The Diet Doc San Angelo

The Diet Doc San Angelo

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If you've struggled with losing weight and dieted your way toward a sluggish metabolism. The Diet Do

The Diet Doc San Angelo, Tx is the permanent weight loss solution. We give you all the tools to succeed and become your own best nutritionist. From the psychology to the physiology of your metabolism to put you in the best position for optimal fat loss. Through science and support, the diet doc is an easy, step by step, approach to a new stronger version of yourself. We empower you through nutriti


Reviewing how your week went can help change your perspective to increase your chances of success.

It’s not always about the big wins. The smallest wins stack up and make a big difference when going after your goals.

It’s important to keep building momentum and don’t think about everything that you didn’t do but what you did complete or accomplish successfully.


Overcoming Failure

Lately, I have been talking more about the importance of failure, so I want to give you some practical advice to help you overcome failure.

Failure is a crippler of accomplishing your goals. Fear of failure stopped me from taking charge of the dreams I wanted to achieve for the longest time.

I would negotiate with myself, and before I knew it, I talked myself out of taking action.

The bad part about it is that it was hard to commit 100% to my task when I finally took action because failure was present in the back of my mind.

I encountered failure throughout my life, but who hasn't. Disappointment made me not try because I didn't want to experience that failure. However, failure is good, and you can make tremendous progress in all areas of your life.

How does this relate to your fitness goals?

It's common

-Go on a diet, lose weight, and slip up.
-Start a training plan to miss days.
-To lose 'motivation'.
-Hit a plateau in nutrition & training.

You feel like you failed and gave up.

Here is how you can overcome failure.

1. Understand that failure is part of the process.
2. Understand that it's ok to feel the emotion you are experiencing, but move on.
3. Evaluate your plan and make adjustments.

I'd hate for a minor setback to stop you from the transformation you want and getting the most out of life.

I help men transform to maximize their life's potential without crazy hours in the gym.


Learn the basics

You have to understand the basics to make changes. What do I mean?

Every day I consult with people who say the following.

"I just don't know what to eat to lose weight."

"I want to know what works best for me so I can lose weight."

"I don't know what to do when I walk in the gym."

"I don't want to hurt myself in the gym."

"I want to learn how to keep the weight off."

"I want the best training program to help me get the results I want."

What do all these statements have in common?

These statements involve learning. You will have to understand the basics to make the changes you want. You are very good at following a short-term plan and getting results, but I know you want this time to be the very last time you have to make a complete overhaul to your health.

The basics of nutrition and strength training will take you extremely far. I know you want to get results now, but trust me, it's all worth it when you have success and maintain the success years on end.

Until I learned about calorie counting and the basics numbers for fat loss, I would consistently lose and regain weight over and over again. It left me wondering why things happened the way they did, but when you understand the basics, you will have an answer for almost all questions.

Think about your weekend that ruins your progress. What happened? In the week, you were on track to lose 2lbs, which equals roughly a 7000 calorie deficit. The weekend comes and you splurge with an extra 2500, 3000, and 2000 calories Fri, Sat, and Sun. Your 7000 calorie deficit is wiped out, and you see a gain in weight.

You are fed up and give up. I want to help you understand, so you can lose weight, but also keep it off.

I help people transform their life's to maximize their potential through nutrition and strength training without the crazy hours in the gym.

Click below to schedule your free evaluation.


Carbohydrates. The secret to your fat loss and performance

Carbohydrates get a bad rap. Carbohydrates are to blame for weight gain.
However, this couldn't be far from the truth.

Earlier this week, I posted about the basics of fat loss, and if you remember the term calorie surplus, this is the leading cause for your weight gain.

Carbohydrates have several benefits, and here are a few.

-Quickest fuel source for the body for high-intensity training.

-Help replenish muscle glycogen (the body's stored form of carbs).

-Muscle sparing maintaining more muscle mass is beneficial to your metabolism.

-Helps you maintain more challenging training sessions. Burn more calories in your workouts, so you don't always have to rely on extra cardio or eat less to lose weight.

-Help manage hunger. Eating carbs give you a sense of satisfaction, and if you eat slower, digesting carbs that can help maintain blood sugar.

-Maintain a higher level of sports performance. If you are an athlete, you will benefit from a higher carbohydrate approach. Am I sure you have heard of carbing up?

Low carbohydrates have their place, but I like to use a higher carbohydrate approach for my nutrition clients. Now, everyone is not the same, but most clients eat way more carbs than they ever have when dieting. Why?

You need them, which does not mean cookies, cake, and ice cream. However, if you get good enough with your nutrition, you can add those types of food daily, but this takes time.

Low carb approaches work fast, but you have always rebounded and gained way more weight than you lost. This is the problem, and if you remember how you felt following a low-carb diet.

-Low energy
-Crazy cravings
-Workouts suffering
-Harder to focus

And this just names a few things you experienced. I'm not an anti-low carb person, but we use low carb approaches when they are appropriate, and If your goal is to lose weight improve performance in the gym or a sport, you may reconsider your nutrition approach.

I help people transform to maximize their life's potential with strength training and nutrition without crazy hours in the gym.

Click below if you are having a hard time finding your nutrition approach.


Who do you want to be?

This was a tricky question for me to answer. Why?

You have to take time to sit down and evaluate your life, your actions, where you are headed, and what you want to do with your life.

These are questions that you may be able to answer right away. I find that my clients initially have not given this question much thought, so we are in the same boat, which is ok.

Here are a few tips that have helped me clarify who I want to be.

1)Set goals. Setting goals can help you understand what passions you have.

2)Review those goals and break them down into individual steps. The smaller the action steps, the increased chances for success.

3) Look at what you value the most.

4) Is there a person you admire doing something similar to your goals or have qualities that you respect?

If you currently are someone who is

-Inconsistent with their daily activities
-Don't follow through with what you say
-Give up easily
-Have self-doubt
-Fear of taking the next step

You can use the above tips to help you get past this, and I encourage you to look for examples of who you want to become.

If they can do it, so can you.

So who do you want to be?


Progress takes time

It took you several years to gain the unwanted weight, so you shouldn't expect it to come off in a month.

You have years and years of habit development in favor of your current body.

Poor sleeping habits
Lack of exercise
Eating fast food regularly
Sugary beverages
Use quick fixes that don't work.
Starting and stopping your journey
You created a mindset that works against you

The truth is it could take several years to achieve the results you want.

I'm not talking about fat loss. The fat loss will come first, but what will take the longest is developing the habits needed to sustain your new lifestyle.

The new you want to feel more.

-Weight Loss

And all these areas affect your ability to improve your life.

I encourage you to

-Start now, no matter how big or small your steps are.
-Seek help if you are not sure where to start.
-Understand that it will take time to learn and improve your process.

Schedule your free consultation below if you have any questions and need maximum accountability with a results-driven plan.


2 Ways To Achieve A Calorie Deficit

1) Reduce portion size from your current meals
2) Add exercise to your daily routine

Reducing your portions doesn't have to be rocket science. If you eat 3x per day, make each meal a little smaller instead of making drastic cuts to your diet.

Don't eliminate food groups.

If you are not exercising already, adding an extra 2-3 strength training sessions per week will help tremendously. You will build more muscle, lose more body fat, and lose inches.

If you want to literally get in better shape literally, strength training is where it is at.

I want to help you create a game plan to achieve your fat loss goals. Click below to schedule your FREE Coaching call.


Check this out.

Do you have to count your calories to lose weight?

The answer is no, but it depends on the person.

You can lose weight by substituting the foods you currently include in your nutrition.

When I started my first diet and lost 88lbs in a year, I didn't count calories.

So what did I do?

1) I switched from 3 large meals to 5 smaller meals
2) I replaced fast food with grilled options
3) I replaced sodas with diet alternatives
4) I continued my regular exercise program.

You should notice weight loss with the following strategies, but here are common problems that I have seen when trying to eat healthier.

1) The more frequent meals total more calories per day.
2) The healthier options are overeaten
3) Exercise is overdone, causing you to binge
4) Too much restriction, which causes more binging.

I like to count calories to see what you are consuming and put a number to it. Using terms like,

-I don't eat too often
-I don't eat too much
-I hardly eat
-I only eat once a day

It doesn't give you any real information on what you are doing wrong. By evaluating your current habits, you can make changes to help you get the results you want.

Are you tired of not losing the weight you want? I want to help you develop a strategy for success. Click below to schedule your free evaluation.


Do you have to count your calories to lose weight?

The answer is no, but it depends on the person.

You can lose weight by substituting the foods you currently include in your nutrition.

When I started my first diet and lost 88lbs in a year, I didn't count calories.

So what did I do?

1) I switched from 3 large meals to 5 smaller meals
2) I replaced fast food with grilled options
3) I replaced sodas with diet alternatives
4) I continued my regular exercise program.

You should notice weight loss with the following strategies, but here are common problems that I have seen when trying to eat healthier.

1) The more frequent meals total more calories per day.
2) The healthier options are overeaten
3) Exercise is overdone, causing you to binge
4) Too much restriction, which causes more binging.

I like to count calories to see what you are consuming and put a number to it. Using terms like,

-I don't eat too often
-I don't eat too much
-I hardly eat
-I only eat once a day

It doesn't give you any real information on what you are doing wrong. By evaluating your current habits, you can make changes to help you get the results you want.

Are you tired of not losing the weight you want? I want to help you develop a strategy for success. Click below to schedule your free evaluation.


I want to lose weight.

You have said this many times, and it's a good goal to go after. You want to look and feel better while improving your health.

During my consults, I talk about individuals' goals, and losing weight is at the top of the list.

There is more to that. Most people haven't considered what that goal looks like or the effort required to achieve it.

Is it impossible? No, but it does make it more challenging when you don't know what you want.

Think about deciding what to eat when you can't decide on a place to go. It takes more time to look up restaurants' reviews and list restaurants you may want to go to.

How can you prevent this problem?

1) Be more descriptive with your goal. I want to lose weight is too general.

2) There is a why behind your goal selection. It is not just because you want to. You have to ask these questions and answer them honestly.

A few reasons why you may not want to set a goal are

1) You are scared of failing
2)You have the mindset that if you don't try, you don't fail. This mindset stops you from even attempting.

A vague goal leaves more room for failure. You don't have a clear path to follow.

Do you know you want to lose weight but don't know where to start? Let me help keep you accountable with a winning nutrition and training strategy.

Click below to set up your free coaching call.


Get Your Head In The Game

As the fitness industry increases, you have more options available to help you reach all your goals.

Do you feel like you need specific equipment or amenities to reach your goals?

Now, I enjoy my fair share of badass equipment, but do you need all of that?

I will tell you what you do need.

You need

-To take the first step.
-To know you will achieve your goal but don't know how yet.
-To reach out for help.

You want to achieve the body you always dreamed of, but you are painting a picture in your mind, making you feel like you need more than you do.

You can have all the best tools in the world, but if your mind isn't in the game, you will not use these tools to your advantage.

You can think of a person you know that has access to better resources than you, but they don't use them.

This is what I mean. You have access to better resources than you did 10 years ago, but you choose not to use them.

Get focused, Get a Plan, and Execute

I help people transform to maximize their lives through nutrition and strength training.

Click below to schedule your FREE evaluation.


5 Reasons why weekly cheat meals don't work for you.

1. Your body fat percentage is high.

2. The amount of calories you burn daily isn't enough to minimize fat gain.

3. You may already be bulking and not know it because of improper calorie tracking procedure.

4. The person you may be copying isn't telling you that they eat 500-1000 calories less daily to allow a once-a-week cheat meal/day.

5. You aren't tracking calories at all, but you treat yourself once a week because you are eating better.

Weekly cheat meals could be one of the reasons you are failing to see progress in the gym. It's time to evaluation your nutrition strategy.

Do you use cheat meals as part of your nutrition strategy?

If you are having difficulty sticking to your nutrition plan and tired of losing the same weight repeatedly, click the link below to book your consultation today.


Negative Thoughts

Around this time, it's very easy to regress to our old eating and lack of exercise habits. It's the holidays, and you deserve a break.

However, your need to relax puts you into a situation where you are desperate to take back your health.

I know you have had a few negative thoughts that make it seem impossible to get through the holidays and be successful.

Everyone is already looking towards 2022, and that's ok. It's essential to set goals, but you are using 2022 as an excuse not to do what is necessary for the last bits of 2021.

-Not Smart Enough

These thoughts and so many more run through your head and you freeze. You put off what you want most and say, " I'll start tomorrow. or I'll start on Monday." You say you don't have time, but you are using the very time you hold dear to you when you put things off.

Tomorrow never comes, and Monday never gets here, and look at you, 2022 is now your next scapegoat.

Don't let your negative thoughts dictate the outcome of your goals.

Do this
1) Set a clear goal
2) Break down your goal into bigger steps
3) Break down your bigger steps into smaller ones.

This process allows you to attack your goals one step at a time.

A better mindset and a better approach to your fitness will = colossal progress.

Ready for that step?

Click below to click the schedule your free consultation call today.


Work For It

Excuses are when you overlook a slight offense or make a justification because of circumstance.

" My genetics suck."

"My metabolism is slow."

"I have to work harder to get the same results."

"I don't know what to do."

"Everything is easier for everyone else."

The list can go on and on.

One fact does not change. You still have to put the work in and follow a process.

Your inputs (work) may look completely different to get the same output (results).

If your goal is fat loss, you shouldn't worry about eating 2000 calories to lose weight and your friend eats 3000 calories.

The end result is weight loss.

Sure it may not seem fair, but life isn't fair.

I can tell you that you will experience

-Sense of accomplishment
-Improved confidence
-Increased self-efficacy

From accomplishing your goals, I want you to think of a time when there was an extremely challenging task that felt like it took forever to finish, but it felt great when you did.

What was the task?

Are you unsure what steps you need to take to accomplish your fitness goals?

It's ok. I help people transform to maximize their life's potential through fitness and nutrition.

To take the next step. Click below to schedule your FREE fitness consultation.


Pain and Suffering

You feel the pain of

-Hating your reflection
-Unhappy with how you look in clothes
-Lacking confidence

We all go through these emotions at some point in our lives. Redirecting the pain and suffering can fuel you to achieve your goals.

What do I mean?

Currently, you are suffering from any of those emotions, and you are thinking about how gruesome it is to change. Taking action will help your mind and body to improve all areas of your life.

You are experiencing discomfort either way, so why not get a reward from it.

The pain and suffering from

-1st week of soreness from your training
-Learning a new skill
-Creating new habits
-Forgiveness when you mess up
-Following a plan with SMART goals.

If you continue with those, you will come out on top. You will lose weight, learn better nutrition habits, build muscle, strength, and confidence.

Your mindset improves your life and your body.

"Pain and suffering are the soil of strength and courage."
Lurlene McDaniel

I help people transform to maximize their life's potential through fitness and nutrition.

Click below to schedule your FREE consultation.


The Transformation

Transforming your body in three months is awesome. You can put in a lot of work, learn a lot, and achieve the goals you set out for yourself.

In three months, it is not out of the question to lose 30lbs.

30lbs is enough to make a huge difference. You will

-Feel more confident
-Feel energized
-Feel healthier
-Lose alot of inches
-You'll look better in close
-Your friends and family will notice
-Feel excited about your accomplishments

So what do you do next?

That's is a great question, and you have come across this situation.

Remember when you lost all the weight you wanted to regain it all back?

You were frustrated, angry, and confused. What do you think went wrong?

The last three months focused on losing weight, but you didn't think of your maintenance plan.

You didn't think about maintaining your progress. The truth is that it takes more than three months to develop these long-term habits.

This is why total transformations can take a year. It's not that you need a whole year to lose weight, but it takes all that time to learn to practice your new lifestyle.

It's not uncommon to have the additional accountability and support to get you to the point of a total lifestyle change.

Remember, it took several months and possibly years to get so out of shape that you are in a great position if it only took a year.

Don't fall to a 3 and out. 3 Months of progress then you revert to your previous self.

I help people transform to maximize their life's potential through fitness and nutrition.

Click below to schedule your FREE consultation.



5 Key Components To The Best Diet

There are several diets out there, and you don't know which one to choose, so you go with what everyone is doing.

It doesn't work for you. Go figure. It seems like you have tried everything and nothing works for you.

Well, here are 5 things you should look for when you are dieting

1) Did your diet help raise awareness and attention?

2) Did your diet help you focus on food quality?

3) Did it help you control appetite and food intake?

4) Was it well balanced? Did it help eliminate nutrient deficiencies?

5) Did your diet promote exercise? When you eat well, you feel good, so you start thinking about exercise.

There is not a 'best' diet, but your daily nutrition should cover these 5 areas. You usually succeed in the short term, but not so much for the long haul, and that is where you missed the mark.

Do you need help putting together a successful nutrition strategy to meet your goals?

Click below to set up your free evaluation.


3 factors preventing your progress

I can bet money that if you are going to the gym, you are looking for progress.

Progress can look like

-Weight loss

-Improved blood pressure

-Muscle gain

-Fat loss

-Improved mental clarity

-Improved mental health

-Increased strength

-Playing with your kids

-More confidence in your clothes

So why are you still not seeing progress?

Here are 3 factors affecting your progress

1) Your mindset. You have not found your why. Why do you want to achieve goals xyz?

2) Your goal-setting abilities. Are your goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and on a timetable)?

3) Lack of accountability. When you don't follow through, who is there to check-in? You do what you are supposed to do when you meet up with someone, have check-ins, or call you out when you don't do what you said you wanted to do.

Don't let 2021 slip away from you. Start NOW and get after your goals.

I help people maximize their life's potential through nutrition & training.

Click the link below to schedule your FREE evaluation.


It's all you

The idea of something being your fault is hard to comprehend.

Not achieving your goals is hard. The fear of failure is scary, and it's easy for us to blame someone else.

I have done this. My life improved when I realized that it was my fault. If it's my fault, then I have the power to change it.

You are responsible for

-Your health
-Your finances
-Your relationship
-Your life

It's ok to ask for help, but you cannot expect the person to do the work you need to do.

I have worked with many individuals, and the people who experience the transformation they want have taken responsibility.

You have to take it personally.

The process looks different for everyone, and that is what using a professional will help you find.

However, the change you seek starts with you.

The end of 2021 is coming, and so are the holidays.

Don't use the holidays as an excuse to change your life. Let's make a change.

I help people maximize their life's potential through training & nutrition.

Click below to schedule your FREE consultation.



According to, metabolic health is defined as having ideal blood sugar levels, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference without using medications. These factors directly relate to a person's risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

You want to take a pill for that. The great thing about your metabolic health is that exercise, and good nutrition can drastically improve your metabolic health in most instances.

You look for

-Foods that help with fat loss and blood sugar.

-Supplements that burn fat

-Supplements that give you energy

-Supplements to help build muscle

And the list goes on for things we can add to our current diet that will allow you to enjoy all the food you love.

What if I told you there was a way to enjoy the food you like and still lose weight?

Well, it's true. I help individuals implement a flexible dieting strategy that allows them to eat food they love and achieve their goals.

I won't lie. It takes some work, but hell, that is true with anything you do that is new. It's common for people to pick it flexible dieting right away and wonder why they haven't started this program sooner.

Are you ready to radically transform and maximize your life's potential through fitness?

Click the link below to schedule your FREE evaluation.


Itinerary for life.

Why is it that for your vacation, you create an itinerary?

You want the most out of your vacation and for it to be fun-filled. I get this because you probably have spent a lot of money making it happen and want to create memories.

I'm with you here. It's important.

So let me ask you a question.

Why do you hesitate so much to create an itinerary for your life?

Having your day, weeks, month, and year planned seems like so much work.

Trust me I get it. I used to think that spending a few mins to plan my day only took away from the time I had to work on tasks that I needed to get done, but I was wrong.

Planning allowed me to get more done. A plan increased my focus and when I would lose focus I could look over my daily todo's and get right back on track.

You apply that same concept to your week and month.

How can you start? Try this

1. Once a month, take an hour out of your day to plan. What do you want to accomplish for the month? What steps do you need to take to get to your goals? From start to finish, get this done.

2. From the steps above, identify what tasks need to be done to get those steps accomplished. This is what you can include in your daily steps.

3. Write 3-5 things you are grateful for.

4. Write down what you learned from the day.

You want to get the most out of your life, so you have to create a plan so you can do so. Waiting for your best life to happen will keep you waiting and disappointed.

One of the reasons I enjoy nutrition & training is that I can control most of the variables and depend on my ex*****on.

I help people radically transform their lives through fitness by unleashing their inner competitor.

Ready to get strong in 2021 and start 2022 even stronger?

Click the link below to schedule your FREE evaluation.

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1705 N Chadbourne
San Angelo, TX