Marion County Health & Human Services

Marion County Health & Human Services offers a wide variety of services to people in Marion County.

Marion County Health Department offers a wide variety of services to people in Marion County.

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Untreated syphilis in a pregnant person can cause infection in a fetus or infant, called congenital syphilis (CS). Infants born with CS can have serious medical problems.

Syphilis screening is recommended for all pregnant people at the first prenatal visit, at 28 weeks and at delivery. Treatment is available if you test positive for syphilis! Learn more about preventing syphilis in newborns at


La sífilis congénita (CS) es una infección en un feto o bebé por no tratar la sífilis de una persona embarazada. Los bebés que nacen con CS pueden presentar problemas médicos graves. Se recomienda hacerse pruebas de sífilis a todas las personas embarazadas en su primera consulta prenatal, a las 28 semanas y en el parto.
¡Hay tratamiento disponible si resulta positivo a sífilis! Más información sobre prevención de sífilis en recién nacidos en


Life can be challenging, but every day shouldn’t feel hard or out of your control. If it does, there is help. One free, anonymous, quick, and easy way to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition is to take a mental health test at


El primer paso en su viaje hacia el bienestar es comprobar cómo se siente. Tome una prueba gratuita de en


Your voice matters in shaping the future of our community's health & well-being! Take this short Community Health Survey to share what you want and need to be healthy. Let's make our community healthier, together!
Take the survey today:


Ваш голос важен для формирования будущего здоровья и благополучия нашего сообщества! Пройдите короткий опрос о состоянии общественного здравоохранения и расскажите, чего вы хотите и что вам нужно для поддержания здоровья.. Давайте вместе сделаем наше сообщество здоровее!


¡Su voz es importante para dar forma al futuro de la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad! Realice esta breve encuesta de salud comunitaria para compartir lo que quiere y necesita para estar saludable. ¡Hagamos nuestra comunidad más saludable, juntos!

Tome la encuesta hoy:


Undetectable=Untransmittable. People living with HIV on effective daily treatment who maintain an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV to their sexual partners.
Learn more about U=U at


Indetectable=Intransmisible. Las personas que viven con VIH, siguen un tratamiento efectivo a diario y tienen una carga viral indetectable no pueden transmitir el VIH a sus parejas sexuales. Más información en


Want to support your friends and loved ones? Start with a conversation!

Talking about feelings can make a huge difference. Discover how to connect, start meaningful conversations and provide the support your loved ones need at

Together, we can make a positive impact!


Measles cases are increasing in Oregon and across the U.S. 🌍 This highly contagious virus can cause severe health issues like pneumonia, brain infections, and even death.

Unvaccinated travelers can bring measles back to the U.S. when they visit countries experiencing outbreaks. 🌏 When back at home, they risk spreading the virus to communities where vaccination rates may not be sufficient to prevent transmission.

🛡️ Protect Yourself: The CDC recommends the safe and effective MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine for all children and adults. Special guidelines are available for international travelers. ✈️

For more info, visit


Earlier this month, Deschutes County Public Health officials announced that a sick bat from southwest Bend had rabies. Rabies spreads to people and pets through the bites and scratches of infected animals.

According to the CDC, bats are the most common animals in the U.S. to have rabies. Raccoons, skunks and foxes are also common carriers of the disease. Here are a few tips to help prevent rabies:

- Stay away from wild animals, especially if they are acting strangely or aggressively.
- Make sure your pets are up-to-date on rabies vaccines (Oregon state law requires all dogs to be vaccinated against rabies as early as three months of age).
- Keep bats and other wildlife out of your home by sealing gaps or openings.
- Teach kids not to touch wild animals or unfamiliar domestic animals.

Report any bat bites or scratches to our Environmental Health team and immediately seek medical attention.


Whether you’re thinking about cutting back on your own drinking, or you want to get involved to reduce the impact that excessive drinking has in your community, our resources page at is a good place start.


Si estás pensando en beber menos alcohol, o quieres ayudar a reducir el impacto que causa beber en exceso en tu comunidad, ¡nuestra página de recursos en es un buen lugar para empezar!

Sixth Measles Case Confirmed in Marion County — Marion County Board of Commissioners News 07/19/2024

Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads through the air when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. Read about the most recent cases and what symptoms to look for.

Sixth Measles Case Confirmed in Marion County — Marion County Board of Commissioners News Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads through the air when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. Read what symptoms to look for.


The first step in navigating your wellness journey is to check in on yourself. Take a free test at


Measles is a serious disease that causes a rash and fever. Measles is very contagious. It spreads when a person with measles breathes out, coughs, or sneezes. Anyone who is not vaccinated is much more likely to get measles if exposed. Measles can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children. In rare cases, it can be deadly.

Measles often begins with a high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. After 3-5 days, a rash usually begins on the face and spreads to other parts of the body. You can catch measles from an infected person as early as 4 days before they have a rash and for up to 4 days after the rash appears. You can get measles just by being in a room where a person with measles has been. The measles virus stays in the air for up to two hours after that person has left the room.

Call your doctor or clinic right away if you see symptoms. Your doctor or clinic will let you know if you need to come in for visit. Measles is very contagious and you could give it to someone in a waiting room. It’s important to tell your doctor or clinic that you have symptoms of measles before you go. They will give you instructions for what to do so that you don’t spread measles.

It’s important not to spread measles to others. Stay at home if you have measles. Don’t go to school, work, to the store, or other people’s homes. Don’t have visitors to your home if you or your child have a fever or rash.

The best way to protect your family from measles is to get vaccinated. Doctors recommend that all children get the MMR shot and adults should get one if they didn’t have it as a child. The MMR shot is safe and effective at preventing measles. It also protects against mumps and rubella. Getting the MMR vaccine is safer than getting measles.


El sarampión es una enfermedad grave que causa sarpullido y fiebre.

Esta enfermedad es muy contagiosa. Se propaga cuando alguien con esta enfermedad respira, tose o estornuda.

Cualquier persona que no esté vacunada es mucho más propensa a contagiarse de sarampión. El sarampión puede ser peligroso, especialmente para los bebés y niños pequeños. En casos poco comunes, puede ser mortal.

Por lo general, los primeros síntomas del sarampión son fiebre alta, tos, goteo nasal y ojos rojos y llorosos. Normalmente, después de 3 a 5 días, comienza a formarse sarpullido en la cara y se extiende hacia otras partes del cuerpo.

Una vez que aparecen los síntomas, el sarampión puede contagiarse a los demás. El período de contagio dura hasta que el sarpullido desaparece.

Usted puede contagiarse de sarampión tan solo estando en la misma habitación en la que ha estado una persona con sarampión. El virus del sarampión permanece en el aire hasta dos horas después de que la persona se haya ido de la habitación.

Si ve estos síntomas, llame a su médico o a la clínica de inmediato. El médico o el personal de la clínica le informarán si debe acudir para realizar una consulta.

El sarampión es muy contagioso, y puede contagiárselo a otras personas que estén en la sala de espera. Es importante que le informe al médico o al personal de la clínica que tiene síntomas de sarampión antes de ir. Ellos le darán instrucciones sobre lo que debe hacer para no contagiar esta enfermedad. Si tiene sarampión, quédese en casa. Es importante que no contagie de sarampión a otras personas. Si tiene esta enfermedad, quédese en casa. No vaya a la escuela, al trabajo, a la tienda o a la casa de otras personas. Si usted o su hijo tienen fiebre o sarpullido, no reciban a personas en su casa.

La mejor manera de proteger a su familia del sarampión es vacunándose.
Los médicos recomiendan que todos los niños reciban la vacuna MMR (vacuna triple viral). La vacuna MMR es segura y eficaz para prevenir el sarampión. También protege contra las paperas y la rubéola. Aplicarse la vacuna MMR es más seguro que contraer sarampión.


Корь -это серьёзное заболевание, которое вызывает сыпь и лихорадку. Корь очень заразна. Корь распространяется, когда больной человек выдыхает, кашляет или чихает.

Корью гораздо чаще заражаются те, кто не прошёл вакцинацию.

Корь может быть особенно опасной для младенцев и маленьких детей. Она может вызвать отёк головного мозга и инфекцию в лёгких. В редких случаях корь может привести к смертельному исходу.

Корь часто начинается с высокой температуры, кашля, насморка и красных слезящихся глаз. Через 3-5 дней обычно появляется сыпь на лице и начинает распространяться на другие части тела.

Вы можете начать заражать окружающих корью сразу же с момента появления симптомов. Вы заразны пока сыпь не исчезнет. Вы можете заразиться корью просто находясь в той же комнате, где присутствовал больной корью. Вирус кори остаётся в воздухе в течение двух часов после того, как больной корью покинул комнату.

Немедленно звоните своему врачу или в клинику, если у вас появились симптомы. Ваш врач или работники клиники сообщат вам, если вам будет нужно прийти на визит.

Корь очень заразна и вы не хотите заражать других, сидя в клинике в ожидании своего визита. Очень важно сообщить доктору или в клинику, что у вас есть симптомы кори до того, как вы пойдёте. Вас проинструктируют, что нужно сделать, чтобы вы не распространяли корь. Оставайтесь дома, если у вас корь Это важно– не заражать корью других.

Оставайтесь дома, если вы заболели корью. Не ходите в школу, на работу, в магазин или в гости. Не приглашайте к себе в дом посетителей, если у вас или вашего ребёнка высокая температура или сыпь.

ВАКЦИНАЦИЯ– ЭТО ЛУЧШИЙ СПОСОБ ЗАЩИТИТЬ СВОЮ СЕМЬЮ. Прививка ЭМЭМАР/MMR безопасна и очень эффективна для предотвращении кори. Она также защищает от свинки и от краснухи. Врачи рекомендуют всем детям получить прививку MMR. Сделать вакцину MMR безопаснее, чем заболеть корью.


How has alcohol affected yourself or others around you?

Share your story with us!

If you have one you’re comfortable sharing, let us know! You can submit it through the link below, send us a direct message or email us at [email protected].


¿Cómo ha afectado el alcohol a la gente a tu alrededor y a ti personalmente?

¡Cuéntenos tu historia!

Todos tenemos historias relacionadas con el alcohol. Si tienes alguna que quieras compartir, ¡comunícate con nosotros! Puedes enviarla por medio del siguiente enlace, envíanos un mensaje directo o al correo [email protected].


The Oregon Health Authority has issued a Recreation Advisory for the North Santiam River, Big Cliff Reservoir, and the Detroit Reservoir due to harmful algal blooms. More information can also be found at City of Salem.

Health Advisory Information:
Symptoms – Symptoms for cyanotoxin exposure may be similar to food poisoning such as stomach cramping, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Symptoms may also be more serious, such as numbness, tingling, dizziness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms may require medical attention.

Drinking water – Salem’s drinking water remains safe to drink. Drinking water directly from areas of the river and reservoirs affected by a bloom is dangerous. Toxins cannot be removed by boiling, filtering, or treating water with camping-style filters.

Recreation – People should avoid swimming and high-speed water activities, such as water skiing or power boating, in areas of the river and reservoirs where blooms are present, as the major route of exposure is ingestion of water. Fish caught from areas where cyanobacteria blooms are present may pose unknown health risks, so OHA recommends not eating fish from those areas.

Children and pets – Children and pets are at increased risk for exposure because of their size and level of activity. Dogs can become ill and die from water intoxication after drinking excessive amounts of water while swimming or fetching objects for long periods of time. Seek veterinary treatment immediately if dogs exhibit symptoms after exposure.

The Health Authority has issued a Recreation Advisory for the North Santiam River, Big Cliff Reservoir, and the Detroit Reservoir.

The Geren Island Water Treatment Facility continues to ensure Salem's drinking water is safe from cyanotoxins. Recent tests confirm non-detectable toxin levels in the treated water supply for Salem customers, despite the advisory for nearby recreational waters.

Salem's water remains safe to drink. Stay informed on water quality at

Learn more at:

Read the OHA Advisory:

Marion and Polk County Community Health Survey (2024) 07/17/2024

Your voice matters in shaping the future of our community's health & well-being! Take this short Community Health Survey to share what you want and need to be healthy. Let's make our community healthier, together!

Marion and Polk County Community Health Survey (2024) We need your help to learn more about the health of the community.

Marion and Polk County Community Health Survey (2024) 07/17/2024

¡Su voz es importante para dar forma al futuro de la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad! Realice esta breve encuesta de salud comunitaria para compartir lo que quiere y necesita para estar saludable. ¡Hagamos nuestra comunidad más saludable, juntos!

Marion and Polk County Community Health Survey (2024) We need your help to learn more about the health of the community.

Marion and Polk County Community Health Survey (2024) 07/17/2024

Ваш голос важен для формирования будущего здоровья и благополучия нашего сообщества! Пройдите короткий опрос о состоянии общественного здравоохранения и расскажите, чего вы хотите и что вам нужно для поддержания здоровья.. Давайте вместе сделаем наше сообщество здоровее!

Marion and Polk County Community Health Survey (2024) We need your help to learn more about the health of the community.


En Oregon las viviendas manejadas por la Oregon Housing and Community Services
deben estar libres de humo.

Si alguien cercano en donde vives fuma, y el humo te está haciendo daño, busca
ayuda. Contacta al coordinador local del programa de prevención y educación sobre
el tabaco que trabaja en tu condado o tribu.


Important information from our friends at Marion County Emergency Management and the US National Weather Service Portland Oregon.

UPDATE 1:45 P.M.: Red Flag Warning issued for 5 p.m. today to 8 a.m. tomorrow.

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the Portland/Salem area due to possible thunderstorms and critically-dry wildfire fuels.

The warning is in effect from 5 p.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m. Wednesday for areas including the Northern and Central Willamette Valley and the Northern Cascade Foothills.

The Weather Service predicts a 20 percent likelihood of “isolated to scattered thunderstorms” on Tuesday night, with probability reaching 30 percent Wednesday morning.

Strong winds are also possible, with a 10 percent chance of gusts reaching 50 mph Tuesday evening.


‘Critical’ wildfire risks Tuesday and Wednesday

The local area is under a Fire Weather Watch from Tuesday afternoon and into Wednesday evening, with a 20-percent chance for thunderstorms amid hot and dry conditions.

According to the National Weather Service, vegetation in the area has become “critically dry” and lightning could possibly cause “numerous fire starts.” If thunderstorms also bring high winds, this could result in “erratic fire spread,” said the weather service.

Residents are advised to listen for possible red flag warnings. For current updates, go to


Temperatures are expected to soar today! If you need a place to cool off, both Salem Public Library locations are open. The main branch (585 Liberty Street SE) is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the West Salem branch (395 Glen Creek Rd) is open today from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The Kroc Center (1865 Bill Frey Drive NE) welcomes people to use "The Hub" - a free community room where anyone can escape the heat. The room features movies, cold drinks, and activities for all ages. The Hub is open today from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Salem area splash pads are popular and free! Scan the QR code in the graphic for a list of locations or visit The City of Salem's website at (shortened link:


It’s true. Men have a high risk of getting and spreading gonorrhea.

In fact, in 2023, there were 95 new gonorrhea infections per 100,000 male identifying persons living in Marion County.

It is important to get tested and treated early. Visit and see where you can get tested.


Es verdad. Los hombres tienen un alto riesgo de contraer y transmitir la gonorrea.

De hecho, en 2023, hubo 95 nuevas infecciones por gonorrea por cada 100.000 hombres identificados que vivían en el condado de Marion.

Es importante hacerse la prueba y recibir tratamiento lo más pronto posible. Visite la página web y vea dónde puede hacerse la prueba.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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STD Testing is Available
STD Testing
5 things to know about STDs!1. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are very common.2. STDs often show no symptoms. Many...
5 Cosas Para Saber Sobre Las ETS1. Las Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual. ETS son my comunes.2. Generalmente las ETS no...
If you are an OHP (Oregon Health Plan) member with a health condition that makes extreme heat events challenging or dang...
Cooling Center Locations
Cooling Center Locations
As the weather in Oregon warms up, remember to hydrate with non-alcoholic drinks! Alcohol can increase your dehydration ...
Ahora que el clima de Oregon se vuelve más cálido, ¡recuerda rehidratarte con bebidas sin alcohol! El alcohol puede aume...
Como otras muchas ETS, A menudo el VIH no presenta síntomas. ¡Pide hacerte la prueba! El 27 de junio Día Nacional de la ...
Like many other STDs, HIV often shows no symptoms. Today is National HIV Testing Day, so why not get tested? For a list ...
¿Sabías que las muertes por enfermedades hepáticas relacionadas con el alcohol están aumentando? Este aumento es especia...



3160 Center Street NE
Salem, OR

Other Government Organizations in Salem (show all)
Oregon State Parks Oregon State Parks
725 Summer Street NE, Ste C
Salem, 97301

Parks are reminders of things that make Oregon great and a testament to what we collectively value.

Oregon Senate Republicans Oregon Senate Republicans
900 Court St NE, S-323
Salem, 97301

Official feed of the Oregon Senate Republican Caucus. You deserve a better and balanced Oregon.

Oregon Cultural Trust Oregon Cultural Trust
775 Summer Street NE
Salem, 97301

The Oregon Cultural Trust funds Oregon's cultural nonprofits through the Cultural Tax Credit.

Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs
700 Summer Street NE
Salem, 97301

Serving Oregon veterans since 1945.

City of Salem Parks Volunteers City of Salem Parks Volunteers
1460 20th Street SE, Bldg 14
Salem, 97302

Volunteering in Salem's parks and open spaces is an opportunity for citizens to make a difference

Oregon College Savings Plan Oregon College Savings Plan

Sharing Oregon College Savings Plan news, promotions, and information on college savings.

Oregon National Guard Command Senior Enlisted Leader Oregon National Guard Command Senior Enlisted Leader

The Command Senior Enlisted Leader is the senior NCO for The Adjutant General of Oregon.

Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Oregon Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Oregon
500 Summer Street NE
Salem, 97301

¡Bienvenido! Encontrará aquí información sobre nuestros recursos y servicios para la comunidad

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians - Salem Area Office Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians - Salem Area Office
3160 Blossom Drive NE, Suite 105
Salem, 97305

The Salem Area Office (SAO) page provides tribal members and households information about local community events happening in our area. Official CTSI Page

821st Troop Command Detachment 821st Troop Command Detachment
Salem, 97381

821st Troop Command Anderson Readiness Center

WorkSource Salem, Woodburn & Dallas WorkSource Salem, Woodburn & Dallas
605 Cottage Street NE
Salem, 97301

This is a moderated page please ensure to read our comments policy below. WorkSource offers priority of services to covered service members...

Paid Leave Oregon Paid Leave Oregon

Family Leave. Medical Leave. Safe Leave. Take time off for care.