Synchronistic Yoga with Kerri

I am an RYT 200 and Certified in Children’s Yoga! I specialize in Pre & Post Natal and Children's Yog


Today is world meditation day!

Please give yourself 5 minutes today, relax your shoulders, lighten your face muscles, and just breathe. Let it out and let it go. Peace and blessings


Get ready my friends , I’m studying to become certified in …

I’ll have events up soon! I can’t wait to help our community heal through sound and frequency.
This is a dream come true! 🕯️


I have a bin Full of clothes , some small some medium shirts, cardigans, jeans, dresses… please DM if you know if someone in need ✨


Hello beautiful mommas!
The response for has blown me away, and I was offered a lovely position at Hemlock Hill Academy after doing yoga with their classes!! Not only has this happened, but I just partnered with WellKind school for Early Learners to teach yoga 2 times a week! MY DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE. I have tried to take this off the ground since 2018 and it’s finally happening for me… through Divine Intervention and God blessing me with the abundance of opportunity to share my practice with this community and with these children that will grow up knowing how to calm themselves and self regulate!
Here’s my worry… we only have 1 car. My boyfriend works every day and I would not have the chance to take all of these opportunities if I don’t have a car to drive.
Does anyone know of a car for sale that is $1000 or less? From someone trustworthy and that you are comfortable buying from yourself. I know that God has brought me this far and that if I reach out to my community I will , we will, succeed!
Please let me know if anyone has any ideas, any guidance. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading this. Love to you all ❤️


Hello friends! Please like and follow my new page Kerri Berri Kids Yoga ❤️🙏🌈

This is where all of my events will be posted, and I would love to get the whole community involved!

Thank you so much for your love of 😍


Had some fun with my sweet baby boy at today!
Hoping to have some kiddos show up next week on Saturday evening ✨✨✨


I am so excited about the Pop Up Kids Yoga Donation Class at

DM me with any questions!


💛Chakra of the month- The Solar Plexus Chakra

💛This powerful energy center is located literally at the center of YOU- the core of who you are. The element is fire 🔥and we focus on our confidence, self worth and inner transformation here.

💛 So many of us have deep wounds surrounding our worth, esteem, and what we believe we can bring to the world around us. We may ponder “why am I here?” Or “what is my divine purpose in this life?”

💛Stepping into this space of the Solar Plexus we begin to realize that it is the innate power within that trickles outward and gives the world everything it needs, because we are whole and perfect just as we are 🙌✨

💛Want to learn more about this chakra? Yoga poses and crystals to balance this center, as well as aromatherapy and visualization? Check out the latest blog on my website , or just click the link in my bio 🔥

💛Ready to take the next step and begin healing this energy that is within you? I am a certified Chakra and Reiki Energy Healer as well as a devoted yoga instructor, and would love to walk beside you as you unblock this energy that may need to be cleared and released ✨✨✨

DM me and let’s set it on fire to transmute and transform 🔥🔥🔥



Yes, the dreaded day came last week when the doctor told me… “your baby is not head down yet” 😱 I got really panicky and anxious and started to cry a bit. What do you mean he’s not head down? How the **** am I supposed to have a natural birth when his head is digging into my left abdominal, his feet are literally smooshing his cheeks and his back is where his head needs to be in order for me to give birth to this beautiful (but already very stubborn) baby boy??!

He is currently in a Transverse position. Some may be experiencing their baby being in a Breech position where the feet are down towards the cervix and head is up top. There’s more positions these little bundles of joy can get into while their cozy in the womb but these are 2 very common ways babies decide to hunker down in there.

At almost 35 weeks pregnant I am nervous about a C section. I can’t imagine going through that type of surgery and rehabilitation… knowing very well that my doctor is 💯 and there have been many many strong women before me to have had this done… I’m still a bit nervous about it.

Buuuutttt ah ha!!! There IS something I can do to help this little nugget of mine move into the proper position and that is…you guessed it… YOGA! 🙌🙌🙌

So we are basically trying to flip gravity on the baby so that he/she will feel compelled to want to make their way to the head down position, the easiest position to give birth in. When they are not in that ideal position we want to stay away from positions that leave the hips below the heart, which is like every position we are in already (standing and sitting)

Block out a few 15-30 minute spaces in your day and try these poses to flip that baby!

✨ Supported bridge pose with bolster or blocks under the hips. Stay here for 5-10 minutes at a time for up to 20 min.
✨Cat/Cow pose with blanket under the knees. The moving of the pelvis and continuing the change in gravity can initiate the baby to begin turning.
✨Downward Facing Dog with a micro bend in the knees and blocks under the hands in case your wrists are hurting. This also changes the gravitational pull baby feels and will encourage him/her to turn.

DM me if you need support!


🧡Chakra of the Month- The Sacral Chakra ✨

🧡This is definitely my favorite Chakra to work with. Deep hip opening yoga poses will release the energy that is stored in this chakra, which is our emotional storage container. Working with this beautiful chakra can release those old stagnant emotions that no longer serve us in this moment 🙌

🧡We also hold our creative potential on this chakra, as well as our passion, sexuality and sensuality. If you are feeling closed off to these aspects of yourself, chances are there’s so work that needs to be done here. Meditation, yoga and sound healing are a few ways to unblock this chakra and release the energy it carries.

🧡Want to learn more about the Sacral Chakra?
Check out my website *link is in bio*

🧡Want to release the energy that is held here in your own body but unsure how?
Let’s connect!


Have a blessed Full “Strawberry” Moon in Capricorn 🍓 🌕 ♑️

Today we celebrate ourselves for all we have accomplished and let go of what has not been serving us

It’s time to bring a clear vision to the surface of what we want to see for ourselves in the future

After taking a few deep breaths and centering yourself tell me… what are YOU celebrating today? What visions do you see for yourself?


Happy International Day of Yoga 💙✨

Practicing yoga for a decade of my life I have witnessed such a consciousness shift in myself. I have been through some difficult times in these years but knowing I had a practice to come back to again and again has kept me afloat and allowed me to stay grounded in the knowing that I Am that I Am 🙌

The asana is a very small piece of the puzzle. There are 8 limbs of yoga to work with and it is ever evolving. The most beautiful and transcendental part of this practice truly happens off the mat.

How you bring yoga into your everyday life and routine, and how you chose to share this life changing practice with others. To see everyone through the eyes of pure consciousness and removing the ego from the front line. To shift the planet. To become one with all that is.

My soul recognizes and honors yours.

Namaste 🙏


Wishing you a magical change of the seasons ✨🌸💛

Today was such a perfect day. I spent time in nature, with my bare feet on the ground and in the creek. I spread my body out on the grass and stared up at the sun hiding in trees ☀️ 🌳

I took some deep breaths and thanked this beautiful Mother Earth 🌍 of ours for showering me with abundant gifts throughout the last 6 months, and set my intentions for the time I have until the winter is here ❄️

My deepest intention was to allow more flow while releasing control. I can’t predict the future nor can I resist it. So allowing the flow is definitely the deepest manifestation I can bring into my life 🙌

What is your intention for the summer solstice? What are you manifesting for the next 6 months?


Supported ⚡️Thunderbolt pose ⚡️
(Vajrasana with hands behind back)

Opening the chest, pulling the shoulders back and releasing the tension in the upper body are the benefits of this amazing heart opening pose 💗

When we are in our second and third trimesters, shoulders tend to pull forward as we try to compensate for the extra weight of that baby belly, causing a lot of strain in the neck, shoulders and upper back.

Releasing it in this way can give such a relief to our bodies while clearing and unblocking heart space energy, opening us up to receive and give love, compassion and empathy more fluidly.

And who doesn’t want to give and receive more love?? 🥰

If you have any questions on how to support your body during pregnancy or postpartum through yoga, meditation and chakra balancing then I’m your girl! Just click the link in my bio and let’s connect! ✨✨✨


🧡The Sacral Chakra blog post is up on my website!!


🧡If you love yoga, energy healing or anything metaphysical, chances are you’ve heard of the word ‘Chakra’ before. Even if you have no idea what I am talking about right now, but are interested in learning more, then this is the perfect introduction to the Chakras and how they play a very important role in your energetic body, mind and overall well being.

🧡In this blog series I will introduce the concept of each of the seven Chakras and how to balance them in the body through yoga, crystals and much more!”

🧡The Sacral Chakra is the energy of sexuality, fluid emotion, and creativity. The element here is water which makes absolute sense as our emotions come in and out, over and through just as the tides of the ocean 🌊

🧡I am working on the Sacral Chakra so much of the time, as I’ve found it difficult in my life to quiet the mind and allow for my creativity to flow seamlessly. Only now as an adult have I been able to harness how beautiful my sexual energy is as it makes me who I am!

🧡On the creative level it has allowed me to expand my limiting beliefs on what I always told myself I Couldn’t do... create a life that I am in true alignment with. Create art, create fulfillment, and create a daily yoga practice that has lifted me through the hardest moments of my life.

🧡Working with the Sacral Chakra through yoga, sound immersion and meditation brought me to a place of stillness and peace regardless of my fluctuating moods and emotions. I learned how to unblock this chakra and live the life of my fullest potential 🙌

🌊In what ways does the Sacral Chakra energy show up in your life?

🧡If you are wondering how to balance this energy within you but aren’t sure where to begin just send me a DM or click on the link to my website and let’s connect!


Virabhadrasana II 💙
(Supported Warrior II)

✨At this point in my pregnancy I not only need to build stamina and strength in my legs and hips, but it is SO important to support my pelvic muscles and growing belly!

✨Poses like allow my legs to ground down into the earth and continue to build muscle in my thighs. Leaning into this pose while utilizing a chair for support allows me to feel the protection in my body.

💫Things have not gone 100% how I planned for this pregnancy. I have headaches often and pelvic pain that almost feels debilitating at times. Growing in my prenatal yoga practice and learning these supported poses has given me the inner strength and power that I need to get through this last trimester and truly focus on the end goal.. to hold that beautiful boy in my arms while also feeling confident in my body.

💫If you are struggling in your pregnancy and need ideas on how to relieve your body of pains in the muscles and joints, I can help! (With your doctors consent of course) Or if you simply need support in your prenatal or postnatal yoga practice, I got you! Click the link in my bio or send me a DM and let’s connect 🙏


💫Being in the present moment has given me new life. It has allowed me to find gratitude in Every Thing I encounter. It has given me reason to simply be happy with Being.

💫We suffer so much by analyzing the past and predicting the future, which both are ultimately the illusion of the mind. It take great Awareness to recognize this in yourself and become Witness to the struggles we create for ourselves.

💫Through yoga, meditation, energy healing and connecting with nature on a deep level I have found my purpose in this life, and what is so amazing is that no matter what I do or where I am, I am aware that THAT is my purpose for that moment. The Present Moment.

💫If you, like I have, struggle with finding your Presence, I am here for you. DM me and let’s explore this together ✨✨✨


Happy Super Flower Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius , my beautiful friends 🌕🌺🔥♐️

Art by


Supported Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) 🦋

This pose is so deeply relaxing and releasing for me ✨

The Sacral Chakra 🧡is located in the center of the lower belly or pelvic area and is associated with our emotions, creativity and sexual energy 💧

When we open our hips in this way we are allowing the emotions that are stored in our bodies to unblock and let go 💫

This has been a critical part of my healing journey and spiritual growth. These poses along with working on balancing the Chakras has helped me to understand what I am feeling, why I am feeling it and how to overcome it 🙌

At this point in pregnancy we do not want to lay flat on our backs as this can constrict the Vena Cava Vein which carries blood from the lower half of the body to the heart, so keeping an elevation of at least 20 degrees and making sure your head is above your heart is extremely important 💯

👑If you have any blocked emotions you need to release, I can help.

👑If you need an energy healing or balancing, I’m here for you.

👑If you are pregnant or postpartum and want to learn how to strengthen and stretch the body safely, I got you.

Send me a DM or click the link in my bio. I would love to connect! 🙏

Timeline photos 05/21/2021

Having affirmations that you tell yourself daily will inevitably create a more positive outlook on your life and any situation you are a part of.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman's life, but lets get real, it's not always the magical fairy tale we hear about on TV or see on our Instagram feed. It's swollen ankles, fatigue, weight gain, and the list goes on. Some days I haven't wanted to practice yoga, do the laundry, or even get out of my bed! This reality has been tough to process lately as I enter my third trimester, but it is life!

During my pregnancy I choose to say these words to myself in order to bring peace and stillness into my mind and heart so that I may push the limiting beliefs aside and find what truly inspires me most.
It's not that I did an hour of yoga this morning that is driving me to feel inspired every day (even though when I do I feel amazing). It's not the amount of work I got done or how clean my house is today. What IS inspiring me the most is that I am fully present, carrying this healthy child in my womb, and knowing that I am doing the best I can at any given moment.

What are some affirmations you tell yourself that inspire you and bring peace to your inner being?


Ahhhh Savasanna 💕 AKA Co**se Pose AKA the only way to end a yoga class 🙏

Since after my 20th week of pregnancy I chose, and is highly recommended for any mamma to be after 20 weeks, to modify this beautiful resting pose with supportive props and to refrain from lying on your back or on your right side for more than a few minutes at a time.

The Vena Cava Vein, which is the vein that transports blood from the bottom half of the body (legs, pelvis, and uterus) to the heart ❤️is located on the middle right side of the body and will become compressed if laying on your back or right side for more than a few minutes at a time. This can cause the flow of oxygen to become disrupted and we definitely do not want that ❌

When getting ready for your final pose make sure to grab a bolster for under your head, a soft blanket for between the knees and turn to your left side. This will give you and your growing baby all the protection you’ll need to find peace and stillness in this amazing moment 💗✨💫


Chakra of the Month: The Root Chakra ❤️

This Chakra is based on the element of Earth 🌍 giving it a very physical and materialistic vibe. Through this Chakra we are truly shown how our stability, security and basic needs must be met in order to balance the whole body, mind and soul. Since this Chakra is the first of seven it is located at the bottom of our spine and gives us the foundation of our lives.

The color associated with this Chakra is Red so if you feel out of balance in this area you can throw on your favorite red shirt or sweater, grab a Tigers eye crystal or order some grilled red peppers from your favorite vegan restaurant 🌶

When we practice meditation to balance this chakra we may find it comforting to repeat the mantra “Lam” as this will align your energy through repetition of the sound.

If you want to learn more about this Chakra, check out my blog post at or just click the link in my bio!

If you want to dig deeper into balancing your Root Chakra you can connect with me through that link or dm me! One of my certifications is in Chakra healing and balancing and I would be honored to help you reach your fullest energetic potential through yoga, meditation, sound immersion, and crystal healing 💫


Supported Extended Side Angle pose 💙💫
(Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Loving this side body stretch with the support under my pelvic muscles and hips 🙌

Side body stretches during pregnancy is a yoga MUST. It creates room for baby and just feels so damn good 🦋

I’ve talked about this before, but I’m going to repeat myself again. And again. Surrendering to the support.. no matter what type of support you are in need of.. a block, a chair, a friend, a therapist.. is not only empowering and liberating.. but it is 100% normal and positive in every way.

I held back for many years asking for the help I knew I needed. I struggled within because of what refused to let go of.

This pregnancy had shown me time and time again, week after week, that I am deserving and most of all worthy of all the support I want and need. And I’m not afraid to ask for it 🔥

If you are pregnant or just had your baby and are in need of support, I have the blocks, the bolsters and chairs to lift you up, and I also have the experience to help you grow energetically, spiritually and physically during this beautiful time of your life.
Let’s connect! Link is in my bio 👑


❤️The Root Chakra blog post is up on my website!!


❤️If you love yoga, energy healing or anything metaphysical, chances are you’ve heard of the word ‘Chakra’ before. Even if you have no idea what I am talking about right now, but are interested in learning more, then this is the perfect introduction to the Chakras and how they play a very important role in your energetic body, mind and overall well being.

❤️In this blog series I will introduce the concept of each of the seven Chakras and how to balance them in the body through yoga, crystals and much more!”

❤️The Root Chakra is one of the energy discs of my body that I have had to work extremely hard to unblock. I lived so many years in “Survival Mode” ... Back in my 20’s I have been homeless, I have lived in fear of my surroundings, and I have been unsure of my basic needs being met.

❤️It took years to get into a comfortable situation, and even more years after that to break free of the limitations and struggles that would create more scarcity and fear of the unknown within myself.

❤️Working with the Root Chakra through yoga, sound immersion and meditation brought me to a place of stillness and peace in the present moment. I learned how to unblock this chakra and live the life of my fullest potential 🙌

🌍In what ways does the Root Chakra energy show up in your life?

❤️If you are wondering how to balance this energy within you but aren’t sure where to begin just send me a DM or click on the link to my website and let’s connect!


Supported Goddess pose 👑🙏
(Utkata Konasana)

This is one of my FAVS since being pregnant 😍

This supported pose allows me the deep hip opening without the intense strain on my lower back and pelvic floor muscles.

I was REALLY hesitant to begin using props, modifications and supports. I mean, I’ve been practicing yoga for 8 years why would I need any help at this point in my journey??

That really deserved a head shake and an eye roll 🙄

I am literally creating a life inside of my womb and should be damn proud that I am still able to get up every day, step on my mat and move my body!

I’ve had feelings of unworthiness that surrounded that initial reaction, but am working through that every time I grab a block, bolster or chair to prop me up so I can get into the fullest potential of the pose at this point in my pregnancy ✨

I invite you to step on the mat with me, Mommma’s! To love your beautiful pregnant body for all that it looks like, for all that it feels and for all that it is nurturing and creating each and every second of the day for these next beautiful 37-42 weeks 🙌

If you want to step on the mat with me and focus your attention on caring for this miracle inside of you while supporting your body, mind and soul through prenatal or postnatal yoga, the link is in my bio 😘

Synchronistic Yoga with Kerri – Prenatal , postnatal & children's yoga 04/30/2021

Got my website up and running today! 🙌💜

Still have more info to add but for right now I am so excited to be on the Google search engine 😍

Come check the site and let me know what you think so far! 🔮

Synchronistic Yoga with Kerri – Prenatal , postnatal & children's yoga To help guide generations of families to begin practicing yoga in their everyday lives and co-create a safer and healthier environment for all beings.


The Pranayama called Nadi Shodhana is a beautiful way to control the breath by purifying the Nadia, or channels, where our energy flows. It helps to balance the right and left sides of the brain as well as reduce stress and anxiety. This breath work practice is perfect for prenatal women, and for anyone that needs to calm their nerves!


To truly understand the physiological need for children to reduce their stress and anxiety, try a little meditation with them 🧘‍♀️

When we meditate, breathing in through the nose and out through the nose (or mouth if we have a lot to release!) we trigger our Autonomic Nervous System to bring our bodies out of of the Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight response) and eases us into the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest and Digest).
Heart Rate and Blood pressure will decrease, which in turn brings our bodies into state of homeostasis. A balance that we are all seeking, especially in this moment we are all living in 🌈

Does anyone here practice meditation with their children? Or even by yourself? Drop a comment and let me know how it helps you! ✨

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Pranayama Turorial 🦋🙏
Wishing you a beautiful Spring Season! 🌼In this day we say goodbye to the darkness, the coldness, and who we used to be....




Scranton, PA

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