
BRIM DESIGN is an award-winning full-service branding agency with over a decade of experience buildi

BRIM DESIGN is an award-winning full-service branding agency with over a decade of experience building custom brands and coaching small businesses. Our goal is that everyone who encounters BRIM DESIGN will go away more personally and professionally enabled than before. Our standard of excellence and building life-long relationships with our clients is not only our highest priority but our deepest

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 08/15/2023

Thrilled to be featured in "Goal Setters".

Check out the link to read about our process for creating and reaching our goals as a small business.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 11/23/2022

The mark of a great photographer is not their ability to closely mimic the styles and poses of those who have come before them...but rather in their ability to express creative intelligence by making something new while simultaneously keeping something timeless.

Meet Billy Whittaker 09/20/2022

This article was a neat one to interview for. It was really exciting to touch on a few key focuses of the BRIM DESIGN story.

Homeschool and its positive impact, the drive behind our business, and how we encourage client retention and brand loyalty (both to the client and from the client 😉).

What I know is that we were built and are maintained by an incredibly supportive community. Not every small business can say that. But we know just how blessed we are.

Thank you!

Check out the article here:

Meet Billy Whittaker We recently connected with Billy Whittaker and have shared our conversation below. Billy, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you tell us about an important lesson you learned in school and why that lesson is important to you? Growing up, my mom and dad had decided, ju...


This was taken a year ago and I thought it a fitting photo for today's caption.

This time last year I was continuing to adjust our services and my role in my business specifically.

My goal was to have more time to focus on my son and bring knowledge and opportunity to his little life. I wanted to hand off as much as I could to the team and keep a few key projects that could be done off-hours (when Lil G wouldn't need me) for myself.

The thing about being a high-performance person is that slow seasons and breaks don't come naturally to you. In a literal sense, slowing down takes a lot of effort haha.

I was talking to a client and fellow business owner who is going through the same thing. "It's so hard", we joked.

Not that we aren't absolutely grateful to have the opportunity to choose this...but it's hard to quiet your brain, to delegate big and important things, to turn over one of your babies (the business) so you can intentionally serve your other, more important, babies (your precious child or children).

One thing that has encouraged me throughout the years is that so many small business owners are family-first kind of people. As long as you serve them to the best of your ability, they understand that your priority is family. Theirs is too a lot of times.

So the next time you're like me and the slowness creeps inside your mind and you are tempted to think "I should be doing more right now". Stop, look at your family, and soak up that your greatest opportunity is right there in front of you.

There will be time again for headlines, gold trophies, speeches, and all of those other things. But remember, there will never be another now with your people.


And so begins this year's round of awards.

We kicked them off with a gold Viddy award for a video project completed for a luxury developer who serves the Raleigh area.

Not only does this remind our team why the details of a project are so important when creating with excellence but it reminds our clients that we try to make sure every single project is unique and powerful enough to bring home a trophy, and better yet, help them capture the clients their business will need to thrive for year's to come.

Congrats to our team!

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 06/13/2022

I can geek out over some good brand images now. Love the way these photos feel (yes feel). You can experience right through these photos.

Have you ever thought of just getting a session done of your space? If you're personally camera shy, this is an excellent solution for building out your digital assets without having to take classic headshots (although those are extremely important).

These types of images make great filler content. It allows your community to get a sense of where you do your work, where the magic happens, what kind of atmosphere your space creates, and last but not least how it will feel when they come work, buy, or use a service in your business.


Easily the hardest part of just about everything...knowing what to put your energy into and when to do it.

Trying to figure out what areas of your life should take priority?

Determining which project you should work on first?

Building out those relationships or networks and trying to edtablish who should get your time and attention?


Whatever it is, keep this little nugget in mind. There are things that keep us busy, distract us, maybe even bring some reprieve to a hectic routine but ultimately there are things that matter and things that do not...speaking in the grand scheme of things sort of way.

Make sure you're not getting tunnel vision over perfection and popularity rather than progress and purpose.

Let go of all those little things nickel and diming your energy to death.

Finish what matters.


This outline logo concept is all wrapped up. 👌🏻

I loved that Nelson incorporated his son into this and that he had a clear vision for where he wanted it to go visually.

It's always nice to work on something a little different than the rest of our recent projects and I'm very happy with how it came out.


I had a client ask about why she was suddenly getting so many spam emails (since a team member made an edit to the site). This is why.

If you have noticed an uptick in those spam emails or bot accounts make sure you check your platforms for any displayed emails. If you've overlooked any, remove the displayed ones and instead link them to your contact forms (on your website) and contact buttons (on social media).

Additionally, make sure you add a reCAPTCHA field to your form so that the platform can automatically w**d out the bots versus the humans.

Happy sifting 😉.


Keep in mind the simplest logos are the most effective.

It doesn't have to be complicated but it should have an element that sets it apart and makes it recognizable.

Which do you remember first...
Nike, or the check mark?
McDonald's, or the golden arches?
Target, or the bullseye?

Remember your branding needs to be WORKING for you.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 06/05/2022

Just an FM hymn with my hand in the wind ✌🏻.

Happy Saturday! 😘


Happy Saturday loves! Just a nugget of wisdom to leave with you.


BTS photo processing from a brand session 📷

Brand photos are such a crucial part of online marketing. I usually encourage clients to get updated images every six months if they have a static virtual presence and every quarter if they have a circulating virtual presence (in layman's terms that means someone who shares a lot online vs someone who doesn't).

When I was explaining to a client recently about what to expect at her brand session, I realized some of you all might enjoy some insight into that as well.

During a well thought out brand session, you should receive a handful of updated headshots (of you and your team), atmospheric shots (aesthetic details, products, and layout orient photos of your space or facilities), brand assets (logos, business cards & paraphernalia), and lifestyle shots (these images reflect you, your team, and your clients candidly experiencing what a day in the life at your business is like.)

In this case, we were also preparing photo assets to be used in a social media campaign so we chose to include specific poses and content that we plan to use in her content calendar throughout the year.

The reason brand sessions are so important is because it takes what would otherwise be a very flat and predictable online experience (when someone visits your profile, website, or platforms) and turns it into a virtual emulation of what a client FEELS when experiencing your business IN PERSON.


What do I mean by that? When someone walks into your business, you get to welcome and greet them which sets the tone for the whole encounter. Online, however, often the only way to do that is through branding, messaging, and imagery.

That's why it matters so much. That's why the investment is worth it. Because your client experience is worth it. And whether they step through your door or click on your are offering them a snipet of insight into just how your business can make a difference in their life.


We can throw up our Memorial Day graphics, we can say "never forget", we can visit a memorial, or wear something with a flag in it today...but the real act of appreciation to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice is to not let it be in vain.

Don't let it go to waste, don't give away your freedoms, don't take for granted everything they fought to protect.

I sometimes struggle to know what to say on Memorial Day because I feel like things should look better than they do, people should understand more than they do, and especially...people should appreciate the sacrifice more than they do.

But ultimately I can't control anyone else. I can, however, make sure I don't let the loss be in vain. I can stand for and fight for my freedoms in my actions, choices, and promotion. I can teach my son about why it matters. I can do everything in my power to make a difference over here because of their sacrifice over there.

Let me tell you... I LOVE this flag 🇺🇸!!! I LOVE this country, and I LOVE the *Biblical principles* she was founded on. When it comes to it, I will go down swinging to maintain those freedoms and to make sure every single drop of blood means something during my lifetime.

That's how you honor the fallen, friend.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 05/29/2022

In the last few weeks I've had a handful of conversations where people were casually expressing their limitations and shortcomings (legitimate and/or perceived).

What these people fail to remember is that even those I don't know well, I know that they do not have the shortcomings they think they do. And furthermore, those with legitimate challenges CAN STILL find a way to build a future unique to them.

I wanted to take a minute to post about it because here is the reality... I have not had one coaching conversation in which the mentee felt completely free of limitations. Not one!


The things they tell me:
"I'm not creative enough."
"I have no discipline."
"I'm too introverted."
"I'm slow."
"I don't have any special talents."
"I wish I had more money."

You know what the best part of these "limitations" are?


That's great news...they either learn how to improve these areas or these areas pave the way for their unique business and what positive change it will bring to others.

The same is true for you. Whatever it is you think makes you not good enough to ________ (succeed, be liked, start a business - insert your answer here), it's simply NOT TRUE. Yes, your situation is uniquely your own but you can decide to turn that into your ultimate advantage. You literally just have to decide and go after it.

Millions have done it before you, millions will do it after you. Don't miss out.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 05/09/2022

So thankful for this experience. Thankful for the opportunity to discover something new (places I've never been) and something old (family heritage).

It's amazing what you can pack into four days...but, Puerto Rico, I will definitely be back for more.


Coming along side startups is a true privilege. Helping entrepreneurs realize their dreams is a passion of ours. Branding and business planning is the first step to aztualizing your vision.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 05/08/2022

Leaving nothing but footprints, taking nothing but time, collecting nothing but moments.

Somehow my heart is even more full. We biked, hiked, and swam every moment last second out of the day.


5-7 brand interactions, what does that mean?

In a practical sense, it means that you have to get your business in front of your target client at least 5-7 times before they will remember you.

How do you do this? By establishing a cohesive brand and pushing it to all your assets.

Assets would include business cards, collateral, advertisements, social media platforms, products, paraphernalia and anything else that helps you get in front of your client.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 05/07/2022

The first day in the motherland (Puerto Rico) did not disappoint.

Ate amazing food, visited some historical architecture, broke into a cemetery and saw some incredible things.

There was one solitary moment when the sun was coming down in golden rays over the fortress and the water was crashing on the rocks below that I realized I didn't want to talk to anyone or take a picture, just to keep and treasure the memory for year's to come.


Enough said.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 05/03/2022


If you've started (or are wanting to start) a business, organization, or page - you've probably asked yourself this question.

If you've chosen a niche that has a pretty large number of other professionals already doing what you want to do, you've probably even gotten hung up on it.

It's a solid question. And even though the answer sounds somewhat cliche, that doesn't make it any less true.

Here is the answer...


That's not a feel-good piece of non-sense (I don't believe in obscure self-affirmation - I believe in truth and I believe in telling it) so when I tell you, YOU are what you have to offer future client's/followers...I mean it.

Even if your business model is already out there. Even if ten people you work with have the same side gig you do. Even if there are thousands of other pages with content similar to yours - you have a personality all your own and experiences that have shaped and made you who you are.

Your perspective can't be duplicated because it's just that, YOUR perspective. While some things in life overlap with others, those things will allow for points of relativity to connect with your community and all the other experiences will be what sets you apart.

Even though unique ideas can result in the most well-known businesses/pages, never doubt that you can build a successful business without reinventing the wheel. Either scenario can lend to a business that sustains your ideal lifestyle and supports your community.

I am NOT the only person running a branding business out of the Triangle. I am NOT the only one who serves small businesses. I AM the only person God has allowed to walk in my shoes and learn everything I have in order to serve our client's in a unique and specific way. So that's what I do and that's what you can do with your vision.

Don't let overlap be the reason you are afraid to start. Remember, your story is worth sharing and nobody else can.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 05/02/2022

I've been getting a lot of questions about story engagement since last week so I thought I'd do you one better and make a visual aid so I'll have something to look back on.

You may have stumbled onto this one already just by watching how your audience behaves, but if not, go ahead and give it a try.


If you've ever been published, you know that there is a specific process to how it is done.

Usually, there is the initial inquiry from the publication about featuring you/your business, then there is the process of being interviewed and sending in imagery for the publication to use.

After you complete those two things, the publication edits your interview into an article format and what can often take place is that they cut out parts of the interview to better suit their issue purposes/message.

It might not be a huge edit, just a line here and there but sometimes they remove contexts that you feel are extremely prudent to the information left behind. I've had that happen before on several occasions. In general, it is a pretty normal occurrence.

If your goal is to get published at some point, my advice to you would be this - make sure the focus of your message is carried throughout your interview. Make sure after they edit it, you're still left with something you can hang your hat on.

For me, It is critical that I mention the foundation of my business (the support of my parents to self educate and dream) the sustainment of my business (the Lord's continued blessing), and the commitment of my business (to love others through excellent service and long B2B partnerships).

It is always interesting to me how much of the editing peels that away... oftentimes reducing the emphasis on the fact I am a faith-based business. But I was pleasantly surprised at how this last article came out. There, 100% intact, was my written conviction that this business would be nothing without the Lord.

Do I run the risk of them scrapping my feature if they think it leans too heavy in the faith direction? Sure. But as I have said before, if I can give my business to God when he is showering us with success and blessings, then I must be able to live by it when it could cost me something.

I hope this is an encouragement to you small businesses, especially faith-based businesses still learning how to navigate these things.


Thankful to serve a wide array of clients and for their kind words.

Photos from BRIMdesign's post 04/25/2022

How many times have we heard this one?

Ok first things first, I am not saying if you reach out to your friends and family, you can't get them to make a purchase. What I am saying is that, without a doubt, once you leverage that relationship for a sale, it will be a very long time before it returns to a neutral zone.

Why can that be a bad thing?

Have you ever gone to a reunion or a party and that one person that you want to hide from is there? You know, that person that's always talking about the same thing, trying to sell you something, not taking social queues, being rather pushy and annoying?

Well contrary to your intentions...this is often what sales pitches feel like to friends and family.

You may believe in yourself and your product and that's awesome, but the person you are pitching to is much more likely to feel like the sale matters to you more than your relationship. Especially if you come at it from a place where you haven't had a regular conversion in a while. It feels a little bit used-car-salesmany.

So how do you make a go of your business if you don't sell to your existing network?

By all means, make the sale. But rather than hunting down the people you know and badgering them into a purchase, start tastefully informing people of what it is you do and then leave the decision in their hands.

Of bob has no interest in getting fit, you pitching and pitching him your personal training business isn't going to make him change his mind. BUT, if Bob is already looking for a personal training he will likely go with someone he knows. You. That is unless he has felt badgered and bullied by your pitches at every encounter.

Are you catching on yet? You can still start a successful business AND keep your relationships healthy at the same time. Just remember for friends and family especially - Inform, don't intrude. You'll have much more long-term success.

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Our Story

BRIM DESIGN is an award-winning full-service branding agency with over a decade of experience building in custom brands and coaching small businesses. Our goal is that everyone who encounters BRIM DESIGN will go away more personally and professionally enabled than before. Our standard of excellence and building life-long relationships with our clients is not only our highest priority but our deepest passion. Our team makes their dreams more tangible with award-winning design, photography, videography, social media, and consulting. After all...

Hello! I'm Billy Rae the owner of BRIM DESIGN.

I started BRIMdesign at the age of 14 as a freelance graphic design and photography business.

Through the years it has grown to become so much more than a business. I have dedicated BRIMdesign to the Lord and hope to continue serving the business and organizational community with it.

Videos (show all)

A life lesson in collaboration.Not the best angle, but the content is good. 😘If you're stuck struggling with comparison,...
We have been proud to serve Austin Parker Villiage for over a year now.It has been a pleasure to work with this develope...


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