Real Estate: The PreMere Team

The Pre MERE Real Estate Team is comprised of William Mere (DRE 01210506), Bryan Mere (DRE 02002199), and Jenny Orellana (DRE 01475775).

We are an agent team for Keller Williams VIP Properties (DRE 01367726). Access to off-market homes for sale! Stay up-to-date on real estate trends in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas! For more available properties, visit

Sellers: Your House Could Be an Oasis for Buyers Seeking More Options 10/18/2021

Sellers: Your House Could Be an Oasis for Buyers Seeking More Options

Sellers have a great opportunity this season as buyer demand still heavily outweighs the current supply of homes for sale. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), today’s housing inventory sits at only a 2.6-month supply. To put that into perspective, a neutral market typically features a 6-month supply. That places today’s market firmly in the sellers’ market category. That same NAR data also shows today’s inventory of single-family homes is trailing behind the level we saw last year.

Because of the ongoing supply challenges, buyers can feel like they’re wandering across a vast, empty desert when searching for their next home. That means your house could provide an oasis for buyers thirsty for options – and it could increase the chances of buyers entering a bidding war for your home.

The latest Realtors Confidence Index Survey from NAR shows houses are...

Sellers: Your House Could Be an Oasis for Buyers Seeking More Options Sellers have a great opportunity this season as buyer demand still heavily outweighs the current supply of homes for sale. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), today’s housing inventory sits at only a 2.6-month supply. To put that into perspective, a neutral market typically fe...

Homebuyer Tips for Finding the One 10/16/2021

Homebuyer Tips for Finding the One [INFOGRAPHIC]

The best advice carries across multiple areas of life. When it comes to homebuying, a few simple tips can help you stay on track. Because of increased demand, you’ll need to be patient and embrace compromises during your search. Then, once you’ve fallen in love, commit by putting your best offer forward. If you’re looking to buy a home this year, DM me so you have a dedicated partner and teammate to help you find the one.

Homebuyer Tips for Finding the One Some Highlights The best advice carries across multiple areas of life. When it comes to homebuying, a few simple tips can help you stay on track. Because of increased demand, you’ll need to be patient and embrace compromises during your search. Then, once you’ve fallen in love, commit by putting...


Where Will I Go if I Sell My House?

Many homeowners have realized their needs have changed over the past year. Let's connect today to discuss your options.

The Big Question: Should You Renovate or Move? 10/13/2021

The Big Question: Should You Renovate or Move?

If you’re a homeowner who wants more from their current house, you have two options: renovate your current house or buy a home that already has the spaces you desire. The decision you make could be determined by factors like:

>>A possible desire to relocate
>>The difference in the cost of a renovation versus a purchase
>>Finding an existing home or designing a new home that has exactly what you want (versus trying to restructure the layout of your current house)

In either case, you’ll need access to capital: the funds for the renovation or the down payment your next home would require. The great news is that the money you need probably already exists in your current home in the form of equity.

The record-setting increases in home prices over the last two years dramatically improved homeowners’ equity. As a homeowner, the money you need to purchase the perfect home or renovate your current house may be...

The Big Question: Should You Renovate or Move? The last 18 months changed what many buyers are looking for in a home. Recently, the American Institute of Architects released their AIA Home Design Trends Survey results for Q3 2021. The survey reveals the following:

Experts Agree: Homeownership Provides a Path to Long-Term Wealth 10/11/2021

Experts Agree: Homeownership Provides a Path to Long-Term Wealth

A recent survey from found there are multiple reasons why Americans would choose to purchase a home instead of renting. 41% of respondents say they’d rather own a home than rent because of the unique way homeownership builds wealth over time. And experts agree – the home you own is an important tool for building your net worth.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), “Homeowners who purchased a typical single-family existing-home 30 years ago at the median sales price of $103,333 with a 10% down payment loan and who sold the property at the median sales price of $357,700 in 2021 Q2 accumulated housing wealth of $349,258, . . .”

Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, points out that a home is truly a one-of-a-kind asset. “The major financial advantage of homeownership is the accumulation of equity in the form of house price appreciation...

Experts Agree: Homeownership Provides a Path to Long-Term Wealth A recent survey from found there are multiple reasons why Americans would choose to purchase a home instead of renting. Some of the most popular non-financial reasons given include:

What’s Causing Today’s Competitive Real Estate Market? 10/09/2021

What’s Causing Today’s Competitive Real Estate Market? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today’s strong sellers’ market is the direct result of high demand and low supply. Low mortgage rates and generational trends have created an increased demand for homes. Meanwhile, the slower pace of new home construction and homeowners staying in their homes longer have both led to today’s low supply. If you’re thinking of selling, let’s connect to talk about our local area and how you can take advantage of today’s housing market.

What’s Causing Today’s Competitive Real Estate Market? Some Highlights Today’s strong sellers’ market is the direct result of high demand and low supply. Low mortgage rates and generational trends have created an increased demand for homes. Meanwhile, the slower pace of new home construction and homeowners staying in their homes longer have both led...

What Do Supply and Demand Tell Us About Today’s Housing Market? 10/06/2021

What Do Supply and Demand Tell Us About Today’s Housing Market?

The law of supply and demand explains what’s happening with prices in the current real estate market. Put simply, when demand for an item is high, prices rise. When the supply of the item increases, prices fall. Of course, when demand is very high and supply is very low, prices can rise significantly.

Why Are Prices Rising?
According to CoreLogic, home prices have risen 18% since this time last year. But what’s driving the increase? When we take NAR’s buyer activity data and compare it to the seller traffic during the same timeframe, we can see buyer demand continues to outpace seller activity by a wide margin. In other words, the demand for homes is significantly greater than the current supply that’s available to buy.

Where Are Prices Headed?
Many experts forecast prices will continue to increase, but they’ll likely appreciate at a slower rate. Buyers hoping to purchase the home...

What Do Supply and Demand Tell Us About Today’s Housing Market? There’s a well-known economic theory – the law of supply and demand – that explains what’s happening with prices in the current real estate market. Put simply, when demand for an item is high, prices rise. When the supply of the item increases, prices fall. Of course, when demand is very hig...

4 Tips To Prep for Your Home Sale This Fall 10/04/2021

4 Tips To Prep for Your Home Sale This Fall

Here are four simple tips to make sure you maximize the sale of your house this fall.

>>Price It Right
One of the first things buyers will notice is the price of your house. Your trusted real estate advisor can help you find the price for your home that reflects the current market value. Lean on your agent to help you with this crucial first step.

>>Keep It Clean
It may sound simple, but keeping your house clean is key to making sure it gets the attention it deserves. Before each buyer visits, assess your space and determine what needs your attention. Wash the dishes, make the beds, and put away any toys. Doing these simple things can reduce any potential distractions for buyers.

>>Make It Easy To Visit
Giving buyers the opportunity to see your house on their schedule can be a true game-changer. Buyers are less likely to make an offer if it’s difficult to plan a tour or they can’t easily fit it into their...

4 Tips To Prep for Your Home Sale This Fall Even in a hot sellers’ market like today’s in which homes are selling so quickly, it’s still important to make a good first impression on potential buyers. Taking the time upfront to prep your house appropriately can bring in the greatest return on your investment.


Do You Know Your Mortgage Rate?

Current mortgage rates are still below the historical norm. Let's connect to explore your options.

As Home Equity Rises, So Does Your Wealth 09/30/2021

As Home Equity Rises, So Does Your Wealth

Equity is the difference between what you owe on the home and its market value based on factors like price appreciation.

The best thing about equity is that it often grows without you even realizing it, especially in a sellers’ market like we’re in now. In today’s real estate market, the combination of low housing supply and high buyer demand is driving home values up. This is giving homeowners a significant equity boost.

According to the latest data from CoreLogic, the amount of equity homeowners have has continued to grow as home values appreciate. Here are some key takeaways from the Homeowner Equity Insights Report:

>>The average homeowner gained $51,500 in equity over the past year
>>There was a 29.3% increase in national homeowner equity year over year

If you’re already a homeowner, you likely have more equity in your house than you realize. The numbers in the map above reflect year-over-year...

As Home Equity Rises, So Does Your Wealth Homeownership is still a crucial part of the American dream. For those people who own a home (and those looking to buy one), it’s clear that being a homeowner has considerable benefits both emotionally and financially. In addition to long-term stability, buying a home is one of the best ways to in...

If You’re a Buyer, Is Offering Asking Price Enough? 09/27/2021

If You’re a Buyer, Is Offering Asking Price Enough?

In today’s real estate market, buyers shouldn’t shop for a home with the expectation they’ll be able to negotiate a lower sales price. In a typical housing market, buyers try to determine how much less than the asking price they can offer and still get the home. Homes selling quickly and receiving multiple offers highlights how competitive the housing market is right now. This is due, in large part, to the low supply of homes for sale. Low supply and high demand mean homes often sell for more than the asking price. In some cases, they sell for a lot more.

What does that mean for you? If you’ve found your dream home, you need to be realistic about today’s housing market and how that impacts the offer you’ll make. Offering below or even at a home’s asking price may not cut it.

Because of today’s home price appreciation and the auction-like atmosphere in the selling process, appraisal gaps...

If You’re a Buyer, Is Offering Asking Price Enough? In today’s real estate market, buyers shouldn’t shop for a home with the expectation they’ll be able to negotiate a lower sales price. In a typical housing market, buyers try to determine how much less than the asking price they can offer and still get the home. From there, the buyer and selle...

It’s Still a Sellers’ Market 09/25/2021

It’s Still a Sellers’ Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

Due to low supply and high demand, today is one of the strongest sellers’ markets we’ve seen. Sellers can benefit from more offers to pick from, higher home values, and a faster sales process. That might be why 73% of people believe it’s a good time to sell. Sellers, don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Work with an agent to take advantage of this hot sellers’ market.

It’s Still a Sellers’ Market Some Highlights Due to low supply and high demand, today is one of the strongest sellers’ markets we’ve seen. Sellers can benefit from more offers to pick from, higher home values, and a faster sales process. That might be why 73% of people believe it’s a good time to sell. Sellers, don’t mi...


Expert Quotes on the Fall Housing Market

Experts agree that the housing market is still strong this fall and gives both buyers and sellers unique opportunities. Let's connect if you’re ready to make a move this season.

Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home? 09/22/2021

Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home?

There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact, a recent survey by Lending Tree asks what is keeping consumers from purchasing a home. For over half of those surveyed, the ability to afford a down payment is the biggest hurdle.

If saving that much money sounds overwhelming, you might be ready to give up on the dream of homeownership before you even begin – but you don’t have to. According to the Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the median down payment hasn’t been over 20% since 2005. It may sound surprising, but today’s average down payment is only 12%. That number is even lower for first-time homebuyers, whose average down payment is only 7%.

If you’re a prospective homebuyer, it’s important to know you don’t have to put the full 20% down. And...

Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home? There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact, a recent survey by Lending Tree asks what is keeping consumers from purchasing a home. For over half of those surveyed, the ability to afford a down payment is ...

Is It Time To Move on to a New Home? 09/20/2021

Is It Time To Move on to a New Home?

Before 2008, homeowners sold their houses after an average of just five years. Today, that number has more than doubled to over 10 years. The housing industry refers to this as your tenure.

If you’ve been in your home for longer than the norm, chances are you’re putting off addressing one, if not several, of the reasons other individuals choose to move. If this sounds like you, here are a few things to consider:

>>If your needs have changed, it may be time to re-evaluate your home.
As the past year has shown, our needs can change rapidly. That means the longer you’ve been in your home, the more likely it is your needs have evolved. The Balance notes several personal factors that could lead to your home no longer meeting your needs, including relationship and job changes.

>>It’s often financially beneficial to sell your house and move.
One of the biggest benefits of homeownership is the equity your home builds...

Is It Time To Move on to a New Home? If you’ve been in your home for longer than five years, you’re not alone. According to recent data from First American, homeowners are staying put much longer than historical averages (see graph below):

Have You Ever Seen a Housing Market Like This? 09/18/2021

Have You Ever Seen a Housing Market Like This? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whether you’re buying or selling – today’s housing market has plenty of good news to go around. Buyers can take advantage of today's mortgage rates to escape rising rents and keep monthly payments affordable. Sellers can reap the benefits of multiple offers and a fast sale. If this sounds like good news to you, connect with a trusted real estate adviser so you can capitalize on the unique opportunity you have in today’s market.

Have You Ever Seen a Housing Market Like This? Some Highlights Whether you’re buying or selling – today’s housing market has plenty of good news to go around. Buyers can take advantage of today's mortgage rates to escape rising rents and keep monthly payments affordable. Sellers can reap the benefits of multiple offers and a fast sale. If ...


Homeownership Is Still Affordable

Even with today's growing home price appreciation, homeownership is still affordable. Let's connect to make your homeownership goals a reality.

5 Tips for Making Your Best Offer 09/15/2021

5 Tips for Making Your Best Offer

In today’s sellers’ market, standing out as a buyer is critical. Here are five things to keep in mind when it’s time to make an offer.

1. Know Your Budget

Knowing your budget and what you can afford is critical to your success as a homebuyer. The best way to understand your numbers is to work with a lender so you can get pre-approved for a loan. It also enables you to act quickly when you’ve found your perfect home.

2. Be Prepared To Move Fast

When homes are selling fast, staying on top of the market and moving quickly are key. After you’ve worked with your agent to find the home that suits your needs, they’ll help you put together and submit your best offer as soon as possible.

3. A Real Estate Professional Can Lead You to Victory

Agents are experts in the local real estate market. They have insight into what's worked for other buyers in your area and what sellers may be looking for in an offer. It may...

5 Tips for Making Your Best Offer In today’s sellers’ market, standing out as a buyer is critical. Multi-offer scenarios and bidding wars are the norm due to the low supply of houses for sale and high buyer demand. If you’re buying this fall, you’ll want every advantage, especially when you’ve found the home of your dreams...

Why It’s Still Safe To Sell Your Home 09/13/2021

Why It’s Still Safe To Sell Your Home

As Bob Goldberg, CEO of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), puts it, “The pandemic has confirmed to all of us in the industry that technology will continue to transform real estate.”

New and Existing Technology Are Impacting the Process

In the 2021 Realtor Technology Survey, NAR asks real estate professionals their opinions on the most valuable pieces of technology for their business over the past 12 months. Tools that allow agents to serve clients at a distance and limit exposure to others, including eSignature, lockboxes, and video conferencing, became increasingly important during the last year. Those same tools are just as essential today. Restricting the number of people a seller must interact with during the process is the best way to keep all parties involved in a sale safe.

Trusted Advisors Stay Up to Date on Guidelines for In-Person Showings

As things change in our day-to-day lives, the...

Why It’s Still Safe To Sell Your Home If you’re on the fence about whether or not you want to sell your house this year, there’s good news. Real estate professionals are highly experienced in how to sell houses safely during the pandemic. Over the last year, agents have adopted new technologies and safety measures designed to keep y...


Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home?

If you're thinking of buying or selling a home, the Fall Buyer and Seller Guides are here. Let's connect so you can get the latest digital copies.

Home Price Appreciation Is Skyrocketing in 2021. What About 2022? 09/09/2021

Home Price Appreciation Is Skyrocketing in 2021. What About 2022?

One of the major story lines over the last year is how well the residential real estate market performed. One key metric in the spotlight is home price appreciation. According to the latest indices, home prices are skyrocketing this year.

Every region in the country is experiencing at least a 14.9% increase in home price appreciation, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). According to the U.S. National Home Price Index from S&P Case-Shiller, every major metro is seeing at least a 13.3% growth in prices.

But what about price appreciation in 2022? Prices are the result of the balance between supply and demand. The demand for single-family homes has been strong over the last 18 months. The supply of houses available for sale was near historic lows. However, there’s some good news on the supply side. reports:

“432,000 new listings hit the national housing...

Home Price Appreciation Is Skyrocketing in 2021. What About 2022? One of the major story lines over the last year is how well the residential real estate market performed. One key metric in the spotlight is home price appreciation. According to the latest indices, home prices are skyrocketing this year.

Understand Your Options To Avoid Foreclosure 09/08/2021

Understand Your Options To Avoid Foreclosure

Equity is the difference between what you owe on the home and its market value based on factors like price appreciation. In today’s real estate market, many homeowners have far more equity in their home than they realize. Over the last year, buyer demand has been high, but housing supply has been low. That’s led to a substantial increase in home values. When prices rise, so does the amount of equity you have in your house.

According to CoreLogic, on average, homeowners gained $33,400 in equity over the last 12 months, and the average equity on mortgaged homes is now $216,000.

So, what does that mean for you? Over the past year, chances are your home’s value and therefore your equity have risen dramatically. If you’ve been in your home for a while, the mortgage payments you’ve made over time chipped away at the balance of your loan. If your home’s current value is higher than what you still owe on...

Understand Your Options To Avoid Foreclosure Even though experts agree there’s no chance of a large-scale foreclosure crisis, there are a number of homeowners who may be coming face-to-face with foreclosure as a possibility. And while the overall percentage of homeowners at risk is decreasing with time (see graph below), that’s little comf...

Honoring the American Workforce 09/06/2021

Honoring the American Workforce

Wishing you a happy and safe Labor Day.

Honoring the American Workforce

Your Agent Is Key When Pricing Your House 09/04/2021

Your Agent Is Key When Pricing Your House [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pricing your house right takes market experience and expertise. To find the best list price, your agent balances current market demand, values of homes in your neighborhood, where prices are headed, and your home’s condition. If you’re ready to sell, don’t guess on the price. DM me so we can price your house to attract multiple offers and maximize your return on investment.

Your Agent Is Key When Pricing Your House Some Highlights Pricing your house right takes market experience and expertise. To find the best list price, your agent balances current market demand, values of homes in your neighborhood, where prices are headed, and your home’s condition. If you’re ready to sell, don’t guess on the price. L...


An Agent Will Be Your Expert Guide Through Your Home Sale

A real estate agent serves as your expert guide when you sell your house. Let's connect today so we can go on this journey together.

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You’re the Hero to your American Dream of home-ownership!

We are the guide to helping you make your dreams come true - focusing on customer service, and giving you the experience you deserve. Whether you’re buying your first home, or looking for the highest net in the sale of your home, we’ll guide you to get you there.

For more info on us, visit: - contact any one of our agents, we look forward to hearing from you soon!!

Videos (show all)

Where Will I Go if I Sell My House?
Fall in Love with Homeownership
Expert Quotes on the Fall Housing Market
Homeownership Is Still Affordable
Thinking of Buying or Selling a Home?
An Agent Will Be Your Expert Guide Through Your Home Sale
Tired of Rising Rents?
The Economic Impact of a Home Sale
Time Is Money When It Comes to Your Home
How to Stay Motivated as a Buyer in a Sellers' Market
Summer Is a Great Time To Upgrade
Tips for Today's Sellers


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