Automatic Clients

We help coaches, consultants, content creators, influencers, and professional services companies start and scale their client acquisition.


Why opt-ins models are costing you money & what to do instead (plus the secret to scaling VSLs on paid media)


So earlier Thomas Vee asked the question of if I still disagree with the idea of gating a VSL behind an opt-in.

I thought it was a very valuable question and didn't want to let it get buried in the shuffle.
I gave him a response, and then I had a few people in FF / NHB+ ask me follow questions in the NHB platform as to how to you optmize "for leads" if you can't have an optin.
So sharing this here in the group because I think it'll be of higest value to all.

And I know, I know... A LOT of "gurus" are using opt-in models, but that doesn't mean they know what they're doing, because if you look at their economics, you'll find flaws, as outlined below.

First off, my response to opt-in or not:


Personally, not a fan of opt-in, because as I said before, if your opt-in rate is 30%, your cost per view / click is now 3.3x higher. So if you're paying $2 per click, now you're paying $6.60 per click.
At $6.60 per click and 1% conversion rate, you'd need $660 AOV to make it work.
Equation: $6.60 / .01 = $660
At 2% conversion you're at $330 AOV and at 3% you're at $220 AOV to break even.
The math doesn't support it.
The math however in some cases DOES support a webinar or something that sells a $497-$997, but for that you need attention and ENGAGEMENT.
Engagement is defined as them being able to interact with YOU. Not passive watching as most VSLs are.
Even the whole book-a-call model. The optin f***s it up due to the numbers above, there is absolutely no reason to hide the sales message after the optin if your sales message is good.
If your sales message is good, put it out right up front and let it do it's job.
Typically follow up will only yield about 10-20% ADDITIONAL conversion rate in a 2 week window at best, so the math still doesn't work.

Andrew Purdum asked me this question in the NHB platform a few minutes ago:

Hey I see your perspective on that ads to VSL issue, I just have one question I’m struggling to resolve when it comes to account and pixel optimization with that method.
When someone opts in for a VSL on a front end option page, we can tell FB to optimize for “leads” - and as a result get better data and stronger customers over time. But with this method, you can’t quite do that.
How do you optimize the ads and season the pixel? What do you optimize for?

And here's my response to that that I made in the NHB platform (that's where all the goodies are) :


Right, so the key is to use Google Tag manager or custom code it (we custom code it), and I believe you can do a delayed pixel in time using timer triggers.

So if someone comes to your VSL, you want to delay the pixel to fire say for 2-5 mins, the longer you wait, the better / higher the intent is.

Because, before you can have an intent to buy, you must have an intent to watch, and optimizing for intent to watch, will lead to the intent to buy.

So VSL -> pixel fires say within 2-3 minutes, and now you're optimizing for people who are actually interested in watching instead of opting in "to watch" but have no real interest of watching.

Remember...the highest truth is BEHAVIOR, and the question is, how can we test for behavior? This is the way.


So if you're running VSLs on FB, YouTube or what not...optimize for BEHAVIOR of intent.

Focus on people who are willing to watch, and your offers will do so much better.

- Alen


Digestibility of Ads — How to write ads, emails, and posts that get read, consumed, and clicked on


When it comes to writing ads, you can have long ads, short ads, boring ads, exciting ads, curiosity ads, intentional ads, and all sorts of ads in between...
..Some work and some don't.

But one factor that contributes to the ad working, regardless of what kind of ad it is, is how "digestible" the ad is...
..Because, you see, if they don't consume/read / watch the ad, then no matter how good you think the ad is, it'll underperform.

And to fix that, all we have to do is start looking at the structure of digestibility of the ad itself, adjust it, and your ads will work that much better.

This is something that's part of the "Anatomy of Ads" series in NHB+ and FF, where I go deep into how ads work, the structure and psychology of ads. We're about to do Anatomy of Ads 4.0 in the next week or two.

Now, when it comes to ads, emails, posts and everything else — there's the ad, and then there's something that "sells the ad" before the ad is even read, and it's not the words that you use, but rather how the eye will SCAN the ad quickly to assess the density of information and those words.

The more dense the information, the more energy we have to expand the consume it.

If the information is too dense, we put it off for later, or skip it.
I do this all the time and once you become aware of it, you'll see just how often you do too.

So you'll have someone scrolling down Facebook, and they'll go "post, post post", hmmm "interesting", "boring", "I'll read that", etc...

What goes into "i'll skip that" vs "I'll read that" is the pre-scan of the ad itself before a word of it is read and what the eye/brain is scanning for is the density, meaning, how much information is packed in and how it's packed in.

The way it does this is by looking at the structure of lines and words in each line.

So if you have an add that looks like this paragraph here, by using the ipsum lorem dummy text generator, you can see by just looking at it how dense it is and you go "man s**t, that's a lot to digest, I'll skip it".

An example of a non-digestible ad:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."


Now, take the same text and break it into making it more digestible, same text, just one small change and watch this:
An example of a digestible ad:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."


The rule of thumb is:

No more than 4 lines of text per text block.

Now, something interesting for you — shorter ads, 4 x 4 (4 lines of text by 4 blocks) = curiosity mostly, meaning, your sales page has to carry the sale and build intent, so you'll have higher optin / add to cart rates, but lower checkout rates.

4 x 8 (8 blocks of text/thought) = curiosity + intent, which means that you'll have a good balance of optins, add-to carts and checkouts.

4 x 12 (12 blocks of text/thought) = intent mostly, lower optin / add to cart, super high checkout rates.

So when you're writing ads and emails, focus on digestibility and removing the one thing that's going to prevent them from consuming the ad itself, and that one thing is the presentation of the density of information.

Breaking it down into 4 lines of text allows for perfect digestibility. You can open the ad with 1 or 2 lines, no issue, but no more than 4.

Sometimes you can stretch it to 6 lines if you have to, but only once, don't go over it.

Then take the same ad, and create variations of it, so that you have 4 blocks, 6 blocks, 8 blocks, 12 blocks, etc...

And what you'll notice is not only greater consumption, performance and digestion of ads, but also the length of the add will vary how your offer works and the ideal curiosity / intent ratio for your audience.

This also works very well for emails, fb posts, Twitter, etc...anywhere they have to scan, and determine what to consume.

As always, hit the love, like the button to support the post and kick it up for the algo, and if you have any questions, drop them in the comment box, I got you 🙂

Have an awesome weekend,


p.s. What you'll notice is that all of my posts and emails follow this principle.




Think about this for a moment.⁣

We make decisions all the time, but some decisions are bigger, require more time and data.⁣

Those bigger decisions can often stump people, and often just lead to indecision.⁣

Here's the thing.⁣

Let's look at the 3 options⁣

- Making the right decision⁣
- Making the wrong decision⁣
- Making no decision⁣

If you make the right decision you typically get the result you want, but very often there's not as big of a lesson or takeaway as there is from a wrong decision.⁣

It's like the old "give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime" saying. ⁣

When you make the right decision, obviously that's great, but it's a little bit like "getting the fish".⁣

Making the wrong decision usually sucks, especially in the moment, but over a long enough timeline that wrong decision has increasing value to your life.⁣

You learned a lesson from that decision which you utilize in the future when making other decisions.⁣

Your future decisions are BETTER because of the wrong decision in the past.⁣

Those decisions then help you get the fish, BUT you also know how to fish. You have both.⁣

The third option is to not make a decision at all, and just continue without addressing the issue.⁣

This is very common, because it's the easiest to just continue doing what you are already doing.⁣

So the right decision helps you get the fish now.⁣

The wrong decision teaches you how to fish, which gets you the fish later AND the skill set.⁣

No decision has no value at all.⁣

Make a decision, and go.


Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. ⁣⁣
- George Jung


Focus on things you can have an impact on versus things you can’t


I have this animation I want to make about Leverage..⁣

The only problem is I don't like how it comes out every time I make it..⁣

Which makes for another point.⁣

Sometimes you gotta scrap it, and start over.⁣

The big problem with that is knowing when you should start over, and when you're just in a funk and need to double down.


The pendulum is always going to keep swinging.⁣

This relates to 0020 ("Go right").⁣

In any market you will see that the majority of companies start to follow each other in certain trends to the point where whatever it is they're doing gets ineffective.⁣

In the business opportunity market everyone's now doing High-ticket programs for example, which makes it a good time to look into doing the complete opposite.⁣

Pay attention to your market.. what is everyone doing? What if you took the opposite approach?⁣

Then.. when everyone starts doing that, can you go back to doing what everyone's doing today?⁣

The pendulum is always going to keep swinging.


Reinvest profits for a bigger payday in the future.⁣

I always recommend new business owners to cover their costs using money NOT from their business.⁣

Any money made from the business is going to have a far better ROI if reinvested into the business, as opposed to withdrawn to pay for rent and food.⁣

Instead, use the money for advertising, hiring, or investment into upgrading your own skills.


Your belief dictates your level of action which dictates your results


When everyone goes left.. go right.


Sometimes the thing preventing you from moving forward is simply too much choice.⁣

A todo list with too many things.⁣
Too many opportunities.⁣
Too many candidates.⁣
Too many requests.⁣
Too many emails.⁣

When you find yourself in this position start by eliminating most options and cut it down to a handful at most, then make your choice, and go forward.


Find your sweet spot.⁣

Once you find the intersection of what you are good at, like to do, and what the world needs and will pay you for you start to move through the world with much less friction.⁣

A lot of it comes from testing different things and gaining self awareness.


You are in the feelings business.⁣

Regardless what business you're in, ultimately, you're in the feelings business.⁣

Not B2B, not B2C, not even Human 2 Human. Feelings.⁣

This took me almost 10 years to finally realize.⁣

Once you fully internalize this you start to see everything through the lens of "how will the customer feel".⁣

Your decision making changes, and you can easily start making decisions that are going to take your business to a whole new level.⁣

It doesn't happen overnight, but the customers notice.⁣

They go from disliking you to liking you.⁣

From liking you to loving you.⁣

From loving you to telling everyone they know about you.⁣

- The flower shop sells the feeling of the look on your wife's face when you surprise her with flowers⁣
- The burger joint sells the feeling of biting into deliciousness while solving their hunger at the same time⁣
- The dentist sells the feeling of NOT having to close your mouth in every picture so people can't see the nuclear disaster in your mouth⁣
- The baby accessories store sells the feeling of your baby happy, full, and fast asleep in their new stroller (only parents know the satisfaction)⁣

And so on..⁣

The business you're really in is feelings.⁣

Figure out the feeling you're selling, and all your marketing, sales, and product decisions can now be tailored around that.


This is Warren Buffets net worth at different ages.⁣

I've never seen a better depiction of what I like to call the "8th wonder of the world"--compound interest.⁣

When what you're building today is standing on top of what you built yesterday you reach a point where the returns on each day are so massive it's hard to believe.⁣

Of course, the challenge is finding something with enough potential, and having the fortitude to stick to it, day in and day out.


The world is yours chico


There's no growth without time.⁣

As entrepreneurs we usually want our businesses to explode the minute we launch.⁣

We expect it.⁣

And we get frustrated when it doesn't happen.⁣

It never happens that way.⁣

You can't have growth without time.⁣

You keep laying the bricks, day by day.⁣

And you keep going.⁣

Each day builds on the next.⁣

1% better at a time.⁣

Then eventually you have all your systems ⁣
in place, your team in place, you have enough happy customers for word to start traveling around.⁣

Then.. you start to see the growth that you want so badly.⁣

Until then, just keep laying down the bricks.


Turn chaos into order


You make money with what you know, and you lose money with what you don't know..⁣

People can sometimes get this delusional idea in their head that they KNOW what's going to happen next.⁣

You can see it A LOT in the crypto space right now.⁣

People making predictions of coin prices and when things will go a certain way, and they're doing this with CONVICTION.⁣

Let me remind you of a FUNDAMENTAL truth..⁣

Nobody knows the future.⁣


Whenever you find yourself thinking of the future with certainty, just know that you are putting yourself at the risk of getting your ass kicked.⁣

We've all done it.⁣

Whenever you find other people speaking to you about the future with certainty, remind yourself that they actually do not know.⁣

If you flip a coin a million times and it lands on heads every single time, the next coin flip also has a 50% chance of landing tails.⁣

You know far less than you know, remember it.


Not moving forward? Try the 1 item todo list.⁣

We get paralyzed by too many options, or being unclear on what to do next.⁣

When this happens to me, I make a 1 item todo list.⁣

NOTHING happens until that 1 task is done.⁣

Guess what, progress starts to happen again, very fast.⁣

Try it out, let me know how it goes.⁣


Do 10% more, and see what happens.⁣

Sometimes you're chipping away at the same thing but still you don't get the result you want.⁣

When this happens, do 10% more.⁣

Going to the gym 3 days a week? Start doing 4.⁣

Working 40 hours a week? Do 44.⁣

Running 10km? Do 11km.⁣

Most progress happens incrementally so step up a little bit, and you can reach the next level.⁣


"Life is short" isn't really the reason to create a meaningful life.⁣

The reason you should pursue a meaningful life is because you'll be miserable for a long time if you don't.


You have everything you need to build the life you want.⁣

Start with what you have, make some money.⁣

Reinvest that money to build more momentum.⁣

Continue that cycle.⁣

The biggest problem is all the distractions right at your fingertips.⁣

There's no shortage of opportunity, only things standing in the way of you grabbing it.


How would you describe this guy?⁣

A man in his 40s.⁣

He has a wife and 3 kids.⁣

He works hard, and provides for his family, and is faithful to his wife.⁣

He exercises, and eats healthy.⁣

They own their house, they go on vacations every year.⁣

His kids are in a good school.⁣

He is present for his family.⁣

At work he is a manager. He does a good job, the company is better off with him than without him. He leads his team, and helps them grow.⁣

On the weekends he sometimes takes his family volunteering, where they help underprivileged kids.⁣

He also organizes events in his community, bringing people together, and the neighbors are closer because of it.⁣

How would you describe this guy?⁣

Pretty hard to argue against the fact that he's crushing life, and making others' lives better as well, right?⁣

What if I added to this story that also, about once a month, he sneaks out at night and kills a homeless person.⁣

Let the shock settle, and then answer...⁣

How would you describe this guy?⁣

A murderer. Despicable human being. And so on.. right?⁣

Here's the point:⁣

You're only as good as your biggest flaw.⁣

This goes for your personality/character, but also for you as a business owner.⁣

You might be doing a lot of things right, but you might be doing one or two things so poorly that it trumps ALL the things you're doing right.⁣

I guarantee your biggest weakness is fu***ng up your results, and in many cases you're not aware of what your weakness is.⁣

They're typically blind spots, and even when others shine a light on them, most people shrug their shoulders and pretend everything is okay.⁣

I'm also willing to bet if you think about it you can easily identify people in your life who are doing a bunch of things right, but they do one or two things so wrong that their results are severely diminished.⁣

Identify your own weak points and normalize them, and you should see quick improvements. It's not easy, but necessary.


You have about 100 hours per week to use.⁣

How much progress you make on something depends entirely on how you deploy those hours.⁣

If you have split them evenly between 8 things that's 12.5 units of progress on each thing, in one week.⁣

But if you had sole focus, you could make 100 units of progress in the same amount of time.⁣

You would be moving 8x faster, not even counting the compounding effects of getting better and increasing your efficiency.⁣

One of the easiest way to move faster in your pursuit is to simply stop doing some other things and using the time and energy into your main thing.⁣

Have a good weekend all.


Don't compare your score to those who are playing a different game than you.⁣

Entrepreneurs often get caught up comparing themselves to their non-entrepreneur friends.⁣

Doing so has zero value, if your intention is to become a successful entrepreneur.⁣

We are playing different games.⁣

Lionel Messi doesn't compare the amount of goals he scored to how many points Lebron did.⁣

Entrepreneurs shouldn't compare themselves to people with careers, or professional athletes.⁣

Entrepreneurs should put their head down and work work work on providing solutions to their market's problems.⁣

If you can do that, in the end you will be rewarded far more than the players of those other games.

In our latest book we talk not only about solving problems for your market, but also the practical side of generating hundreds of new customers every single day.

This will allow you to build your customer base, social media following, fb group, at breakneck speed.

To learn more go to


The Feedback Cycle is grossly underestimated.⁣⁣⁣
As business owners we're always doing things, and rarely analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of what we did.⁣⁣⁣
Comparing modern advertising on social media to direct mail in the 1980s is a good example to illustrate this point.⁣⁣⁣
In the 1980s you had to write a sales letter, find someone who had a list of addresses you could post your letter to, send the letter, and then wait several weeks to measure the effect of the advertising.⁣⁣⁣
Then you would optimize based on the results of the ads⁣⁣⁣
And repeat step 1⁣⁣⁣
One loop of the feedback cycle: several weeks, maybe months.⁣⁣⁣
Nowadays we post an ad on Facebook, it's up and running in a few hours, and we can spend $500 before the end of the day, at which point we simply check the stats where we can see in black and white how the performance was.⁣⁣⁣
One loop of the feedback cycle: 24 hours.⁣⁣⁣
The thing is, advertising is a very clear cut example because it is all driven by numbers, but there are many other things you are doing that are less numbers-driven but where the feedback loop has just as important data as in advertising.⁣⁣⁣
Maybe you haven't considered whether the market you're selling to is a good market for you⁣⁣⁣
Maybe you haven't considered the impact of that one unhealthy food you're always eating⁣⁣⁣
Maybe you haven't considered a certain business partnership is a good business partnership⁣⁣⁣
Or if the name of your business is attracting the wrong customer⁣⁣⁣
Or if where your phone charger is placed is leading you to be on your phone instead of doing work⁣⁣⁣
There's feedback everywhere, but if you don't consume the feedback and analyze it, or at least think about it, you will not learn from it. ⁣⁣⁣
Then there's no loop, just unused valuable feedback.


Your positioning/leverage is much stronger when they come to you vs. when you go to them.
This is one of the fundamental differences between the AC model and many others.

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Think about this for a moment.⁣⁣We make decisions all the time, but some decisions are bigger, require more time and dat...
Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. ⁣⁣⁣⁣- George Jung
Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. ⁣⁣⁣⁣- George Jung
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I have this animation I want to make about Leverage..⁣⁣The only problem is I don't like how it comes out every time I ma...
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Your belief dictates your level of action which dictates your results
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Sometimes the thing preventing you from moving forward is simply too much choice.⁣⁣A todo list with too many things.⁣Too...
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You are in the feelings business.⁣⁣Regardless what business you're in, ultimately, you're in the feelings business.⁣⁣Not...



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