North Idaho Spine Clinic

Dr. Adam Manninen in Sandpoint offers chiropractic care for the whole family.

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 06/24/2024

Has your child’s doctor recommended an ADHD medication break for the summer? We see this a lot with our patients at North Idaho Spine Clinic! If you feel like this is for you, let us know what questions you have!
👏 ADHD stems from an overactive and dysregulated nervous system, meaning that it’s hard for a child to focus, sit still, and learn because their brain is stuck on the “gas pedal” ready to go go go!! 🚗 Instead, we need to remind the nervous system that it’s okay to rest, digest, regulate, and slow down in order to adapt to the stressors that school sometimes brings. It also encourages focus! That being said, we don’t want to eliminate the gas pedal in its entirety, which is what ADHD medications aim to do. Instead, we want a balance between the gas and brake pedals, AND the goal is for your child’s nervous system to be able to regulate and know when to activate which side!

Pretty cool stuff! 🤓 Give us a call and book an appointment to learn about natural and drug-free help for ADHD and the nervous system!! ♥️


Is your child struggling with anxiety? 😔 You're not alone. Anxiety affects 7.1% of children aged 3-17 years in the US, causing symptoms like nervousness, discomfort in social settings, an inability to connect with peers, and trouble concentrating. 💔 If your child or someone you love is experiencing this, you know it's absolutely heartbreaking.

But what causes childhood anxiety? 🤔 Research points to subluxation, dysautonomia, and vagus nerve dysfunction as key factors contributing to this growing concern. 🔍

Subluxation is the stress and tension that can get stuck within the nervous system, causing an imbalance in the Autonomic Nervous System that heightens the body's stress response and does not allow balance between “fight or flight” and “rest, digest, and regulate” in your child's body. Stress "stuck-on" creates an increase in anxiety and not addressing that stuck-on stress can lead to chronic anxiety for our kiddos.
Dr. Adam is trained to identify and address subluxation and dysautonomia, tracking down the root cause of teen and childhood anxiety and finding ways to help this overactive nervous system!

If you've tried everything from therapy to medication but still feel like you're hitting a wall, it's time to explore a new approach. 👉 Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care targets the root causes of anxiety by addressing imbalances in the nervous system. 🧠 We'd love to help your child get back on track and get to the root cause of their wound-up and worn-out nervous system! Head to our link for articles on anxiety to learn more!

/ How to help my teen with anxiety / Anxiety tips / Natural solutions for anxiety /


Parents, did you know that excessive screen time is linked to a startling rise in mental health issues among children and teens? 📈 Depression, anxiety, self-harm, and even su***de rates have skyrocketed since the introduction of smartphones and social media. 😔

Here's why 👇
1️⃣ Excessive screen time pulls children away from in-person socializing and real-world experiences crucial for healthy development… so they’re “missing out” on key components of social + emotional development
2️⃣ They’re exposed to harmful and anxiety-inducing content such as bullying, comparison, and all sorts of content that are simply not age-appropriate
3️⃣ Girls are more likely to face self-esteem issues related to social media, while boys are at higher risk for gaming and p**n addiction.

This leads to an overactive and easily stimulated 'Stress + Anxiety Center' of the brain 🧠 like the amygdala, literally “rewiring” the brain for Anxiety, ADHD, and Depression.
But there is hope! 🙌 If you feel your child or teen’s anxiety and tech addiction has gone “past the point of no return” and you can tell their nervous system is entirely overwhelmed, overstimulated, and stuck on sympathetic fight or flight “Anxiety Mode” 📈all the time… and you’d like to learn more about Drug-Free Care Options that could help hit “reset” on your child’s brain and nervous system… give us a call and learn how Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care has helped countless teens get out of this sympathetic anxiety storm and back to a more calm, relaxed, regulated life!
/ How to help my teen with anxiety / Anxiety tips / Natural solutions for anxiety / The anxious generation / Jonathan Haidt

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 05/28/2024

Ian is now regulating his emotions like a champ! 🙌🏻 But his emotions got the best of him for a long time.
His mom said it started to affect him to the point where he was getting in trouble at school. He had trouble focusing, interacting with others, being aggressive, and not being able to control his behavior. 😡
Mom said, “Teachers were calling me every single day telling me that he had rough days and he was saying stuff about hurting himself or others. We were suggested to medicate him and we did it for one year but it made things worse. We felt hopeless. We were trying so hard and things were getting worse.” 😖
So when they found out how Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic could help, they decided to give it a try.
Ian’s nervous system 🧠 was so dysregulated and stressed that it wasn’t able to adapt to life very well. He was stuck in a gas pedal, fight/flight response that caused him to defensively react to others instead of responding in a healthy way.
Mom said, “When we started with PX Docs, I saw the difference right away, he seemed more relaxed and focused. 🎉 And now, we are definitely happier! We love seeing him enjoying school more, not getting those calls with bad news every day, watching him handle his reactions and not getting frustrated as quickly. He still has some episodes, but nothing compared to a few months ago. We are very thankful." ❤️
Way to go Ian! Seeing your amazing personality shine through is incredible! 😊
How to regulate my nervous system / Tips for regulating nervous system / How do I know if my nervous system is dysregulated / / /


Better sleep, better connection, and better communication for Artem! 🎉
Before care, Mom said, “Our biggest challenge was sleep. Prior to finding our local PX Docs office, the longest stretch of sleep our family had in 2.5 years was 2 nights! Our norm was 4+ wakeups a night. We were sleep-deprived and it affected all areas of our daily life. Artem wasn’t able to engage in his therapies, was irritable, and had trouble engaging with us. We as parents were exhausted. We all lived in fight-or-flight mode.
We felt trapped in a cycle. Trying to figure out the perfect wake windows and bedtime felt like a math equation. Everyone would give us suggestions for what we should do, but nothing worked. We would become so excited when we made it to our second night in a row of sleep only to be met with defeat when we didn’t make it to a third.
We had tried sleep training, timing wake windows, strict daytime schedules, sensory activities, early bedtimes, late bedtimes, multiple naps, no naps...nothing worked.” 😩
His incredible parents decided to give Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic a try and with consistent care, Artem’s little body finally started being able to hit the brake pedal. 😌
Mom said, “About 2 months into our care plan we made it to our 3rd night of sleep...then a 4th night... then a 5th night...then we started to lose count.” 💤
Now she says, “We feel like we have our toddler back. It is like an entire world opened up to him that he didn’t know existed before. He loves to engage with us, he’s silly and cuddly! He is energetic and able to attend all of his therapies. Because of this, he is taking in so much more. He is now communicating with us and beginning to have spontaneous speech. Artem goes to bed at 6:30 pm every night and we wake him up at 7:00 am every morning. The entire family is able to sleep again.” ❤️
Yay Artem!!!
How can I regulate my vagus nerve / vagus nerve techniques / Tips for regulating the nervous system / vagus nerve exercises / how to help my child sleep /


The biggest difference you'll notice at North Idaho Spine Clinic is you'll feel like family from the moment you walk through the doors. ❤️ We care about results for your whole family and our entire team will take the time to really listen to your concerns, take a thorough case history, and work together with you to set some truly incredible goals for your child and family! 👏

Not only does our team have specialized training in pediatrics, prenatal, and family care – our office is designed with each child and family in mind. Got a minivan full of kids? Not a problem! We’ve got a huge playroom and an endless supply of snacks in case you got busy and forgot to pack 204 of them for each child yourself! 😂 And if you’re currently expecting or have your new little baby in town, we’ve got you covered with our stash of fresh wipes and diapers, and more.

If you're ready for a health-first approach and to find a doctor's office your kids LOVE going to, give us a call today! We'd love to meet you and your beautiful family! 😃


Parents, say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach and hello to a brighter, healthier future for your child! ☀️

Our approach at North Idaho Spine Clinic is built on three core principles:
1️⃣ We listen to you, because you know your child best 👏
2️⃣ We dig deep to find the root causes 🔍 of health issues
3️⃣ We create a supportive, empowering care plan and community for your family 🤗

No more feeling dismissed or unheard. No more band-aid solutions that don't last.
At North Idaho Spine Clinic we're doing things differently. Our team of prenatal, pediatric, and family experts is dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care that goes beyond just treating symptoms. 🎉

Ready to discover the difference? Come and learn more about Neurologically-Focused Pediatric + Family Chiropractic Care at North Idaho Spine Clinic! And if you ever have any questions, feel free to give us a call! Our team would love to hear more about your child’s story! ♥️

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 05/21/2024

As a baby, Jackson struggled with bad reflux, gas pains, and trouble sleeping at night. 💤
Mom said, “It was very difficult for us to try and navigate being first-time parents and having Jackson struggling with these issues! It was hard to see him so upset and unhappy because he was always so uncomfortable.”
So they took action and brought Jackson to their amazing holistic pediatrician who is always looking to find the root cause of your child’s struggle and not just put a band aid on the symptoms. 🙌🏻 And for Jackson, they knew the stress of a very fast labor and delivery was part of that root cause, so they were referred to their local PX Doc. Mom said, “We are so thankful to have a pediatrician who right away recommended chiropractic once we brought up our concerns to her!” ❤️
And here’s how it went! 👇🏼
Mom said, “Jackson started getting adjusted when he was 9 weeks old and within the first couple of weeks, we definitely started to see changes! We first noticed that he was no longer having constant gas pains and didn't seem as uncomfortable anymore. Within the first month, his colic seemed to disappear, and we started to see Jackson's happy and silly personality starting to come through.
With continued care, Mom said, “He was a completely different baby than he was when we started. His colic and stomach pains were completely gone, his reflux better than ever, and he started sleeping through the night!
Now, as a toddler, mom says “He is truly the happiest and is always smiling and laughing. We could not be more thankful to have found the PX Docs - they've taught us so much about chiropractic care and the benefits it helped provide to Jackson. Thank you for giving us our happy boy back!” 🎉
We could not be happier that Jackson is thriving, happy, and healthy! All natural, and all drug-free! And with the best parents he could possibly ask for! ✨

/ How to find a holistic doctor for my child / / /


Being a mom is literally the coolest gig in the world! And sometimes it feels like we’re running on empty. 😅 From dropping kids off at practice to grocery shopping to feeling behind on work so we could go on that field trip and everything else in between. It’s hard to slow down and take a deep breath. So as Mother’s day weekend approaches, and hopefully a little break for you, we wanted to take a second and let you know that we love you all! 💐 THANK YOU for being a part of NISC!


Motherhood is the greatest. But sometimes it feels like we’re running on empty and relying solely on those afternoon lattes! ☕ But what if it’s more than feeling tired and really is chronic mom exhaustion? As sleep, good nutrition, and self-care are important, how do we get to the root of this fatigue? Well, it starts with the nervous system! 🧠 Most exhausted systems aren’t able to adapt as well to stress around them, which makes being a mom flat-out HARDER than it already is!

Do you feel exhausted? Schedule a Neurological INSiGHT Scan at North Idaho Spine Clinic and let’s see what’s going on! Dr. Adam will then create a customized care plan just for you so that you can get back to rocking all of those mama duties like the queen you are! 🫡 We are ready to help you get your energy back so that you’re able to pour into your family better than ever before! ♥️

/ / How to survive as a new mom / Lack of sleep / How to get more sleep as a mom / Holistic remedies for sleep


Attention all moms! 📣 Are you running on empty and know it's time to find a way to recharge? Our "𝐸𝑥ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑜𝑚'𝑠 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒" blog is here to throw you a lifeline!
Being a mom is a 24/7 job, and it's easy to neglect your own well-being in the process. 😓 But to be the best version of yourself for your family, you need to prioritize self-care...and we don't mean grocery shopping without kids, 😝 we mean truly taking care of YOU. 💗 Our blog breaks it down into four simple yet powerful strategies:
1. Getting enough sleep 🌙
2. Eating nourishing foods 🍎
3. Reaching out for support 🙋‍♀️
4. Taking care of your nervous system 🧠
Incorporating these practices into your daily life can help you navigate motherhood with greater ease and joy. If you're struggling to find balance in motherhood, Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care has got you covered! 🥰 Chiropractic care can be a game-changer when it comes to regulating your nervous system! 🔥 We can't always get enough sleep and sometimes lunch is stuffing whatever we can find on the counter into our mouths, 😂 but we can be ready to adapt to whatever motherhood throws our way with chiropractic!
Click the link below to learn more! If you're struggling to find balance in motherhood, we're here to support you every step of the way! ❤️

/ / How to survive as a new mom / Lack of sleep / How to get more sleep as a mom / Holistic remedies for sleep

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 03/28/2024

“Their care was just different. Not only did they validate my very new mom instincts but they really took the time to hear Eva’s entire story to give her the best care possible.” ❤️
Hear this incredible mom’s story of how Eva Jo went from uncomfortable & stuck to thriving! 👇🏼
“We noticed early on that Eva Jo was favoring looking to one side and at her 1 month check up her doctor said because she was barely able to turn her head to the other side at all, that it was affecting her head shape. If nothing was done she would end up in a helmet which we were open to if she needed, but I wanted to try more natural approaches first! She wasn’t sleeping well and we could tell she was just uncomfortable!
It was so hard because you want to do everything for your precious little newborn baby to feel the best she can and when nothing is working it just breaks your heart!
The doctor gave us PT exercises to do at home. When we would do the exercises the cries that came out of her didn’t just seem like “I don’t like this” they were cries of pain. My Mom gut just knew we needed a more in-depth look before we continued to stretch her neck and body.” 💪🏻
That’s when they found their local PX Doc and got Eva started on her unique, Neurologically-Focused care plan! 🗒
Mom says, “After only a few visits I noticed Eva Jo turning her head and even sleeping with her head turned the opposite way than she favored! She also was sleeping so well! Ever since she started chiropractic she sleeps 6-8 hours a night!
Now, Eva Jo is a happy and healthy little 7-and-a-half-month-old baby! She sleeps well and her head and neck motion, control, and strength are right on track! At her 4-month checkup, her doctor said if things keep progressing this well Eva was on track to not need a helmet as things have been able to regulate naturally through her care! As first-time parents we weren’t sure of anything starting out and looking back now, we could not have been more blessed to have made our way to this amazing office!“ 😊
Way to follow your gut, Mom, and way to go Eva Jo! 🎉

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One of the most important things we do at North Idaho Spine Clinic is simply listen to your concerns, answer your questions with empathetic and thoughtful answers, and work alongside you to achieve the best health outcomes for your child. You’ll never find a team who loves collaborating and partnering with parents and other providers as much as we do! ♥️

Working in partnership with mom and dad, PTs, OTs, speech therapists, holistic pediatricians or nurse practitioners, and other professionals to ensure optimal results is a very big deal to us and something we actively pursue with every patient! 👏

We know that now more than ever you want and need a doctor who listens, educates, and empowers you each step of the way, and gets all the way down to the real root cause of your child’s health challenges by diving deep into the function and balance of their nervous system! 🧠

Head to our 𝐷𝑜𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛 blog at the link below to learn more!

// // // // // // // // how to help colic // Will my child grow out of colic? // // //

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 03/26/2024

When Ruby’s tantrums took a turn for the worse, 😡 her parents decided to be proactive and follow their gut 💪🏻 instead of waiting to see if she would ‘grow out of it.’ Here’s what Mom has to say!

“Ruby was having a lot of tantrums that went from 0-to-100 in two seconds. She would take a really long time to level out and I worried a lot about the effect the stress was having on her.
We knew toddlers having tantrums were common, so we’d second-guess ourselves a lot, telling ourselves it’s normal. But it didn’t *feel* normal. We tried every way we could think of to help her regulate and calm down, and it made us feel helpless.
The doctors instantly listened and empathized with our worry, and were open enough to be curious about it. Judgment-free care is such a breath of fresh air!
And the scans definitely confirmed why she was struggling with regulating her emotions. It was wild to see visually what was going on inside.
After a few weeks of care, we realized we weren’t completely stressed out about Ruby’s tantrums - we weren’t on high alert, because they weren’t nearly as wild or as frequent. She also started to try saying more words a few weeks after starting care, and she’s really gained a lot of confidence in her communication over the last couple of months.
Ruby still has tantrums, but they seem a lot more developmentally appropriate for her age. We can help her move through tough things that would’ve ended our afternoons in the past. She has a lot more communication and really likes to try out saying new words. She jokes a lot, loves to sing and read, and gives the best hugs.” ❤️

That mother’s intuition when things just feel ‘off’ never lies and it’s incredible to watch moms like Ruby’s follow it for their kiddos to thrive! 🙌🏻
// // // // // // how to help colic // Will my child grow out of colic? // What is reflux? // Reflux remedies // Toddler tantrums // // northidahospineclinic


Do you ever feel like you're chasing symptoms but not getting down to the root cause of your child's struggles? 😢 Whether your child is two months old or fifteen years old, at North Idaho Spine Clinic, we have found that the neurology behind colic, sensory processing issues, autism, ADHD, anxiety, constipation, and chronic autoimmune challenges are the same.

𝐼𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑐𝑘. The nervous system 🧠 controls everything from digestion to immune function, respiratory system, social-emotional regulation, and neurological development. Challenges you’ve been told your children will “grow out of,” like colic and chronic ear infections, can actually lead to chronic autoimmune challenges, allergies, and a compromised immune system that makes it easy to catch every cold that comes around.

If you're looking for an office that is neurologically focused and uniquely equipped to address the root cause behind all of these challenges, give us a call. We'd love to help! ♥️

// // // // // // // // // // // // how to help colic // Will my child grow out of colic?

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 03/20/2024

Between his reflux, colic, constant tension, AND being diagnosed with laryngomalacia at 2 months old, navigating Grant’s health as a tiny baby 👶 proved to be a challenge his family never expected. ➡️
Mom said, “It was very frustrating and tiresome. As a new mother, one would not expect to go through trials to have a happy, healthy baby.” But this strong momma never backed down and kept relentlessly searching for answers to find help for her sweet boy.
Grant had a tongue-tie release, along with consultations from multiple specialists. These seemed to bring some relief, but Grant was still struggling. So when the doctors recommended Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic, she decided to give it a chance!
Grant’s mom saw his neurological scans and was astonished that someone so small could have so much stress at a young age. But, when the doctors connected the dots between the stress from his long birth turned c-section and his results on the scans… she said it all made sense and she finally felt at ease. 😌
As Grant started his customized care plan, he gradually began to make huge improvements! 🎉 He started to become much more calm and relaxed. He also wasn’t crying as much and his reflux became far less frequent. Then his nighttime sleep increased tremendously and he wasn't spitting up anymore with scary choking episodes from his laryngomalacia. 👏♥️
And now, he can spend long periods of time playing without any fussiness, he smiles more, and his momma describes him as an overall “happy baby”.
Mom says, “With all the extra knowledge learned from our PX Doc, I can carry on knowing there are other ways to care for Grant. I don’t have to worry as much about issues regarding his health and I feel more secure having the extra help that comes from chiropractic care!” 🥹

// // // // // What causes colic // What is colic // // natural colic remedies // How to help colic // Why is my baby screaming so much // Why won’t my baby sleep //

What Causes Colic? | PX Docs 03/19/2024

The first thing we always take care of in cases of colic is something quite non-traditional, the parents. 🥹 Knowing that your baby’s uncontrollable crying and challenges are not your fault is important. Colic affects 1 in 4 babies in the first three months of life. If your baby has prolonged crying fits over 3 hours a day, at least three days a week, they likely have “colic”.

Emerging evidence reveals colic is not simply normal crying infants will outgrow, but rather a signal of neurological dysfunction requiring support. Colic is more than normal fussiness that a child outgrows; it often indicates an imbalance and disruption of optimal neurological and digestive function. If left unresolved, this can lead to the child developing other health challenges later in life, such as constipation, 💩 respiratory and immune issues, 🤒 sensory processing disorder, and more. Plus, the relentless cries of colic can have consequences beyond temporary discomfort, disrupting overall development and family wellness.

Whereas traditional medicine overlooks the foundational role the nervous system plays and seeks to just suppress symptoms, Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care goes right to the real root cause.

North Idaho Spine Clinic specializes in finding and identifying these areas of subluxation and neurological dysfunction in infants, using an advanced neuro-scanning technology called the INSiGHT Scans that further pinpoints and helps quantify the neurological stress patterns often associated with colic.

From there, we’re able to then gently adjust and clear the subluxations and tension that are causing the child to be uncomfortable, and so often, you see the infant immediately relax, unwind, and often fall asleep. ❤️ Parents, there is Hope, Answers, and Drug-Free Help for colic! Head to the link in our bio to learn more!

👉 👈

// // // // // What causes colic // What is colic // // natural colic remedies // How to help colic // Why is my baby crying so much // Why won’t my baby sleep // // // //

What Causes Colic? | PX Docs This article explains what causes colic and introduces a drug-free approach – Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, that helps to calm colic by restoring neurological function and digestive motility.


⚡️Patient Spotlight ⚡️

For Luke enjoying activities was difficult and frustrating. He lacked the energy, stamina and coordination to keep up with friends. Luke’s parents started to notice his struggles at age two, when he should have been running and keeping up with other kiddos, he was always the first one to have to sit down to rest. Luke’s teachers expressed concern.

Along with this Luke was struggling with low energy, poor appetite, bed-wetting and anxiety. These symptoms were all signs that his body was overwhelmed and not in healing mode. When they brought him in for pediatric chiropractic care at North Idaho Spine Clinic his neurologic scans showed just that, his nervous system was bogged down.

With consistent care and a much calmer nervous system Luke is absolutely crushing it 🤜- with in the first few weeks of care Luke’s teachers noticed a change. Not only has his balance/coordination and stamina improved, he is having better digestion, less anxiety , more restful sleep, which has allowed Luke to enjoy being a kid. He is proud to have just learned to snowboard at school! 🏂

We are so excited for Luke’s increased health and vitality and absolutely love watching him grow and thrive.

Autism, ADHD, sensory processing, and more - Articles - PX Docs - Your #1 Pediatric Chiropractic & Education Source 01/07/2023

After 13 years of clinical practice, we continue to find that kids continuing to struggle with constipation come from (3) mani categories:

Nutritional and Food Intolerances
Neurological Interferences
Both Nutritional +🥛 and Neurological

Here is the wildest part of all this- while nearly 💯 of patients that start care with us have tried a multitude of nutritional changes, supplements, essential oils, etc- almost none of them have been told about how important the nervous system is when it comes to gut digestive health. 🧠

If you have never heard of the either this article is a must read 👉

Autism, ADHD, sensory processing, and more - Articles - PX Docs - Your #1 Pediatric Chiropractic & Education Source Our articles will help you discover the answers and action steps regarding autism, ADHD, anxiety, constipation, colic, and so much more!

Photos from North Idaho Spine Clinic's post 06/21/2022

Do babies and kiddos 👶 need chiropractic care? Absolutely!!! Meet Ari. Ari is Dr. Adam's daughter. She came into this world via c-section. Being trained as a pediatric chiropractor Dr. Adam knew his daughter needed chiropractic care due to the stress of her entry into this world. See we live through our nervous system. Stress from birth injuries, medical interventions and trauma sets up shop in the nervous system leading to fussy grumpy, babies and tired moms and dads.

The good part is specific neuro-tonal chiropractic care can shift your child into rest, digest and heal mode! Just what they need. If you are exhausted because your child is not thriving like you know they can we are here when you are ready.

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1207 Michigan Street Ste B
Sandpoint, ID

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 1pm
3pm - 5pm
Tuesday 1pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 1pm
Thursday 8:30am - 1pm
3pm - 5:30pm

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