
aromaRosary offers handcrafted rosaries that hold and diffuse the highest quality essential oils to e

Photos from aromaRosary's post 09/01/2024

September is full of many amazing feasts! Celebrating feast days in the Catholic faith is a vibrant reminder of our rich heritage, where each saint’s story inspires us to live out our faith with joy and purpose. These special days bring us together in community, gratitude, and reverence, making our spiritual journey all the more meaningful!


Don’t miss this extraordinary line up!!

“Nothing ever happens in the world that does not happen first inside human hearts.”- Fulton Sheen

Register for FREE here for an evening roundtable discussion. It will be enlightening and inspirational.

Spread the word!!

Nothing ever happens in the world that does not happen first inside human hearts.

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/22/2023

🙏 Pope John Paul II, a beloved figure of faith, found solace and strength in the power of the rosary. Let's join hands and hearts in this timeless prayer, connecting with the profound devotion that touched his life.

SWIPE through to see what he has to say about the rosary! 🤍

DON'T FORGET! We are running a FREE SHIPPING Special for the whole month of October - AKA The month of the Rosary! Run to the shop today to get your favorite rosary products before the month ends.


Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/16/2023

🤍💗 J O S E P H I N E 🤍💗

Inspired by my daughter and her pro-life story, the remarkable life of St. Josephine Bakita, and the patronage of St. Joseph, we are thrilled to bring you this beautiful aromaRosary. Our beautiful pro-life rosary is light and airy and reminds us of the dignity and value of every human life. This aromaRosary helps support single mothers and victims in recovery after suffering the horrors of s*x trafficking.
Built to Diffuse Essential Oils
Solid Bronze Metal Crucifix and Center 4 essential oil rosary blend samples

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/02/2023

It’s AromaRosarys favorite month of the year! THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY! 🙏🤍📿

This month enjoy FREE SHIPPING on any AromaRosary order! 🎁

Head over to our website to shop our rosary’s including finger rosary’s and rosary bracelets and more! 🙏🤍😇

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 09/21/2023

🌹 Discover the beautiful tapestry of blessings woven through the 15 Promises of the Rosary! 🙏✨ These sacred assurances were revealed through divine inspiration, offering us comfort, strength, and a connection to a deeper faith and spiritual life. 🌟📿

Embrace the power of prayer and let the Rosary lead you on a spiritual journey like no other. 🌠🕊️

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/21/2022

THANK YOU for all your incredible support this fall & Advent season! We are so grateful for every social media heart, comment, purchase, etc.

Your support has been so valued and appreciated!! You’re making dreams come true! 🤍

Look forward to see you again in 2023!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/16/2022


This is the final day to order from our shop to have your aromarosary product arrive before Christmas!!

Enjoy FREE SHIPPING for orders over $75!

Give the gift of prayer this Christmas! Don't forget to check out our new Josephine Rosary & all our other collections!

AromaRosary...Prayer that makes Scents.

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/14/2022

How much time do you truly set aside for prayer?🙏🤍

Is your daily average under 30 minutes? Have you ever felt that you were too busy for prayer?🏃‍♀️🙏

This last week I saw a post that really challenged me! It is said the average American spends 2 hours a day watching Netflix but states they don't have time to go to mass 1 hour a week or pray daily. What are the "nothing" things I fill my time doing?

If we wrote a minute-by-minute log of our time, what would get the most minutes of the day? Remember, if you find yourself too busy, then that means that prayer needs to INCREASE accordingly. 😉

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/12/2022

Our Lady of Guadalupe first introduced herself as the Mother of God and the mother of all humanity when she appeared on the hill of Tepeyac in Mexico in 1531. An indigenous peasant, Juan Diego, saw a glowing figure on the hill. After she had identified herself to him, Our Lady asked that Juan build her a shrine in that same spot, in order for her to show and share her love and compassion with all those who believe.

Although it was winter and nothing should have been in bloom, Juan Diego found an abundance of flowers of a type he had never seen before. The Virgin bundled the flowers into Juan's cloak, known as a tilma. When Juan Diego presented the tilma of exotic flowers to Zumárraga, the flowers fell out and he recognised them as Castilian roses, which are not found in Mexico.

Over 20 million people visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe each year, now situated on the very same hill on which she appeared.

We chose blue jasper and lava rock for this rosary to remind us of Mary's mantle & that she is with us, especially when we need her most. Check out our shop for more Guadalupe Goodness!!

P.S. have you signed up for our free newsletter yet? We share so much more fun content there! Sign up right now so you don’t miss our special Our Lady of Guadalupe edition of our newsletter for some further shocking details about this incredible Marian devotion!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/09/2022

I strongly believe that when it comes to rosaries, the more the merrier! 😇

It’s great to have 1 or 2 that you love but I argue you should have multiple so that their is always one near by, and makes it easier to pray & serve as a visual reminder.

In todays post I share 5 places you should always have a rosary! These are spots that you might find helpful or where you might be and have the chance to say the rosary. You will always be so glad you have one handy RIGHT THERE instead of having to go find one.

If you’ve thought of giving a rosary to a loved one for Christmas but thought “oh, they already have one”, consider that they might not have one in all the places that could maximize their prayer life!!

Once I started spreading all my rosaries I realized I had less than I thought!! 🤯🫣

PS Our brand new rosary “The Josephine” is live!! If you love dainty, light & feminine beauty, you’re going to love it! Check out our shop to see more!!

I’m curious! Where is your favorite spot to have your rosary? Better yet, where is the spot you put your rosary that actually gets prayed with the most?

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/07/2022

Our family loves to mix up our family meal prayers! We have a curated selection of amazing alternative mealtime prayers beyond just "Bless us oh Lord...". While we love that prayer too, we have several others that we love that have opened up a whole new world & trigger us to reengage, reconnect, and make us really think about the prayers vs. autopilot prayer.

This is a unique and fun way to pray in a brand new way!

We have these amazing 7 prayers to pray before meals available on our website for a HUGE DISCOUNT!! Check it out before it goes back to its regular pricing!

How are you up-leveling your prayer life this week?

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/05/2022

Why combine Essential oils with the rosary?

The beauty of our essential oils today is that they are more accessible and versatile than ever. Right at our fingertips are remedies for supporting physical, mental, and emotional health. We have the unique ability to connect them with all areas of our lives.

By incorporating essential oils into habits such as sleep, food, exercise, etc., we are literally improving our quality of life.

God desires that we use the gifts and talents He has offered to us and to glorify Him through them.

For this reason, to draw upon the oils of plants, trees, bark, flowers, etc., and to incorporate them into our prayer is only natural.

We do this regularly in the Catholic tradition with other forms of nature… building bouquets of flowers, iconography, offering incense, etc. Therefore, it is only a natural and organic occurrence that we combine the benefits of essential oils with the practice of praying the Rosary.

Photos from aromaRosary's post 12/02/2022

Seeing as our ministry is centered on the Rosary, we tend to talk a lot about Mary, HOWEVER, we don’t want to forget about her spouse & Jesus’ foster father, Joseph!

Joseph holds a powerful intercession and is ready to come to our aid upon request.

Prayer to St. Joseph’s intercession….

To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our afflictions, and having implored the help of your most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke your patronage also.

Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.

O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; O most loving father, ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence; O our most mighty protector, be kind to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness.

As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.

P.S. A NEW PRODUCT drop is happening soon!! And todays post is a tiny hint. 😉

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/30/2022

I just LOVE this quote!! I had never considered the juxtaposition of the rosary in this way: Simple & Theologically rich. So humble, and yet such a RICH & perfect means of prayer.

So powerful! 💪🙏

Don't forget to shop our rosaries this Advent season! You may think "well, I already have a rosary" but we bet you don't have one like *this*! The unique combination of our beads, metals & OILS gives this simple and rich spiritual practice elevated & so much more special.

Stay tuned for a BRAND NEW PRODUCT coming SOON!!

Shop our store, link in bio! :)

Our Founder Chantal MET St. John Paul II (see stories for pic!). So special!!

He is begging us to pray the rosary! What do you say?

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/25/2022

Ever find yourself thinking "I have time for a rosary right now but forgot it at home". Rosary Bracelets can be your everyday prayer accessory!!

There are so many great reasons to put one in your cart today!
1. You don't have to remember to bring it, just always have it on and it's always available!
2. It's a great REMINDER to pray when you see it on your wrist.
3. Great Evangelization opportunity. When others see it, they will wonder where you got such a beautiful bracelet and you can explain that it is actually a rosary!
4. Its Beautiful!! They are beautiful and versatile for any outfit! Shop all our styles of bracelets. Even men love the masculine options!
5. Smell amazing bonus! When you apply the oils to the bracelet you get to exclude the beautiful essential oil aroma while you carry on your everyday life.

There are plenty more reasons, but these are just a few! Check out the link in our bio to get your aromarosary bracelet!! There is a lot to love about these beauties!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/22/2022

We did a thing & didn't tell you.

And by "you" we mean our social media followers because our newsletter found out first! Are you subscribed yet? We fill that newsletter up with so many special Catholic things and send it out to you weekly! That is the first place we share our new discount codes (WINK WINK), etc. ok, but back to the thing we didn't share yet...

We put the NATIVITY Rosary back on the shop!! We couldn't think of a better time to pull out this customer favorite! Check out the link to our shop and head over to our "special features" page. You will also see the Nativity oil blend. Imagine how magical and charming your Christmas will be this year with your nativity oil blend next to your home nativity or Christmas tree for you to fully immerse yourself in the wonder of this sacred season.

Aromarosary has all your Christmas giving needs! Check us out, it's prayer that makes scents.

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/18/2022

Looking for incredible catholic gifts? LOOK NO FURTHER! We compiled a list of a few of our favorites and who we think they would be perfect for!

Instagram is full of some of the most incredible designers of Catholic goods. What a joy to see people express their gifts & talents toward Catholic creation and expanding the beauty and joy of the Catholic faith.

Consider supporting individual businesses this holiday season & remember when doing so, you are fostering peoples dreams and expanding the Catholic faith in a beautiful way!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/14/2022

Ok, St. Francis de Sales! We are listening!!

Do you *love* the rosary you are using right now? Science tells us that we are drawn to beauty and things we love and alternatively not drawn to things we are "so-so" about.

What if the secret to praying your rosary more was as easy as buying the one you actually *LOVED*!? I would argue our prayer life worth investing in. Check out the rosary's on our website to find the one that speaks to your soul and would be the rosary that inspires you to pray the greatest method of prayer even more!

Is there someone in your life that is on your heart that you hope is growing in prayer too? AromaRosary's make a great gift because they are a unique twist on a classic! Furthermore, St. Francis de Sales says it is the greatest form of prayer! What better thing to foster?

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/11/2022

You’ve probably heard of Our Lady of Fatima, and Guadalupe, and Lourdes. But, have you ever heard of Our Lady of LaSalette before?

We have an entire rosary collection named for her because we believe she is something pretty special!

Our Lady of La Salette appeared in an apparition in France in 1846 to 2 children who were tending to their animals. They described her as sitting with her elbows resting on her knees and her face buried in her hands. She was clothed in a white robe studded with pearls; and a gold colored apron; white shoes and roses about her feet and high headdress. Around her neck she wore a crucifix suspended from a small chain. The Virgin invited people to respect the repose of the seventh day, and to respect the name of God.

How beautiful does she sound!?

Aroma Rosary’s are already a unique, special & memorable gift by themselves. Adding another element of a little known Apparition will make your gift recipient all the more delighted! 🥰🤍

Photos from aromaRosary's post 11/02/2022

Happy All Souls Day! Yesterday we celebrated All Saints Day, which we know are those who are in heaven! What is a Soul?

Swipe through to learn about what a Soul is. Join me in praying the Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory:

"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen."

Souls in purgatory are so grateful for our prayers for them! Pray especially for those who have no one to pray for them. Become a "soul adopter" and pray fervently that they will gain eternal life!

St. Faustina was a valiant prayer for those in purgatory! "Faustina also received a visit from Jesus concerning the souls. She saw him upon the cross, his Sacred Blood flowing from his hand, feet and side. She described, “Jesus said to me, All this is for the salvation of souls. Consider well, My daughter, what you are doing for their salvation. I answered, ‘Jesus, when I look at Your suffering, I see that I am doing next to nothing for the salvation of souls.’ And the Lord said to me, 'Know, My daughter, that your silent day-to-day martyrdom in complete submission to My will ushers many souls into heaven.' ".

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save Souls!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/31/2022

Happy HALLOWeen! On this eve before All Saints Day, we wanted to shout out one of our most beautiful and popular rosaries at aromarosary! 💜🤍 The Hallow Rosary!

Swipe to see all the reasons you will want to put this in your shopping cart. 😇💜

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/27/2022

How special, loved, and revered The Lord must feel when we pull out the special rosary that we pair with beautiful scents and connect nearly all our senses with prayer and deepen our relationship with Him.😇🤍

Our Newsletter “The Arrow” this week (are you subscribed yet?😉), we touch on delighting in the details and how beautiful it is to celebrate even the littlest detail.

I invite you to join me on my daily goal of complimenting someone every day on a little detail that they did, accomplished, etc.

Lets make the Lord feel special, loved, and cherished together! 🤍

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save Souls!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/24/2022

The #1 way to calm your mind is the Rosary!

Can we go little deeper today? Will you come with me on a journey with Fulton Sheen that absolutely blew my mind?

Fulton Sheen was a reservoir of knowledge. He observed how when the Church drops things, the world picks them up, but twists them in the wrong way. For example, mysticism drops, and the young turn to drugs. “And we drop violence, discipline, commitment to the Cross, and the world picks it up. … That’s why there’s no stopping the violence of this country.

We drop something, and the world picks it up and twists it. The Church is the mastermind of the faith and of living life. That being said, he notes “the Church is not a continuing thing — it dies and rises again. It proceeds on the principle of Christ himself as priest and victim. (This connection is mindblowing!)

The same is true when it comes to the rosary. When this dropped, the world picked it up and twisted it into this movement of meditation, yoga, and other new-age practices.

The Rosary is the key. It was always the key. When our minds our racing, it is the Rosary that grounds our thoughts and our faith. The repetition and reflection on the mysteries, by holding the rosary in our hands and moving as each prayer unfolds, and *hopefully* by also adding aroma to connect our senses.

The Church, in its ancient wisdom, has the answers. It's had them all along.

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/19/2022

How did aromarosary start?

A few years ago, Immaculée Ilibagiza spoke to my heart as she shared her story of suffering and triumph through the power of the rosary with 30,000 other individuals. It just so happened that she was the keynote speaker at a large global essential oil summit I was attending. As she shared, I marveled at her passion and unhindered dedication to sharing the rosary with the world.

Here in one moment two of my greatest loves in life were colliding before my eyes - essential oils and the rosary!

As I drove across the county I reflected on my personal visit with Immaculee, her powerful gesture of throwing her rosary to someone in the crowd and all I had just learned about the movement of essential oils in health care. My heart overflowed with inspiration and desire to bring to our hurting world the solace and rich blessings of essential oils and the rosary.

Thus this effort was born.  

Our mission is to create beautiful hand-crafted rosaries.  We seek to create an attitude and an atmosphere of aroma for prayer of the rosary flourish. We seek to help families understand the incarnational meaning of their bodies and the need for health to be a top concern and priority for families today.  We seek to dispel myths about essential oils and to help teach families how to safely and prudently and affordably begin using essential oils.

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/17/2022

Can you pick a favorite? There are so many to choose from!

While we are on the topic of Marian Feast days, I am curious how many of you have done a Marian Consecration? Comment a 🤍 if you are consecrated!

I shared more info in my stories about when the start days fall for the consecrations, one is coming up THIS WEEK!

Jesus, Mary, I love you, Save Souls!🤍

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/13/2022

OUR LADY OF FATIMA. Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima.

Did you catch our email this week that did a deep dive into several facts about Our Lady of Fatima? It was fun to re-learn along as I wrote it out this week. Sign up for our Newsletter "The Arrow" so you never miss more value-packed content.

Our Fatima collection of rosaries are a shop special favorite. They are Bright, earthy, and reminiscent of a sun - specifically a DANCING sun! The collection includes the ornamental, essential (which showcases the Lava Rock and Amazonite w/ white bronze crucifix and center + 4 Sample Oils), bracelet, and mini.

Jesus, Mary, I love you, Save Souls!

Photos from aromaRosary's post 10/11/2022

If you have ever wondered what the most excellent prayer was - look no further! Pope Leo XII made it clear that the Rosary is one of the most powerful and effective means of attaining eternal life.

In fact, it is a common theme among popes to encourage praying the rosary to enhance your relationship with The Lord!

Jesus, Mary, I love you, Save Souls!


Happy October - The Month of the Rosary! This is a favorite month of ours at aromarosary, so to celebrate 🎉, please enjoy 15% off our ENTIRE store with the code ARROW15.

Wondering why the code is called “arrow”, sign up for our newsletter (link in bio) to learn why! 😉

Question: where is your favorite SPOT to pray the rosary? In your car? Prayer corner? Church? Adoration? I want to know!

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Prayer that Makes Scents

Hi! Welcome to aromaRosary! I'm Chantal, the owner and creator of all that you see here! I'm so delighted that you've stopped by!!

I have worked to pursue a healthy lifestyle and to support our mission as a Catholic evangelization family, all the while, helping others find natural solutions to their physical and emotional pains through the use of essential oils. I started this effort after years in the essential oil world in an attempt to help extend the prayer experience for families who desire to enter more fully into the prayer of the rosary and live the virtues it represents.

While many people have chosen to take essential oils into a New Age context, it is my desire to remain orthodox in my presentation of the Catholic Faith and in the way in which essential oils can be used by the faithful. However, this initiative is not just for Catholics. The rosary is a prayer for all people and the tangible beauty and aroma of essential oils can help everyone to focus a little bit more, deepen the memory of the mysteries presented and inspire virtuous choices and faithful living.

I am excited to help you on your journey of prayer and wellness. Please reach out

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Rosary as Habit of Health and Hope


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