Skinapeel Beauty

Welcome to the official Skinapeel Beauty page. We're the newest spa in Gainey Village and Welcome to Skinapeel Beauty! Be Beautiful. Xo
Kimberly Nicole

Skinapeel by Kimberly Nicole offers high quality, results-driven services and excellent customer care. Because no two skins are alike, each client receives customized treatments to fit their needs, lifestyle and budget. When you look good, you feel good…inside and out! My passion for skin care, health and helping others, has led me to a career where I can make a difference in someone’s day and eve


Welcome, September! The start of my favorite month...and my Birthday!! 🙌🏽

As with many of you I’m sure, I used to think I would NEVER want to be 40. But I proud to say I’m no longer afraid of birthdays. A year older means a year wiser, stronger, more confident, and more sure of where I’m going. Oh, and less wrinkles thanks to skin care that gets better with age. 😉

Thank you for an amazing 40th year! Ready for you, 41. 🦋🎉✨🌟


Your words hold power. 💪🏽

They can build people up, or tear them down. And they are often times a reflection of how we are feeling about ourselves.

I good does it feel when you know you made someone’s day, week, or even life by taking 2 seconds of your day to pay them a compliment or tell them something you see in them that is so special? Pretty dang good, right?!

So, why not keep the good vibes going?! Pass this on or tag someone in which you see something beautiful. 💖 Raising your vibration is contagious. 💫

Thank you and for the reminder!


A little flashback moment that stopped me in my tracks..🥹

I came across this gem while visiting my childhood home recently, and it made me so proud of my teenage self. It is an amazing feeling to know that at 18 years old, even though I don’t actually remember what I did or said to be inspiring, that I clearly made a difference in someone’s world. This will always mean more to me than ‘winning,’ or being ‘the best’ at something, or ‘right.’

It’s also a great reminder that people may not remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel. And even though you can’t ‘change’ someone, you CAN inspire them on their journey.

This is what I believe I am here to do, and is more motivation to keep it up!!✨🦋✨🦋

Photos from Skinapeel Beauty's post 14/08/2024

Here’s the truth about dark spots...👇🏽👇🏽

If you have been noticing those pesky sun spots darkening your skin and causing your complexion to look uneven, you aren’t alone!

“Hyperpigmentation” as it is commonly known as, is very common and is especially prevalent after prolonged exposure to heat and sun...even hormonal fluctuations and pregnancy. You will also see PIH - Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmenation - from acne!

Treatments and products that address pigmentation issues vary and require a multi-faceted approach. This is why I always recommend a personalized skin plan that not only lightens the dark spots, but also reduces inflammation in the skin and accelerates the healing. The combination is KEY! 🤗

Swipe 👉🏽 to read more, and don’t forget to DM or message me ‘GLOW’ for a personalized skin care consultation! 💖😘


In so many words. 😉

What we tell ourselves when we look in the mirror holds So.Much.Power. Tell youself what you would tell a friend who you think is just the bee’s knees and deserves the world. And MEAN IT! Because you deserve the world too. 💖✨

Pass it on to a friend who needs to hear this too! Happy Monday!🦋


And I hope you know how much you deserve it.✨

Photos from Skinapeel Beauty's post 11/07/2024

Here is yet ANOTHER tip I wish I had learned when I was to save money on skin care with products that actually work! ⤵️

Did you know skin care companies are not required to list their ingredients from highest concentration to lowest?

This means that a product advertising a certain key ingredient might have less than 1% of that ingredient in the bottle.

On top of that, the ingredients might not be formulated in a way that easily absorbs into the skin.

If you’ve ever noticed skin care products that feel like they just sit on your skin, you know what I’m talking about.

Understanding how products are formulated is key to finding ones your skin will actually love AND will give you the results you deserve.

Swipe ⏩ to learn how to spot effective skin care products and avoid wasting money on those that don’t deliver.

BONUS: if you want my FREE cheat sheet of skin care products that truly work, DM me “Results” and I’ll send you the list!🤗💙

Photos from Skinapeel Beauty's post 11/07/2024

Want to lift and firm your skin naturally?!👇🏽

First, let’s talk about fillers and injectables (and why I avoid them).

They’ve grown in popularity as non-surgical alternatives but they often come with hidden costs to your health and unwanted side effects.

After being in the skin care industry for almost 20 years, I’ve seen firsthand the downsides of these quick-fix options.

You deserve a safer, healthier approach!

Swipe ⏩ to uncover natural methods that truly work for rejuvenating and tightening your skin without the unwanted side effects.

And if you want my FREE Holistic Beauty Blueprint with my best injection-free ways to lift and firm, DM me “Lift” and I’ll send it over!🙌🏽✨

Photos from Skinapeel Beauty's post 09/07/2024

Here’s how to reduce fine lines and wrinkles naturally!⤵️

You’ve done everything to avoid Botox and fillers BUT…⁣

⁣You’re starting to see those fine lines and loss of firmness that can tempt you to try toxic solutions…

Before you go too far down that path, I have some good news for you.

There’s a natural, safe way to keep your skin looking youthful and glowing - no Botox or fillers needed!

Swipe ⏩ to discover how you can naturally slow down signs of aging and boost your collagen without any toxic ingredients.

And if you want my FREE collagen-boosting cheat sheet to naturally plump and smooth out wrinkles, DM me “Secrets” and I’ll send you the list!😘


I am not just a fan of these things..I am a BIG fan. Not to mention that I for one, would not even be able to do what I do without the inspiration, wisdom, and support of the amazing women I have met on this journey.

Cheers to all of you who spread your light and love! 💫💖✨


✨11 Years!!✨....and counting!

I became an Aesthetican because of my love & passion for skin care and helping others. I continue to be led by my heart thanks to each and every one of you who make what I do so fufilling.

It’s not easy, and certainly doesn’t come without a lot of sacrifice, hard work, tears, ups and downs, dedication, and perserverance. I am so grateful to continue to work with beautiful people who inspire me to keep serving my purpose in spreading the message of healthy skin - outside & in.

Happy Anniversary to MY baby, Skinapeel Beauty!🎉🦋🌟💖💆🏽‍♀️


How I feel about June in a nutshell. Summer doesn’t slow me down! SO excited about amazing things I have coming for you all. Stay tuned! ✨🦋


✨🦋 “Can’t” just isn’t in my vocabulary...


Me and my mom. Seattle, WA, circa 1984. 💫💕

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.”
- Agatha Christie

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful moms out there! Your love is appreciated more than you know. 🌸💕🌸


I’m back! 🎉💆🏽‍♀️👏🏽

Fresh off an amazingly inspirational Wellness Retreat, I am refreshed and ready to pass on the T.L.C. to you and your skin. Link in bio to book!

I am grateful for all of your beautiful faces, and can’t wait to see you at the Skinapeel Spa. 😍


What is one investment you will NEVER regret, will make you FEEL good inside, and look even better too? Taking proper care of your SKIN! 🤗✨🙌🏽

Here are a few key elements to having their healthiest, most optimal skin for years to come...

👉🏽Use a sun block daily - About 80-90% of aging skin is from sun damage. Yikes! So, when you are out in the sun or even driving, protect skin with a zinc oxide-based SPF30 like the Daytime Defense by . **Bonus points for wearing a UVF Hat!! (Link in Bio to shop🤗)
👉🏽Eat foods that love you back & are nutrient-dense - Including a clean, hydrolyzed collagen supplement! Glycation also breaks down the collagen matrix. Top offenders are charred foods, sugar (especially processed HFCS), processed foods, alcohol. Crowding these out as much as possible will help preserve your skin’s youthfulness.
👉🏽See a Licensed Aesthetician - helping YOU is what we live for! Invest in your skin care at home & in the treatment room for best, longest-lasting results. Professional-grade treatments that are supportive to you skin health and collagen while preventing its breakodwn include: Lightwave LED, TAMA Microcurrent, Nanoneedling, Vitamin A peels, etc.

Prevention is KEY! Skin Care is one investment you can make for yourself that doesn’t take a lot of money, time, and you will NEVER regret. With these tips and more, you will not only help to prevent prevent lines, wrinkles, and overall premature aging, but also FEEL great about the face you present to the world every day. Every little thing we can do helps!

Contact me to find out ways to support your skin health & longevity. You deserve it and so does your skin! 💆🏽‍♀️😘


Have you ever stopped to pick something up- whether it be a book, a card, a note- and aren’t sure why but just have to do so?

That happened to me a few months ago. A card was laying on the ground on one of our morning dog walks, and I just couldn’t stop myself from being drawn to it. This is what it said on the cover, and on the inside was a beautiful note from a daughter to a mother, telling her how much she appreciated something she gave her, and why.

It really resonated with me, as ‘kindness’ is so different from ‘niceness.’ And the difference is noticeable once you become aware of it. Kindness, is a state of being. It is beyond feelings and conveniences, and comes from the heart in bringing someone (and yourself!) encouragement, support or appreciation. It not always convenient, but FEELS good and right. Niceness on the other hand, takes no sacrifice, or pain, and is something done for another often because it feels obligatory but not necessarily heart-centered. Pleasant, but not long-lasting.

Who do you know that has treated you with true kindness? Think about this next time you are interacting with others or are even just with yourself. How amazing this world would be with more kindness?✨🩷✨


Thank you all for a fun holiday facial season! 🎄🌟Sending you all the holiday magic, joy, beauty & peace this Christmas! XO Your Aesthetician, Kimberly


Annual Christmas shenanigans! 🎄🤩 Thank you for always supporting us Aestheticians with your knowledge, wisdom and care. And for making sure we have FUN! 😘


Your best skin is calling, and I'm here to help you reach your highest Skin Goals! 🤗🎉

Last Call for Skinapeel's Thanksgiving Weekend Sale in gratitude for YOU! In case you missed it, here's another chance to take advantage when you:

🌟Purchase $100 in Gift Cards for a friend or loved one and receive a $20 Bonus Gift Card
🌟Cyber Monday ONY - Shop online and purchase $150 in skin care products and receive a $20 Bonus Gift Card (
🌟Book my Holiday Facial Special (you know...the Holiday Lift & Glow Facial with Dermaplaning, LED + a FREE TAMA Microcurrent Eye Lift 😉🙌🏽) for yourself or a friend, and Receive a FREE at-home Copper Peptide Collagen Mask on your next visit!!

Link in Bio, DM me, or text, call, or email me to book, purchase, or to answer any questions. SO grateful to be your local Skin Care/Beauty/Health Coach and your biggest fan. XO Kimberly


So much to be grateful for - today, and everyday. Happy Thanksgiving! 🧡✨🤎
📸 by our guy-


How is it already almost November?!

With the holidays upon up, I feel this is an appropriate reminder that you may need to reread… 🤣😉

Now, go get it and make it a good one! 😘


What is one thing you NEVER should leave home without? I'll give you one guess!😜👆🏽

It may be fall, but here in Arizona it's the BEST weather and time of year to enjoy the outdoors. Finally!!

However, whether it be the Italian sun, Arizona sun, or any sun - sun is sun. As lovely as it is to bask in, it's also the top contributor to aging, damaged skin. So protect that precious skin of yours. You'll thank me...and yoursef...later. ☀️✅✈️


✨I believe in what I do.✨ How amazing does it feel when you can say that?

The dictionary defines an Aesthetician (pronounced - es-thi-tish-uhn) as someone who is licenced and specializes in improving the appearance and health of their clients' skin. However, my "WHY" in becoming a Skin Care Expert is SO much more than that. I remember sitting at my desk at work back in 2011 and suddenly it came to me - "Why don't I go back to school to be an Aesthetician?!" Afterall, I had worked in the skin care industry since 2006 and loved every aspect - from the chemistry of ingredients in formulating products, to learning about the anatomy and physiology of the skin/skin conditions, to helping my friends, family and coworkers to put together the proper home care regime for their skin and goals. But my "WHY"was this:

✨Because helping others is what I know how to do.
✨Because I had struggled with my skin and wanted to teach others what I had learned the hard way.
✨Because I believe everyone's inner beauty shines through even more brillianly when they feel they look their best.
✨Because I have found that prioritizing self care has an immense positive impact on one's health and wellbeing.
✨Because I wanted to spread the knowledge of PREVENTATIVE CARE, and that there is a way to improve your skin and age with grace without extreme measures.
✨Because I know that people are happiest when they are giving, doing what they love, and showing gratitude - all of which I get to do everyday!

…And the list goes on. Happy , and thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you in the best way I know how! 💆🏽‍♀️🙏🏼💛


Wow. I truly cannot put into words how much this beautiful gift means to me. So grateful for my amazing clients and the sunshine they bring to me! Humbled and honored. 🥹✨🩷


40 is the new...20?! 😉🎉

Regardless of whether or not that is true, I’m ready for this new decade! I don't know about you, but I sure feel like thanks to advancements in health & skin care there can be a much larger gap between our chronological age vs. biological age. Feeling good and enjoying what life has to offer should be top of the priority list!

While my 20's and 30's were fun yet challenging, I feel like all the growing, learning and evolving into the woman I am going into this next decade have been well worth it. Life is what you make of it!!

Thank you for sharing in this journey with me, professionally and personally. Can't wait for what's to come in this next decade of life...and help myself and YOU all look as young as we feel while we're at it. Salute! ✨🎉🥂

P.S.A. - I am BACK and ready to help YOU reach your skin and self-care goals. to book! XO


Who is YOUR liquid sunshine?? Find those people and stay in THAT energy always. Ain’t got time for anything less than uplifting in this life. 💛☀️


Happy Birthday America! ❤️💙🇺🇸

Grateful for our country and all the opportunities and beauty it has to offer. Enjoy your holiday week!


Hi! Here is something you may not know about me: I do not like to use the term ‘anti-aging.’🤨

This may come as a surprise to you, so hear me out! 👇🏼👇🏼

‘Anti-aging’ is a term that came about to describe what professionals, brands and marketing companies think women and men want for their skin. Which is somewhat true! If you ask most people if they want to look older than they are, the anwswer is often “no!”

However, …ANTI-aging implies being 'against aging.' Which I certainly am not! It is an inevitable and beautiful fact of life that we all age. I believe it's all about the QUALITY of our skin and health while we do so.

My absolute passion is to increase the vitality and longevity of my client’s skin through safe, proven-effective, holistic skin care treatments and home care lifestyle recommendations/personalized products. Stay tuned for some more fun facts, tips and favorite ways of being proactive in caring for your largest organ- your SKIN!!

Videos (show all)

In case you haven’t heard...there’s NEW Technology at Skinapeel Beauty and clients are already as obsessed as I am!! It ...
👋 Raise your hand if you’ve already have a few #PumpkinSpiceLattes this season. We all know how delicious pumpkin tastes...
For anyone who needs to hear this...I'm here for you. ✋🏽😘#AestheticianHumor #DontPick #HandsOffYourFace #LeaveExtraction...
Does anyone else love multi-tasking products as much as I do?! Now while one product can't do literally everything, ther...
Swim suit season is here already!😱  If you don't feel ready to show off your neck and decolette, let me help you! Thanks...
6 years ago, I heard about this company called TAMA Research from a well-respected and successful Aesthetician. She rave...
My favorite, daily view...infusing stem cells, peptides and nutrients while detoxing, firming, toning and lifting! ⚡️🦋Ha...
Get a lift while you sit! ⚡️Sounds a little counter-intuitive but thanks to TAMA Microcurrent, that's exactly what you'l...
🥘 Have you ever tried going meatless with your meal...even for a day to see what happens? I used to always think I neede...
For the 5th year in a row, I'm truly humbled by the Education I've received at @TAMAResearch 's 5th Annual Informed Aest...
To take supplements, or not to take supplements..that's certainly an important question! And if you do, what is even nec...



7704 E Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00