Kitty Hill Resort for Cats

We love cats...and it is our pleasure to offer them cat boarding facilities
that carefully provide for their absolute comfort, safety and entertainment.


Zelensky's cousin Volodomir Sushi made an unscheduled stop at Kitty Hill today to discuss how to cheer up all the depressed Americans.
He also pleaded for donations of Churu which is in short supply in his country. He was most eloquent.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 03/13/2023

Hang in there. Spring is coming. Here are some photo's from last year in case you have forgotten what it is like.

Weather weary kitty lovers, we will all remember this action packed year.
And now Spring is just around the corner.

I am not a person with a green thumb but after a slow five year wait these David Austin roses are such a pleasure. And all the ones I chose are scented so do bend down to take a sniff as you come by.
Stay warm, dry and safe.

Love from everyone at Kitty Hill


Here is Blue trying out his new cat bed. I saw this bed on Etsy and liked its lines and simplicity. The fabric is durable and washable. I was considering ordering it when I noticed it was made in Ukraine and shipped from there. That pushed me to immediately go ahead and get it. I am glad I did for quite a number reasons including that Blue likes it. The different color combinations available cost different prices.This combo of charcoal fabric and medium brown wood cost about $48 plus shipping. It came right away. CatHammock by Catjoy
Wishing that country all the best. Imagine bombs destroying the buildings of our Santa Cruz. So Horrible.


Hello Kitty Lovers.
I wanted to write and tell you that everything at Kitty Hill is fine. Several cat owners have called concerned that the San Lorenzo Rover is flooding and asking if we are all right. We are WAY above that river. Remember the hill you have to drive up to get to us? We are not in the river flood plain at all.

Wonderful Taylor and her cat lover husband live upstairs at Kitty Hill. Being a worrier, I worked very hard to find property where I could have an employee living on site. So no worries Taylor is there to care for and feed the kitties. Courtney came in today to help clean rooms so we could be ready for folks who needed to evacuate.

If you need to evacuate, and can get to us, we are ready to offer you boarding for your kitty(s). We have rooms ready and the first two nights are offered at no charge. We can also take in other small pets - birds, guinea pigs and so forth. ( Sorry. no dogs though we love them too. ) Thank goodness this storm arrived after almost all our Christmas guests have gone home.

We keep gallons of water and emergency cat food stored on site. The fine builders of our two additions still often help us with projects and take good care of us. I have known and worked with the foreman for over 35 years and he lives half a mile away, a good friend to have. Of the 30 plus skylights in our building none are leaking !! Perfect. I hope by this time next year to have the solar system for Kitty Hill that I am planning up and running.

So we are in great shape to do our jobs of protecting and caring for your kitties. And yesterday we even adopted out two 7 month old kittens who needed a home. All is going well.

Here's a picture of a senior Persian, Sushi, staying with us to cheer you up.
Stay warm and dry and safe.
Wishing you all the best in this New Year.

Love, Harriet Butts and the staff of six at Kitty Hill


Here's the photo of some of the rescued Ukrianian lions with their winter coats. Love them.


A little sun today in the midst of a very difficult month. Kitty Hill has sent as large a donation as possible to our favorite animal charity, the IFAW, the International Fund for Animal Welfare. This global group has been working for animals for 50 years. They are solid, smart and experienced. Usually I donate to wire snare removal ( poachers ) for areas in African. Today I asked for it all to go for help for animals in Ukraine. In the news I saw a photo of three lions lying together that had been gotten across the border to Poland. The lions looked unusual with such long shaggy coats. It is cold in Ukraine. (They looked wonderful.) I was so pleased to see the IFAW noted in the credits.

Fingers crossed for a quick end to this terrible war.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 11/01/2021

Happy Halloween
We decorated early in Sept this year just because it was fun.
All is well at Kitty Hill. We are quite busy with the world's most loveable kitties to entertaini us. We are so lucky.

Earth shaking announcement !: We are now set up to take credit cards. Yes Harriet is finally moving us into the 21st century.

Stay well and happy
Love from Harriet, Taylor, Barb, Kris, Ally ( New!) and Griffin

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 12/30/2020

In a previous post I showed a little red kitten, Zachary, and mentioned how much he wanted a friend. Here he is, older and healthy, with a kitten, Reggie, we found to be his brother. He is a month older than Zach but came in equally underweight and puny. ( See the Before of Reggie below. )
Now they are utterly devoted brothers.I have a series of photo's of them lying together, keeping in touch with their front paws .I have never seen anything like it, their paws were always touching. So special. Family is where you find it.They are ready to go home now.Together of course.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 10/15/2020

Someone brought us a little "singleton" which is a baby kitten who is all alone. He was super thin. For the first week we syringe fed him 6+ times a day and gave him fluids. He stayed at 9 ounces and we worried, why doesn't he gain??? . Then suddenly he got his feet under him and began to eat on his own. And eat and eat and eat. In the next two weeks he gained a pound going from 9 ounces to 1 pound 9 ounces. * What a difference two weeks can make.!!!* Look at his photos taken only TWO weeks apart. This little guy, now named Zachary, is so full of life and love and play we can hardly keep up with him. He so wants a four footed friend to play with him. The kitties we have introduced him to - our house cats- only want to lick him all over. Not his first choice.

I, Harriet, had to evacuate for 13 days in August. For two days I totally believed my home had burned down. There is no question this has been a very hard time for us all. And will be going forward. The joy of life embodied in this little kitten warms all of our hearts.

I have been offline during this time and I apologize for that.I am not an avid social media person. I do want to say Kitty Hill is alive and well and we are doing our job caring for our customers' wonderful kitties. I have the greatest cat loving employees that I have ever had. We are fully sprinklered inside so except for me we didn't worry too much.( Worrying is my job.) We are so close to UCSC-just down hill - that when fire crews protect that campus they are also protecting us. (This is a benefit I never anticipated when I purchased this property 20 yrs ago.!) We are still caring for some kitties owned by folks whose homes have burned down.

Be well everyone. Take heart, the rains are coming. Kitties are forever wonderful and may they always be a big part of your life. Spring always comes.

Yours in the love of animals, Harriet Butts

PS Yesterday we took in another super thin, red kitten boy. He is a month older and needs to gain weight and get over a little cold. Soon these two lonely red boys will move in together and get to play madly with each other and sleep lumped together. Won't that be a happy day for all. Big smile.


Love in the afternoon at Kitty Hill. You may think this is just a photo of a companionable little head grooming. That is not true, not in this case. Simon, a huge Turkish Angora, is very possessive of his beautiful housemate, Skylark. She is half his size but being a rare breed called a "Highlander" (which makes her part Desert Lynx, American Curl and Snow Bengal) she is made of steel and smacks him back whenever she feels like it. I expect she feels his grooming her so carefully is her due.
They are great fun to watch.Part of the pleasure of running a cat resort is there is something new all the time. Cats are endlessly lovable and fascinating.
Be safe and stay well.


We are certainly having an unusual Fourth of July in 2020. We'll get thru this -no question of that. Let's hope this time next year we will be well past our current troubles. Thank goodness we have such a beautiful environment and wonderful pets and friends to help us through these worrisome days.
Here is a lovely Fourth of July photo from the Kitty Hill Resort for Cats. Colette and Leander, brother and Sister Silver Chinchilla Persians, enjoy the weather on a high catio shelf. Kitty Hill has 16 private catios connected to private rooms for our visiting guests and this is a perfect time of year for enjoying the sun. We are careful that these two white kitties are in a catio with a translucent roof that protects their ears and skin from too much sun. They are such treasures.


I like this photograph with the reflected etched glass of fish that came from the flea market, and the mantel piece, left over from a remodel, a gift from a contractor, and the reflections in our recycled glass panels of flowers blooming outside. A peaceful setting for this beautiful kitty,Madeline, who has the whitest fluffiest paws.Kitty Hill is a jigsaw puzzle of bits and pieces collected from all over each finding its perfect place in our cat rooms.Such fun !


What a nice spot little Scottish Fold, Annabelle, found for a spring afternoon nap. She is in the second floor Bunnies room which has lovely light from not only the window behind her but a skylight above her and a diamond window to her left. She can watch our backyard which is full of gophers, bunnies, possums, and raccoons.. And birds of course.

Santa Cruz Cat Resort, Cat Boarding, Cat Lodging 03/27/2020

Here's a lovely little girl, Poppet, in her room, Yoga Cat, on this rainy day. Her two catio windows are closed but she has three beds and a climbing tree to keep her warm and comfy.

Santa Cruz Cat Resort, Cat Boarding, Cat Lodging Cat Boarding, Cat Lodging, Cat Resort - Kitty Hill a resort for cats. We are long-term boarding specialists


Here is a beautiful, little red kitten. I love how his eye color matches his fur. If you look carefully you can see the extra toes on his feet. His name is Lionel aka "Toes" and he is a very gentle sweet boy We gave him a box and, as you can see, he is very appreciative.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 03/14/2020

Well, this is definitely a hard time for everyone. It is so full of uncertainty that it is hard to imagine how it is going to unfold. One thing you CAN be certain off is that Kitty Hill will stay open to care for your cats. I don't expect folks will want to travel much but some will have need to board their kitties. Our job is to take excellent, loving care of cats and that we will continue to do.
We have changed our way of greeting you when you arrive. We will not bring be bringing you any farther into the building than our first entry area. ( Remember we have double doors ?) We will keep a french door between you and ourselves. You can hand us your carrier and the belongings for your cat thru that door. We will take a photo of your kitty in his room to show you where he is. Our nifty Italian steamer will sterilize the entry.
Unfortunately, and this is no fun for us any more than for you, for now, we are not going to be able to offer the personal family feeling of coming in and chatting with us around the desk. i know this loss will only be temporary and will end some day. For now, we must keep ourselves safe so we can do our jobs. Like everyone, we are being careful. The kitties in their rooms and catios will be comfortable as always. They lighten our hearts.
As the weather improves we will move our conversations at drop off and pick up out front near the roses. I am thinking of getting a cafe table and chairs for you to use and we will stand a bit away from you but at least we will be able to talk more comfortably.
Thank you for understanding all this.
Maybe these difficult weeks / months will allow me the time to post more photo's to this page. I have been woefully behind. There are some silver linings we will find to celebrate as our lives are forced to alter.
Thank goodness kitties are not susceptible to this dreadful virus.
Yours in the love of kitties, Harriet


Such a lovely brother and sister pair are visiting Kitty Hill.


It was a lazy summer afternoon in the Cuddles rooom at the Kitty Hill for Resort for Cats. Sherman and Taffy are lounging together in front of their window.I love seeing how comfortable our kitty guests are. & so cute how Taffy has her paw on her playmate. Love the high rose bushes in the back yard. All is well in this corner of the world.


The Sun Room at Kitty Hill is a wonderful room . It has windows on three sides and a great catio. It has an eight foot tunnel thru our guest bathroom leading to a high overlook of our front room. It also has a twin bed. A friend of Kitty Hill flew in to see us and since the room was empty she took a nap on that bed with our black and white Persian house cat, Pepe. They were both madly in love with each other.


Cordelia and Rosaline snuggle together up on a high shelf in front of an interior window in Kitty Hill's "Garden Room". This is a great place from which to watch the world below on a rainy, grey day.


Sweet Spring has come to Kitty Hill.
Love the soft colors.


This Kitty Hill guest is a black and white tuxedo cat named "Duck". He is staying in the Matisse room which has a nice large comfy bed for this extra big boy. He stays with us frequently when his mom travels. We all adore him. Here his friend Barbara, our morning manager, is giving him some special chin rubs. He is a lazy boy and loves to take a sunbath on his private catio. Those sun warmed tiles feel so good. .


Unexpectedly Thursday night this kitty, Bamboo, arrived at Kitty Hill. It was a 6 hour drive down from Paradise and Bamboo and his mom arrived very stressed out. Our new house cat Macadamia cuddled up to Bamboo's mom and helped her feel better as she did paperwork. ( who knew he was going to be a therapy cat? ) Bamboo is in better spirits today.I am not sure his mom is. I don't know how she knew of us to come here. Our hearts go out to all who have been harmed by these terrible fires. We are of course waiving fees for Bamboo. I wish we could do more.


Here's our Kitty Hill employee, Queen Julianna, hard at work on the office desk. She is such a relaxed girl, imperturbable at all times. Aside from having us turn on the faucet so she can drink she is no work at all.Her little pink tongue is always out. Julianna's wonderful, lowering our blood pressure every day.


Look at this gorgeous little kitten who was staying with us. This is Leander, a 4 month old Silver Chinchilla Persian. Love him.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 08/01/2018

Kitten bathing day at Kitty Hill. Such fun to bathe these two fluffy sisters. They were so patient with us. This lovely pair will soon be up for adoption.


Here is Taylor cuddling the top of Macadamia's furry head. Yes there is a kitty under that bowtie! Mac is Kitty Hill's newest employee . His job is to make us laugh and lift our hearts. (He is very skilled at this.) He is a tiny macadamia colored 1 yr old Persian treasure who loves humans and everything else.


Look at this silly Abyssinian enjoying himself in the sun. This is perfect cattio weather.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 05/27/2018

It is a sunny Memorial Day weekend and these two kitties, orange "Hank", and in the room next door to him , young explorer "Ren", are enjoying a lazy afternoon in their upstairs catios.They are both going back to their homes soon but they are having a good time with us til then. Wonderful nice boys.

Photos from Kitty Hill Resort for Cats's post 04/08/2018

A few weeks ago these two wonderful Devon Rexes stayed with us at Kitty Hill. For safety's sake I never post photo's of our customers' exotic kitties until they have finished their stay with us.These two stayed in the Presidential Suite and were so much fun.And fun to photograph. Such characters!

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126 Vernon Street
Santa Cruz, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 12:30pm
5pm - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 12:30pm
5pm - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 12:30pm
5pm - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 12:30pm
5pm - 7pm
Friday 9am - 12:30pm
5pm - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 12:30pm
Sunday 5pm - 7pm

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