above all obedience to the people. The worst kind of person is one whose values are based on who is around them. I dare any of you to debate the fact that any candidate does not change or tweak their tune based on their audience. Republican or Democrat or Tea Party they are all snake oil salesmen.

It is a shame and a sad truth of fact that more people vote for the next American Idol winner than the President. I assume that would change if “there was an app for that”. You question and beg and want to know what the problem is? How did it all get so out of hand? Where did we go wrong? Why does the Federal and even some State governments over-step their bounds? Your the reason. It’s not Obama, Its not Romney, Its not Rick Perry or Ron Paul or John Boehner or Nancy Polosi or Hillary and Bill Clinton. Its you. Its started with The New Deal and here we are today.

Its you, the American Citizen. you would rather spend more time on Facebook and Twitter than with your own kids much less actually researching even a local Candidate. Your fat, your lazy, you work from before sunrise and don’t see your driveway until almost dusk. You don’t cook at home because there are at least 4 fast food places on your way home. You have become dull witted by convenience.

You live in a world where this is an illusion of the Freedom of Choice. What choices do you make? We are told Freedom of Choice, we are made to feel free by the exercise of meaningless choices. You know what your real choices are? Paper or Plastic, Lexus or Hyundai, Smoking or Non-smoking, Isle or Window, Outback or Chilli’s, Ice Cream flavors, Thousands upon thousands of Jelly bean flavors, Coke or Pepsi. All things that do not matter.

Need evidence to the fact? Political Parties? Essentially two. Big Media Companies? Five? Six? Oil companies? Down to three now. Big Banks and Brokerage houses? All things that are important reduced in choice. Newspapers in a city? It used to be three or four? Now its down to one or two and they are owned by the same people who run the local TV and Radio stations.

You want your kids to stop offing themselves because they have been bullied? Teach them to have a spine. Teach them that they are American and have rights. Teach them that when they are 26 they will have a job and they will have to deal with mean people. That life is not candy coated and sugar. Want them to lose weight? Find a local farm and put their asses to work. The benefits are far greater than you could imagine. Stop allowing bureaucrats to raise your children. If you need parenting help, ask your parents or grand-parents. If they are of no help, then read a book. If all else fails, pick up a belt and blister their asses as a last resort.

You are being walked on and turned into a stooge at every base and point in your lives. We should no longer value the Xbox or I-phone and value American Liberty. You do not need to seek religion, its a good idea, but you can be moral and good and whole without it. Religion IS however a good place to get a good base set of values from.

I am a bit hard core on this. I only have Internet. No TV, No Radio, No Cell Phone. My largest investment in an appliance is my computer and related equipment. It is also my livelihood. Do I need 3 LG1942S Flatron’s and a 36 inch LG LED TV for my computer using pleasure? Absolutely not. However, my choices in conveniences do not alter my life in such a manner as to bring the my values and integrity to parasitic levels. I walk to my local Publix grocery store, I have a Scooter and a Car that I could easily use to do so but since its only 1 mile or so why not?

So here is my New Deal:

The American People will research each candidate properly. They will email, make phone calls, schedule appointments and visit and meet their candidate and or elected officials before voting for them. They will inspect what they expect from each candidate and elected official and become vigilant citizens to insure not only their children, but all the children of this nation have a better United States than how we received it. Generation X , your turn has arrived. Yes, you can meet your Senator and Representatives in their local offices. It is possible and it can be done. All it takes is a phone call to get it started. Or… you can quit complaining and go buy your Starbucks and that new app that tells you how wonderful you are because your not a mouth breather.

The eldest of us are now of age to meet the age criteria to become President of the United States. Our Great Grand Parents are all dead. Our Grand Parents are soon to follow and our parents after them. The Passage of time will see to that. We do not have the luxury of time. We will lose any and all understanding of the past as our elders age and pass on. Seek them out. Listen to them. Old men and women have lost their ability to sugar coat anything. So if you want to hear about the right way to do it, then ask them. Their wisdom is precious. Not always right, but precious. When they tell you something, ask them why they came to that conclusion. Understand them.

I believed in my fathers generation to put it right. I thought the Land of Confusion would end. They failed us. I am now thirty-years old. The David Bowie, Pat Benatar and Madonna Generation has flunked Protecting America 101. It has been more than 70 years since WWII. The second most patriotic Americans to ever live and they are just short of The Revolutionary Americans. Even they flunked when it came to keeping the reigns to their government.

Start changing your tune by understanding your history, read Common Sense by Thomas Paine, The Federalist Papers. Understand that the experiment works when we respect one another for our differences in beliefs, our individuality and what you do in your house I may not do in mine. But we are bonded by rights inherited not by man but endowed by our creator. Whom or whatever that may be, whatever you believe that source may be.


I cannot recall another time in my lifetime when there was such an effort by a political party to criminalize opposition to the president. The Tea Party has been called hostage takers, terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests, extortionists, arsonists, extremists, and the list goes on and on. What is this hateful rhetoric if it is not an attempt to silence all opposition to the president and create what amounts to one party rule?

The latest Democrat to try to criminalize the Tea Party is Representative Steve Cohen from Tennessee. This is what he had to say:

“But I know some of the members there — and a lot of those members — they’re rabid, they’re sophomoric, literally, they’re second term in Congress, never worked in politics before, and they think they are somehow like — it’s all talked in military terms. They think they’re some kind of guerrillas there to strike a blow for freedom

The implication here is clear: Career politicians are good while the whole idea of a citizen legislature is something to be abhorred. This, of course, is contrary to the very founding of this nation because the founders believed that citizens could govern themselves, in fact that is the whole premise behind the constitution and our founding.

It is interesting to note at this point that people like Steve Cohen see the Tea Party as guerrilla fighters who are fighting against the government but these same people refer to al Qaeda fighters as freedom fighters and not terrorists, but I digress.

But he doesn’t stop there, he continues:

I think they may try to pull this off again,” he continued. “What John Boehner is going to have to do is decide that he’s not going to be speaker in 2015 and work with the same crew that gave us the opening-up of government. Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic caucus and give or take 80 reasonable Republicans and pass some bills to avoid another CR problem and shutdown and avoid the debt crisis, protect the country from these people, who really, you got to think, we take an oath to support the country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and these are the domestic enemies

There you have it, if you oppose the Democrats you are a domestic enemy. This is the mindset of the current Democrats in Washington. But the part of the comment I find most interesting is when Steve Cohen states that all members of the Congress take an oath to “support the country” against all enemies foreign and domestic.

There is not one member of the Congress, nor the president, who has ever taken an oath to “support the country.” Every member of the Congress, and the president, has taken an oath to protect and defend the constitution not the country and the difference is great, they are not always one and the same as we have seen. The difference between “supporting the country” and protecting and defending the constitution could not be more clear.

When the government acts contrary to the constitution it is the responsibility and the duty of all members of the Congress to protect the constitution over the will of the government. It is not the responsibility, nor the duty, of the Congress to support the government when it refuses to adhere to the constitution and this is the very foundation upon which the United States was founded.

But this concept is foreign to people like Steve Cohen who obviously feels as if the government is always right and always has the best interests of the people at heart. People like Steve Cohen want the American people to blindly follow the government even when it is at odds with the constitution and it is clear to me he has no concept of the principles upon which this nation was founded.

I find this mindset to be more disheartening than anything else this government has thrust upon us over the years because I fear this mindset is prevalent on both sides of the aisle by the ruling class elite and I consider anyone who holds this idea at the heart of their policy decisions to be a domestic enemy to the constitution for they care not about their oath of office as is evidenced by Steve Cohen’s misrepresentation of the oath of office.


Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…..

Of course those words come straight from the Declaration of Independence and here is the whole quote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Those are powerful words and yet so simple in their meaning: Man has been given rights from God and as such these rights cannot rightfully be taken away from us by any man or any government. The people institute a government as a means to secure and protect these rights, not to create our rights or determine who is eligible for these rights. We consent to the government’s will in order to ensure that nobody can take away what is rightfully and divinely ours, but when the government is at odds with this principle it is our right and our duty to stand up to the government.

The government is charged with protecting, not granting rights. Yet, the natural tendency of government is towards tyranny as more and more laws are written. Our founders realized this and so they put into writing our natural rights–they did not create our rights but rather reaffirmed them–and the founders provided the foundation upon which we can petition our government for redress.

During his most famous speech Patrick Henry said: “Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?”

So now we fast forward to today and the debate over the continuing resolution and Obamacare. Many of us resist the notion that the government can tell a person he must buy a certain product or face the wrath of the Federal government in the form of tax penalties. Is this really much different from the tax on tea, or the Stamp Act, for which the founders revolted?

The Declaration says that we have a right to “alter or abolish” any government which no longer represents freedom and liberty. The Tea Party Republicans in the House are now engaged in an effort to effect change in our government by reversing the assault on our freedom known as Obamacare.

We are not seeking to abolish the government, we are merely seeking to alter the direction of the nation, but that is not what you would think by listening to the Democrats or the mainstream media. For our efforts at trying to reinstall liberty and personal responsibility, to redress our grievances, we are being called extremists and terrorists by various Democrats. Some have gone so far as to say we have figuratively strapped bombs to our chests while others have said that terrorists are easier to negotiate with, we are said to be trying to punish black people and kill the poor. The rhetoric coming from the left is downright vitriolic and hateful. But this is not exclusive to only the Democrats for the ruling class elitists in the Republican party are also attacking those who threaten their power.

When did it become an extremist position for a person to believe in the founding fathers’ vision and when did it become an extremist position to believe in the Constitution?

The answer is clear: When the government’s position and agenda is anti-constitutional. The Democrats, the ruling class Republicans, and Barack Obama sound more like the British government whose chains we threw off than the government which the founders sought and fought to create at the risk of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

When the government’s position has become extreme anyone who opposes the government looks like an extremist by comparison and that is where we are today in America. Barack Obama and the Democrats claim that Obamacare is the law of the land and thusly it cannot be challenged; they would suggest we should lie “supinely on our backs” and accept Barack Obama’s vision of hope. I am not willing to do that, are you…..

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