Hadley Training Co.

Hadley Training Co. uses real world balanced training methods to better dogs and empower their owners.

We offer a variety of training packages to best fit the needs of you and your dog. HTC transforms dogs into the calm companion every owner dreams of!


No, seriously!

Imagine someone expecting you to want to invite every single person you meet over for dinner. Not happening, right? Some people we click with, others we don’t. Nothing wrong with that.

So why do we expect something so different from our dogs? Too many owners expect and want their dog to be friends with, or even get along with, every dog they meet. That is not only unrealistic but also unfair pressure to put on our dog.

If your dog is selective, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them. Find a small circle of dogs they click well with and stick to that. If they aren’t fans of other dogs at all, that’s okay too! So many ways to enrich our dogs’ lives that don’t include meeting randos on the sidewalk ❤️


HTC Clients: We’ve got our next pack walk coming up!

This coming Sunday the 9th @ 10:30AM we’ll meet for another pack walk at Candy Cane Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and some group training. We’ll be taking a different route than usual to keep things interesting!

I will be taking July off for Pack Walks, so this is your last chance to attend until August. DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾

If you plan to be there, let me know ⬇️


HTC Clients: We’ve got a pop-up pack walk coming up!

This Sunday, May 19th @ 10:30AM we’ll meet for another pack walk at Candy Cane Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and some group training.

DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 04/16/2024

Whether you’re moving to a new space, bringing home a baby, adding a new member to the pack, or any other significant life transition, it’s important we keep our dogs in mind. It’s not abnormal for dogs to struggle during a change in environment, routine, etc. This can often be seen as “acting out” when in reality they are desperate for some clear direction in a time of chaos and disruption to routine. 🌪️

As owners, it is OUR job to set our dogs up for success during those times. Better yet? Be proactive vs reactive! Expect your dog to struggle with minimal support.

Here are some ways you can set you and your dog up for a much more peaceful and successful transition! If you have a solid foundation of training to fall back on this is a big help. Every dog is different and will need a different level of support and guidance.

Have you and your dog struggled during a life transition before?

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 04/12/2024

Anxious dog owners: I see you and I AM you! Anything you would add? 💬

Owning an anxious dog is not easy. Especially a genetically anxious one. It can be exhausting, overwhelming, and at times really daunting to work through the challenges. BUT it is also one of the most rewarding journeys to be on as a dog owner. ✨

If any of these resonate, share to spread the word! ❤️


Yesterday Miss Miley was reunited with her owners! 🥳And as an added bonus, she got to join in on her first Pack Walk and did SO well! Miley grew soo much during her short time here and I’m so excited to see her continue to thrive back at home.

We had a few moments of Miley going back to old behaviors once back with her owners, but it gave us a great opportunity to talk through how to respond in those moments to keep things sharp. Dogs aren’t robots, they’re bound to make mistakes or see where they can push the boundaries, but it’s all about how we respond in those moments. Clarity is the name of the game!

I’m so excited for these three now that they have the tools and support to continue to grow and advance things together. We’ll miss you, Miley! 💖

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 03/14/2024

Reactive dog owners: I see you! Anything you would add? 💬

If you haven’t owned a reactive dog yourself, it’s hard to understand what the reality of that is like. Your walks can be filled with a lot of side eye, judgement, or misunderstanding. When in reality you and your dog are working so, so hard.

If any of these hit home for you, share to spread the word! ❤️


HTC Clients: We’ve got our next pack walk coming up!🍀

Saturday, March 16th @ 4:30PM we’ll meet for another pack walk at Rays Meadow Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and some group training with a side of sunset 🌅

Stay tuned for an email with further details but DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾


HTC Clients: We’ve got our next pack walk coming up! 💘

Sunday, Feb 4th at 10:30 AM we’ll meet for a pack walk at a new location, Rays Meadow Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and some group training.

You should have gotten an email with further details and DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾

*email says Saturday the 4th, it is SUNDAY! 😅


Our dogs don’t just ~know~ how to be calm. It’s a skill we have to build, strengthen, and pattern. Some more than others, like anything else!

Some examples of passive training: crate time, place time, tether time, calm coexistence around various stimuli, just existing in the human world.

Asking your dog to regulate their energy and be passive is just as much training as the flashy stuff! 🧘


Our bestest girl turns 7 today! I feel so lucky to have this girl by my side. She’s the best adventure buddy and demo dog I could ask for. She’s gentle, sweet, and tolerant all while being stubborn af when she wants to be. She likes to sleep in until 1PM like a teenage boy but is always down for an early adventure if there’s some woods involved.

She’s taught me so much about being a better owner and trainer. Without Had, there wouldn’t be HTC. So really, all HTC clients have this girl to thank! Happy Birthday Had💌

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 12/05/2023

If you’re struggling with your dog’s behavior out in the world, take a look at their behavior at home.

Whatever our dog is practicing most often will become their strongest skill. It’s up to YOU what that skill is. So if your dog can often be found barking out the window, busting through doorways, or any other impulsive behaviors, we shouldn’t be surprised that they are taking that energy with them out on walks.

If you’re looking for calmer, more enjoyable walks the first step is patterning more of that energy into their daily routine. Pop on a leash for optimal guidance and start to replace the impulsive behaviors with stillness.

Once calm is your dog's strongest skill, they will be much more successful at flexing that impulse control out in the world.

It alllll connects 🔄


The holidays can both be exciting and overwhelming all at once. And that goes for our dogs too!

Set your canine companions up for success by being realistic about what they can handle and making a game plan ahead of time. Instead of waiting until they make a poor choice or overwhelm your guests, be proactive.

If you aren’t feeling up for advocating for your dog and their needs to the guests in your space, put your dog away.

If you don’t trust the humans to respect your boundaries when it comes to your dog, leave them at home to be safe.

If you want to enjoy human time without having to worry about giving your dog direction, lose the guilt and crate them up for the day!

Fulfill their needs before the day gets busy, plan accordingly to help the day go smoothly, and enjoy yourself!

Sometimes putting your dog first means leaving them out of the commotion and that’s more than okay.


HTC Clients: We’ve got our next pack walk coming right up! 🐾 🍁

Sunday, Nov 19th @ 10 AM we’ll meet for a pack walk at Meadowbrook Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and group training. This month we’ll focus on settling around distractions and advocating for our dogs. Holiday szn prep!

Stay tuned for an email with further details and DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾


Happy Halloween! 👻🍭

Take a moment to check in with yourself and your dog(s) before the trick or treaters start to roll in to think about how you can set everyone up for success.

When in doubt, lean on the crate! That way you can be confident you aren’t putting you in your dog in any questionable situations and don’t have to worry about them!

If your dog isn’t crated, be sure you are advocating for their space when trick or treaters come to the door and taking safety measures to ensure they don’t get out.

Good luck out there! 🫶


HTC Client Halloween Pack Walk is coming up! We hope to see you Sunday, October 29th for a structured group walk with some Halloween-themed fun. We will meet at our regular spot, Candy Cane Park. Dog costumes are highly encouraged 🎃 DM me with any questions!

📍Candy Cane Park 8000 Meadowbrook Ln Chevy Chase, MD

Click the 🗓 in the bottom left to set a reminder!


HTC Clients: We’ve got our next pack walk coming right up! 🐾 🍂

This Wednesday, Sept 27th @ 6:30 PM we’ll meet for a pack walk at Candy Cane Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and some group training. This month we’ll focus on tightening up engagement in heel position and car manners.

Stay tuned for an email with further details and DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾


HTC Clients: We’ve got our next pack walk coming right up! 🐾

This Sunday, the 27th at 10:30 AM we’ll meet for our very first weekday pack walk at Candy Cane Park in Chevy Chase, MD for a structured walk and some group training.

Stay tuned for an email with further details and DM me with any questions. Hope to see you there! 🐾


Prioritizing your needs over your dog’s wants does NOT make you a bad owner 🫳🎤

When your dog is demanding attention with pushy behavior, I want you to take some space to make time for yourself before tending to them. Not only will this help you fill your cup, it will also ideally give your dog time to calm down and offer better behavior before being rewarded. Win, win!

Take the time to finish that call, enjoy your coffee or just unwind after a long day and THEN tend to your dog. Lose the guilt so you can take care of you and be present with your dog when you’re ready 😌


Being proactive is key to minimizing stress on July 4th! 🔑

Use your dog's crate to provide a familiar, secure, and safe spot for them to hang during the fireworks or festivities. Get their activity out of the way early in the day so they’re physically fulfilled and ready to relax!

Don’t wait until the 4th to implement this calm, structured routine or prep spaces, get started TODAY to set them up for success!

Did I miss anything?! Comment ⬇️

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 05/05/2023

Adding structure to your dog’s life doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating!

By just taking the first step towards a structured lifestyle you are creating a more peaceful environment for both you and your dog.

With consistency and patience I can promise you’ll see positive changes in your dog’s mindset and your relationship with them 🫶

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 04/14/2023

We’ve all been there, and it’s not a fun place to be.

Embrace the dog in front of you! It's easy to wish your dog was something they're not, but accepting and embracing their unique qualities will lead to a better relationship. Maybe they need calm time before a walk or will never enjoy outings to a brewery.

Rather than trying to fit your dog in a box, accept them for who they are. The goal isn't a perfect dog, it's helping them be the best version of themselves, whatever that may look like. Once you shift your perspective, your relationship will blossom 🫶


HTC’s April Pack Walk is coming up!

If you are a client or graduate of HTC, we hope to see you Saturday, April 29th for a fun, structured group walk. We will meet at Candy Cane Park near the baseball fields. Keep an eye out for an incoming email with more details. DM me with any questions!

📍Candy Cane Park 8000 Meadowbrook Ln Chevy Chase, MD

Click the 🗓 in the bottom left to set a reminder!

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 04/11/2023

The goal for almost every owner with a new puppy is to enjoy them, include them in adventures, and have a reliable listener when needed. But how do we get to these end goals?!

In order for our puppy to grow up into a dog that is enjoyable, able to be included, and reliably responds to our asks, we have to be relevant and valuable to them. If they aren’t paying attention to us in the first place, we can forget all of the rest.

If every puppy owner incorporated these 5 tips into their puppy raising plan, they could reach those goals MUCH sooner! It takes time and consistency, but wow is it worth it 🫶

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 03/14/2023

Most issues dogs struggle with are due to their inability to settle into a calm mindset. Barking, pacing, whining, panting… these are all signs that your dog is not settled. Society tells us that a panting dog in movement is a happy dog. But what happens when we ask them to be still? Most struggle! It isn’t a fulfilling life if you feel the need to go, go, go 24/7. Our dogs deserve to learn the skill of calmness.

In order to work towards a calmer dog with a healthier mindset, we need to know what we’re looking for. Here are some signs to look for when deciphering whether your dog is worked up or calm. Pattern calmness as much as you can, and it will just get easier and easier for your dog to reach it on a regular basis! It takes time- be patient with yourself and your canine companion ♥️


After five days, I think it’s about time to give this big guy a formal intro! Say hello to Bodie, a 1 yr old golden retriever, who is here for 2 weeks for a manners overhaul. He was actually recently adopted by a family member of mine!

Bodie has the SWEETEST personality with no major behavioral issues but is still a perfect example of why even “good dogs” still benefit from training. He is a big dog that had no concept of leash manners, and his owners described his walks as “arm workouts.” In typical retriever fashion, he is impulsive and easily over-aroused. Once amped, Bodie struggled to listen or settle down and had some minor crate issues—all symptoms of a bigger issue: an unhealthy mindset.

After just five days, we’ve seen a huge turnaround already, and he is so fun to work with! He’s learning to slow down, think before he acts and have a strong off switch. I am very excited for where he will be at the end of our two weeks together. This is a very special dog and I can’t wait for his owners to be able to enjoy him to the fullest! ♥️


Our next HTC Client Pack Walk should be a good one! Join us for a walk along the (hopefully fully bloomed 🤞) Cherry Blossoms on Saturday, March 18th 🌸

We’ll meet in the parking lot of Bradley Food and Beverage on Arlington Rd in Bethesda and head off to the walking path that will lead us to the cherry blossoms! This will be a great outing to enjoy each other's company and practice some skills. More details are to come via email. Comment below with a 🌸 if you plan to be in attendance!

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 01/26/2023

Dun, dun, dunnn the grey zone!

SUCH a common issue I think every owner is guilty of falling into (myself included 🙋🏼‍♀️), which makes it even more important to call attention to.

We’ve all unintentionally let our dog float in the grey zone one way or another. The question is: will you make the needed changes to get out of it?!

So many opportunities to show our dog we are consistent, but oftentimes it is easier to let things slide. It happens to us all, but being self-aware of what helps our dog vs. what doesn’t is the first step!

What does the grey area look like for you and your dog?!

Photos from Hadley Training Co.'s post 01/18/2023

Some of the most common q’s I hear from owners about the place command! Hope this helps ✨

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Videos (show all)

February Client Pack Walk was a success! Thanks to everyone who made it out 🥰👏
Private Lesson Client Storm Takes His Training To The Park!
Izzy the 5 Month Old Mix Learns Leash Manners!
Archie Graduates!
Ela’s Walk Transformation



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