Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate

Providing Real Estate services and Home Staging to the Greater Seattle Area.

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/21/2024

This stat rocked me.

80% of sellers only speak with ONE agent before choosing who will represent them in the sale of their home...

Knowing that, I want to share a few questions you should absolutely ask when interviewing a listing agent:

- What is your experience selling homes similar to mine?
- How will we communicate throughout the sale process?
- What % of your listings sell for higher than the asking price?
- What unique qualities separate you from other agents?

Want to talk more about selling or how I would answers these questions? Reach out, and I’ll send over my service offerings 😎.

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/20/2024

Is it worth it to work with a buyer's agent??

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Buying real estate is usually the \*largest single investment\* a person makes in their lifetime.

This is what buyers stand to benefit from with a great buyer's agent on their side...

1) Negotiating power: A buyer's agent has your best interest in mind and knows the art of negotiation. More terms in your favor and more dollars in your pocket? That's our goal.

2) Robust network: Having a squad of industry pros (lenders, inspectors and contractors) that we can call on during the buying process is worth its weight in gold.

3) Expert juggler: Coordinating showings, inspections, appraisals, and closings is our bread and butter. It should be our full time job, not our clients.

4) Creative problem solver: Fussy sellers, inspection hurdles, appraisal headaches - been there. An experienced agent has seen their fair share of hurdles and knows how to find creative solutions.

Last and most importantly, a buyer's agent is your advocate: Someone dedicated to answering your questions, decoding contracts and providing a second opinion throughout the buying process.

Warren Buffett’s successor Greg Abel recently said it best: “Buying real estate is the one time in our lives where we make a massive investment. Having that council and guidance is absolutely critical.”

Have any questions about buying in today's market? Send me a DM, I'd love to help!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/07/2024

The last thing I want for my buyers...
Being stretched too thin by their mortgage payments.
Finance experts wag their fingers at spending 30% or more of your gross income on housing.
But with 37.2% of homeowners grappling with this reality, if you're among them, you're certainly not alone.
Below are some methods I’ve seen implemented to reduce the burden
1.) See if you can ditch your private mortgage insurance. Your lender may be willing if your mortgage balance has reached 80% of your home's original value or the halfway point of your amortization schedule.
2.) Take a deep dive into your monthly spending to see where your money is going. For me, I found eating out to be an opportunity to cut back.
3.) Consider house hacking by renting out a bedroom, parking space, or a mother in law suite.
4.) Raise your income (Obviously this is much easier said than done) but there are a few creative ways to approach it. Whether it’s mustering up the courage to ask for a raise, exploring a new side hustle (hello Rover!), or up-skilling yourself with online courses.
5.) Keep an eye on interest rates. If they drop below what you're currently paying, refinancing could be a smart move.
Grab my guide for first time buyers - I cover everything a first time buyer needs to know.

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/06/2024

Remember helicopter parents?
They excessively control every minute of their kids' lives.
We all know one or two (and maybe we're recovering from this behavior ourselves).
Hate to say it, but some agents can be just as overbearing, especially at open houses.
This is a harrrrd no for me.
When it comes to planning open houses with sellers, I live by one mantra: *Present but not pushy*
I want sellers to feel confident that their open house will be warm and inviting, allowing guests to explore freely.
Sure, I'm there if they need me, but I'm always in the background — friendly and welcoming but never intrusive.
If this approach resonates with you drop an emoji in the comments.

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/05/2024

Hot take? Moving out of state can be as simple as moving across town.
I was reminded of this recently when past clients contacted me to let me know they were moving out of state.
They wanted me to list their home here locally. And their stress level was through the roof.
I was so glad to be able to be a voice of calm as I let them know this:
Over the years, I’ve added dozens of talented agents to my contact list who live all across the country. With a quick call, my clients were connected with an agent in their new hometown who was more than ready to guide them through the buying process there. Their stress melted away.
If you're gearing up for an out-of-state move—or know someone who is—let me be your bridge to a trusted agent in your next town. Send me a DM!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/04/2024

One thing I won't stop telling new homeowners?
Budget for repairs and replacements.
Taking this advice early in homeownership can be a lifesaver down the road. Here are some notes I’ve shared with my buyers — I’ve updated it with life span estimates, 2024 replacement costs, and monthly savings goals.
Life span: 20 years
Average replacement cost: $9,353
Savings plan: Save $20 - $40/month
Life span: 15-20 years
Average replacement cost: $7,500 (replace both at once to save)
Savings plan: Save $10 - $30/month
Smoke Detectors
Life span: 8 years
Average replacement cost: $20 - $50 each
Savings plans: Replace one detector each year.
Wood Deck
Life span: 10-15 years
Average replacement cost: $4,100 - $11,700
Savings plan: Save $20 - $50/month
Washer and Dryer
Life span: 10-15 years
Average replacement cost: $1,000 to $2,300 per set
Savings plan: Save $10 - $50/month per appliance
Stashing funds away in a High-Yield Savings Account (HYSA) each month can give your savings an extra interest boost. Plus, platforms like Ally let you set up 'buckets' for each savings goal. Even if you can’t save for all of these at once, start a general home repair fund.
Plus, I've created a tracker that will help you manage it all. Just shoot me a message, and I’ll send over my Homeowner Maintenance Tracker.

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 06/03/2024

When the perfect home is full of hidden problems
It happens all the time: We find the most perfect home but it has its fair share of issues.
I found a home for my clients that felt tailor-made for them. It checked all the boxes—and then some.
But even with all its charm, this home had its quirks. They weren’t deal-breakers like foundation cracks or a leaky roof but they definitely needed attention.
Understandably so, they were a bit uneasy about it until I assured him that this happens all the time. In fact, in 86% of cases, home inspectors find issues that need attention.
It's all part of the buying process — and exactly why my clients needed a thorough home inspection. After all, it's better to find issues now (and know if they're anything major) than after you've signed on the dotted line.
So it was back to negotiations with the seller. We managed to come to a compromise with a comfortable buyer credit. And if we hadn’t, my buyers would still have had the option to pull their offer.
Situations like this highlight the importance of having a trusted and experienced agent by your side.
What questions do you have about inspections? I cover what to expect from them in my Buyer Guide. Comment BUY to grab it!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/31/2024

Seeing those dollars on a screen is one thing; but actually shelling out for them every month on a mortgage bill?
That's a whole other ball game.
Here's a tip I often share with folks eyeing a home purchase: "practice" making mortgage payments. It might sound a bit unconventional, but it can really get your mind in the right place.
If your new payment exceeds your current one (be it rent or a mortgage), start tucking away the extra cash each month. Does your budget still fit? If not, it could be a sign to rethink the type, location, or size of the home you're eyeing.
Have questions about home budgeting? I cover this topic in depth on my buyer consult calls. Schedule one at the link in my bio!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/30/2024

I tell sellers it’s okay to stay at their house during showings. It’s their home, after all.
But then, I’ll ask this: If the shoe was on the other foot and you were the potential buyer, would you want the homeowner to be present ? This usually turns the tables.
Buyers are most relaxed without the sellers present — which is exactly how you want them to feel as they tour your home and envision themselves living there. They're freer to chat, ask questions, open cabinets and linger.
So long as sellers have done their part to clean, declutter, and get outta dodge, they can leave the rest to me. I’ll make sure buyers know their home's special features, upgrades, and quirks.
Have questions about selling? Send me a message, let's chat!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/29/2024

Wondering if it's time to simplify?
These questions helped my clients realize it was time for a change.
I put the Q's together in a *very official* quiz to help you see where you stack up!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/28/2024

Your dream home can absolutely become your reality... but there’s a catch.
What you jot down on your dream home wishlist might not always match up with what you end up with. And guess what? That's totally okay.
The reality is, the perfect home might offer something unexpected, something even better!
For example, a buyer set on a four-bedroom house might discover a charming three-bedroom with a spacious bonus room that could easily become another bedroom or a home office.
Similarly, a buyer focused on a fenced yard could find a house priced right, allowing them to add fencing themselves and stay within budget.
The takeaway? Don't overlook a home just because it doesn't tick every single box on your wishlist.
Go see it, explore the possibilities, and you might just be pleasantly surprised!
And one more thing I’ll never stop saying: Remember the things you can't change - like lot, location, and price. Check those boxes first, then focus on what you can change!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/27/2024

Hot take: The best time to sell a home isn’t spring.
There I said it!
It’s not when prices are high, rates are low, or when your partner, your mom, your best friend, or the guy on YouTube says you should.
The best time to sell is when it’s right for you. It’s when selling and moving are part of your journey to the next chapter in your life. Full stop.

With that said, there are benefits to selling in each season, _provided it's right for you. _
Of note:
• I love to tell my spring sellers that homes sold in May net a 12.8% seller premium. That’s $$$ above the home’s market value. Plus, in the spring, curb appeal is best (sorry winter), and buyers are on the hunt.
• Extended daylight hours make it easier for buyers to schedule viewings and attend open houses after work or on weekends, making summer a great time to list. Plus, families with kids will always prefer a move in between school years.
• The decline in seller premiums typically begins in the fall around September, when it drops to just 8%. By then, most families with school-aged kids have bought and settled into the new school year so foot traffic definitely slows down.
The upside for fall sellers? They can sell and buy to host the holidays in their new home.
• With fewer homes on the market, my winter sellers get the chance to stand out. Plus, winter buyers are often relocating for work or personal reasons, making them more likely to make offers.
What season do you think is best? Drop an emoji
for Spring
for Summer
for Fall
for Winter

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/24/2024

The stat is out there: the average American buys their first home at 36.
But what if your dream home is calling to you sooner (or later)?
Life throws a lot our way, and buying a house is a big decision. Saving for a down payment, navigating the market, and feeling confident – it all takes time, and that's perfectly okay!
Here's the good news:
There's no one-size-fits-all timeline for homeownership. Whether you're starting to budget for a down payment or just curious about the process, I'm here to be your guide.
Here's what I can help you with:
• Understanding your financial readiness: Let's explore your budget and see what kind of home might be a good fit for you.
• First-time homebuyer programs: There are resources available to help you with down payments and closing costs.
• Finding the perfect home at the perfect time: When you're ready to search, I'll be there to help you navigate the market and find a house that checks all your boxes.
Buying a home is a journey, not a race. Let's take it one step at a time and make your dream a reality, whenever you're ready.
Contact me today for a free consultation, and let's chat about your homeownership goals!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/23/2024

Following this strategy saved my first-time buyers' sanity.
They were ready to dive into homeownership but weighed down by the process.
The relief was written all over their faces as we reviewed the exact steps they needed to take.
This is the playbook that transformed their experience:
1. Connecting with an agent proved pivotal from the start.
During their buyer’s consult, we mapped out their budget, goals, and timeline, having clarity from the get-go.
2. Making "practice" mortgage payments.
By moving money into a high-yield savings account equivalent to a real mortgage, they built confidence they could handle the financial side of buying.
3. Request a credit limit increase.
Working with their established creditors, they were able to boost their buying power and improve their credit score — just in time to secure the right loan.
4. Get pre-approved (not just pre qualified). Using my list of trusted lenders they got the certified financial go-ahead.
5. Outline non-negotiables. Armed with financial clarity, we then discussed their wants vs. needs, a list we came back to as they toured homes.
I’m happy to report that these guys are settled in and loving their new home.
If you’re looking for a homebuying journey like theirs, head to my bio to schedule a call!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/22/2024

The moment I see a home come on the market, I know exactly who it's perfect for.
In quarter 2 these buyers are on my client wish list:
• Folks relocating to Seattle
• Young families looking for the *perfect* kid-friendly backyard
• Families with the flexibility to work remotely looking for dedicated office space
• Young professionals wanting low-maintenance new construction
• Newbie empty nesters ready to downsize so they can travel, travel, travel
And one more person... YOU! DM me, and let me matchmake you to your next home!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 05/21/2024

Legit or not?
Before you take what online mortgage calculators say to the bank, know this:
Interest rates are incredibly personalized. One size *does not* fit all.
What you end up with as your lender-issued rate is based on things like:
Your debt-to-income ratio - Ranges from 0% if you’re debt-free to 50% or more.
Your credit score - Ranges from 300 to 850.
Your employment type and income - Salary, self-employed, hourly, bonus-based pay
Your loan size, type, and length
Your loan co-borrowers, if any

The truth is, that rate you see on screen? It might be making assumptions that aren't right for you.
The only way to truly know where you stand is to chat with a mortgage lender. They'll ask everything, show you your options, and help you determine your real buying power.
Need a local lender? I've got you covered! Just shoot me a message, and I’ll send you my list of trusted lenders. ✨


Now that it's the middle of May...let's check in with a monthly maintenance checklist! Want more tips about being a homeowner? Send me a DM or comment below! ✨

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/17/2024

This stat rocked me…
According to the Federal Reserve, a homeowner's net worth is a staggering 40 times greater than that of a renter. 😱
Let's also acknowledge:
Conditions have NOT been the friendliest for first time buyers.
But here’s some really good news →

Jerome Powell has alluded to 2 or 3 interest rate cuts in 2024

The average age of a first time buyer is 36

In our market, we’ve had luck finding options for buyers that are on par with rental prices

I had a client who was curious about her buying options. We found a home on par with her rent. It checked all the boxes for this phase of her life.
Her plan is to live there for 4-6 years and then use it as a rental and move along to her next home. 💃
A few reasons this client chose to buy:

Homeownership is a form of "forced savings" that will lay the groundwork for her next move.
She saw this home as a piggy bank that grows from her contributions AND appreciates over time.

DM me your current rental price and I will send over some options that match it!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/16/2024

On Instagram, I take you on a journey through the peaks of life as a real estate agent - the beautiful properties, transactions, and exhilarating moments of the market.
But there's a whole other side of life beyond real estate. Today, I’m sharing a glimpse of what you don't see as often.

During my downtime, I love to chill with my husband and puppy. Whether it's going on a long walk, or simply bingeing our favorite shows, these rhythms keep me grounded.

Juggling the different aspects of my work can sometimes be overwhelming, whether it's showing clients homes, staging for a new listing, or helping a client pick out furniture for their new home, it can be a lot! In every role, my focus is being present.

Staying [mentally] healthy is crucial for me, so I prioritize time reading the Bible and praying every morning, and connecting with my family and friends. Nurturing this side of my life allows me to be my best personally and professionally. I'm not always the best at this when life gets busy, but I try! 😇

Not every day is picture-perfect. There are days when everything goes right — and there are days when everything seems to be falling apart.

What you don’t see on Instagram: my sink full of dirty dishes, crumbs all over the floor that I swear was just swept, the flustered look on my face, the whines of a dog wanting to go outside, etc. 🐶

Those days and moments are real... even if you don't always see them.

If you're trying to find balance in the chaos, drop an emoji below - I'm right here with you. ✨

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/11/2024

Your best friend in real estate?
It's your credit
I always have my buyers get familiar with the 4 C's of building credit so they're prepared to receive the best loan terms possible.

Credit: This is a reflection of your financial past. Do you consistently make payments on time? If yes, lenders perceive you as less of a risk and more likely to approve your loan application.

Capacity: This is your ability to repay a loan based on your income and employment history. It's not just about having the funds but also about a track record of financial stability.

Capital: Assets or cash reserves can be used to repay your loan if your income isn’t enough. It's like a safety net that lenders look for when deciding whether to approve your loan.

Collateral: This is something of value that you can pledge as security against the loan. In case of default, it can be seized by the lender. In the context of real estate, the home itself often serves as collateral.

Good credit is essential because it directly impacts your mortgage approval prospects, competitive interest rates, and down payment requirements.
On the other hand, a subpar credit score can make securing the best terms challenging, but don't be discouraged if your credit isn't perfect right now.
Building a strong credit takes time and dedication. Small steps can lead to significant improvements.
If you have questions about how credit affects real estate financing or need guidance on improving your credit score, reach out to me and I can send over some resources!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/10/2024

Trust your Zestimate? Not so fast! 🛑
Your Zestimate might be misleading a big way.
Get this:

Our local market is a mystery to Zillow.

One huge reason your Zestimate could be off is that it's in the dark about hyper-local market conditions. It's like navigating a new city without GPS – it finds itself going in circles.

Your home is unique; Zestimate algorithms don’t recognize that.

Zestimate algorithms are oblivious to what makes your home unique. They rely heavily on publicly available data, missing out on your home’s special features and upgrades.

Zillow has admitted they’re not always accurate.

Zestimate has reported that Zestimates are a "starting point" and not meant to replace a formal appraisal.

If you want to know what your home is REALLY worth, here’s what I’m going to do: DM me your Zestimate, and I'll send you a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) tailored to your home — no strings attached. ✨

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/09/2024

Is this really true?!
YES. Get this - there is a provision in the CARES Act that allows first-time buyers to get a $10,000 boost. Here's how it works.

First-time home buyers can withdraw up to $10,000 from their 401k WITHOUT the 10% penalty when buying a home.

This can help cover expenses like down payments and closing costs, bringing homeownership within reach.

An interesting option but of course, consult with a financial advisor and a trusted lender to determine what’s best for your scenario.

Send this to a friend who’d find this interesting!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/08/2024

Four things to know BEFORE buying your first home...

Swipe for the tea!

So, if you're considering buying your first home and have a few worries, I get it. It’s a huge step that shouldn’t be taken lightly!
If you need a guiding hand, comment “home” to grab my free Buyer Guide or follow the link in my bio, it’s a compilation of all that I’ve learned along the way!

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/05/2024

Happy Friday! ✨

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/04/2024

How do you know it's the right time?
The right time to move on?
Spending many hours with sellers over the years, I’ve learned the telltale signs that it’s time for a change.
Here are a few questions to help you determine where you stand...

Has my home started to feel either too spacious or too snug? It's like a little kid outgrowing their favorite outfit – your needs might have outgrown your home.

How is my home equity? If it's standing strong, selling now could open the doors to a handsome profit, providing a solid foundation for your next purchase.

Is home maintenance starting to resemble a never-ending marathon I didn't sign up for? If the chores outweigh the joys, it might be high time to find a home that demands less of your attention.

Have I recently been through a major life event? Be it diplomas, diapers, diamonds, divorce, or death, these major life shifts often call for a change in address.

If these questions have put your mind in motion, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help you decipher your next steps. Schedule a discovery call by sending me a DM! ✨

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/03/2024

My secret for getting you the most offers on your home?
List just below the market.
In my experience, pricing too high can dissuade potential buyers, but pricing just below the market value? It generates the buzz we’re looking for.
Buyers are drawn to what they see as a deal, leading to a spike in interest and oftentimes a bidding war.
But there's more...

Pricing is one key component of a larger strategy to garner interest and receive strong offers from multiple contenders.

In reality, many integral puzzle pieces come together to get your home sold for top dollar.
Looking for more details on my selling strategy?

Comment SELL to grab my free Seller's Guide. Access my playbook for turning your 'For Sale' into 'Just Sold'.

Photos from Sarah Fester Seattle Real Estate's post 04/02/2024

Homeownership feeling like a far away fantasy?
I know the feeling.
Today, I’m sharing some philosophies from the man who wrote the book on personal finance. These tips have helped me tremendously (and have brought many closer to their home-owning dreams).
Please welcome to the stage: Warren Buffett

Monitor your finances: Be aware of the inflows and outflows by tracking income and expenses using budgeting tools like Copilot or You Need a Budget (YNAB).

Automate savings and investments: Set up automatic transfers to prioritize saving before other expenses, where possible.

Monthly progress meetings: Regularly review your spending and budget to stay focused and celebrate any wins.

Extra cash toward your goals: Put any windfalls (tax refunds, birthday gifts, bonuses) straight into savings.

Open a HYSA: A high-yield savings account (free) can earn you between ~ 4-5% annually. Use any extra income to build a 6-month emergency fund, then tackle medium-term goals (hello house!).

Resist lifestyle inflation: Keep it simple—stick to the older paid off car and save those extra dollars.

Tackle debt: Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and navigate interest rates and loan terms adeptly to reduce your overall burden.

Avoid unnecessary expenses: New gadget on your mind? Ask yourself if it aligns with long term goals. To be sure, sit on it for a month before purchasing.

If these tips make you eager to reach your homeownership goal, keep the momentum going by commenting below — I’ll send you my 90-Days to Homeownership Guide, no strings attached. Just a step-by-step plan to keep you making progress in 2024. ✨

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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The pandemic broke out 4 years ago.This is what's happened since...The collective amount of U.S. homeowners’ equity has ...
'That's a write off!'It's a phrase I commonly hear thrown around. But, not so fast... it turns out not all home improvem...
Sometimes you have to stop and enjoy the view. ✨We think whoever designed this walkway must have had dogs and small chil...
Let me guess. You’ve thought about selling but...⁣⁣➡ It feels too hard, too exhausting, or too complicated.⁣➡ You don’t ...



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