Tim Wang, Legal Document Assistant

Providing fast, affordable, dependable legal services to self-represented litigants in Family Law.


Family Law
Divorce Petition (with disclosure forms)
Petition to Establish Paternity
Petition for Child Custody and Support
Summary Dissolution
Request for Order - Custody and Visitation
Request for Order - Child Support
Request for Order - Spousal Support
Request for Order - Miscellaneous Issues
Response to Divorce Petition
Response to R


Am supposed to be working hard on my weekly chores, but I thought of this cooking analogy and I have to share before I forget:

Forms are like the ingredients, everyone can use them. However, with these same ingredients... some cook like PF Chang, and some are just "Chang"s.

Speaking of cooking, and while on that subject... a little side story here, I miss my mom so much, so I would try to cook the food she used to cook. I clearly used the same ingredients just as she did, but... the food I cooked, while it looked like (-ish) hers (mainly because of the same ingredients...), but sure as heck didn't taste like the food she used to make... :( :( :(

So, not all the attorneys or legal professionals are the same, and NO, it is not just filling out some forms. There is an art to it. And a good "art" entails so so SO much: psychology, strategy, presentation, offensive and defensive awareness, and timing just to name a few important factors.





1. 沒錢。沒錢沒有關係,我自己常常也是手頭非常緊。我照樣會回答你的問題。可是如果你沒有這個錢、沒有辦法請我⋯就拜託請你不要空口說白話,說要聘用我。然後藉此讓我多花時間來回答你的問題,這不是一種正確的待人接物的處事方法。我個人從小就注重誠信,你既然說了確定要聘請我,我就會在某個程度上依賴你這筆收入。你臨時打退堂鼓,就會影響到我時間上和經濟上的安排。我也是普通人,我也有經濟上的責任,我也要過日子,我也有家要養⋯請大家互相體諒,好嗎?

2. 我不去法庭送文件。你即將要打官司了,你連去法庭交個文件都不敢、不願意、沒時間⋯那你以後出庭打官司是預備怎樣?讓法官去你家嗎?我全加州都在收案子,如果每個都去幫忙遞件的話,那我豈不是大部分時間都必須花在在路上?那還處理什麼案子?最重要一點,你即將要進入官司階段,你去法庭了解一下情況,有空的話去看看法官怎麼審理案子,對你是不是以後出庭可能會有一些幫助? 「交文件」就是很簡單直接的交文件。不用見法官。每一個步驟我都會寫出來給你。真的不懂有什麼好怕的?

3. 嫌我的費用高。我的費用的確會比普通的文書處理高。我在這一行已經做了27年。我在美國的法庭教美國的律師做美國的家庭法。光是這一點我的費用就不應該跟那些普通的文書處理公司相等。這些除外,最主要的原因是:我最大的功能是策劃整個案子,設計謀略。不是「填表」!不是做那些不用腦就可以做的事!更不是幫人跑腿。我幫你策劃案子主要的宗旨就是盡量讓你少花錢、少出庭。我不是律師,所以我不以小時收費。對我來講,你的案子拖再久,對我也沒有任何經濟上的好處。我這個人比較喜歡爽快處理事情,快刀斬亂麻,所以以我的個性就是希望能夠盡快把你的案子處理好,布局讓對方盡快妥協。請仔細想想⋯你去找律師,他們是以小時會收費的。你的案子拖越久,搞到越麻煩、越複雜,需要出庭的次數越多⋯他們是不是錢就賺得比較多?所以一分錢一分貨的道理請牢記。再者,我的費用雖然比普通的文書公司高,可是比起律師來還是低的。







1. 你他媽即將要打官司了,你連去法庭交個文件都不敢、懶⋯那你以後出庭打官司是預備怎樣?讓法官去你家嗎?

2. 老子我全加州都在收案子,如果每個都去幫忙遞件的話,那我乾脆不用回家了⋯ 住在車子裡好了。

3. 最白痴的是:請了解!我最大的功能是策劃整個案子,設計謀略。不是「填表」!不是做那些不用腦就可以做的事!更不是幫人跑腿。所以你為了「省事」,少跑一趟腿⋯隨便去找個人隨便幫你填填表⋯那我包準你以後出庭的機會多著了!

4. 我幫你策劃案子主要的宗旨就是盡量讓你少花錢、少出庭。你居然會因為懶得或不敢去法庭交件,隨便去找一個人?因小失大!以後出庭就讓那些律師慢慢榨乾你。狗咬呂洞賓⋯活該。



The Great Irony

Ever noticed that the more we care and love about something/someone (an item, a job, a situation, and most importantly, a person) the more we tend to become very possessive of them?

We tend to hold on so tightly because they are so important to us, to the point that we don't realize that we are really "suffocating" them and ourselves. We may become so obsessed with it, that we become more focused on fearing of losing them, then actually enjoying the time with them...

Soon, that becomes more of a burden to them and to us. And we are actually setting the situation up to drive them away, again, without us even realizing it.

This happened to my job before. I needed it so much, that the mere thought of losing it, became so terrifying for me, that I did everything I could to "prove my worth", and what happened was I became a "threat" for others, and I ended up losing the very thing I tried so hard to hold on to.

This also happens with people... most commonly with romantic partners and especially common with your kids. The more you cherish them -> the more you need them -> the more you become so "needy" towards them, that you grab on to them tighter and tighter -> you suffocate them -> them fed up with your neediness, and they leave you physically, emotionally, spiritually.

We need to learn to let things and people just “be”. Train ourselves to not have to depend on anything or anyone to survive, once we established our own grounds, then we can help others, and enjoy other’s company without getting disappointed (because we don’t need them for things, so our expectation of them becomes lower or non-existent. No expectation from others = little to no “conflict of interest”), or suffocating them (if we don’t need them, we don’t become “needy” with them, and they can come and go in our lives as they please, because it doesn’t affect us all that much, and they don’t feel we are tying them down, so they don’t need to try to break free from us).

The best way to hold onto something… ironically… is to learn to let go... give them space, give them freedom, give them free will.

What belongs to you, will stick with you. What doesn’t, no matter how hard to try to hold on to them, you’ll lose them.


When you procrastinate and wait for the other party to file for divorce, you are generally giving the control of the situation to someone that you are already having problems with… problems that are very personal… involving your children and assets.

You are also giving them time and incentive to plan things out… things that are/can be very damaging to you… such as moving money around, taking children away from you without notice.

If they have an attorney, and the attorney plays dirty tricks, you would be put in a very desperate situation, and people tend to take advantage of people in desperate situations instead of genuinely helping them.

So, when you go find an attorney in such a desperate situation, depending on your luck… you might very well be opening yourself up to be put in an even worse situation than you are already in. Except… 1. You’ll probably wouldn’t know because you’re not “legal savvy”; 2. You probably don’t have time to think about it because you’re in a desperate situation; 3. You probably don’t have a choice, even if you know because the other party might have taken all your money away; 4. You probably don’t have time to think about it because your response is about to be due… etc.

This is the society we live in now. This is the reality of this world.

Waiting for the other party to pull that trigger… is possibly the WORST “strategy” or lack thereof… you can use against yourself.

So, don’t procrastinate! Take care of things before they turn for the worse. Take control while you still have the opportunity of control.


Jeet Kune Do and Water: keys to solving problems in life

“The idea of intercepting is key to JKD, whether it be the interception of your opponent’s technique or his intent. The basic guiding principles are: Simplicity, Directness and Freedom (the form of no form).”

Bruce Lee was not only a great actor, a superior martial artist, but most importantly, an amazing philosopher.

In life, we are bound to run into people that would intend to do harm to us, whether physically, emotionally, financially, legally. It is part of reality, and we can’t really stop it from happening.

The philosophy behind Jeet Kune Do however, is when an attack against us happens, we anticipate the point and the path of the attack, then we use quick, simple, direct way to intercept the attack and minimize or prevent the potential damage.

In order to anticipate an attack, a thorough understanding of psychology is necessary. If you understand how a person think, then you can find a reason to their behavior and the purpose they’re trying to accomplish with their behavior. This works for physical attacks as well as attacks in life, whether it is legal, reputational, or people just being as****es.

If, and when you can see the purpose of somebody’s intended action against you, then you can figure out the path or the way they are likely to use for their attack.

If you can figure out the path of their attack then you can “cut them off” in the middle of their path.

Figuring out how they are going to attack is not enough. It is only half of the equation. The other half of the equation is how do you intercept them.

This goes to Bruce Lee’s other brilliant philosophical teaching: Be like water.

Water is shapeless and can turn into different forms. It has the power to support, but at the same time, destroy. It can give life, it can also take life. It is by its nature: limitless.

Knowledge is also limitless. It has the same exact qualities of water.

Therefore, it is important for us to learn and acquire as much knowledge as possible.

Ultimately though… knowledge is “useless” if you don’t have the creativity to use them wisely.

You can have the best set of tools and knowledge… but if you don’t know how to use them effectively, they are just there for “show”.

Therefore, allow yourself to be creative; think outside the box; to be limitless in your creative soul.

If you are willing to allow yourself to get on the path of becoming limitless, you will find that the problems that you encounter in life becomes a lot less burdensome. In fact, it can help you grow and learn more, and ultimately, help you improve yourself.

“Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful. Reject what is useless. Add what is essentially your own. “ – Bruce Lee

- It is scary and a great honor to figure out how much my own philosophy is similar to master Bruce Lee’s and how well they merge with each other.




























I woke up to a horrible looking popped blood vessel in my eye.

I did not sneeze, lift heavy stuff, or anything that may have physically cause it.

What I do have are stuffiness in my head, bad headache, and severe neck and shoulder pain for days.

So, I have to believe this was caused by stress.

I am going to have take a day off from the net and my computer after I send out a few emails to my current customers, so I can rest and calm my nerves before it gets worse.

I shall see you all online, I hope... tomorrow.


The Importance of the “why”

How many of you have been told or have told your kids or someone “just do it because I said so” or similar s**t like that?

How did you truly feel when someone tells you that?

Do you whole heartedly just do it willingly? OR… Do you go “F you, as soon as I don’t have to take your s**t, I will never do this s**t ever again!” ?

Humans, by nature, are rebellious. We crave freedom, we crave autonomy. We do not like to be told what to do by anyone… UNLESS, we can be convinced that doing such things are actually to our benefit.

That is where the “why” comes in.

As kids, we always ask “why”. S**t load of “whys”… which is probably a major reason why eventually, we were just told to “do it because I said so”.

But asking the “why” is our natural instinct to protect our own interest, and our innate urge to learn.

If we were brushed off and discouraged to learn, and just do what we are told, then we become thoughtless “robots”, “yes man”, unmotivated, sheep and cattle for people who can think to use and consume. We see a lot of those kind of people nowadays.

When I suggest someone to do something, especially in terms of legal matters, I always explain the “why”. It is important and respectful to help the person understand the logic, reason, benefit, and the necessity of doing such things, so it means something to them; so they can learn for themselves in the future.

We are supposed to help each other get better. As parents, as friends, as teachers, as a HUMAN BEING. We should see ourselves not as individuals, but as a collective group, and if the group is doing good, then we all doing good.

The “why” is an important factor to achieve that goal. People need to know why they are doing what they are asked/suggested to do, so they understand the concept behind it, and therefore, the value and necessity of what they are doing. That way, they can pass on that knowledge to others. The more we as humans are given that kind of positive knowledge, the less mistakes people as a whole make. The less mistake people make, the better the world we live in.

So, please, as frustrating as it can be… always try to have the wisdom and the patience to explain the “whys”. ESPECIALLY if you are a parent.


Just like kids are suppose to play, humans are suppose to make mistakes.

We are here to be tested, therefore, mistakes are necessary part of the learning course.

It is so we know where we need to improve.

As such... acknowledge and accept your mistakes. They are not there to “shame” you. They are made to help you better yourself.

Refusing to admit fault, refusing to acknowledge that you... just like anyone else, make mistakes, is to deny yourself the improvements you needed.


The Psychological States of a Minor Child in a Family with Strained Relationship

Any living being with a basic ability to process thoughts would not like to be living in a restrictive condition, where they don’t have autonomy, or may even be feeling… helpless.

In the US, until a child reached the age of 18, this is the condition they are in… or at least, they “feel” they are in.

Even in the most harmonious family, a child would always crave for “autonomy”, let alone a family with strained relationships.

In a family where one party (usually the male) is very controlling, if not, abusive in terms of mental, emotional, financial, and even physical abuse, and the other party (usually female, particularly Asians) reacts by keeping a low profile, if not, in a timid, and submissive manner… what a child in this type of family sees is: a violent, abusive, overpowering father; and a defenseless, inefficient, untrustworthy mother.

Children can process some complicated and emotional thoughts, but since they are still young and inexperienced in the world, their thoughts may be askew. This type of situation can easily trigger their “fight or flight” response.

FIGHT – Usually happens with an older child, one with more self-confidence, and strong personality. They would start going up against their father (or the abusive parent) and protect the weaker parent. But at the same time, if the weaker parent remains timid and submissive, the child could and most likely would start building some resentment and disrespect towards the weaker parent for not standing up for themselves. The child would feel a lot of stress and pressure, he/she would feel insecure in this type of condition, and cannot relax. He/she is supposed to be the “protected” but instead, feels an obligation to be the “protector” having to protect someone that is supposed to protect him against the other person who is also suppose to be a protector. A child under this kind of situation can’t wait to get out of the family and go on his/her own. Most likely would keep a very loose relationship with his/her parents, if any at all.

FLIGHT – Usually happens with children of younger age, or lacking self-confidence, with a shy, reclusive personality, and/or someone that has already emotional issues causing their thought process to be skewed.

1. The child is intimidated by the abusive father. They are seriously in need of the mother to protect them and provide some sense of security. BUT, if the mother herself is behaving like a powerless “victim”, then the child will become totally insecure. With this type of insecurity, there is great amount of pressure; and for a child with this type of personality, they start to become reclusive and holds everything in, because they can’t trust their abusive father; can’t trust their timid and defenseless mother who can’t even protect herself; too timid, shy, and untrusting towards anyone else to talk and release some of these pressure, so the pressure and stress builds up and they resort to very negative means to release their pressure, such as abuse small animals, bullying weaker kids, and if things gets serious enough, they form homicidal and suicidal thoughts.

2. The child is intimidated by the abusive father. However, in order to deal with this fear, they start to sympathize with the “strong and powerful”, and triggers the “Might is Right” justification. They start to abuse the weaker parent with the stronger parent. Not because they are on the stronger parent’s side, but to use the weaker parent as a “test subject” to test out their own power. By this point, they have lost their sympathy for the weaker parent, as well as any respect and trust for both parents. The only thing they respect is “power”, so eventually, they would do anything to have more power, money, authority, and have no respect for humanity. Eventually, they will lose their own humanity and become the worst type of abuser themselves.

I understand totally, the tremendous amount of pressures that we have to deal with as “adults”, especially when you have to fight and defend against someone that you supposedly can depend on. However, children are our responsibility. The highest priority level of responsibility. Since we decided to give birth to them, then we must handle the responsibility. We need to carefully monitor what they are thinking and make sure their thought process and development is on the right track.

We all watch the news and hear and read reports of how much crime and despicable human beings out there, making this world a freaking hell. Of course, these people have to be held responsible on their own for their decisions and stop blaming others, especially their parents for what they did… however, before they make these types of decisions, wouldn’t it still be their parents’ responsibility to make sure when they are still young that the type of horrible thoughts never should of cross their minds to begin with?

A child needs at least one person (preferably a parent) that can be a good role model for them. To show them what it means to be strong, courageous, righteous, ethical, and responsible; give them a sense of security. Let them know what is right and what is wrong, and WHY certain things are considered right and others wrong. So, in a family where the father failed or chooses not to be that person, then the mother should step up and be that person.

We should all remember that when we are kids, we actually know a lot more than what our adults thinks we do. We observe and we process things a lot more complex than what we were given credit for. The bad part about that is: we need proper guidance. I’ve recently wrote an article about how knowledge is like a weapon. It can be used to protect as well to hurt people, depending on how the person chooses to use the knowledge. Things that we learned when we were kids can be very harmful and damaging without proper guidance.

As adults, we need to stop telling ourselves that kids only think about having fun. Kids are very sensitive and alert, and they tend to learn by how they “feel”. So, we need to always take time to focus on their thought process, NO MATTER what we are going through.
For a parent that is dealing with abuse from the other parent. You need to start standing up not only for yourself, but for your child. Be that role model; give your child that sense of security.








小孩子開始懂思想可是心智並還沒成熟。看到這種狀況就自然而然會啟動所謂的「fight or flight」意識。

Fight - 通常年紀比較大一點,比較有個性、有自信心的小孩會選擇走這一條路。會開始頂撞父親,保護母親。但同時⋯心裡面也會不滿意母親的軟弱。時間久了這樣的小孩會想盡快地離開這個家。對母親如果還沒有失望到底的話,離開家以後會跟母親保持一個「關心」的關係。如果對母親的軟弱已經失望透頂的話,那就是跟父母雙方保持最基本、最輕、甚至沒有聯繫。

Flight - 通常年紀比較小,或者是心理成長已經有偏差,缺乏自信心,個性比較軟弱的小孩會走這條比較危險的路。以下幾種狀況:
1. 小孩面對父親的蠻橫會被嚇到。極度渴望和需要母親保護。可是如果母親也是以軟弱的態度面對的話⋯那小孩子會完全缺乏安全感。在缺乏這種安全感的時候壓力會倍增,所以小孩子通常會開始自閉。因為他覺得父親可怕、母親又沒有能力保護他,他也沒有自信心找別人去紓解這個壓力⋯他只能夠把所有的壓力困在自己的心中。這種壓力堆積久了⋯他需要紓解,就會開始凌虐小動物或比他弱的人。更嚴重一點的,會有想要殺人或自殺的傾向。

2. 小孩因為心裡極度的軟弱跟恐懼會開始用納粹黨的「might is right」心態來調節和平衡這種壓力。也就是「有能力者做的一切都是對的」。他們會開始跟著父親一起欺凌母親。他們會開始渴望「能力」,失去對弱小的同情心,失去親情,慢慢地⋯失去人性。他們從小耳濡目染加上心智還沒成熟導致對分析事情的曲解,會讓他們長成一個只渴望金錢和能力的心態。慢慢地會成為社會中的敗類。



所以⋯ 在一個關係緊張的家庭中,如果父親做不了或選擇不做這個「典範」的話,那母親就必須要站起來為了小孩做這個典範。





Less is More

“Quality over quantity”. Everyone’s heard of that idea. But how to put it into practice?

When I started to write a three-page article about how I play with my pups in excruciating detail… How many of y’all would read it… read it clearly… finishing reading it?

Judges are the same. While everything happened to you that led up to you filing this paperwork is very important to you (and justifiably so), to the judges (just an employee of the court… doing his/her same old boring job every freaking day for God knows how many hours…), it is just reading a bunch of stuff that happened to someone else that he/she really has no interest in. He reads it because he have to, definitely not because he “wants to”, and if you have ten pages of excruciating details, guess what, it’s not getting read carefully, if at all.

Keep it short, concise, to the point, and don’t involve anything else that does not have a direct/immediate impact to the “what and why” you are asking for.

If you feel like you need all that details to write your “masterpiece”… guess what… no one would know it is a “masterpiece” or not, if no one has the patience to read it.

We all do this. It’s just that we don’t think the same rule applies to us when we are the one that needs someone else’s attention and patience.

How many of y’all sit there, listening to some random woman you just met go on and on and on about how cute and smart her kid is, and you just wish you can slap her across the face and tell her: I DON”T GIVE A S**T!!

I don’t read any long messages. So, you write a long ass message, you don’t get my input. Same goes with other old farts that are impatient like me.

So… less is more. The less (concise and to the point) you write, the more information you get to really tell your reader. Because chances are, you haven’t lost their attention and patience yet.

(I will talk about this more later on)


Good morning to all. I am planning to be off from 12/26/22 - 01/02/23. Wish all a merry Christmas and a very happy, safe, and prosperous 2023.


A Sushi Chef started to chit chat with a customer sitting at the bar who happens to be an attorney.

Chef: So, what law do you practice?

Atty: I do family law.

Chef: Oh ok. Can I ask you a question about my contract dispute with the landlord?

Atty: Sure, as soon as you make me a Taco.

Chef: …



















最慘的是⋯當你對別人的利用價值失去的時候,那些人的嘴臉和會做出來的絕情事情,說出來那種絕情的話⋯ 可以自己回想一下,應該都有些經驗的。












如果碰到事情你都能夠正面思考,然後得到正面能量的話⋯ 那在適當時候,該走的時候就走。豈不也沒浪費這一生?












如果自己什麼都沒錯⋯那是否代表這個人應該是「完美」的?一個「完美」的人事物就不會有空間進步⋯ 沒有進步的空間和需要的話⋯ 那為什麼這些自以為完美的人還是這麼的不完美?



We are born with both good and evil side within. This is the law of the Universe. God/Devil, Black/White, Day/Night, Good/Evil.

The absolute law of the Universe is everything must be BALANCED. Because anything out of balance, problem arises, some… would have catastrophic consequences.

Humans play by the same rule.

We have to acknowledge both the good, and the evil within us, and we have to learn how to control and adjust, and keep it balanced.

As much as most people like to present themselves as kind, nice, full of moral and ethics… the bottom line is we cannot be “all good all the time”, because it is exhausting… it is fake; and the more and the harder we suppress our evil side, the higher it rebounds WHEN (not IF, because it will bust and rebound)we reach that breaking point and all hell breaks loose.

OF COURSE, we also cannot be “All evil all the time”. The longer we leave our evil side (mainly our weakness to the Seven Deadly Sins – they are very VERY VERY real and VERY VERY VERY powerful) uncontrolled, the more we are numb to it. The more we are numb to it, then it becomes “us”. We become “evil” itself, and we don’t even realize it… Or by that point, even if we realize it, we don’t care, some would even welcome it. Then, we become a threat to humanity.

The world as is right now is full of fake two-face people, and threats to humanity. Turn on the new… pay attention at work and look at some of the people you work with… they are all around us. WHY? Because people don’t want to; don’t know how: or some… the thought never even crossed their mind… to maintain a balance between the good and evil within themselves.

If anything goes wrong, it is always “someone else’s fault”; society has taught us to always be proud of ourselves no matter what kind of failure we really are. Taught us to always be ourselves and stick to what we believe, no matter how wrong, immoral, senseless our “belief” could be… When something goes wrong, people blame their parents, the society, friend, others, circumstances, luck, even God… it is never their fault, because they can NEVER be wrong. If you can “NEVER” be wrong, then… that means you are “perfect”. If you are “perfect”, then that means you have no need nor room for any improvements. So… why are you still so flawed?

It is important… if not, essential to our survival, to acknowledge that we are not perfect, and we make mistakes. Because only when you acknowledge that you make mistakes, THEN can you try to find the source of the mistake, and fix it, and improve yourself. This is how it works in doing legal work; this is how it works in life… or at least, it should be.

Something worth thinking about…


Things have been happening and now I have to handle some personal/family matter on Monday. Therefore, I will be unavailable until Tuesday. However, I have decided to reinstate Thursdays to my contact days starting next week, and I will update that when I am back to work.

I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.


I am going off grid until Monday, November 28, 2022. I will not be available for any and all communication until then. Wish you all a happy Thanksgiving in advance.

















I think we can all remember back when we were in school, the same teacher teaching the same exact course material to a group of students, some students would get good grades, some would struggle, and some would fail.

The reason is actually quite simple. We are all different. One set of method does not and cannot work with everyone. Just because we may have similar problems on the surface, there are actually countless underlying variables.

The same principle works with legal matters. On the surface, a marriage dissolution case all has the same issues: Divorce, custody, support issues, property and debt vision... etc. However, even though all cases are dealing with these issues, does not mean all situations are the same. Our personalities, how we handle things, what did us or the other party do, what actually happened, the person we hired to handle our cases, the judge, and the actual situations we are in are all variables that can yield very different results from case to case.

This is why I kept emphasizing the importance of psychology and strategies. If an attorney always uses the same set of rules that he/she has become so comfortable with to argue every case, then... just like the school situation I talked about at the beginning... some are going to be successful, and some are bound to fail. It kind of feels like a lot of this is left to... "Luck"?

It is no doubt that "luck" is a very important element in dealing with matters. BUT, a responsible person, a person who does not like to lose, HAVE TO keep the proportion depending on "luck" to the minimum and raise as much proportion that we can actually control to the maximum.

This is why psychology and strategies are so important; it increases the proportion that we can control.

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