Grace World Mission-The Ministry of Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux, San Diego, CA Videos

Videos by Grace World Mission-The Ministry of Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux in San Diego. The Ministry of Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux

Stopped at Bryce Canyon on the way back from Colorado and had some unique hiking experiences there as we hoofed our way through some snow covered trails in this unique National Park. Had a divine appointment on the way using the story of St Patrick as a bridge to share the Gospel with a guy we met!Link to video: (

Other Grace World Mission-The Ministry of Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux videos

Stopped at Bryce Canyon on the way back from Colorado and had some unique hiking experiences there as we hoofed our way through some snow covered trails in this unique National Park. Had a divine appointment on the way using the story of St Patrick as a bridge to share the Gospel with a guy we met!Link to video: (

This is a little excerpt from a video we did recently that includes some Canadian Adventures we have been blessed to experience including some Surfing & Skiing, etc. You can see the whole video on YouTube at the Grace World Mission page:

This is a little excerpt from the video we did about the divine intervention and signs and wonders the Lord did that led us to ministering in Canada.You can watch the full video on YouTube at the Grace World Mission page, here’s the link:

We were trying to take a little walk outdoors after all this rain and having a look down at a surf break when yet another storm front suddenly came in…ahhg😬! It’s like living in some kind of crazy spinning rain belt lately… every time you think it’s finished…another storm front comes in 😨! Right after this a huge branch was blown out of a big palm tree and slammed down right next to me hitting really hard with a loud whack😱!Thank you Lord that it didn’t hit me!🙏!

An awesome sunset lights up the sky in the background as I cruise a little wave in towards the shore in this shot! We were getting a few waves together with our son Patrick, and his wife Emily got this shot on her new IPhone. It’s crazy what these phones can do these days! It’s always nice to get a little time out in creation when you can and refresh the soul, creation reflects the glory of God!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas to you and yours and blessings to you in the New Year! Check out our Christmas video which has some scenes and memories from the year in the latter part!

Martin Luther’s influence on Worship, with a quick Bach/LutherJam. (You can pause on the frames to read the text if needed.). Here is some of the text below: Bach, who is considered one of the greatest composers in history, was heavily influenced by Luther and the Reformation and the musical changes it brought. Luther changed worship by taking it out of the hands of the religious system and giving it back to the people, a democratisation of worship took place from his influence that is still felt, sending worship in the direction of what eventually is largely practiced today. Before Luther it was pretty much only Gregorian Chant sung in church, and the singing was only done by the clergy and monks, without instruments, the congregation did not participate and it was only sung in Latin, which wasn’t understood, very few knew Latin. Luther put worship into the vernacular—the common language of the people—and created worship songs and hymns, many written in a popular style of renaissance folk music, having the congregation join in the singing. This inspired others into writing hymns with original lyrics that communicated issues of the faith.The most famous hymn of Luther’s own many compositions was “A Mighty Fortress...” The 2nd verse reads: “Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing, Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God’s own choosing…” The message was clear, mankind cannot rely on their own good works; salvation comes from God alone, through faith by grace alone!The elites of the religious system were outraged that commoners should join in with the singing of the worship and that it was being sung in the “vile vernacular“ of the common people instead of Latin.Luther believed that he often won more converts through his singing than he did through his preaching. The German Clergyman Adam Contzen remarked that “Luther converted more souls with his hymns than with all his books and sermons…it is cle

# #Reformation #Revival #MartinLuther As an unknown monk Martin Luther received a revelation of the Holy Spirit that eventually spread reform, renewal, and revival far and wide, while shaking up the religious system. For the amazing true story of one man standing up for his beliefs and changing the course of history watch the full video on YouTube at the “Grace World Mission” page

Patrick and I sharing a wave together up north in the cold waters of Santa Cruz, from when we were ministering in the area. Line-ups get busy these days, especially at point breaks, so sharing a wave now and then keeps you surfing. (Patrick is in front on his forehand, Bryan is in back doing some backhand re-entries!)

A bit of surf New England style in Maine with some 42 degree water! Yikes!!!