Worldview Project

The Worldview Project promotes greater cross-cultural awareness, understanding and engagement.


Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”

Here are hints to help you guess the country:

- The country is home to the tallest mountain in Africa.

- Olduvai Gorge has human fossils from millions of years ago.

- This country has a unique species of tree-climbing lions.

- The shortest war in history took place here.

What is the country of the week? Comment Below!


Frankincense, a kind of resin, renowned for its exceptional quality and rich aroma, has been a prized commodity for centuries. Harvested from Boswellia trees that thrive in the harsh desert conditions of the Somali region in Northwest Africa, frankincense has been traded across the Red Sea and Arabian Peninsula for over 6000 years.

Known for its deep, complex, and earthy fragrance, the Somali frankincense is considered to be the finest in the world. It is widely used in producing incense, perfumes, and aromatherapy products. However, it is also used for its medicinal benefits, and is believed to be highly powerful for human psychology as it helps strengthen confidence, determination, and willpower.

Frankincense is sacred in Somali culture and is used in many aspects of life, including religious ceremonies, traditional healing practices, and daily rituals.

Want to learn more about this magical Somali product? Follow this link:

Do you know if any of the products you use contain Frankincense? Let us know in the comments below!


Today we honor International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples and recognize the estimated 476 million Indigenous Peoples live in 90 countries around the world who represent 5,000 different cultures. 🌟

🌲🌴Indigenous Peoples have been and continue to be the guardians of the biodiversity that remains in the world as their territories encompass 28% of the surface of the globe and contain 11% of the world’s forests. This includes the 200 groups of Indigenous Peoples who live in voluntary isolation, who live detached from the rest of the world sustaining off the land by gathering and hunting. 🌿🌱🌵

It is important to recognize the similarities and uniqueness of each of the many Indigenous Peoples across the globe. In recent years, it has been acknowledged that it is necessary to protect their rights and maintain their distinct cultures and way of life and there is now representation in global discussions. 🌏

To learn more visit:

Have you learned about Indigenous Peoples? Tell us about it in the comments.👇


🇸🇴 Discover the Rich History of Somali Art! 🇸🇴
Somalia's art history is as diverse and colorful as its landscape. From ancient rock art to contemporary paintings, Somali art embodies the spirit of its culture and mirrors its historical timeline.
The ancient rock art in Las Geel are a testament to Somalia's prehistoric inhabitants. These fascinating, millennia-old paintings depict a variety of subjects, from wild animals to humans, offering a glimpse into the life of our ancestors. 🏞️🖌️
Moving to the contemporary scene, there are many up-and-coming artists, including the renowned Adam Ali Duhul, whose work beautifully captures the essence of Somali life and landscapes. His paintings, often filled with vivid colors and emotive scenes, tell stories of resilience, identity, and hope. 🎨🌇
The art of Somalia is a diverse tapestry woven with threads of history, tradition, and contemporary experiences. It is a testament to the resilience, creativity, and spirit of the Somali people.
Intrigued to learn more? Visit the National Museum of Somalia: National Museum of Somalia 👇 🇸🇴 🎨 🌍


🇸🇴 Ready to Explore Somali Food? 🇸🇴
These 3 must-try dishes will transport you straight to the heart of Somalia, starting with breakfast and ending with a sweet delight.
Kickstart your day with Canjeero! 🥞 These scrumptious, crepe-like pancakes drizzled with honey 🍯 or paired with a savory side are a breakfast delight in Somalia!
For a hearty lunch or dinner, dive into Sabaayad, a flaky flatbread, served with Suqaar, a spicy beef stew 🥩🍛. The amalgamation of aromatic spices and wholesome ingredients creates a meal that is truly satisfying!
Need to sweeten your taste buds? Xalwo is a must! This jelly-like dessert, made with sugar, ghee, and aromatic spices like cardamom, is a perfect end to a Somali meal! 🍮🎉
But it's not just about the food, it's about the culture. 🏳️‍🌈 The tradition of sharing meals, the importance of hospitality 🤗, and the communal style of dining reflect the warm and welcoming spirit of Somalia.
Ready to try Somali food? Check out this local restaurant featuring the many flavors of Somalia: Farida's Somali Cuisine.
What are you most excited to try? Let us know in the comments!
🇸🇴 🍽️ 🌍


For Somalis 🇸🇴, camels are more than just livestock; they are an integral part of their identity and a vital source of their livelihood. People depend on camels for its milk, meat, and transportation. They are also culturally significant, often symbolizing wealth and status.

Somali camels are renowned for their resilience and adaptability to the harsh desert environment. These single-humped dromedaries are an integral part of Somali culture and economy. The camels are large and strong which enable them to travel longer distances and carry heavy load. Camel milk and meat are a valuable source of protein and are widely consumed in Somalia.

Camels are deeply embedded in Somali culture and provide livelihoods for millions of Somalis through milk, meat, and trade.

Want to learn more? Check out the following link:

Did you know the importance of Camels to Somalis? Let us know what you think!


Were you able to guess the country yesterday with the hints we provided you? If you guessed Somalia 🇸🇴, you guessed it right!

Somalia, located in the Horn of Africa, is a country with a deep and ancient history. It was formed in 1960 through the union of the former Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland. Known for its cultural richness and resilience, the country is home to unique traditions, diverse wildlife, and significant historical landmarks. Let us learn some of the fun facts of Somalia.

Did you know?

🇸🇴 Longest Coastline in Africa: Somalia has the longest coastline on the African mainland, stretching over 3,300 kilometers along the Indian Ocean, making it a historical center for maritime trade.

🇸🇴 Frankincense and Myrrh Production: Somalia is one of the world’s oldest producers of frankincense and myrrh, aromatic resins used in perfumes, incense, and traditional medicines.

🇸🇴 Largest Camel Population: Somalia has the largest camel population in the world. Camels are vital for transportation, milk, meat, and are a measure of wealth.

🇸🇴 Somali Language: The Somali language adopted a Latin-based script in 1972, standardizing written Somali for education and communication.

🇸🇴 Unique Wildlife: Somalia is home to unique species like the critically endangered Somali wild ass and Speke’s gazelle, contributing to its rich biodiversity.

Want to learn more about Somalia 🇸🇴 ? Follow the link to learn more:

What fun fact excited you the most? Let us know in the comments below!


Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling”. Here are hints to help you guess the country:

· It was formed in 1960 by the federation of a former Italian colony and a British protectorate

· It has the longest coastline in Africa, stretching 3,333 kilometers along the Indian Ocean

· It is home to many endangered animal species and one of the world's largest camel herds

· It is one of the world's oldest producers of frankincense and myrrh

What is the country of the week? Comment Below!


Did you know that over 80 languages are spoken in Ethiopia? Here’s a brief look at some of the most common Ethiopian languages:

🇪🇹 Amharic: The official language of Ethiopia is spoken by over 25 million people. Known for its unique Ge’ez script and rich literary tradition, Amharic plays a central role in Ethiopian culture and history.
🇪🇹 Oromo: With over 40 million speakers, Oromo is the most widely spoken language in Ethiopia. It features a Latin-based script and is prominent in the Oromia region, reflecting the diverse heritage of the Oromo people.
🇪🇹 Tigrinya: Spoken by over 7 million people in the Tigray region and Eritrea. Tigrinya uses the Ge’ez script and has a rich history linked to the ancient Axumite Kingdom.
🇪🇹 Somali: Predominantly spoken in the Somali Region, this Cush*tic language is known for its elegant Osmanya script and strong cultural traditions among the Somali people.
🇪🇹 Afar: Spoken in the Afar Region, this Cush*tic language is closely related to Saho and features the unique Qafar script. Afar reflects the nomadic lifestyle and rich heritage of the Afar people.
🇪🇹 Sidamo: Found in the Sidamo Region, this Cush*tic language is known for its tonal system and deep integration into the daily lives and traditions of the Sidamo people.
🇪🇹 Harari: A Semitic language spoken in the ancient city of Harar, known for its melodic qualities and significant cultural heritage.
🇪🇹 Wolaytta: Spoken in the southern highlands, this Omotic language is rich in agricultural vocabulary and cultural expressions.
Learn more about the languages spoken in Ethiopia here :point_right:

Learn more about the languages spoken in Ethiopia here 👉


Nestled in the heart of Italy, one of the smallest countries in the world, San Marino is a country with rich history, culture, and heritage.

An anonymous 12th century legend says that San Marino was established by a stone cutter named Saint Marino. Saint Marino took refuge on Mount Titan to escape the persecution against the Christians. Before dying, Marino uttered these last words, “Relinquo vos liberos ab utroque homine,” meaning, “I leave you free from both men, the Emperor and the Pope.”

The saint’s words were the foundation on which the independence of the Republic was founded and maintained over the centuries despite the external attacks suffered. Soon, this ancient city was recognized by prominent figures such as Napoleon and Giuseppe Garibaldi who found refuge in San Marino during the Italian resurgence.

To learn more about San Marino, check out this link:

Did you know the history of San Marino? Let us know in the comments below!


🇪🇹 Ethiopia is widely considered the birthplace of coffee, and coffee cultivation began there in the 1500s. Before that, coffee beans were harvested from wild coffee plants growing throughout the country.

According to a famous Ethiopian legend, a goat herder named Kaldi discovered coffee in the 9th century. Kaldi noticed that his goats were energetic after eating red berries from a shrub, so he tried the berries himself and similarly felt energized. He shared the berries with some local monks, who threw them into a fire thinking they were the work of the Devil. However, the monks were later delighted by the aroma of the roasting beans and raked them out of the fire to crush and put out the embers. They then soaked the beans in hot water to preserve them and discovered a delicious beverage that helped them stay awake during long nights of prayer. The monks vowed to drink the beverage daily to aid their religious devotions, and coffee culture has remained strong in Ethiopia ever since.

Today, Ethiopia is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world and consumes at least as much coffee as it exports. Check out The History & Legend of Ethiopian Coffee here:

What’s your favorite coffee origin story or legend? Share in the comments below! ☕


Ethiopian food offers a rich tapestry of flavors and textures. In today’s post let’s uncover some of the famous Ethiopian dishes! 🇪🇹

🇪🇹 Doro Wat: A sensory delight! Chicken thighs slow-cooked to tender perfection, a blend of spicy berbere and rich butter. The hard-boiled eggs add a tasty twist!

🇪🇹 Fatira: Rise and shine, Ethiopian style! This delicious breakfast treat, a crispy pastry shell with scrambled eggs and a drizzle of honey, is a savory-sweet delight!

🇪🇹 Tibs: Sizzle your taste buds with this mouthwatering dish! Beef or goat slices sizzling on the pan, an irresistible temptation! The Teff-based treats like, Injera bread, Tibs, and Yataklete Kilkil showcase the best of Ethiopian cuisine.

Check out this link for more Ethiopian Food:

Have you tried any of the Ethiopian dishes in Ethiopia or locally? Let us know in the comments below!


✨ Discover Ethiopia’s rich culture and traditions! 🇪🇹 ✨

Ethiopia is a land of incredible diversity, with rich history, culture, and traditions. Here’s a glimpse into the wonders of Ethiopia:

🕊 Diverse Ethnic Groups: Ethiopia is home to over 80 different ethnic groups, each with its unique language, customs, and traditions. This rich diversity creates a beautiful mosaic of cultures that is truly fascinating.

🏦 Historical Wonders: Explore the ancient city of Aksum, the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, and the medieval castles of Gondar. These sites offer a glimpse into Ethiopia’s glorious past and its significant contributions to human civilization.

🎼 Music and Dance: Ethiopian music and dance are integral to the culture. From the soulful sounds of the masinko and krar to the energetic moves of the eskista dance, Ethiopian music is as diverse and vibrant as its people.

🧘‍♀️ Spiritual Heritage: Ethiopia is a melting pot of religions. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church, with its ancient traditions, plays a significant role in the country’s culture. Additionally, Islam and various indigenous beliefs coexist harmoniously.

🌅 Natural Beauty: Ethiopia’s landscapes are as diverse as its culture. From the rugged Simien Mountains to the lush Omo Valley, the country’s natural beauty is breathtaking. Ethiopia is also home to the Great Rift Valley, a geological wonder that is a must-visit.

Want to know more about Ethiopia? Follow the link to learn more:


Were you able to guess the country yesterday with the hints we provided you? If you guessed Ethiopia 🇪🇹, you guessed it right!

Ethiopia, often referred to as the “roof of Africa,” is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa. Known for its ancient history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes. It has captivated explorers and historians for centuries. Let us learn some of the fun facts of Ethiopia.

Did you know?
🇪🇹 Ethiopia has thirteen months and they measure time differently than the rest of the world. The day starts at 1 o’clock with the sunrise and 12 o’clock is sunset, and they have a 12 hour night clock as well.

🇪🇹 Ethiopia offers a diverse array of vegetarian options. Ethiopians are orthodox Christians and prefer not to eat meat on Wednesdays and Fridays. Hence you’ll find a lot of vegetarian dishes on the menu, of which Injera bread is the main staple.

🇪🇹 The Danakil Depression in Ethiopia is the hottest place on Earth. The average year-round temperature is 34.4 degrees Celsius making it the hottest place on Earth. On top of that, it is also extremely dry, receiving between just 100 and 200mm of rainfall per year.

🇪🇹 Ethiopia is one of the world’s oldest countries. Several archaeological findings in Ethiopia’s Afar region suggests that this country may be the birth of human species.

Want to learn more about Ethiopia? Follow the link to learn more:

What fun fact excited you the most? Let us know in the comments below!


Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”

Here are hints to help you guess the country:
- The country was never colonized by Europeans

- This country is the birthplace of the Rastafarian movement

- Coffee was discovered in this country

- A citizen of this country, Abebe Bikila was the first athlete to win two Olympic marathons

What is the country of the week? Comment Below!


💻 Estonia is considered the world’s most advanced digital society, boasting a cutting-edge digital infrastructure and governance system. Over the past decade, Estonia has made almost all government services accessible online. Citizens can file taxes, view healthcare records, and even vote in federal elections from the comfort of their homes. Remarkably, Estonia was the first country to introduce online voting in 2005.

The efficiency, security, and transparency of Estonia’s digital society are exemplary. By migrating essential public services to cloud infrastructure, Estonia has enhanced their reliability and security. 🔑 Each citizen is issued a card with a unique digital identifier, further streamlining and securing access to services. Isn’t it amazing?
Estonia’s digital revolution continues to set a global benchmark for integrating technology and governance. This 6 minutes video walks you through one of the most advanced digital societies in the world:


🍃🌲 Discover the enchanting nature and wildlife of Estonia! This Northern European gem is home to diverse landscapes, including lush forests, serene wetlands, and picturesque coastlines. The country also has a temperate climate with warm summers and fairly severe winters, and the weather is often humid and breezy due to the Baltic Sea. Estonia has a variety of wildlife and natural habitats due to its large forested areas and relatively low population density.

Estonia has some of the highest populations of wolves and lynxes in the world, including around 700 brown bears, which is the highest density of any European country. Other mammals include moose and wild boar.

Estonia is on the East-Atlantic migratory path for Arctic waterfowls, and millions pass through its coastal waters each year. Coastal meadows are also nesting and resting sites for migratory birds. Estonia is also one of the few European countries where you can see eight different species of woodpeckers.

Other animals
You might also spot Siberian flying squirrels in the Oonurme region, and grey and ringed seals or rare seabirds along Estonia’s nearly 3,800 kilometers of coastline.

Check out this website for wildlife places to explore in Estonia :

Comment below your favourite wildlife animal in Estonia 💡


Today, lets dive into the vibrant world of arts and learn about famous artists from Estonia! 🖌🇪🇪

🇪🇪 Estonia has produced some of the great artists. Their work embodies rich tapestry of artistic expression that reflects unique Estonian cultural heritage and contemporary innovation. Lets learn about the artistic works of Konrad Mägi and Jaan Toomik.

Konrad Mägi, often hailed as the father of Estonian painting, is renowned for his bold use of color and expressive brushstrokes. His works, like the iconic “Landscape with a Red Cloud,” captures the raw beauty of Estonia’s natural scenery, blending impressionist techniques with a distinctive Nordic flair.

Jaan Toomik is a contemporary artist whose provocative and thought-provoking pieces have garnered international acclaim. His video installations and paintings often explore themes of identity, existence, and the human condition, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms.

Interested to learn more about Estonian art!? Follow this link:


✨ Discover Estonia’s Rich Food Culture! 🇪🇪

Estonia, a hidden gem in Northern Europe, has a rich and diverse culinary heritage. From hearty rye bread to savory sausages, and deliciously unique dishes like mulgikapsad (braised sauerkraut with pork), Estonian cuisine is a blend of natural ingredients and traditional recipes. 🌿

Few of the must-try dishes include:
🥖 Rukkileib: A kind of rye bread which is at the heart of Estonian meals, often served with butter or a slice of cheese.
🥘 Mulgipuder: A comforting barley and potato porridge, perfect for a cold day.
🍞 Vürtsikilu: Spicy sprats, a local delicacy served on dark bread.
🍨 K**a: A traditional dessert made from a mix of roasted barley, rye, oat, and pea flour, typically enjoyed with milk or yogurt.

Estonian food is a blend of history and traditions of the Estonian people. So, when you visit Estonia, be surprised by the delicious flavors of Estonian dishes and warm hospitality!

Check out this link to learn more about Estonian food:


Were you able to guess the country yesterday with the hints we provided you? If you guessed Estonia 🇪🇪, you guessed it right!

Estonia is a country bordering the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland in Northern Europe. Estonia is known for its well-preserved medieval old towns, digital innovation, and natural beauty. Here are some of the interesting facts about Estonia.

💡Did you know?
🇪🇪 Estonia is one of the leading countries in the world to develop e-government solutions and cybersecurity. 99% people use online banking and more than 95% of the people file their income tax online.

🇪🇪 Estonians have a unique wife carrying sport where husbands pick up their wives and race several hundred meters with their better halves on their backs.

🇪🇪 Estonia was the first country in the world to allow its citizens to vote online in 2005. The country is often touted as the most digitally advanced society in the world.

🇪🇪 While Estonia is largely flat in terms of its landscape, its people are amongst the tallest in Europe. Average Estonian men stand tall at 180 cm and women are at 169 cm.

Want to know more about Estonia? Follow the link to learn more:

What fun fact excited you the most? Let us know in the comments below!


Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”

Here are hints to help you guess the country:
- One of the first countries to adopt an online political voting system and 99% of the state services are available online.

- World cleanup day initiative was started in this country.

- The people of this country love to sing and they have the largest collection of folk songs in the world.

- 50% of the country has forest cover and the people of this country believe that trees have a soul.

What is the country of the week? Comment Below!


Zadar, a coastal city in Croatia 🇭🇷, has one of the best and longest sunsets in the world 🌞. According to Alfred Hitchcock, “Zadar has the most beautiful sunset in the world, more beautiful than the one in Key West, Florida, applauded at every evening.” No two sunsets in Zadar are ever the same, offering a vibrant and ever-changing experience for all who witness them.

A modern light installation, “The Greeting to the Sun” is a fascinating construction; a 22 meter diameter circle made up of three hundred multi-layered glass plates under which solar panels draw energy from the sun throughout the day. The structure transforms at sunset, becoming a canvas for a breathtaking light show. The Sea Organ’s ethereal music adds another layer of wonder to this unforgettable scene to visitors.

Have you visited the best sunset in the world? If not, share your best sunset captures with us!


Hello food lovers! 🌟 Today, we’re diving into the heart of Croatia's vibrant food culture. From the stunning coastlines to the beautiful inland regions, Croatia offers a culinary experience that's rich in tradition and flavor. Here are three traditional dishes you absolutely must try:

Peka, a mouth-watering dish cooked under a bell-like dome, featuring succulent meat (usually lamb or veal), potatoes, and vegetables, all slowly roasted to perfection. The result is a tender, juicy feast that melts in your mouth.

Black Risotto (Crni Rižot) 🍚is a seafood delight made with cuttlefish or squid, which gives the dish its unique black color. Infused with garlic, red wine, and olive oil, it’s a must-try for seafood lovers. The rich, savory flavors will transport you straight to the Adriatic coast.

Strukli 🧀, a pastry dish from the northern regions of Croatia, is made with dough filled with fresh cheese and sometimes topped with cream. It can be served either baked or boiled, and it’s a comforting, delicious treat you won’t want to miss.

Croatia’s food culture is a testament to its diverse history and regional influences. Whether you’re exploring ancient cities or relaxing by the sea, make sure to indulge in these traditional dishes and discover the true taste of Croatia! :💖

What dish sounds best to you?🍽 Let us know in the comments.


Today, July 18, we honor the United Nations Observance of International Nelson Mandela Day.

Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in the village of Mvezo in Umtata, then part of South Africa's Cape Province. He would become known worldwide as Nelson Mandela who devoted his life to serving his community with many roles, including as a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, and international peacemaker. On May 10, 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first democratically elected president of a free South Africa.

July 18, marks the birthday of Nelson Mandela, but also serves as a reminder of the importance of positively contributing to our community.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela and the day of observance at or

In honor of Nelson Mandela Day, how will you serve your community? Let us know in the comments.

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Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”Here are hints to h...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling”. Here are hints to ...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”Here are hints to h...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”Here are hints to h...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.”Here are hints to h...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.” ✈Here are hints to...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling.” ✈Here are hints to...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling”.Here are hints to h...
Where in the world are we going this week?Here are some clues:~ It is a multiethnic country, with hundreds of languages ...
Each week we feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are “traveling”.Here are hints to help y...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are "traveling".  🌏Here are hints t...
Each week we will feature one country and we ask you, our readers, to guess where we are "traveling". Here are hints to ...


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