Iyengar Yoga of San Diego California, San Diego, CA Videos

Videos by Iyengar Yoga of San Diego California in San Diego. The first BKS Iyengar Yoga Center in Southern California (est 1979). Dedicated to excellence in instruction in the Iyengar method of yoga.

Adho Mukha Svanasana in the tall ropes. This version of supported dog pose is a great way to cool off both body and mind. 😎

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Other Iyengar Yoga of San Diego California videos

Adho Mukha Svanasana in the tall ropes. This version of supported dog pose is a great way to cool off both body and mind. 😎 Join us for class https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #iynaus #props #ropewallyoga #yogainthesummer #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogaprops #iyengaryogaonline

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares a current challenge pose. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Pose) is a challenging pose for me. It involves taking one hand to the floor while holding the big toe with the other hand. The first challenge is reaching the big toe. Then coming forward keeping the knee straight feels quite precarious. And forget about coming up with the leg straight! This pose cures stiffness in the knees via the padmasana action. It also stimulates the digestive system because the abdominal muscles are contracted. #yogatip: Practice standing with one leg in Padmasana near a wall. Press the bent knee and thigh back to stabilize the pose as you lift the arms and trunk up. Next try bringing the hands to the floor by walking the hands down the wall. When you are ready to attempt the full pose, use a belt to strap the foot if the hand does not reach the foot. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #ardhabaddhapadmotanasana #standingforwardbend #pratyahara #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #restorativeyoga #challengepose #yogaforsleep #yogaforrelaxation #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a current favorite pose. This version of Adho Mukha Vrksasana at the wall with heels supported by a bolster is a favorite because it gives me a better chance to bring my body into alignment. The bolster tied to the rope wall at heel height allows me to stack the ankles, hips, shoulders, and wrists in one line. For that brief moment when the joints are stacked one on top of the other, there is a tremendous sense of lightness, quietness and balance. In those moments, the line of demarcation between me and my surroundings vanishes. Aligning the body creates a portal to the energy body and I can glimpse the freedom that comes when the body, mind and soul are aligned. I leave the pose feeling uplifted and at one with the world. Register for a class with Pat at https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #adhomukhavrksasana #handstand #fullarmbalance #inversion #bolster #thewallismyguru #yogafordepression #yogaforfun #yogaformentalhealth #yogaforhealthyaging #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogasandiego #yogaeveryday #iynaus #yogahealthy #yogainspiration #yogaposes #yogateacher

Supported Parynkasana
Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a current favorite pose. This supported version of Paryankasana or couch pose is a great restorative pose as it both quiets the mind and uplifts the spirits. #yogatip Raise the buttocks up in the air to help take the hands closer to the floor and further open the chest. To keep the opening as you sit back down, elongate the skin at the armpits in two directions toward the hands and the waist. You can repeat a few times and even hold onto the elbows before staying in the pose. The use of props to support the lift of the chest allows you to stay in the pose and recharge your batteries 🙂 Register for a class with Pat at https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #paryankasana #couchpose #chestopener #inversion #yogafordepression #yogaformentalhealth #yogaforhealthyaging #favoritepose #iyengar #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogateacher #restorativeyoga #iyengarsandiego #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #yogaposes #yogapractice #yogateacher

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin - Lolasana
Lolasana (Earring Pose) is challenging pose because it’s hard to lift the feet off the floor. The pose requires both arm strength and abdominal strength. Lolasana builds strength in the wrists, hands, back and abdominal muscles. #Yogatip: Practice lifting the knees while sitting in Swastikasana (cross legs) while keep the feet on the floor. Learn to gather the legs into the trunk. Blocks or even chair seats may be placed under the hands to raise the legs. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #lolasana #earringpose #pendantpose #armbalancings #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #challengepose #geetaiyengar #yogaforabdominals #yogaforstrength #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a favorite way to decompress after teaching her Sunday morning classes. This version of tall rope dog helps lengthen the spine and creates a fresh quiet mind. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #inversions #dogpose #restorativeyoga #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #twists #favoritepose #yogaforall #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction #yogainperson ##yogaonline

Teacher Spotlight- Pat Mcloughlin shares a current favorite variation of legs up the wall. I take my legs up the wall if I have just 5 or 10 minutes in the afternoon for a quick restorative session. I really like combining the inversion with various leg positions found in seated poses. This series allows me to work on folding my legs in various ways without bearing weight on the joints of the leg. #yogatip Start in Dandasana then transition to Upavistha Konasana and fold the legs into Baddha Konasana, then Siddhasana followed by Ardha Padmasana and finally Padmasana. Of course, if there is pain or resistance in the knee do not force rather repeat the earlier steps to consolidate the necessary actions. In the interest of time, the video shows one side for each of the above poses you should do both sides for each variation. By coming back to Upavistha Konasana in between each pose, you can easily observe how your experience of the pose is transformed by each of the leg variations. This reflection helps to draw the mind further inward. Legs up the wall also is a great place to work on the legs of Gomukhasana 2. This short series starts with legs together like in Dandasana and gives an opportunity to see the effect of folding one or both legs into Gomukhasana on Dandasana. This version of legs up the wall leaves me feeling rested and recharged. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #inversions #seatedposes #restorativeyoga #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #padmasana #favoritepose #yogaforall #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction #yogainperson ##yogaonline

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares a current favorite pose. Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Downward Facing Tree Pose) is one of my favorite poses because of the energy and vitality it brings to the mind and body. If I’m feeling dull or lazy, just a few attempts at Adho Mukha Vrksasana clears my mind and gives me the energy I need to continue my practice. #yogatip: Start by practicing Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Half Downward Facing Tree Pose) to build confidence that you can bear your own weight plus the strength in the shoulders, arms and wrists you’ll need to complete the final pose. Transfer the weight from the heel of the hands by pressing the knuckles down to lighten the load on the wrists while drawing the forearm bones up. Move the shoulder blades up the back and the chest toward the wall. Press your heels into the wall and lift the legs up toward the ceiling. In Adho Mukha Vrksasana, do the same actions but move the chest away from the wall as you stretch the heels higher and higher. Register for a class with Kitty at https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #adhomukhavrksasana #handstand #fullarmbalance #inversion #thewallismyguru #yogafordepression #yogaforfun #yogaformentalhealth #yogaforhealthyaging #homepractice #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction #yogahealthy #yogainspiration #yogaposes #yogateacher

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a current challenge pose. This version of Janu Sirsasana or head of the knee pose gives me a chance to bring more of myself to participate in the forward bend. #Yogatip Enter by first coming over the bent leg allowing the trailing leg buttock to come up off the floor. Here there is a tremendous sense of length for the spine and surrender for the mind. Next, extend the trunk out in between the two legs. Finally, turn the trunk over the straight leg into #janusirsasana. This method of entering the pose brings forward different aspects of the work of the arms, legs and trunk as compared to coming straight over the Dandasana leg from the start. There is also a tremendous sense of peace and surrender in the final pose. With this version, I find I bring more of myself to the pose which is exactly what happens when you meet up for a visit with a good friend. Join Pat for class either in-person or on-line Register at https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #headofthekneepose #forwardbend #seatedforwardbends #paschimapratanasthiti #pratyahara #quietingthemind #yogaforlife #homepractice #iyengar #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #iyengaryogapractice #iyengarsandiego #yogaeveryday

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares a current challenge pose. Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana (Upward Extended One Foot Pose) is a challenging pose because it requires both balance and flexibility. A common mistake is to allow the extended leg to roll out and hip to lift. This pose tones the leg muscles and reduces fat around the hips. #yogatip: Press the inner heel and big toe mound down on the standing leg to draw the outer standing leg hip in for balance. Use the hand to pull up on ankle of the standing leg to draw the trunk down the leg. Use a wall to practice turning the extended leg hip towards the floor. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #urdhvaprasaritaekapadasana #inversion #UpwardExtendedOneFootPose #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #standingforwardbend #challengepose #yogaforbalance #yogaforrelaxation #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares a current favorite pose. I love Ubhaya Padangusthasna (Both Big Toes Pose) because of the sense of balance and poise it brings to both the body and the mind. This pose also gives a nice stretch to the back of the legs and strengthens the arms and back which are made to lift. #yogatip: Start with the knees bent. Pull back on the fingers and forward with the big toes so there’s a dynamic tension between the legs and arms. Keep that tension as you straighten the legs. If the legs don’t straighten fully while holding the toes, use a belt around the feet. Learn to balance on the buttock bones BEFORE straightening the legs. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #ubhayapadanguthasana #doublebigtoespose #pratyahara #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #yogaforstrength #favoritepose #yogaforbalance #yogaforabdominals #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight-Pat McLoughlin shares a current challenge pose. I find Virabhadrasana 1 challenging in a couple of ways. One stumbling block is establishing an upward sense of direction. This variation with a long belt hung overhead from the rafters helps me find the tallness of the pose that embodies the character of an "upright warrior." #yogatip: To help build the tallness of Virabhadrasana 1 from the base on up, start with both knees bent and the back heel up off the floor. In this position, you press the back leg toes down & back to roll the sit bone forward allowing you to lift the leg and pelvis up. The hands pull down on the rope to continue the lift upward to the trunk, arms & head. After several attempts with both knees bent, you keep the actions as you straighten the back leg and put its heel down. I still have much work to do on other obstacles I face in Virabhadrasana 1. This way of working is a good start! On the physical level, this way of working brings relief to the low back and the abdominal/pelvic organs. On a mental/ emotional level, the rhythmic elongation of the spine brings alert, quiet confidence to the mind. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #virabhadrasana #standingpose #warriorpose1 #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #yogaforlowback #challengepose #yogaforenergy #yogaforconfidence #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a current favorite pose. Bischmacharyasana is a favorite as it is a great way to lighten up! A few minutes lifted up by blocks can lift your spirits. This pose is a great way to cool off- the body feels long and light and air can flow all around you. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #bischmacharyasana #bedofnailspose #yogatocooloff #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #yogaforstrength #favoritepose #yogaforall #yogaforrelaxation #yogaforbalance #iyengar #yogaonline #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction #yogainperson ##yogaonline

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares a current challenge pose. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Pose) is a challenging pose for me. It involves taking one hand to the floor while holding the big toe with the other hand. The first challenge is reaching the big toe. Then coming forward keeping the knee straight feels quite precarious. And forget about coming up with the leg straight! This pose cures stiffness in the knees via the padmasana action. It also stimulates the digestive system because the abdominal muscles are contracted. #yogatip: Practice standing with one leg in Padmasana near a wall. Press the bent knee and thigh back to stabilize the pose as you lift the arms and trunk up. Next try bringing the hands to the floor by walking the hands down the wall. When you are ready to attempt the full pose, use a belt to strap the foot if the hand does not reach the foot. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #ardhabaddhapadmotanasana #standingforwardbend #pratyahara #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #restorativeyoga #challengepose #yogaforsleep #yogaforrelaxation #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a current challenge pose. Virabhadrasana 3 is challenging as a lot is going on while you are trying to balance. I find this variation with the wrist and up-leg toes supported gives me the time to find my way in the pose. The supports also offer feedback to make adjustments that bring me closer to the shape of Warrior 3. For example, pressing the wrists into the support helps bring the arm bones in line with the shoulders connecting the arms to the trunk and taking the shoulder blades into the back to open the chest. Equally important this action creates a light, uplifted feeling which is so helpful for balancing. The support for the toes of the lifted leg not only helps hold the weight of the leg but also gives feedback on the position of the leg. Pressing ALL the toes down evenly will help adjust the leg and hips. In addition, pressing the toes down & back brings the leg into its socket connecting the legs to the trunk. The connection of the limbs to the trunk creates a feeling of integration rather than trying to corral individual pieces. With the support of this variation of Virabhadrasana 3, I can feel as my body parts come into alignment the mind is drawn inward to exist in the internal alignment I feel. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #standingposes #Virabhadrasana3 #warriorpose #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #yogaforstrength #challengepose #yogaforall #yogaforstress #yogaforbalance #iyengar #yogaonline #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction #yogainperson ##yogaonline

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares a current challenge pose. Ardha Matseyendrasana is a challenging pose that involves balancing on the edge of the foot while twisting the torso. Tightness in the hips and knees can make it difficult to get the legs into the proper position. According to Light on Yoga, regular practice of this pose prevents enlargement of the bladder and prostate. Backaches and hip pain disappear rapidly. The abdominal organs are contracted and toned so they cease to be sluggish. #yogatip: Practice Ardha Matseyendrasana at the wall to assist with the twist. Raise the hips with a blanket or two to help lift of the spine. Place the foot you would normally sit on beside the hip to stabilize the pose. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyog#yogainstruction/ #ardhamatseyendrasana #lordoffishespose #seatedtwists #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #inversions #favoritepose #sarvangasana #yogaforrelaxation #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a favorite pose for cooling off during the summer heat. These variations of Rope 1 are a great way to air yourself out when it is hot. It has a similar feeling to hanging out clothes on a clothesline in the breeze. In this pose, the body's surface area is uplifted and exposed to the surrounding air, allowing excess heat to offload. #yogatip The rope is sequentially placed at the armpits, elbows and palms to spotlight the necessary work of the shoulders, shoulder blades and side armpit chest. Adding a chair in each variation provides a surface for the thighs to climb up to add to the overall feeling of lightness of the pose. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #rope1 #salabhasana #chestopeners #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #yogaforhotweather #favoritepose #yogaforall #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Kitty Franklin shares another way to practice Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) is one of my favorite poses because of the stretch it brings to the abdominal region. Also, the position of the chin against the sternum, called Jalandhara Bandha, brings a calmness to the mind. According to Light on Yoga, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana leads to a healthy spine and nervous system. If the nerves are healthy, a person is sound of mind and body. Join Kitty for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #setubandha #bridgepose #chestopeners #iyengaryoga #iyengarsandiego #yogainspiration #inversions #favoritepose #sarvangasana #yogaforrelaxation #yogaforstress #yogaforlife #iyengar #iyengaryogateacher #yogainperson #propyoga #yogaeveryday #yogainstruction

Teacher Spotlight- Pat McLoughlin shares a current favorite way of working in relaxed Uttanasana or standing forward bend. A very simple way to learn more about myself in a pose is to enter the pose in at least 3 different ways. For example, entering Uttanasana with the legs slanted and the sit bones on the wall spotlights the connection between the turning of the pelvis and the releasing of the trunk down. Here I can actually climb the sit bones up the wall and feel the lowest part of the spine lengthen towards the head and then lengthen the rest of the spine accordingly. This rhythmic elongation of the spine generates a comforting peaceful state of the mind. Entering Uttanasana with bent knees and hands bracing the calves shines a light on the internal quiet that comes with deep flexion at the hips. The hands bracing the calves give my hamstrings a chance to do the work of straightening the legs resulting in a greater turn of the pelvis, length of the spine, and quietness of the brain. A third entry is through Adho Mukha Svanasnana walking back into Uttnanasana. This way of entering offers a way to spotlight the length of the spine that naturally comes in dog pose and bring it into Uttanasana. Each way of entering the pose highlights a specific action and as that action is spotlighted I can easily observe the effect on the mind or breath. Once I have experienced the spotlit action/feeling, I can look for it no matter how I enter the pose. By skillfully recruiting more parts to participate in Uttanasana- so no parts overdo or underdo -there is a feeling of firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence and benevolence of spirit. Join Pat for class on-line or in-person https://www.sandiegoyoga.com/schedule/ #uttanasana #forwardbends #forwardextensions #asana #yogaforpeaceofmind #yogaformentalhealth #yogaforhealthyaging #iyengar #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogateacher #Iyengaryogaonline #iyengarsandiego #iyengaryogasandiego #yogaeveryday #yogahealthy #yogainsp