Videos by Tenzan Aikido in Seattle. Offering online and outdoor Aikido for adults and children as young as 4 years old. Visitors welcome.
Ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo and yonkyo all in one beautiful package! Definitely try this one at home! Thank you, James Soviero Shihan, for a lively weekend of aikido. Your insights, kindness and ukemi are an inspiration!
Kaeshi waza x 4.
Ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo and yonkyo all in one beautiful package! Definitely try this one at home! Thank you, James Soviero Shihan, for a lively weekend of aikido. Your insights, kindness and ukemi are an inspiration!
Good times with Jim Soviero Sensei at our seminar today! Tomorrow, we meet at Greenlake for day 2. Sunday: 9:30-11:30am, 1:00-3:00pm (note that we moved the whole schedule later by 1/2 hour.)
Yokomenuchi kokyunage
Lots of flying around in Bruce Bookman Shihan’s class. Note the back-roll options happening as well. Yokomenuchi kokyunage.
Kesa based kokyunage
Bruce Bookman Sensei teaches a shomenuchi kokyunage variation based on the kesa cut.
Learning the pizane kick opening
Using the pizane kick is a good option for controlling the maai in a self defense freestyle situation.
Many thanks to Don Ellingsworth Sensei for an inspiring weekend of training. The seminar had a wonderful sense of curiosity, comraderie and good humor. Thank you to all attended.