Mario Godiva. Holistic, Fitness, Health.

Mario Godiva is a world-renowned fitness, health, & mindfulness coach that helps people get unstuck.

Mario Godiva is a world-renowned fitness expert, food coach, and media spokesperson. Follow this page for fun content about body, mind, and life transformation.

Photos from Mario Godiva. Holistic, Fitness, Health.'s post 08/20/2024

Today’s all about good vibes and big gains—let’s manifest and conquer! 👊🏾

Today’s not just another day; it’s a chance to reshape your reality.

Channel those high frequencies and turn aspirations into achievements.

Whether it’s tackling that long-awaited project or reaching out for new opportunities, remember, your energy sets the tone.

Stay focused, stay positive, and watch as the universe aligns with your boldest ambitions. Let’s make magic happen! 🚀💫


How do you hold your ground when everything inside you is shifting? 🤔

A gentle reminder: these times will often have you navigating the liminal space—the sacred territory where your old self has collapsed but your new self isn’t fully realized yet.

This space might feel chaotic, tempting you to revert to old patterns.

Here’s how to navigate this transformative phase:

1️⃣ Embrace the Uncertainty: Recognize that this in-between state is not just a phase to endure but a crucial stage of your growth.

2️⃣ Resist the Rush: Let go of the urge to speed through this discomfort. True transformation requires patience and time.

3️⃣ Stay the Course: Even when progress feels invisible, trust that each step is crafting the new you.

This liminal space, though uncomfortable, is where real transformation brews.

It’s where you are sculpted, shaped, and eventually reborn into a version of yourself more aligned with your aspirations and truths.

So, hold still and keep going.

The discomfort is temporary, but the transformation you are undergoing will redefine your very essence.

Are you ready to meet the incredible person you’re becoming?


Why does the world feel darker when we refuse to see our own shadows? 🌑

Many feel the world is growing darker, not realizing that this darkness is often a reflection of our own unacknowledged sides.

Instead of owning our capacity for darkness, too many of us choose to believe we’re above it, projecting it outward and pointing fingers from false pedestals of virtue.

Pointing one finger at others leaves four pointing back at you. This isn’t just a saying—it’s a profound truth about human nature and responsibility.

Here’s how to confront this:

1️⃣ Acknowledge Your Shadows: Recognize that having a capacity for darkness doesn’t make you evil; it makes you human.

2️⃣ Reflect Before You Project: Each time you’re quick to judge or blame, take a moment to reflect on what this might mirror about your own fears or unresolved issues.

3️⃣ Seek Growth Over Comfort: It’s comfortable to stand in the light and cast shadows away. True growth comes from illuminating those shadows with awareness and compassion.

By embracing all parts of ourselves, we reduce the collective shadows that darken our world.

It’s a courageous path that not everyone will choose, but those who do find that understanding their own darkness helps dissipate the world’s.

Are you ready to explore your inner depths and help light up the world, not by denial but through understanding and integration?


Why does your intuition often feel like a challenge rather than comfort? 🤔

Your intuition doesn’t care about your feelings. And that’s exactly why it’s so powerful.

It’s not cold or heartless—it’s supremely neutral, a mechanism designed for realignment with the truth. 🌟

Often, we resist our intuitive nudges because they don’t cozy up to our emotional comforts.

They push us towards paths that might feel less comfortable, less familiar, or even downright scary.

But here’s the thing: that discomfort is a signal, a call to pay attention to something important, something transformative.

So, how do you follow an intuition that feels as emotionless as a compass pointing north? Here’s how:

1️⃣ Embrace the Neutrality: Recognize that your intuition’s lack of bias is its strength, not a drawback.

2️⃣ Confront Resistance: Ask yourself why you resist. Often, it’s fear cloaked as rationality.

3️⃣ Trust the Process: The more you align with your intuitive guidance, the clearer your path becomes.

Remember, intuition is not about leading you astray; it’s about steering you closer to your authentic self and your true journey.

It might not always tell you what you want to hear, but it invariably points you towards what you need to know.

Your journey might be rough, but the destination it leads to is worth every challenging step.

Are you ready to trust that internal compass and see where it takes you?


Ever find yourself in a mental tug-of-war? 💥

Denial is not just a river in Egypt; it’s what happens when you’re caught between the rock of ‘knowing’ and the hard place of ‘not wanting to know.’

It’s like standing on the edge, seeing the truth in the distance but not stepping forward because the unknown is daunting. 🌌

Denial is a survival tactic, a temporary safe space when reality feels too heavy to bear.

But here’s the kicker: while it shields, it also shackles. It keeps you from moving forward, from evolving, from truly living.

Breaking free from denial means embracing the full spectrum of truth, no matter how uncomfortable. 🚀

So, how do you step out of this shadow? 🤔

1️⃣ Acknowledge the Fear: Recognize that what’s holding you back isn’t just the truth itself, but your fear of what comes with it.

2️⃣ Seek Support: You don’t have to face your revelations alone. Lean on friends, family, or professionals who can help you navigate through your denial.

3️⃣ Take Small Steps: Start with small acknowledgments and gradually work your way up to accepting the bigger picture.

Denial might seem like a protective blanket, but it’s often a wet blanket, damping down the potential fires of change and growth.

Don’t let the comfort of denial keep you from the life you deserve. The first step might be tough, but each step after gets easier.

Remember, true growth begins where your comfort zone ends.

Let’s turn our ‘not wanting to know’ into an adventure of discovery and empowerment. Are you ready to step into the light? 🌟 Innerathlete

Photos from Mario Godiva. Holistic, Fitness, Health.'s post 08/08/2024

Tap into the universe’s brain today. ✨

It’s the Lion’s Gate Portal 🦁, so open wide for wisdom and wild possibilities.

Infinite possibilities start now.

Harness this time to connect with the universal currents that boost spiritual growth and personal transformation.

Avoid distractions like social media and news; focus on deep, personal reflection to maximize the benefits.

Today’s the day to align with your highest self and set intentions that resonate with your soul.

Embrace the energy that comes through this cosmic alignment!

Photos from Mario Godiva. Holistic, Fitness, Health.'s post 08/06/2024

July thangs.🤗

Photos from Mario Godiva. Holistic, Fitness, Health.'s post 08/05/2024

Overwhelmed by the daily grind? 😩 Ready to flip the script on your mental space?

🌟 Elevate your day with Power Phrases™ from Interval Mindfulness©!

These aren’t your average mantras; they’re mental game-changers designed to propel you into positive action and transformative growth.

💥 What’s a Power Phrase™? Think of it as your personal power-up, transforming old-school affirmations into something bold, actionable, and hip.

It’s your secret weapon to strengthen your Inner Athlete—the core of resilience and change.

📅 Immerse yourself in a Power Phrase™ each day, tailored to harness the unique energies of the cosmos and fuel your personal evolution:

1. August 5th - “I step into my power with lion-hearted courage.” Dive into the fiery energy of the Leo New Moon.

2. August 6th - “I attract prosperity and manifest my dreams.” Channel the waxing crescent moon’s vibe of abundance.

3. August 7th - “I honor my unique path with clarity and passion.” Sync your desires with the universe’s energies.

4. August 8th - “I am open to cosmic wisdom and infinite possibilities.” Maximize the Lion’s Gate Portal’s peak.

5. August 9th - “Every challenge refines and strengthens my vision.” Convert challenges into stepping stones.

6. August 10th - “I trust in the flow of my intuition to lead me.” Lean into post-portal insights with trust.

7. August 11th - “I celebrate my achievements and embrace new opportunities.” Reflect and gear up for new ventures as the portal closes.

🔄 How to Power Up? Say or think your Power Phrase™ at least 9 times a day—3 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening. For the full effect, aim for 29 times daily (13 x 3).

🌟 Ready to kickstart a transformation? Engage with these Power Phrases™ and watch your mindset and life ascend to new heights! Please share if this resonates. 🙏🏾❤️


Are you ready to roar into your power today? 🦁💥

Today, August 5th, marks a potent moment under the Leo New Moon, inviting us all to “step into our power with lion-hearted courage.”

This isn’t just any day; it’s a call to action.

The fiery energy of Leo propels us to initiate bold, confident steps forward.

Whether it’s launching a project, speaking your truth, or making a significant change, today’s cosmic alignment supports audacious moves.

Embrace your inner lion:

1. Set Intentions: What bold dreams do you want to chase? Write them down.

2. Act Confidently: Take at least one brave step towards your goals today.

3. Celebrate Your Strengths: Recognize your courage, no matter how small the step may feel.

As the universe echoes with the roars of potential, let your actions today reflect the courage and confidence of a lion.

Remember, every great journey begins with the courage to take that first step.

Make today the day you choose to be fearless.

Dare to embrace the lion-hearted spirit within you and watch how your world transforms. 🌟🌑


Ever wondered how powerful your thoughts really are in shaping your day? 🤔

Mindset is everything. The lens through which you view the world colors every experience.

Telling yourself you’re capable, confident, and ready to crush the day with kindness doesn’t just alter your personal reality—it can uplift everyone around you.

By affirming your strength and positivity, you set the stage for a transformative day.

Remember, what you focus on grows; focus on strength, love, and positivity, and watch your world change.

Embrace this practice daily and observe how small shifts in your mindset bring significant changes in your life and the lives of others.

Let’s harness the power of our thoughts and make today unforgettable!

What mindset will you choose today?


Feeling weighed down by expectations? 🌌💫

This August, it’s all about shedding what no longer serves us. If it’s not lifting you up, it’s time to let it go.

Forget about seeking validation or closure from those who don’t recognize your worth.

Invest in paths that honor your journey, nourish your spirit, and celebrate your unique vibe. 🚀🌿

Life’s too short to cling to what’s meant to leave. Release, rejuvenate, and realign. What’s yours will find you, effortlessly.

Own your vibe. Own your journey. 💪


Ever wonder who truly vibes with your vibe? 🤔 Want to know how to find out?

Standing firm in your standards might not make you the most popular, but it’s a surefire way to see who’s really in your corner.

When you’re true to your standards, don’t expect to resonate with everyone. That’s the beauty of it.

Living life rooted firmly in what you believe does more than set a standard—it filters out the noise.

It’s not about being liked; it’s about being authentic.

This clarity isn’t just liberating; it opens doors to relationships and opportunities that truly align with who you are.

So stand strong. Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter. Who’s still standing with you?


Ever feel like the world’s growing darker? 🤔

What if I told you it’s just shedding its old skin?

The darkness swirling around us isn’t a sign of decay, but detoxification.

It’s the old toxins—long buried in our collective psyche—finally coming to the surface to be cleared away.

This illumination is not just external; it mirrors a personal journey within each of us.

The very toxins we see are the ones we need to purge from our own lives.

Your heart-centered presence? That’s the antidote. Keep shining that light.

Remember, we’re all in this transformation together, shifting from shadows into brightness day by day.

So, I ask you, how will you embrace more light today? 🤔🔥✨


Ever feel like you’re searching for yourself in the wrong places? 🤔 Why do we often feel lost within our own lives?

Finding yourself isn’t about discovering something new; it’s a journey back to the essence you were born with, buried deep beneath layers of external influence.

It’s not like stumbling upon a forgotten $20 bill in your old jeans.

You were never lost. Instead, your true self is cloaked under years of cultural conditioning, skewed by other people’s opinions, and obscured by the faulty beliefs you formed in childhood. These layers dictate how you see yourself and the world.

Returning to yourself means peeling back these layers. It’s an excavation, a deliberate process of unlearning the narratives imposed on you from the outside.

1️⃣ Question Everything: Start by challenging the beliefs and values you’ve accepted without question. Are they truly yours, or were they imparted by family, friends, or society?

2️⃣ Embrace Solitude: Spend time alone to listen to your inner voice without the noise of constant social feedback. What brings you peace and fulfillment when no one is watching?

3️⃣ Reconnect with Joy: Recall what made you happy before the world told you what should. Revisiting old hobbies and interests can reignite passion and reveal hidden aspects of your core self.

4️⃣ Seek Authentic Experiences: Engage in activities that resonate with your soul, not just those that yield approval or likes from others. Authenticity breeds contentment.

It’s about remembering who you were before the world molded you. This is not just finding yourself; it’s returning to yourself.

Do you feel like it’s time to peel back the layers and rediscover who you truly are? Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery together.

Drop a comment if this resonates with you or share your own experience of finding your way back to your authentic self.


Ever notice how comfort can trap you in unhealthy habits? 🤔

Why do we often choose the known pain over the promise of something better?

1️⃣ Recognize Your Patterns: Understand that sticking to the familiar, even if it’s detrimental, stems from a deep-seated need for predictability. Acknowledge this to start making changes.

2️⃣ Embrace Uncomfortable Choices: Actively choose what’s healthy, even if it feels strange or difficult at first. Remember, true growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.

3️⃣ Celebrate Small Wins: Each time you make a choice for your well-being, acknowledge and celebrate it. This reinforces your path towards transformation.

Choosing growth over comfort isn’t just about making better choices; it’s about reshaping your life narrative. Are you ready to rewrite yours?

Let’s lean into the discomfort and grow together.


Are you holding back your true self out of fear? 🤔🌟

In a world that’s calling for more honesty and transparency, hiding our true selves becomes not just painful but unsustainable.

There’s a shift happening—an urgent call from our planet for authenticity that cannot be ignored.

Hiding might feel safe, like a dark cloak under which we can shield our vulnerabilities. But remember, every time we choose invisibility, we unconsciously affirm that darkness is safer than light. We betray our potential for genuine connection and fulfillment.

🔆 It’s time to reassess what safety means to us. Safety doesn’t have to mean darkness; it can mean standing in your truth, radiant and unapologetic.

Here’s how you can start shedding that cloak of invisibility:

1️⃣Micro-affirmations: Regularly affirm to yourself that it is safe to be seen. Start with moments alone, then with trusted friends, gradually extending your comfort zone.

2️⃣Visibility Practices: Challenge yourself to small acts of visibility, like sharing your opinion in a meeting, or a personal story with friends, which can reinforce the safety in visibility.

3️⃣Reflective Intervals: Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on moments you felt compelled to hide. Ask yourself gently, what would have changed if I had allowed myself to be seen?

Embrace the light, and let the Earth see you as you are. Remember, transformation begins not just by being seen, but by daring to shine brightly. Let’s step into the light together, one brave moment at a time. 🌍💫


Feel like reinventing yourself should be a quick fix? It’s actually a journey. 🌟

Transforming yourself isn’t about making a quantum leap overnight; it’s about embracing a steady evolution. If the pace of change feels slow after a major life shift, don’t stress—it’s natural.

Significant changes require time to release old dreams, heal past wounds, and gain the clarity needed for new directions. This isn’t just about moving through life; it’s about growing at a pace that truly allows you to absorb and adapt.

Here are three action steps reframed as short intervals in the spirit of Interval Mindfulness©:

1. Interval Goal-Setting: Set micro-goals that are easily achievable. This breaks your transformation into bite-sized pieces, allowing you to celebrate small successes and build momentum without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Mindfulness Mini-Breaks: Incorporate short, regular mindfulness practices into your day, like 5-minute meditations or reflective journaling sessions. These intervals help center your thoughts and calm your urge to rush, keeping you grounded in the present.

3. Feedback Intervals: Regularly check in with a mentor or coach for quick feedback sessions. These brief reflections can provide valuable insights into your progress and help recalibrate your expectations.

Embracing these intervals helps train your Inner Athlete—the part of you that manages life’s stresses and transitions with resilience.

Remember, true transformation is a deep process, and Interval Mindfulness© can guide you through it with grace and strength, ensuring each step is intentional and impactful.

Trust the process and give yourself permission to evolve at a pace that suits your unique path. 🌱


Are you tough enough to smile in the storm? How do you keep your light shining bright? 🌞🌪️

In a world that too often swings between extremes, maintaining joy without turning a blind eye to suffering is the real challenge.

This balance isn’t about ignoring the darkness; it’s about ensuring it doesn’t consume our light.

Joy is not just a fleeting emotion; it’s a force that empowers us to face life’s harshest realities with resilience. 🌟

Here are three underrated steps to maintain this balance:

1️⃣Mindful Acknowledgment: Start by recognizing the dual nature of existence. Acknowledge the pain without letting it overshadow every joy. This acceptance doesn’t dilute your compassion, it deepens it.

2️⃣Scheduled Joy: Intentionally schedule time for activities that bring you happiness. Whether it’s a morning walk, painting, or dancing to your favorite tunes, make these non-negotiable appointments in your calendar. 📅✨

3️⃣Expressive Sharing: Share your joys and sorrows with your community. Expression is a powerful tool for maintaining mental balance. It allows you to celebrate joys and process sorrows in a supportive environment.

Joy and sorrow can coexist, and finding that balance is essential for our spiritual and emotional growth. Embrace this duality with open arms and a fearless heart.

Are you ready to step into this balanced path? Tap like if you resonate and share your thoughts below.

Let’s support each other in our journeys to live fully, embracing both light and shadow. 🌓💖


Does the anxiety of the unknown keep you up at night? 🌌🤔

We pour so much energy into trying to foresee and control the future, but here’s the real talk: that control? It’s an illusion.

The future’s always going to be a mystery, and our resistance to this fact is what spins our anxiety and fear into overdrive.

It’s not usually about fearing something specific—it’s the unease of not knowing.

But here’s how you flip the script: Befriend the unknown. Trust it. Embrace it with open arms because, honestly, we don’t have a choice. Trust is the only path forward.

If you can chill in the now, no matter how shaky things seem, and roll with the punches—even when they’re not what you ordered—life has a way of rewarding you. Why? Because relaxing into the moment is an act of trust.

Trust in yourself, trust in the moment, trust in life.

So, let’s make peace with uncertainty. Dance with it. Fall in love with it. Life will pay you back in ways you can’t even imagine.

Let’s trust the journey and see where it takes us. Ready to take that leap? Let’s chat about how trusting the unknown has transformed your life. Share your stories below! 🌟💬


Feeling Distracted? It’s Time to Take Back Your Power! 💥
Caught up in the relentless pace of daily chaos? Snap out of it and command the moment with Power Phrases—a dynamic twist on affirmations from Interval Mindfulness©.

Designed for those who thrive on action, not just words, these phrases are your arsenal for reclaiming control and resetting your focus. 🌟

What’s a Power Phrase, you ask? It’s a sharp, hip mantra for the modern soul, shifting affirmations from woo-woo to wow, empowering you to actively engage with your Inner Athlete—the part of you that’s all about resilience and adaptation.

🗓️ Here’s this week’s lineup to strengthen your mental game (30 reps each):

🔹 Monday: “I deserve love and happiness.” Claim your worth.

🔹 Tuesday: “I desire to be present in each moment.” Master the now.

🔹 Wednesday: “I create new opportunities and understandings.” Carve new paths.

🔹 Thursday: “I love to open space for growth.” Expand your horizons.

🔹 Friday: “I speak my goals and ambitions to the Universe.” Voice your dreams.

🔹 Saturday: “I see the steps and the path to follow forward.” Chart your course.

🔹 Sunday: “I understand that I can do anything.” Embrace your potential.

Why repeat each 30 times? Think of it as mental reps, like lifting weights for your brain, building up resilience and capacity.

With every repetition, you’re not only affirming your power but also training your brain to focus and flourish even in chaos.

Dive into your daily Power Phrase and witness the transformation in your mental clarity and life direction.

Ready to revolutionize your mindset and your life? Let’s do this, starting now!

👇 Drop a comment with the Power Phrase that resonated most today and share how it’s reshaping your approach!


Ever feel like you’re stuck on replay, analyzing everything but moving nowhere? 🔄

Sometimes, y’all, action speaks louder than insight.

Overthinking can trap you in a loop, making you relive the very things you’re trying to change. 🤯

Change isn’t just a thought—it’s an action.

Treat life like your personal lab. Test out your theories, gather data, and adjust.

It’s supposed to be uncomfortable—that’s how you know it’s real growth. 🌱

Here’s how to break the cycle:

1️⃣ Set a hypothesis: What change do you want to see?

2️⃣ Experiment: Take small steps towards that change.

3️⃣ Observe: What’s working? What’s not?

4️⃣ Reflect: How does this change make you feel?

5️⃣ Repeat: Keep tweaking your actions until you find what fits.

Don’t wait for a perfect plan or a full understanding.

Dive in, make mistakes, and learn on the go. That’s living, that’s evolving. 🚀

If you’re tired of the mental merry-go-round and ready to jump into action, let me hear what steps you’re planning to take this week!

Drop a comment, let’s get into this together. 🙌


Feeling sluggish, demotivated, or stuck? 🤔

What if I told you that deep inside you, there’s a powerful, resilient, and focused Inner Athlete waiting to be unleashed? 🤔

Like the Inner Child, the Inner Athlete is an integral part of who you are.

Imagine having an Inner Athlete who rises to the occasion, finds the energy to keep going, and thrives under pressure.

This isn’t just a metaphor; it’s a real, dynamic part of your being that can be trained and strengthened like your physical muscles.

Most of us react to situations, feeling at the mercy of external circumstances. What if you could change this?

Tap into your Inner Athlete to shape your responses to life’s challenges? Sounds empowering, right?

The Inner Athlete embodies your strength, resilience, and vitality. It’s the part of you that recovers quickly from setbacks and remains focused.

Just like a professional athlete trains their body to perform at its peak, you can train your mind and emotions to enhance your Inner Athlete.

When you train your Inner Athlete, you’re essentially training your vagus nerve. Higher vagal tone—the measure of vagus nerve activity—means your body can relax faster after stress, your mood is better regulated, and you’re overall more resilient.

Imagine having a high-performance engine versus a clunky old one. That’s what high vagal tone does for your body and mind.

One of the most effective ways to train your Inner Athlete is through Interval Mindfulness.

This dynamic approach uses short, powerful bursts of mindfulness, breathwork, and mini meditations, which we call Innervals.

These Innervals help you strengthen your vagus nerve, enhancing your resilience, focus, and overall well-being.

Start seeing yourself not just as someone who gets through life, but as an athlete in the game of life.

Your Inner Athlete is there, ready and waiting. All you need to do is train it.

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