Universal Energy Heals Life

CRMT, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, NLP, EFT/TFT Therapy.


Our universe, guides, angels, protectors are always taking care of us. 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️


“I accept that inspiration is the ability to support one to the extent that they remember and recognize how to help themselves. I acknowledge the difference between inspiring others and the tendency to do other people’s inner work in an attempt to feel better around those I may wish to connect with on a deeper level. Whether occurring between parent and child, lovers, co-workers or friends, when not attempting to fast-track others toward their potential faster than they are able to shift, I am able to inspire others into more of their heart-centered power by the behavior I model in their presence.

While this often comes with less validation from those I desire being valued by, through the laws of unity consciousness, I am learning how to be nourished by the depth of my most authentic sharing, no matter how often or infrequently anyone else may be able to acknowledge my efforts or reciprocate with an equal amount of openness. As I learn to connect and communicate through the grace of inspired action, I may realize I’m not most often drained by how much I give and how little I receive in return. Instead, I allow myself to see perhaps more clearly than ever before, how often my expectations of others deplete me of the very life force energy that others may not have the capacity to share. This allows any degree of connection to become more authentic in nature, where I am learning to be inspired by the way I show up with others, no matter the versions of self they present in return.

In knowing it is so, I allow any pattern of expectation, resentment, over-giving, attempting to fast-track myself or others toward a higher potential too quickly, confusing the fantasy of anyone’s potential with the reality of where they’re at, as well as any tendency to take on other people’s pain as an unconscious form of empathy to be cleared out of my energy field, returned to the Source of its origin, transmuted completely, and healed to completion now.

From this moment forward, I allow inspiration to move and speak through me as I am nourished by the behavior I model, regardless of the circumstances and stages of healing others are facing. I allow myself to empathize with other people’s experiences by offering whatever degree of time and support I am able to share without overlooking my needs, needing to rescue others, or control their experiences – even when this means interacting with versions of others that feel less than the vision of connection I yearn to attract. I allow the truth of each moment to help me make empowered decisions about how I value my time without a fear of missing out, anticipating rejection, expecting abandonment, or believing I’m responsible for other people’s feelings. While this may be a new level of empowerment that can feel foreign to how I was raised or conditioned, I accept life’s invitation to help me break free by reclaiming my power and expressing it with authenticity, compassion, and grace for the liberation of all. And so I am free. And so it is.”

All for Love,

Matt Kahn


Lesson Focus
"When you hear an opinion and believe it, you make an agreement and it becomes part of your belief system. The only thing that can break this
agreement is to make a new one based on Truth. Only the Truth has the power to set you free.”

From the book
Four Agreements 💖


Today is another magical day 11-12-22 (111 222) the day after 11/11 is another chance to manifest what’s already ours. Remember that we have control of our energies vibration. What we put out into the universe , the universe will bring the same vibration in return. Choose wisely 🤍💜💙💚💛🧡🧡

Haseya ~❤️~ Ajeet Kaur (feat. Peia) 11/12/2022

Listening to this on the drive to work. This song brings so much happiness to my heart. Such an amazing song for a morning meditation or just to relax🧘‍♀️ Haseya meaning; (she rises, or to rise up) 🌈🦋💗🧘‍♀️🙏

Haseya ~❤️~ Ajeet Kaur (feat. Peia)

Photos from Universal Energy Heals Life's post 11/11/2022

I call upon the power of love 💗


"There are 2 aspects of life: the first is that man is tuned by his
surroundings and the second is that man can tune himself in
spite of his surroundings. The latter is the work of the mystic
and the sound practitioner!

"The Mysticism of Sound and Music"
by Sufi mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan


I haven’t really been on here as much as I would like but I am making an effort to be more often. Let me reintroduce myself. My name is Irene I am a certified Reiki Master. I am also certified in sound therapy, meditation, chakra and energy healing, crystal healing, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) TFT ( Thought Field Therapy). I’m also studying Hypnoses , Past Life Regression and CBT ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) And some other therapies and energy work. Life has been extremely busy with my regular job but it is my goal to get back in touch with my inner self. Let’s make this world a better place together 🧘‍♀️🌈🦋🙏💖🥰

I Got My Power Back Course 11/10/2022

For those of you who would be interested. She is amazing

I Got My Power Back Course Turning life's unexpected tragedies into priceless treasures by breaking victim cycles, untangling our emotional past, and developing inner superpowers to overcome anything.


I love being weird 🦄🦋🧘‍♀️💖

Brain Shot Therapy Challenge Videos 11/08/2022

I love this guy

Brain Shot Therapy Challenge Videos Anthony William welcomes you to the Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy Challenge!


These are the seven benefits of meditation that have been demonstrated through scientific studies

1. Helps to increase attention. Meditation increases our ability to be attentive and help us focus longer on a task.

2. Strengthens the immune system.The practice of meditation rises our number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, The blood cells that help fight viruses and bacteria.

3. Reduces the emotional impact of pain.People who meditate tolerate pain better, since the area of the brain that responds to pain is less active.

4. Relax. The amygdala, the set of neurons responsible for managing fear, anxiety, and stress, is smaller among meditators.

5. Reduces the chance of having a hard tack by 50%.Coronary patients who practice meditation suffer half as many strokes of those who do not practice it.

6. Meditation increases the volume of gray matter in areas related to the regulation of emotional and self-control, increases cortical thickness in related attention areas.

7. Improves your social life, promote the activity of mirror neurons, which leads to a greater capacity to feel empathy and promote the creation of social bond.


The quality of your thoughts create your reality. The reality you create will trigger emotions. Emotions manifest in physical body. Your state of mind holds the key to good health. Align mind, body, and spirit.


Negative thinking is something we all do. The difference between the person who is primarily optimistic and the person who is primarily pessimistic is that the optimist learns to become a good debater. Once you become thoroughly aware of the effectiveness of optimism in your life, you can learn to debate your pessimistic thoughts.

Optimism is by nature expansive—it opens door after door to what's possible. Pessimism is just the opposite—it is constrictive. It shuts the door on possibility. If you really want to open up your life and motivate yourself to succeed, become an optimistic thinker.

(From the book 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself)

Steve Chandler

Family and friends that are interested in a PDF copy of this book message me. I will be more then happy to send. It is an amazing book, very highly recommend. Those who know me know I love reading a good book. This book is by far one of my favorites and I have a whole library 🤓Must have an iPhone. Not sure if it will send on other phone but I can try. I can also email it. 💖🦋🧘‍♀️

Photos from Universal Energy Heals Life's post 10/31/2022

This is why meditation is something one must incorporate into our daily lives🧘‍♀️ It is a non religious practice to connect us to self. It allows us to slow down the thinking process and feel what’s in our heart. If we would focus more on the love in our heart more then listen to the thought of our mind we would find the way to happiness. Happiness is the key to open all the doors to success.


Within the mind reside incredible and wonderful resources that are there for us to use. Some of those wonderful resources are memories. We all have memories of times we've learned and maybe you can even remember your very earliest memory of learning when you learned what it was like to learn. Maybe you were with a group of people or with someone older, but in that moment you knew what it was like to learn and everything seemed right. It sounded true and it felt real. In a lot of ways it's like this voice, a voice of experience and support. So when you think about what it is you're going to learn and you listen, you can hear this voice, and if you listen, really listen, you can hear this voice right now, speaking to you right from the very center of who you are. This is your voice of experience and support. I have a voice like that and you have this voice too, and even in the quiet moments of your thoughts you can always hear this voice, guiding you, protecting you and keeping you from harm.

From the book (Mind Control Language Patterns) By Dantalion

Photos from Universal Energy Heals Life's post 10/17/2022

Little changes make a big difference




The secret to success is being thankful for your blessings 🧘‍♀️🙏🏻💖


Turn your frown upside down

Everything you do in this world moves out from you like a wave of energy. When you are kind, happy and harmonious, this wave extends to all those who cross your pathway. And the kindness you share is eventually going to come back to

People always say, ‘What comes around, goes around!’ and I know they like to drop the word ‘karma’ online, especially if someone has been challenging in their life, but that’s not the point. Karma, the law of cause and effect, is ultimately a spiritual tool to encourage us to be kind and loving.

When you are kind to others, you are literally being kind to yourself too. When you focus on what makes you happy it’s as if the doors of your heart swing open and you move into the space of love that rests gently within. When you experience this love, you welcome all those around you into this space too. So, every time you experience bliss and joy you are literally holding the space for others to experience it too. Your happiness is a wave of healing to the whole world.

Today you are encouraged to recognize all the simple things that make you feel happy. When you are happy, you raise your vibration to the divine and you allow others to raise their vibration too. Happiness is infectious. Think of it, when someone starts to smile, you can’t take that smile off your face either, can you?

Today’s exercise is smiling as much as you can. Offer the gift of joy to all those you meet.

Everywhere you go, look for the simple blessings that surround us all.

Today, recognize that happiness is a gift and it’s yours anytime you allow it to be

Vibe of the day

‘Happiness is a gift.
I am blessed with joy.
Every smile I share allows this gift to be shared. Today I recognize the blessings in my world.’

My happiness sends healing to the world.


What does letting go mean.

Letting go feels like trust. It feels like trust in the process, even when you do not believe in your desires and things feel difficult. Letting go doesn't mean we stop thinking about and wanting our desires, it means we give up the attachment to needing to be “ perfect “ at this.

Knowing that you are one with God/Consciousness, how would you reassure and validate yourself? You would trust that even when you "slip up" have doubts and fears, react or have moments where you forget everything, that it means absolutely nothing. As long as you pick yourself back up and do the best you can to sit with your emotions and triggers.

When you go within to embody your desires, you go throughout the day trusting that everything is a part of you manifesting and being in the state. You no longer feel the need to label what is or isn't the correct state. Letting go is letting go of the conditions we place on what it means to manifest and what it means to be in the state. Knowing that we are pure love, and a divine being at the core. Is there a predetermined “ correct way “ ?.

We don't need to worry about whether we are letting go, or whether we should let go. This is still focusing on getting something versus trusting that what we are doing is more than enough. When we let go of attachment, we don't feel the need to counteract everything we see. Letting go is letting go of labeling anything as being an issue or an obstacle.

Letting go is letting go of the need to constantly do more things to get our desires. We aren't getting anything, creation is already finished, and everything has already been given to us.


What does letting go mean.

Letting go feels like trust.
It feels like trust in the process,
even when you do not believe in
your desires and things feel difficult. Letting go doesn't mean we stop thinking about and wanting our desires, it means we give up the attachment to needing to be “ perfect “ at this.

Knowing that you are one with
God/Consciousness, how would you reassure and validate yourself? You would trust that even when you "slip up" have doubts and fears, react or have moments where you forget everything, that it means absolutely nothing. As long as you pick yourself back up and do the best you can to sit with your emotions and triggers.

When you go within to embody
your desires, you go throughout the day trusting that everything is a part of you manifesting and being in the state. You no longer feel the need to label what is or isn't the correct state. Letting go is letting go of the conditions we place on what it means to manifest and what it means to be in the state. Knowing that we are pure love, and a divine being at the core. Is there a predetermined “ correct way “ ?.

We don't need to worry about
whether we are letting go, or whether we should let go. This is still focusing on getting something versus trusting that what we are doing is more than enough. When we let go of attachment, we don't feel the need to counteract everything we see. Letting go is letting go of labeling anything as being an issue or an obstacle.

Letting go is letting go of the need
to constantly do more things to get
our desires. We aren't getting anything, creation is already finished, and everything has already been given to us.


Building strength everyday.


These are the seven benefits of meditation that have been demonstrated through scientific studies

1. Helps to increase attention. Meditation increases our ability to be attentive and help us focus longer on a task.

2. Strengthens the immune system.The practice of meditation rises our number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, The blood cells that help fight viruses and bacteria.

3. Reduces the emotional impact of pain.People who meditate tolerate pain better, since the area of the brain that responds to pain is less active.

4. Relax. The amygdala, the set of neurons responsible for managing fear, anxiety, and stress, is smaller among meditators.

5. Reduces the chance of having a heart attack by 50%.Coronary patients who practice meditation suffer half as many strokes of those who do not practice it.

6. Meditation increases the volume of gray matter in areas related to the regulation of emotional and self-control, increases cortical thickness in related attention areas.

7. Improves your social life, promote the activity of mirror neurons, which leads to a greater capacity to feel empathy and promote the creation of social bond.

Photos from Universal Energy Heals Life's post 10/05/2021



Cleansing your space before a session is very important when doing any kind of energy work.

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Videos (show all)

Building strength everyday. #yoga #meditationmusic #meditation #reikimaster #reikihealingsanjoseca #chakrahealing #mindf...
Happy Tuesday beautiful souls. Be thankful and the blessings will follow( I don’t own rights to the music )
Starting my morning with love & light
Sending out angelic healing to the word in this time of need
Distant Reiki Session tonight




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