Kaeli VanFossen, Artist, San Diego, CA Videos

Videos by Kaeli VanFossen, Artist in San Diego. Interdisciplinary Abstract Artist and Visual Creator • maker of paintings, prints, patterns and pretty products.

KVF Artist Website

Hi! 👋 it's been a minute since my last update *phew*

I wanted to get you excited for what I have been very busy working on, so today I took a screen capture of my landing page (website not yet published) and currently im just finishing up my shop, and working on the new blog page! Since I will be contributing articles on a range of creative topics, I wanted to be sure anyone visiting my site will be able to find the resources (and art) they are looking or shopping for.

This truly has been a lot of work, the prep always is, but I am so grateful for your support and patience and I have truly enjoyed sharing peeks into this process with you. I hope you love it and stay tuned for more!

Other Kaeli VanFossen, Artist videos

KVF Artist Website
Hi! 👋 it's been a minute since my last update *phew* I wanted to get you excited for what I have been very busy working on, so today I took a screen capture of my landing page (website not yet published) and currently im just finishing up my shop, and working on the new blog page! Since I will be contributing articles on a range of creative topics, I wanted to be sure anyone visiting my site will be able to find the resources (and art) they are looking or shopping for. This truly has been a lot of work, the prep always is, but I am so grateful for your support and patience and I have truly enjoyed sharing peeks into this process with you. I hope you love it and stay tuned for more!