CEG Multifamily

CEG Multifamily is a privately-held, family-owned and operated real estate investment firm in San Diego, California.

CEG Multifamily is a privately-held real estate investment firm headquartered in San Diego, California. We primarily operate as a value-add multifamily investor and asset manager. Our apartment purchases are well-researched opportunities and are generally acquired for a long term hold. We aim to redefine the multifamily industry with our values, detailed owner-involvement, property rehabilitation,


Apple to Build $1 Billion Campus in Austin, Texas

Great news for our Texas portfolio! https://www.architectmagazine.com/practice/apple-to-build-1-billion-campus-in-austin-texas_o?utm_source=newsletter&utm_content=Brief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AN_121718%20(1)&he=

architectmagazine.com The tech giant will also develop new sites in Seattle, San Diego, and Culver City, Calif., according to a company announcement.


I.D.E.A. District San Diego

Congrats IDEA1! We can't wait to see it in action.

Times of San Diego names IDEA1 "One of the most innovative urban living and working spaces in downtown San Diego — a courtyard community for entrepreneurs and artists."


Five Steps toward Implementing Creative Placemaking - Urban Land Magazine

"Creative placemaking—combining art and culture in tandem with good design—has proved to be an accelerator, not only in creating a unique sense of place that attracts people, but also in fostering healthy, culturally rich, and economically thriving places to live, work, and play." https://urbanland.uli.org/planning-design/five-steps-toward-implementing-creative-placemaking/?utm_source=mm&utm_medium=link&utm_content=102317&utm_campaign=magazine

urbanland.uli.org With the community as an ally, developers can leverage the benefits of art, culture, and design.


Using Data to Assess Fair Housing and Improve Access to Opportunity

Improving Access to Opportunity via Urban Institute http://www.urban.org/research/publication/using-data-assess-fair-housing-and-improve-access-opportunity/view/full_report

urban.org Community organizations working to increase access to opportunity and support fair housing can use secondary data to improve their own program planning, enhance their ability to advocate for policy change, and gain a better understanding of neighborhood conditions. The guide describes types of data…


Millennials Prefer Revitalized Historic Areas Not Malls | Modern Cities

"Are millennials the key to preservation? A new survey finds that millennials prefer to live, work and play in neighborhoods with historic buildings." Interesting insight about the future of real estate preservation from ModernCities.com ~


moderncities.com Millennials Prefer Revitalized Historic Areas Not Malls July 20, 2017 Are millennials the key to preservation? A new survey finds that millennials prefer to live, work and play in neighborhoods with historic buildings. According to a new survey Millennials and Historic Preservation: A Deep Dive Into...


Home Matters

"We share a sense of responsibility to the city and the community to do our best to enhance the built environment."

We love this piece via Home Matters + Archinect

Is good design the answer to the homeless problem in LA? Architecture may be more important than you think!


Multifamily Leaders on Creating Community -- A Conversation with Rick Graf of Pinnacle

Multifamily Leaders on Creating Community -- A Conversation with Rick Graf of Pinnacle via Multifamily Insiders https://www.multifamilyinsiders.com/multifamily-blogs/multifamily-leaders-on-creating-community-a-conversation-with-rick-graf-of-pinnacle?utm_source=Multifamily+Insiders+-+The+Weekly+%22Insider%22+Newsletter&utm_campaign=d9d5e4e4a0-Newsletter_March_07_20173_6_2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ec14e3e01d-d9d5e4e4a0-129898617

multifamilyinsiders.com What does it take to create a sense of community within a multifamily operator’s sphere of influence? Do employees and residents respond, and does it positively impact the bottom line?Rick Graf, President and CEO of Pinnacle, was kind enough to share his thoughts on this topic recently. It was an in...


Elon Musk unveils Solar Roof by SolarCity

New Solar Roofing by SolarCity - presented by Elon Musk. What an exciting glimpse of the future ~

Tesla CEO and SolarCity chairman Elon Musk just announced a new way to power your home with solar power. The product is called Solar Roof, and it’s designed ...


Carson’s health background could be good for housing

"Carson’s health care background may be his window into the need for forward-thinking housing policy that will 'improve communities and better lives.'" via Urban Institute


urban.org As Carson crafts his goals for HUD, he should look to emerging cross-sector collaborations across the country that are improving health outcomes through housing.


Leveraging Real Estate to Achieve Climate Goals - Urban Land Magazine

Leveraging Real Estate to Achieve Climate Goals via Urban Land Institute http://urbanland.uli.org/sustainability/leveraging-real-estate-achieve-climate-goals/?utm_source=mm&utm_medium=link&utm_content=011717ul&utm_campaign=magazine

urbanland.uli.org Practical strategies for owners, operators, and tenants who want to lighten their carbon footprint—and boost their bottom line.


Office of Sustainability, City of Austin

What a great shoutout to the Seaholm Residences as well as the EcoDistricts in Austin, TX. Excellent work!

The latest in the National Geographic Urban Expeditions series on Austin and green building! “Where you build the building has a much bigger impact than how you design the building. It’s location, location, location,” - Lucia Athens

Click below for the full story.


UCSD opening permanent downtown outpost

Very cool project coming to our headquarters in downtown San Diego! Congrats, UC San Diego! http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/growth-development/sd-fi-ucsddowntown-20161208-story.html

sandiegouniontribune.com In more than 40 years of redevelopment, downtown San Diego has added pricey as well as affordable housing, high-rise office and hotel towers, convention, shopping and sporting meccas and dozens of trendy bars and restaurants.



The Fuse of Food & Real Estate to Create Community. Great article, Curbed!

From community gardens to upscale food halls, new ways to make developments stand out


Enterprise Community Partners

Affordable housing myths: busted



"Making cities more liveable" via WeWork

"Our biggest motivators are saving people time and making cities more livable."


Home Matters

How Housing Matters. via Home Matters

Susan Popkin’s new book, No Simple Solutions: Transforming Public Housing in Chicago, explores the successes and failures of the largest public housing redevelopment effort. Learn more about the project here!


Emerging Trends 2017: Niche Neighborhoods and Economic Diversity Make Austin, Dallas Top Markets - Urban Land Magazine

"Market characteristics such as authentic, niche neighborhoods with strong economic diversity are driving growth outside of gateway markets." Austin & Dallas leading the way!


urbanland.uli.org Niche neighborhoods and economic diversity are driving forces behind the strong showing of this year’s top ten U.S. cities, according to Emerging Trends in Real Estate® 2017, released today by ULI and PwC US. Austin, Texas wins “Top City,” thanks to its authentic, niche neighborhoods and depth of ec...


Business and Housing Move in Together in Crowded Cities

"As land grows scarcer and more expensive, and the population booms, more developers are combining commercial and residential space." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/19/business/business-and-housing-move-in-together-in-crowded-cities.html?smid=tw-share&_r=3&mtrref=t.co&mtrref=www.nytimes.com

nytimes.com With land scarce and costly, developers are turning to multiuse projects, as the Durst Organization is with its building on the Avenue of the Americas.


Open the Door – Real People Will Walk Through | Home Matters

"We understand the critical importance of intentionally integrating our work in the housing field to education, health, jobs and economic development." http://www.homemattersamerica.com/open-the-door-real-people-will-walk-through/

homemattersamerica.com “Your home and all that it means, is a large part of your success as an adult today.” Learn how in this blog post from Home Matters board chair, Chris Krehmeyer and Beyond Housing.


Attract and Retain Talent With a Branded Culture

"Building a branded culture around meaningful, purpose-driven work." http://www.multifamilyexecutive.com/business-finance/leadership/attract-and-retain-talent-with-a-branded-culture_o

multifamilyexecutive.com Building the culture around meaningful, purpose-driven work is key.


Downtown Dallas: A Turnaround Built on Parks, Arts, and People - Urban Land Magazine

Dallas and its downtown transformation via Urban Land Institute http://urbanland.uli.org/development-business/downtown-dallas-turnaround-built-parks-arts-people/?utm_source=mm&utm_medium=link&utm_content=101016ul&utm_campaign=magazine

urbanland.uli.org Converting offices to residences—and creating valuable parkland—helped lure people and development back to the urban core.


Rethinking the Corporate Campus

A look at how to grow a region’s economic engine more efficiently and sustainably. http://www.spur.org/publications/urbanist-article/2016-09-21/rethinking-corporate-campus

spur.org The way we work is changing dramatically. Maybe it’s time that our workplaces did, too.



How our homes are changing via Curbed

The way we live is changing.


The Future of Apartment Websites | Property Management Insider

"As mobile traffic increases, renters aren’t going to change their devices to accommodate you, so it’s about time you changed your design." https://www.propertymanagementinsider.com/future-apartment-websites

propertymanagementinsider.com As more people access the internet from mobile devices, responsive website design is a great feature for apartment websites. Here is what you need to know.



New "Housing Development Toolkit" via The White House

Barack Obama is basically calling out NIMBYs in this document



54 percent of Millennials surveyed would consider moving to another city if it had more or better options for getting around, and 66 percent said access to high quality transportation is one of the top three criteria they would weigh when deciding where to live. Nearly half of those who owned a car said they would consider giving it up if they could count on public transportation options.
(From the archives)


FPI Management

We love this, FPI Management!

As we enthusiastically prepare for this years Annual Manager Meeting, we would love to share our video recap of last year's event! Check it out here!


Eds and Meds, Plus Labs and Govs: Partnering to Bring Innovation to Albuquerque - Urban Land Magazine

Future Innovation Projects in Albuquerque, NM! We love working in this region. http://urbanland.uli.org/development-business/eds-meds-plus-labs-govs-partnering-bring-innovation-albuquerque/?utm_source=mm&utm_medium=link&utm_content=082916ul&utm_campaign=magazine

urbanland.uli.org At the heart of the downtown transformation of in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is entrepreneurship facilitated by an innovation district—named Innovate ABQ and located on 7.2 acres (2.9 ha) in the center of downtown—the result of a public/private partnership spearheaded by the city of Albuquerque, the U...


I.D.E.A. District San Diego

"The most important thing to know about urban economic development: if you want a successful economy, you have to have a talented population."

Education is one of the biggest single factors determining the success of a city's economy - here's why:


Understanding Scope of the Housing Shortage in the U.S. - Urban Land Magazine

"The local regulatory environment is a headwind for a housing market that is simply not producing enough residential units to meet the nation’s needs." http://urbanland.uli.org/development-business/housing-shortage-u-s/?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=cu&utm_campaign=magazine

urbanland.uli.org Newly released data and analysis from several sources illustrate a major obstacle to a fully healthy housing market in the United States: the nation is not building nearly enough new residential units.


ULX: Innovative Density - Urban Land Magazine

INNOVATIVE DENSITY : "minimizing the apparent density of new developments in low-rise areas, using modular construction to save costs, incorporating significant amounts of foliage and green space, and providing expansive communal areas."

We love these. Happy Monday! http://urbanland.uli.org/planning-design/ulx-innovative-density/

urbanland.uli.org The following ten projects—all completed over the past five years—model strategies for making micro housing more livable, minimizing the apparent density of new developments in low-rise areas, using modular construction to save costs, incorporating significant amounts of foliage and green space, and...


CEG Multifamily Moments 7.29 - 8.5

This week's are here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXsCSWsgKEc&feature=youtu.be&feature=youtu.be

Teamwork makes the dream work!

CEG Multifamily, a real estate firm headquartered in San Diego, CA, introduces "CEG Moments." Each week the managers of each community in their portfolio sub...


New Apps to 'Virtualize' Apartments of the Future

"The technology of the next-generation apartment will span space and time."

multifamilyexecutive.com The technology of the next-generation apartment will span space and time.


CEG Multifamily Moments 7.22 - 7.29

We're proud to introduce "CEG Moments" today! We'll upload these a couple times a month on our YouTube channel. Because life is too short to forget about the details -- and the beautiful moments in between.

What a week we've had with FPI Management! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFKBfTiGRdI&feature=youtu.be&feature=related


Catering to the Renters of Tomorrow

“A desire for a truer work–life balance, further integration between work and social, and the expectation of instant gratification are all likely going to be more important for this generation.” via Multifamily Executive http://www.multifamilyexecutive.com/design-development/catering-to-the-renters-of-tomorrow_o

multifamilyexecutive.com How will the next generation of apartments define luxury?


Home Matters

We are proud to be a supporter of Home Matters! Check out their work here: www.homemattersamerica.com

Because Home is where it all starts.

We'd like to welcome our newest supporters to the Home Matters movement! Opportunity Finance Network, Fall Creek Consultants, The Neighborhood Developers, Mid City Redevelopment, HAPHousing, Angel Wings Foundation, CEG Multifamily, Positive Behavior Support Community Foundation, Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake, CHIP, Albany Area Fuller Center for Housing, Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Morningstar Urban Development, Inc., HabiJax, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles, Alliance for Housing Solutions, Dwelling Place, Pima County Community Land Trust, Central South Carolina Habitat for Humanity, Madison Park DevCorp Habitat for Humanity - Twin Cities, Housing Assistance Program of Essex County, Neighborhood Housing Services of Hamilton and Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC, thank you!!

Are you an organization or individual interested in the ? Visit our website to find out how you can make a difference and join today!


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