The Copper Vessel

Master Crystal Alchemy Sound Healer
Teacher • Mentor • Guide⁣
#soundhealing #reiki #kundalini #sobriety⁣

Susy Markoe Schieffelin of The Copper Vessel is a Los Angeles-based sound healer, reiki master, Kundalini yoga teacher, and inspirational speaker who has led sound baths viewed or attended by millions of people all over the world. Susy has brought healing to employees at companies such as Google, Pandora, and Nordstrom, has played crystal bowls with notable artists including Leann Rimes and the Lo

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 07/01/2024

✨JULY’s Alchemy is EXPANSION✨

Welcome to my new month alchemy series! A monthly offering of practical magic & healing resources designed to support you in your healing & enlightenment. Each month I’ll share a theme & tools to support you in integrating the alchemy of the month.

This month- our alchemy is expansion! Life unfolds in rhythmic cycles made up of contractions and expansions.

It’s during the times when it feels like things are closing in, when challenges and uncertainties surround us, that we are actually being prepared for something truly significant! A contraction is always followed by an expansion. We have all been through a lot lately… and as we welcome July, the time for expansion has come!

Consider the moments of contraction as the Universe’s way of gathering the energy needed for a magnificent expansion. It’s like a bowstring being pulled back to launch an arrow with great force and precision. The bigger the contraction, the bigger the expansion…

As you open to your own expansion, trust the process, breathe deeply, and keep your faith in the Universe’s plan for you.
You are worthy of all of the good things coming your way.
Everything you have been through has led you here.

By trusting and relaxing into the experience, you align yourself with the flow of life. Release resistance and open up to possibilities beyond what you could even imagine.

This month, stay patient, stay true to your heart, keep your faith in Love, and don’t be afraid to take a leap! Know that something truly remarkable is just waiting for you to embrace it.

In the end, it’s the journey through contraction that gives depth and meaning to the eventual expansion. Embrace it all and remember that each step is leading you towards your greater purpose.

Life gets to be good 💫

✨Tools to support you this month✨
Crystal: Selenite
Mantra: I am worthy
Book: Everyday Grace by Marianne Williamson
Meditation: Cancer Season Sound Bath (NEW in The Copper Vessel Collective on-demand Sound Bath Library)

Click the link in my bio to sign up for my newsletter & receive the Full July Alchemy Download this week!

Are you ready for a magical new month? If so, drop a ✨ below!

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 06/27/2024

✨If you want to be happy, be✨
~ Leo Tolstoy

My mind was off to the races this morning. Looking for everything that was and could be going wrong. Feeling emotional and overwhelmed. Then I remembered that I could create a shift. I pumped the breaks, took a deep breath (more like 200 and a yin class at !!!! 🙏🏼🔥) and decided to just be happy.

Guess what?
It worked!

Today is a good day.
This is a wonderful life.
It’s all working out! 🤍

So glad I remembered to make a different choice. It’s always a good time to slow down and look for the good in life.

Wearing sheer effusion button down
Captured by

Love you 💗

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 06/24/2024

Honored and Grateful! ✨

The Universe works in mysterious ways… I was having one of “those days”… my mind was loud and I was feeling a bit down and out… doubting myself and feeling “behind”… when all of a sudden an email popped into my inbox from someone who had seen me featured on the Angeleno Magazine LA Power List and wanted to connect in regards to a very exciting collaboration!

At first I thought “they must have misread it and mistaken me for someone else…” but within minutes, I found the article and was blown away and humbled with gratitude to see my name on the same page as Gwenyth Paltrow, my friend - founder of .studio_ , , and other names in the wellness space that I immensely respect and look up to.

Seeing my own name on that power list was the exact sign I needed in the moment. “Susy, you ARE doing great!” I thought. “Let go of your self doubt. Keep focusing on being of service. Take it one day at a time and just keep doing what you love to do!” 🥹✨

It’s truly humbling to be recognized alongside such inspiring individuals who are making a difference in our community. This acknowledgment wouldn’t be possible without the love and support of each and every one of you who have been a part of my journey. Thank you for believing in the power of healing and for being a part of this incredible journey with me.

Head to my website to check out Angeleno Magazine’s Power List! Here’s to continuing to empower and uplift each other! ✨


I'm so grateful and excited to share that my journey, alongside evolution, has been featured in magazine! ✨

This article dives deep into the story of my personal transformation… from navigating dark times, to discovering the healing power of sound, the past 9 years have been a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I am so grateful for all of the experiences - the joys and the challenges - that led me to be who I am today and to have created this space where others can find healing and hope too. I feel grateful every day to have overcome my struggles and found a path of purpose, service, and abundance. Every step along the way has been a testament to the infinite potential within us all.

In short, Love heals… and it is never too late to begin again.

You can find the full article at or!

Thank you so much for featuring me and sharing my story!

I hope that this article brings hope and inspiration to anyone who reads it. Please share this post with anyone you know who might be struggling, and send me a DM to connect if what I shared resonated for you.

I am sending you so much love.
xx Susy

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 05/28/2024

Picture yourself sinking into moments of quiet reflection through meditation or immersing in the gentle waves of a soothing sound bath… imagine feeling calm, relaxed and grounded as you live throughout your day - every day.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a life filled with harmony and well-being?

Unlock the door to your very own sanctuary of sound with The Copper Vessel Collective monthly sound healing membership!

Join me for daily relaxation and healing on-demand, as well as live monthly healing experiences to support your expansion and elevation.

Click the link in my bio to learn more and start a free 7-day trial for a taste of the magic! ✨

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 05/17/2024

✨One month of Joy!✨
The joy of slowing down.
The joy of being.
The joy of pure love and perfect presence.
Nowhere to go. Nothing to do.
My whole world in this moment.
Remembering that this moment is all we have.
Right now is all there is.

I am learning.

It’s harder than I thought it would be, to slow down and just savor this precious time. As much as I want to - my nervous system resists. I feel myself melting into the goo of transformation, and I keep wanting to peek my head out of the cocoon. I feel the safe familiar strings of life as I have known it pulling me back in.… and even though I know that chapter is already gone, I don’t quite know what this new one holds. It feels scary. And I feel what lies on the other side of this cocoon is big. The rebirth is bigger and more beautiful than anything that has come before… a new life. A new me. A new everything. And in order to surrender to the joy of what is coming, I am required to fully let go of what has been. Let go and just be. Trust. Believe. Know.

Joy is the teacher.
Joy is the gift.
Joy is the opportunity to get to choose.
To let go with grace.
To learn by wisdom and choice, not by force.
To trust in the abundance and generosity of love.
The beauty is in the becoming.

My tiny daughter…
Happy one month birthday
You are everything we prayed for and more 🌸

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 05/13/2024


Transform your sound healing practice with this stunning 7-piece 432Hz Chakra Set of Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls! 🎶 Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to enter our Chakra Set Giveaway!

This special set of singing bowls is tuned to 432Hz, the frequency of nature, which resonates with a deeply grounding and healing energy.

With your own set of 7 bowls, you will be able to bring healing to each of the 7 main chakras:

🔹 Root Chakra - C
🔹 Sacral Chakra - D
🔹 Solar Plexus - E
🔹 Heart Chakra - F
🔹 Throat Chakra - G
🔹 Third Eye - A
🔹 Crown Chakra - B

And that’s not all! One lucky winner will win this set of bowls AND a $1,111 tuition credit!

When you enroll in our Fall training class by midnight on May 14th, you will automatically be entered to win this prize, worth over $2,200!

So what are you waiting for? If you feel the call to become a certified sound healer, head to the link in our bio to begin the application process now!

Don’t miss this chance to elevate your practice, deepen your connection to sound, and manifest your highest potential as a TSHA certified sound healer. The Giveaway closes tomorrow- so this is your LAST CHANCE!

Photos by: 💗

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 05/12/2024

When I was pregnant with Joy, people warned me that having two isn’t just twice as much… it is exponentially more. It always felt a bit triggering to hear, because my mind immediately started imagining that they meant things like more chaos, more exhaustion, more stress … none of which are things I consider to be a big part of my experience as a mama so far. Are there challenges and challenging moments in being a mom? Of course! But I have found that nothing truly fulfilling and rewarding in life comes without challenge… and being a mama has absolutely been the most fulfilling and rewarding chapter of my journey so far.

Nevertheless, you don’t know what you don’t know… and these warnings sounded daunting. But as it turns out, in these early weeks as a mama of two, I am already learning that their warnings were right… life with two IS exponentially more…. but more of WHAT is where I must have misunderstood. This chapter has been filled with exponentially more laughter! Exponentially more sweetness. Exponentially more presence, connection, and fun. More tickles and snuggles. More kisses and magic. More heartbreakingly beautiful moments. More gratitude. More JOY. And most of all, there is even more love than I could have ever dreamed possible. My heart feels so full it could explode.

I am tempted to write that these photos hold my whole world… but it’s not true. Becoming a mama didn’t make my family my whole world, but it did make my whole world so much richer and more meaningful. It gave me more purpose. It expanded my understanding of abundance. It opened me to an exponentially greater experience of love. I feel blessed every moment to have had the honor of bringing these beautiful souls into this world, and to get to love them and guide them on their journey as they grow. Already, they have become my own greatest teachers. I have come to understand more about the true meaning of life than I ever dreamt I would know.

Thank you, Jack, for making me a mama.
Thank you, Joy, for making our family complete.
Oh, how I love you so.

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 05/10/2024

✨Perhaps one of the greatest rewards of meditation and prayer is the sense of belonging that comes to us.  We no longer live in a completely hostile world.  We are no longer lost and frightened and purposeless. 

The moment we catch even a glimpse of God’s will, the moment we begin to see truth, justice, and love as the real and eternal things in life, we are no longer deeply disturbed by all the seeming evidence to the contrary that surrounds us in purely human affairs.

We know that God lovingly watches over us. We know that when we turn to God, all will be well with us, here and hereafter✨
~ Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions by Bill W p 105

I have read this passage countless times since I got sober almost 8 years ago… and when I re-read it again this week something clicked. This is exactly how I feel lately. I feel at peace with life, with myself, and with the world. I know that this feeling is purely a result of the relationship I have built with a God of my own understanding through daily prayer and meditation. It has come through accepting life on life’s terms with an open heart, rather than looking for what is or could be wrong. Through choosing to pause, breathe, and witness life - rather than react or judge.

Through years of this practice, I have come to know so deeply that there is a bigger picture at play. And I also know that my role is simply to show up, turn my will and my life over to the care of God, ask how I can be of service to someone other than myself, and then to take each day one breath at a time. Through that way of living, I find peace and serenity. I can savor the joys and smile through the challenges.

And I can’t help but think about how, if we all lived that way… what a different world we would live in. And I believe that kind of world IS possible. It begins with each of us, on an individual level. It begins with a daily practice, maybe not always perfect… but present. And in time you will also see that the results of prayer and meditation are real. They create shifts bigger than we can even realize. Peace from within is possible. Feeling a sense of purpose and belonging in life is possible. It really, truly, is 🤍

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 04/27/2024

✨It’s been a magical week!✨
🧁 Jack turned 2 (years!!)
🌸 Joy turned 1 (week!!!)
My heart has never felt more full.
I am savoring every moment of these squishy post partum days in our newborn cocoon as a family of 4!

Things that are making a world of difference the second time around:

1. Outlining simple action steps that people can take to support me without me having to ask (I am hungry and thirsty - please feed me and make sure I have water! Clutter makes me anxious - please help tidy the kitchen, my nightstand, etc! There is LOTS of laundry - please help fold it and put it away! My hormones are wild and I have big feelings - please be gentle and remind me that I am doing a great job keeping a tiny human alive and attached to my body 24/7!!)

2. Taking at least one nap per day while baby sleeps. I didn’t nap at ALL when Jack was born - I felt like I needed to do things while he slept. This time I have made a point of resting more and sleeping at least once during the day.

3. Having support from the most incredible doula - has helped me feel seen and supported every step of my pregnancy and pp… she still checks in with me almost daily to see how I am doing. It has truly made a world of difference to have her on my team this time 🥹🙏🏼💗

4. Red light and NIR therapy! I have been using my red light on my belly and it has helped so much with cramps and bleeding (DM me for info about the red light I am using)

5. Teas and infusions: I started drinking red raspberry and nettle infusions during the final weeks of my pregnancy and continue drinking daily mixed with hot water and lemon. This supports remineralization, healthy digestion, tones the uterus, and supports milk production.

5. Knowing that I WILL feel like myself again - and therefore giving myself full permission not to rush the process or judge myself for how soft and mushy (mentally and physically!) I feel right now. Truly savoring this period, because I know it is so fleeting and in the blink of an eye these slow cozy days and sleepless nights will be but a distant memory! 💫

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 04/19/2024

She’s here! Our family is complete 🥹🌸
Joy Eastern Doody arrived in perfect divine timing at 9:56pm PST on April 16, 2024.

🔥 Aries ☼
☀️ Leo ☾
🦂 Scorpio ↑ at 29°

Our tiny angel of light was born in two steady pushes to Gayatri Mantra - a Sanskrit mantra that has been chanted for thousands of years, and that I had been chanting 108x per day for the past 70 days. Considered to be one of the oldest and most powerful mantras, Gayatri offers an expression of gratitude for the powers of transformation and self realization provided by the radiant light of the Divine. It is said that this mantra contains all the knowledge of the Universe.… and just as baby Joy guided me throughout her pregnancy, she guided me every step of the way throughout her unmedicated birth… the experience left my body completely unharmed, my mind completely clear, and my heart completely blasted open. Her arrival was even better than the BCS I had envisioned (although not without surprises and a little bit of drama! Her cord was wrapped twice around her neck… and we accidentally sent a nurse with a lavender allergy to the ER 😳)

Our tiny, wise, Joy is truly a bridge between worlds… Her birthday is (by complete synchronicity) the same day that her namesake, my grandma Joy, transitioned 23 years ago.

Her birthday also connects my other grandparents throughout space and time, as 9:56pm PST on 4/16 is my late Grandpa’s birthday - but translated to EST is 12:56am on 4/17, my Grandma’s 97th birthday on the East Coast!

Joy’s middle name, Eastern, represents new light, new beginnings, a new dawn, and new hope 🌅 We know she will bring this not only to us, but to the world. It also invokes the grounded beauty of the Eastern Sierras, her dad’s favorite place on earth ⛰️🌸

She is everything we prayed for and more, and we are so excited to get to know her!

Thank you for all of your love and prayers 🙏🏼 I feel so deeply blessed to be surrounded by the most loving and supportive community.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Life gets to be this good.
Welcome JOY! 💫

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 04/13/2024

Exactly one year ago, I boarded an airplane with Jack and Beau. I had a quiet sickening feeling in my gut, because I knew deep down in my soul what was coming. I sat down, we took off, and within an hour, I began to bleed. I nursed Jack to soothe him and keep him calm and still, which amplified the contractions that had begun to release my 11 week old pregnancy. I bled through two pairs of pants. I begged the flight attendants to hold Jack, so I could have privacy in the bathroom. They offered to make an emergency landing, but I refused. I just wanted to get home. I was terrified. On a plane full of people, I’d never felt more alone.

By the grace of God we made it home safely. I received the care and support I needed. I spent the following weeks resting, healing, grieving, and trying to make sense of what had happened.

Exactly one year later, I am awestruck by the timing of life. As we now await the arrival of our healthy baby girl, I feel life and death so present at once. The pregnancy last year simply could not have been. I couldn’t have known it at the time, but it had to happen to create the possibility of this girl who is meant to be born. That loss created space for this birth to be possible. It shaped me into a different mother and transformed both Mark and myself into the parents she will need. And with his rainbow aura, I know so deeply that third soul is and always will be with us.

Through my experience this past year, I have also birthed a new version of myself. I have truly never felt more joyful, in faith, or at peace. I am able to see life’s challenges as gifts in real time. I trust in the absolute perfection of it all, even when I don’t understand. So while today could be a sad day of mourning what could have been, it is instead a day of celebration of what gets to be! Death and life are not separate. Nothing is separate. Everything is working out in ways truly beyond anything we could imagine, dream, or see.

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 04/11/2024

Happy Due Date 🤍


To - the lucky winner of The Ultimate Sound Healer’s Starter Kit giveaway!!!!!
I am so over the moon excited for Gigi to receive all of these incredible tools of wellness, and even more excited to officially welcome her to Fall 2024 training class!!!!!

This giveaway was so much fun and had such an overwhelmingly positive response. Thank you to everyone who entered!!

You guys have inspired me to host a few more big giveaways!!! Over the next three months, I will be hosting THREE more giveaways that are going to be truly life changing... and anyone who enrolls in will automatically be entered to win! Be sure to turn in your notifications for my posts and follow along!

Below is the list of prizes our lucky Gigi won… DM me if you want a special code for a discount on any of the below items! We have also extended Early Bird enrollment for to anyone who entered the giveaway until EOD tomorrow 4/5 - so you can still get a $1,111 tuition credit if you apply and enroll by then!!

Comment below and share any requests for items you would like to see featured in future giveaways, and I’ll see what magic I can make happen for you!

Gigi’s gifts....😍🎁
✨$1,111 Tuition Credit for
✨Vedic EMF Mitigation Device from
✨$350 Gift Card
✨Crystal Tones 8” frosted singing bowl from
✨Crystal Tones Bowl Bag from
✨Koshi Chime
✨Set of 3 custom silk bowl covers, a lotus cushion, and a ✨bowl cushion from
✨.citizen Crystal Weighted Blanket
✨ Meditation Cushion
✨ Truth + Goodvibes Bundle
✨.and.fleur Card Deck & Crystal Card Holder
✨$250 Gift Card
✨ Ceremonial Matcha Starter Kit
✨ 4-day Vegan Reset Cleanse
✨ Calm & Cool Cryotherapy Duo
✨Set of 3 Ritual Bath Soaks
✨ 40oz Tumbler

Congratulations again Gigi and thank you to all of our sponsors!! 💗

Get excited for the upcoming giveaways… I can’t wait to share the details with you soon!
I am sending you so much love
xx Susy

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 04/03/2024

While the nature of life is change, most of the time change is happening quietly, behind the scenes... life is silently shifting, growing, evolving. Whether we are conscious of it or not, change is always there. Sometimes change happens suddenly, unexpectedly, and shockingly - we don’t get a chance to prepare. But then there are times in life when we know change is coming, we get to anticipate the shift, prepare as best we can, and feel it palpably coming in every passing moment.

You feel its constant presence. You know something big is coming, although the precise timing of the shift and what exactly it will entail, remains a mystery. The anticipation can feel torturous. On one hand, it provides the gift of presence. It reminds you to fully savor the present moment. Remember not to take a single breath for granted, because soon this time will be a memory. But on the other hand, the imminent shift can feel so looming.

This is how pregnancy feels to me. A constant awareness of change. Feeling and seeing my body change. Feeling and seeing my life relationships and priorities change. Feeling and knowing that soon, everything will change.

At this point, it feels like the perfect scenario. I feel clear in my work. Settled in my home. So much harmony in my family. Connection with Mark. Present with Jack. Everything is balanced and orderly. I am comfortable with my routine and daily flow. And with each kick, I feel her here too. But, as long as she is inside of me, I feel like I have control. And, I know that all of this can and will change at any moment.

When will she come?
What will her arrival be like?
Who is this stranger inside of me?
What will she be like?
How will I feel postpartum? How will I heal?
How will our family dynamic shift?
Will Jack be okay?
How will our lives be forever changed?

As I feel her imminent arrival drawing closer, these questions get louder and louder in my mind. And yet, I know that the answers will only come in time. Through experience. And that everything will be okay. It will all change, and as life goes on, it will all change again. Maybe I will have forewarning, but maybe not. We never really know.

Continued in comments 💗👇🏼


Join me VIRTUALLY on April 3rd at 5:00pm PST for the final soul-soothing Sound Bath before I begin my maternity leave! 🌸✨

Close your eyes, let go of stresses, and immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of this soul soothing Sound Bath. Prepare to drift away into a realm of deep tranquility! 💫

Secure your spot now and receive exclusive access to this transformative experience. Plus, enjoy the added bonus of accessing the event replay at your leisure. Don't miss out on this opportunity to recharge your spirit - Head to the link in my bio to secure a spot!

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 04/01/2024

Happy Easter! 🌸🐰🌱🐣
Hope never dies...
Forgiveness heals all…
Allow love, compassion, and gratitude to guide the way.
Sending you so much love and happiest Easter blessings 🤍

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 03/21/2024


Enter to Win the Ultimate Sound Healer’s Starter Kit - Valued at over $5,000+!

In celebration of The Sound Healer’s Academy’s THREE YEAR anniversary, I’ve teamed up with some of my favorite brands to bring you the most epic giveaway yet! 🎉

Imagine getting your hands on your very own Crystal Tones Singing Bowl, a $1,111 tuition credit to The Sound Healer’s Academy, a Somavedic EMF Mitigation device, $350 Alo Yoga Gift Card, a cozy Sunday Citizen Crystal Weighted Blanket, a ROAM Handmade Moroccan Meditation Pouf... and that’s just a snippet of what you could win!

ONE lucky winner will receive all of these items and MORE - you’ll be set up for success to begin or enhance your very own sound healing practice! ✨


1. Click the link in my bio: This will take you to the official giveaway page where you can sign up and explore the full list of prizes. Fill in your details to officially enter to win!
2. Drop a comment below: Comment MAGIC and tag three friends who you think would love to also enter this giveaway!

(you MUST complete both of the above steps and sign up via the official giveaway link in order to be entered)

✨For BONUS entries & more chances of winning✨

1. Follow all the brands in the giveaway - Go ahead and follow each brand tagged in the giveaway post on Instagram. Every follow counts as an additional entry!
2. Share this post to your IG story - Don’t forget to tag me so I can see it!
3. Comment multiple times! - Each comment counts as a bonus entry, and you can comment as many times as you would like, so share the love!!

Remember, the more people you tag and re-share, the higher your chances of winning!
One lucky will winner will win ALL these glorious prizes!


I am sending you SO much love and can’t wait to see who the lucky winner will be!!

Giveaway ends on 3/27 at 11:59pm PST and is open to U.S. residents only.
The winner will be chosen at random and notified via email.
This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or associated with Instagram.

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 03/19/2024


Happy Spring Equinox! As we welcome the fresh new energy of Spring this week, we are being invited to slow down, reflect, and set intentions for a beautiful new season ahead. With Spring, also comes Aries season… so you might be feeling a bit fiery, electric, or even overwhelmed by the pace and fullness of life right now. Between the Equinox, Aries season, and next week’s Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - the energy right now is potent (to say the least!). Notice any tendencies to go to extremes - life may feel intense right now which is why it is more important than ever to practice pausing when you feel agitated, excited, or charged.

Things are unfolding in a truly magical way, but there might be some big surprises or unexpected shifts coming your way this week. Trust the process, everything happening is designed to being you more balance, harmony, and abundance in your life - however the transition to that point might feel a bit uncomfortable.

One of the best ways to harness this energy so that you feel a sense of peace and calm amidst the energetic excitement is to give yourself space to relax and just be. In a time when you might be feeling like your to do list is a million miles long and slowing down is an impossibility, making intentional rest a priority will be the most productive thing you can possibly do. So clean out your closets and create space for new energy to come in, but then pause and give yourself space to rest and reflect as you set the tone for healing, abundance, and miracles to blossom in the season ahead.

I'm so excited to invite you to join me for a very special Virtual Spring Equinox Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ceremony & Sound Bath to support you in deep healing as you manifest your dreams this Spring. This gathering will provide a space for reflection, intention-setting, and relaxation as we harness the energies of the Equinox and Eclipse. It's a chance to come together in community in order to simply receive.

Click the link in my bio to RSVP!

Let's welcome the Spring season ahead with a big YES to activating infinite possibilities of healing, magic, and abundance!

Photos from The Copper Vessel's post 03/13/2024

I am so grateful and honored to have been featured in the MSN article, 15 Visionary Educators Inspiring Knowledge and Growth! 🥰

This month we are celebrating 3 years of The Sound Healer's Academy, and I can't help but reflect on what an incredible journey it has been to create and develop this professional certification training that has now impacted hundreds of students all over the world.

Since 2021, I have poured my heart and soul into this program, carefully curating not only the curriculum, but also the roster of highly respected Master Class teachers, as well as building a team of 10+ sound healing mentors who personally support our students as the journey through the 3 month training.

My vision and hope is that TSHA will continue to grow as the world’s leading Professional Sound Healing Certification program and continue to impact thousands more students in the years to come. To see such a wonderful reflection of how our mission and hard work has been received means the world and fills my heart with so much gratitude!!!

If you're feeling called to explore the world of sound healing, there's no better time than now. For our 3 year anniversary, we are offering special early bird pricing for the month of March! So you can save $1,111 on your tuition when you apply now to join us in celebrating this milestone while taking the first step towards your own transformation and thriving business as a professional sound healer.

Check out the full MSN article by clicking the link in my ‘Press’ highlights to read all the details learn more about the other visionary educators shaping the future!

Interested in learning more about becoming a Sound Healer’s Academy Certified sound healer? Don’t miss our bird pricing! Click the link in my bio to download the free TSHA 2024 program guide and begin your application process now 😊 Your journey of self-discovery and empowerment starts here. Are you ready to say YES to your destiny??

Want your public figure to be the top-listed Public Figure in Santa Monica?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

At The Copper Vessel, you'll find an array of spiritual experiences and mindset coaching services that are designed with your specific needs in mind. I work with individuals and groups to provide services that facilitate change, promote true happiness, and help guide you back to your own truth and inner peace.

Whether you are struggling with chronic anxiety or a chronic illness, I believe that you can overcome any obstacles and heal. The answers we seek do not come from without, but rather from having the courage to look within. I believe that the most powerful and effective form of healing is self-healing. I know that getting to that place of self-healing can require support, which is why I started The Copper Vessel.

At the Copper Vessel, I am here to serve as a vessel and to hold your hand and guide you as you find your way back to the complete health and happiness that has always existed within you. Through a combination of holistic wellness techniques such as Reiki, Sound Baths, Yoga, Meditation, Spiritual Philosophy, and Positive Mindset Coaching, you’ll receive an individualized experience that will help you to feel better and find inner peace. These techniques and practices worked for me in my own life, and I believe that they can work for you too. If you are ready to experience a shift in your life, it would be my absolute pleasure offer you grounded, informed, and authentic guidance toward health, happiness, and inner peace.

Your journey to healing is your own, but you do not have to walk the path alone.

Together, we can heal through harmony.

xx Susy Markoe Schieffelin

Videos (show all)

✨LIVE YOUR PURPOSE✨This is the FINAL week to apply for @thesoundhealersacademy June 2022 VIRTUAL Level 1 certification t...
✨THE VESSEL✨Officially begins on Wednesday!!!Join me for this life changing 7 week journey for breakthrough, transformat...
✨THE VESSEL✨Officially begins on Wednesday!!!Join me for this life changing 7 week journey for breakthrough, transformat...
✨TODAY IS THE DAY!✨The Sound Healer’s Academy VIRTUAL Level I Certification Training is an intimate, in-depth, and hands...
✨YANA - You Are Not Alone✨The path to healing is one you don't have to walk alone.✨You deserve to feel joyful.✨You deser...
✨JOIN ME!✨I am SO excited to officially announce the second class of The Sound Healers Academy!! This 3 month intensive ...
✨LAST CHANCE TO APPLY!✨Tomorrow is the application deadline for @thesoundhealersacademy May 2021 VIRTUAL Level 1 certifi...
✨LAST CHANCE TO APPLY!✨Tomorrow is the application deadline for @thesoundhealersacademy May 2021 VIRTUAL Level 1 certifi...
✨LAST CHANCE TO APPLY!✨Tomorrow is the application deadline for @thesoundhealersacademy May 2021 VIRTUAL Level 1 certifi...



Santa Monica, CA

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Marlu Harris, Life Coach and Marriage Family Therapist Marlu Harris, Life Coach and Marriage Family Therapist
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Santa Monica

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429 Santa Monica Boulevard
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3116 Second Street
Santa Monica, 90405

Tickets just $15 when you get them in advanced at ... and we'll give you a banan

Maria Villella Maria Villella
Santa Monica

Maria is currently available to teach individualized yoga, herbal/nutritional consultations, and acu

Kristen 4 Pilates Kristen 4 Pilates
Santa Monica

Pilates instructor, w/ an endless curiosity of people + the body, co-founder of The Pilates Fix, yo

Selacia, The Council of 12 Selacia, The Council of 12
Santa Monica

Writer & Guide for Awakened Souls Selacia is a writer and creator of The Divine Changemakers.